
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 39

        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 전북 임실 대말방죽의 문화경관적 요소와 식생경관적 특성을 면밀히 검토함으로써 임실 지역의 관광 레크리에이션적 공간이자 생태체험 공간으로서의 잠재력과 활용 및 보존방향을 모색하기 위해 시도되었다.약 730㎡ 규모의 방지원도(方池圓島)를 갖춘 관란정(觀瀾亭)은 지역문화의 중심공간으로서 오래전부터 문화공간이자공원으로서의 성격을 보여온 것으로 판단된다. 대말방죽은 조선시대에 송호(松湖)라고 불렀던 것으로 보아 주변에소나무가 울창했을 것으로 추정되며 오금사(五金寺)라는 절과 절 우측으로 칠성암(七星巖)이라는 바위는 이 지역의장소 특성을 설명하는 중요한 징표가 되고 있으며 ‘반보기문화’ 등 휴양 레크리에이션공간이자 지역의 명소로서 활용되어온 것으로 보인다. 대말방죽 외곽에 펼쳐진 소나무와 왕버들로 구성된 숲은 물을 차단하기 위해 하천부 수위 이하에구조물을 설치함으로써 구축되는 벽 혹은 제방에 심어 그 기능을 보다 강화할 목적으로 조성된 ‘방죽숲(cofferdamgrove)’으로 정의되며 대말방죽의 주요 식물상으로는 가시연꽃을 비롯하여 줄과 어리연꽃, 노랑어리연꽃, 마름 등이군락을 이루고 있다. 주연부에는 수련, 갈대 등이 관찰된다. 임실 대말방죽은 경남 함안의 우포늪과 홍성의 역재저수지가시연꽃 군락지와 비교해서 규모나 경관면에서 뒤지지 않는 가시연꽃 자연군락지로 주변의 문화경관요소와의 연계를통한 경관형성 및 보전관리가 시급히 요구된다.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
         ,  , Understanding the ecological complexity and habitat of a species are crucially important to conserve an endangered species. This study evaluated the patch network ecology of the endangered species Parnassius bremeri. The results indicated that 188 individuals were captured and 220 were recaptured, respectively. The sex ratio of female: male was 42:146, males were four times more abundant than females. The average longevity of an adult was 3.93 ± 3.93 days (male, 4.0 ± 3.9, female, 2.5 ± 1.0 days), the maximum longevity was 14 days for males and 13 days for females, respectively. Therefore, the expected longevity of males was longer than that of females. The average emigration distance for the species was 377 m, and the maximum emigration distance was 1550 m. The analysis of patch connectivity and individual colonization revealed that the ideal distance between patches was about 300 m. Moreover, a >, 600 m patch distance decreased the colonization rate severely. We also observed higher immigration and emigration between patches that were clustered in close proximity. This leads us to conclude that a higher number of patches at a close distance is best suited for P.bremeri. We find these results to be crucial to determine a policy to protect and conserve this endangered species.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 전주시의 문화경관과 그 의미를 조사하기 위해 진행되었다. 연구방법으로는 문헌조사와 현장조사를 택하였다. 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 전주의 역사적 문화경관의 역할은 호남지역에 대한 관문역할을 한 것으로 마한시대, 백제시대,후백제시대, 고려시대 및 조선시대부터 담당해 왔다. 이 지역의 지형적 형국은 동쪽의 승암산, 기린산에서 출발하여 우측의건지산, 좌측의 남고산과 완산칠봉에서 서쪽의 서산으로 뻗어가는 모습을 하고 있다. 북쪽의 허한 곳을 보완하기 위하여여러 종류의 비보풍수를 채택하고 있는데 숲정이, 덕진지 등이 그러한 예가 된다. 또한 전주는 ‘풍패지도’라는 이름으로 유명한데이것은 나중에 영조대에 읍성의 4대문 이름으로 차용되었다. 이와 같은 여러 종류의 문화경관 요소들은 전주시의 개성을높이는 역할을 해 왔다.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper investigates the images of landscapes in the poetry of W. B. Yeats and T. S. Eliot, the two greatest poets of the last century. Facing landscapes of the present world and the ancient as well, using his imagination, Yeats maximizes the poetic quality in his poetry. Some of his favorite landscapes, for example, include Innisfree, an islet in Sligo, Thor Ballylee in Coole Park, Byzantium, which delineate clear-cut images of his poetic themes. Either Yeats lived in Sligo with his mother's parents in his childhood, stayed in Lady Gregory’s house in the Coole Park, and owned and lived in the tower, Thor Ballylee in summer; or he admired the old Byzantium that he idealizes in his supreme poems. They serve as optimum metaphors for his poetry, making his poetry simple but rich in its imagery. On the other hand, Eliot focuses on delineating the life of modern man in his poetry by using cities, including London, Boston, Paris, and St. Louis. The people of the cities are being described as faithless and purposeless with their mind void. His depiction of the city further represents the whole modern civilization. The big city is the backdrop of such infertile imagery of modern man.
