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        검색결과 140

        2020.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2020.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Global warming, or climate change, could be the main reason why small islands in many areas of the Earth, including those in Indonesian territory, are sinking. Many small Indonesian islands are between 1 and 3 metres under the surface of the sea because of raised sea levels caused by climate change. If this situation continues, it would affect many of the outermost islands of Indonesia, so that we should anticipate the danger that the outermost islands would be submerged. The basepoints and archipelagic baselines would then be replaced, among other serious consequences for Indonesia. The Paris Climate Agreement, signed by almost 200 states in 2015, is the main instrument for mitigating global warming through reducing the emission of greenhouse gases. Indonesia ratified the Paris Climate Agreement, because it has a great interest in mitigating the phenomenon that is causing the sea level to rise, which is having a serious impact on its islands.
        2019.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        「국제해상충돌방지규칙」과 이의 국내입법인「해사안전법」은 좁은 수로에서의 항법과 관련하여 넓은 바다에서 적용되는 일반항법과는 다른 지리적 특수성을 이유로 특별항법을 규정하고 있다. 이러한 특별항법은 일반항법의 경우에 인정되는 피항의무, 유지의무와는 다른 통항금지의무를 규정하고 있다. 한편, 좁은 수로에 대한 횡단의 경우에는 소형선박, 어선 등에게 부여된 ‘다른 선박의 통항을 방해하여서는 아니 된다’는 통항방해금지의무와 다르게 ‘다른 선박의 통항을 방해하는 경우에는 횡단하여서는 아니 된다’고 규정하고 있는바, 제정목적과 법문에 충실한 해석에 의하면 이를 통항방해금지의무와 다른 횡단 금지의