        2002.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        농촌 경관에서 파편화가 조류 군집에 미치는 영향을 파악하고자 경기도 양평군 강하면 성덕리와 항금리 두 지역에서 수종 구성과 산림환경구조, 농촌 경관의 구조, 조류상 및 조류 군집의 길드 구조를 분석하였다. 성덕리 지역은 항금리 지역보다 수종의 종 수와 흉고직경 6~10cm 임목의 헥타당 밀도는 높았으나, 흉고단면적은 낮았다. 2m 이하와 12mn 이상의 엽층에서 피도량은 성덕리 지역보다 항금리 지역에서 높았다. 한편 성덕리 농촌 경관은 12개의 조각을 가지고 있었으며 낙엽송과 아가시 나무의 점유 비율이 높았다. 항금리는 11개의 조각을 가지고 있었으며 리기다소나무, 밤나무, 낙엽송, 논의 점유 비율이 높았다. 두 지역에서 조류의 우점종은 동일하였으나 항금리 지역에서 36종으로 나타나 성덕리 20종보다 훨씬 많았다. 여름철새의 비율은 도로에 의해 파편화가 진행되지 않은 항금리에서 높았다. 수동, 관목층. 지면 영소길드와 물가, 관목, 지면 채이길드의 종 수 및 서식밀도는 항금리 지역에서 높았다. 도로에 의한 파편화가 진행되지 않은 항금리 농촌 경관에서 인간에 의한 영향이 상대적으로 적고 중, 대경급 임목이 생육하여 수동 영소길드 종 수 및 서식밀도가 높은 것으로 생각된다. 또한. 2m 이하 하층 피도량이 높고 논, 밭, 계류 조각이 28.4%를 차지하는 항금리 경관은 관목층과 지면 길드 및 물가 채이길드의 종 수 및 밀도를 높인 것으로 생각된다. 따라서 도로는 농촌경관에서 이질적인 조각을 점유할 뿐만 아니라, 인간의 교란을 쉽게 유도하여 농촌 경관의 생물 서식지의 다양성을 줄이고 가장자리 효과를 감소시켰다고 판단된다.
        1997.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The tradition of local landscape poetry in England has appeared since the 18th century, and has been enhanced as one of the main characteristics of the 19th century European poetry and inherited until today. The landscape, in general, plays three roles: first, it is used as the background and a medium with which to express a poet’s emotion and mind; secondly, it can reveal its role as a subject, making dialogue with a poet; and thirdly, it can be used as a reminder of collective mind. Yeats and Heaney, unlike the English poets, show strong aesthetical and collective mind, even in describing the landscape. However, Yeats, belonging to Protestant Ascendancy, used the landscape as a medium to express his individualistic emotion and to stir the Romantic Ireland. On the other hand, Heaney, belonging to the oppressed Ulster Catholic, projects the communities’ lack - as well as the reaction to overcome this lack - the lost land, language and tradition. Heaney’s point of view and technique are very realistic, while Yeats’s point of view and technique are romantic. Yeats’ landscape is painted purple-coloured ; Heaney’s is described as a dark-coloured one, reflecting his own pity for the oppressed people and their adversity.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to reveal the characteristics of climate-influenced landscape in the tundra with the case study of Cambridge Bay in Canada. This study was conducted for a part of regional study to understand the lifestyle of Arctic and Inuit people. Traditional knowledge and practices of indigenous peoples are emerged as adaptation issues to the changes of tundra environment. During august 2018, we interviewed local residents and experts at a field survey in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, Canada. The contents of the study are descriptions on the climate-influenced landscape, utilizing interview, which mainly focused on buildings, infrastructure, and transportation. In building construction, they are applying the building method considering permafrost. The infrastructures are also adapting to extreme weather conditions, such as supplying water and sewage disposal by trucks instead of water and sewage systems using pipes. The way of transport has been changed from dog-sleds to modern snowmobiles and ATVs. The use of ATV is on the rise as the period of time without snow is getting longer.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In order to preserve the traditional garden landscape and maintain the harmony between traditional and modern gardens of Inner Mongolia, this study theoretically examined the creation and background elements of Inner Mongolia, and reviewed the nature of the people and the traditional design elements. The results of this study show that: 1) the background factor of traditional garden landscapes was nomadic life in plains, which was a lifestyle of adapting to Mother Nature and promoting mutual existence and survival; 2) Shamanism impacted the views of nature among the ancient Inner Mongolian people; 3) traditional garden landscapes could be categorized into landscapes centered around Mother Nature during the Huns era and those centered around the symbolic landscape during the Genghis Khan era; 4) aesthetic elements of traditional garden landscapes included traditional colors of red, yellow, sky-blue, milky-white, and traditional patterns of external knot, cloud, bull horn, and plain grass. These findings may provide basic data for the creation background and characteristics of traditional garden landscape of Inner Mongolia in the application of the green space design of Inner Mongolia.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Due to the Korea's topographic characteristic, there are a lot of marine bridges to connect between islands and mainland. In addition, marine bridges play an important role in a regional landscape. For these reasons, landscape design of bridge is necessary in order to improve beautification of region. So, this studies analyzed image and landscape preference of marine bridges in rural area. The main results were summarized as follows: When rating the image of the background in sea and mountain image, ‘stable’ and ‘natural’ were rated highly. When rating the image of the arch bridge in sea and mountain image, ‘beautiful’, and ‘attractive’ were rated highly. When rating the image of the cable-stayed bridge in sea and mountain image, ‘splendid’, and ‘attractive’ were rated highly. When rating the image of the suspension bridge in sea and mountain image, ‘beautiful’, and ‘splendid’ were rated highly. Next, When rating the image of the background in sea and building image, ‘stable’ and ‘natural’ were rated highly. When rating the image of the arch bridge in sea and building image, ‘beautiful’, and ‘splendid’ were rated highly. When rating the image of the cable-stayed bridge in sea and building image, ‘beautiful’, and ‘attractive’ were rated highly. When rating the image of the suspension bridge in sea and building image, ‘beautiful’, and ‘attractive’ were rated highly. And, The image of suspension bridges in sea and mountain image is more highly preferred than other image. The background in sea and mountain image is landscape of the lowest preference. In the mountain and sea image, the preference of suspension bridge landscape has the highest rating. In the sea and building image, the preference of arch bridge landscape has the highest rating. In conclusion, the results illustrate that the marine bridge's shape and its background in rural area are important elements of a visual preference. When designing the marine bridge, designer have to choose a proper bridge shape for its background. However, this research's limitation is that this research consider only bridge shape and background to analyze landscape preference of marine bridges. Therefore, further research is necessary to consider various elements.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This is a comparative study focused on the scenic landscape preferences derived from visitors's perceptions at the Dulle-gil and the uphill trail in Bukhansan National Park. Unlike previous landscape assessment methods, this study contains more direct and on-site analysis with methods of understanding the visitors’ perceptions by using ‘visitor employed photography(VEP)’ which requires each visitor to take preferable scenic landscape with one’s own smart phone camera. The scenic landscape types at two different trails were categorized and then the types favoring most of participants were verified. There are total number of 16 visual landscape types preferred by participants at both the Dulle-gil and the uphill trail in Bukhansan National Park. As in terms of consensus photography(CP) on the Dulle-gil was found to have more diverse elements including both natural and artificial elements compare to the uphill trail. Furthermore, the perceptually excited node(PEN) at the Dulle-gill were found to be more scattered evenly whereas PEN at the uphill trail were concentrated on the entrance and the top of the mountain. It is necessary to consider that the scenic landscape management at the Dulle-gil and the uphill trail require different approaches. Facilities were set based on careful consideration of distinctive geographical features and vegetation in the Dulle-gil. And the management need to be focus on the 'forested area' maintaining natural state in the uphill trail. Futhermore, the result of the CP and PEN in the trails would be helpful to proceed the next step of landscape perception study depending on characteristics of groups.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Due to the rapid economic development of Korea, the bridge have been built by government over the several years. Additionally, there are too many mountain and river and the bridge have been built in rural area. But bridge designers weren't considering the bridge landscape. And bridge was a negative factor in regional landscape. Because of this, this study surveyed the landscape preferences of rural bridge landscapes according to different bridge types. The results were summarized as follows: And this research include conducting a study on visual preference according to the bridge's type and background. And, the landscape of arch bridge in the river 1 is landscape of the highest preference. The the landscape of girder bridge in the river 2 is landscape of the lowest preference. In the river 1 and 2 landscape, high preference is observed in the arch bridge and low preference is noted in the girder bridge. In the mountain 1 and 2 landscape, high preference is observed in the cable-stayed bridge and low preference is noted in the girder bridge. In conclusion, the visual preference of bridge landscape depend on the background and bridge shape, the study said. Therefore, when bridge designer design the bridge, designer have to choose proper bridge shape according to the background. This research was conducted only in bridge landscape of rural area but the visual preference of bridge landscape can be changed according to the various background. And further research is needed to analyze visual preference of bridge landscape according to the various background.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study discusses developing historical trails and ecological trails in rural area. Since the leisure time and interests in environment and health have been increasing, the number of hikers who enjoy the beautiful landscape and regional culture through the exploration of natural regions has been growing. However, these various road haven't been related to the rural village in many cases, so it is necessary to make some alternatives for revitalizing the region and improving incomes of non farm. Therefore this study suggested the applications of rural trail plan that fits for a scale of the rural village and local characteristics. This research divided forms of the rural village road into type of the natural landscape resource (Gangreung Anbandegi Village) and that of the historical culture resource (Yongin Hakil Village) according to amenity resources of objective village. The plan for village road basically made by the best of valuable resources of village unit, connected existing 'Trail' of other departments to the village and suggested a case of plan applied to the field so as to emphasize characteristics of rural area. It should be possible to induce hikers to rural area and be suggested as a measure for improvement of village image, regional vitalization and incomes of non farm.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, it provides the diagnostic index for the rural landscape formation. For the development of diagnostic index, this study first analyzed documents and papers on the landscape formation. Landscape types are also classified by their function and then landscape index was developed by AHP method. Classification system was categorized as three steps: 2 items for 1st step, 10 items for 2nd step, and 20 items(criteria) for 3rd step. In the survey of weighting values with AHP method, the analysis result for the first step showed that rural village landscape is more important than landscape around the village by approximately 20%. In the second step, residence is rated as the most important, followed by village tree planting, and then farmland around the rural villages, greenery, and water environment. In the third step, the feng shui is rated as the most important, followed by tree planting, village forest, culture, and history. While vehicle maintenance, village alleys and pedestrian facilities are rated lower. In index of the around the village, weighting value for index of the farm land and skyline has the highest value. While species richness, water quality and water resources were rated relatively low. In the future, the rural landscapes diagnosis index will be applied to measure the level of the rural villages landscapes and it is expected to propose political support for the landscapes formation.
        2013.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Anthropogenic increases in greenhouse gas concentrations, primarily through radiative forcing from carbon dioxide, continue to challenge earth’s climate. This study quantified CO2 storage and uptake by dominant forest types and age classes in the middle region of Korea. In addition, the role of forest landscapes in reducing atmospheric CO2 against CO2 emissions based on energy consumption was evaluated. Mean CO2 storage and uptake per unit area by woody plants for three forest types and four age classes were estimated applying regression equations derived to quantify CO2 storage and uptake per tree; and computations per soil unit area were also performed. Total CO2 storage and uptake by forest landscapes were estimated by extrapolating CO2 storage and uptake per unit area. Results indicated mean CO2 storage per unit area by woody plants and soils was higher in older age classes for the same forest types, and higher in broadleaved than coniferous forests for the same age classes, with the exception of age class II (11-20 years). CO2 storage by broadleaved forests of age class V (41-50 years) averaged 662.0 t/ha (US$331.0 hundred/ha), highest for all forest types and age classes evaluated. Overall, an increased mean CO2 uptake per unit area by woody plants was evident for older age classes for the same forest types. However, decreased CO2 uptake by broadleaved forests at age class V was observed, compared to classes III and IV with an average of 27.9 t/ha/yr (US$14.0 hundred/ha/yr). Total CO2 storage by woody plants and soils in the study area was equivalent to 3.4 times the annual CO2 emissions, and woody plants annually offset the CO2 emissions by 17.7%. The important roles of plants and soils were associated with 39.1% of total forest area in South Korea, and CO2 emissions comprised 62.2% of the total population. Therefore, development of forest lands may change CO2 sinks into sources. Forest landscape management strategies were explored to maintain or improve forest roles in reducing atmospheric CO2 levels.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This research is focus on the analysis of bridge image and preference. In this study, 3 types of bridge with arch bridge, cable stayed bridge, and suspension bridge, 4 prospect points named A, B, C, and D will be simulated in one scene for final analysis of bridge image and preference.On prospect point A, higher evaluation is received among the arch bridge. In addition, for cable stayed bridge and suspension bridge, the Higher evaluation is received among the most at the arch bridge on prospect point B. At the on prospect point C, higher evaluation is received among the most cable stayed bridge and suspension bridge compared with arch bridge. At the on prospect point D, lower evaluation is received among the cable stayed bridge and suspension bridge compared with arch bridge. The highest average total preference is received for cable stayed bridge. And, The lowest average total preference is received for arch bridge. Cable stayed bridge is suitable for the Baegya Bridge than arch bridge in the Landscape point. In conclusion, the preference for one bridge is not the same at different prospect points through above research.
        2008.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 항만경관에 대한 선호도를 분석한 것으로 부산의 북항을 연구 대상지로 설정하였다. 선호 요인은 SD법을 통해 도출되었고, 북항의 시각적 선호도와의 상관관계를 분석하기 위해 다중 회귀 분석을 실시하였다. 북항의 시각적 선호요인으로 역동성, 안정성, 쾌적성, 보건성의 4개 요인으로 구성되었다. 4개의 선호요인을 이용한 시각적 선호도 분석 결과, 역동성 요인이 상대적으로 북항 선호를 설명하는 가장 중요한 요인으로 나타났다. 그러므로 북항 경관의 창출 및 관광객을 위한 항만 이미지 조성에 역동성을 고려한 항만경관계획과 관광 매력물로써의 개발을 통해 북항경관의 시각적 질 관리를 추진해야할 것으로 사료된다.
        2005.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Twelve selected rural villages were investigated to identify typical Korean rural landscapes. Among many photos taken in those villages, which are believed to represent rural amenities, one hundred photos were selected and again sixty of them were chosen through a questionnaire survey of landscape students. Two hundred domestic subjects and one hundred and one overseas visitors were surveyed to find their evaluations of 'rurality' of the Korean rural landscapes and their 'preferences' of those landscapes. Photo numbers 16, 40, 48, 37, 49, 11, 8, 56, 15 were evaluated most 'rural' and/or 'preferable' by domestic subjects. As the overseas visitors 'mrurality', they were asked to evaluate their 'preferences' only. Photo numbers 60, 7, 38, 28, 59, 15 were the most preferred Korean rural landscapes by them. In summary, Korean public generally preferred rural landscapes with natural beauty and, on the other hand, overseas visitors most preferred historic rural landscapes. Both group preferred least rural landscapes with man made structures.
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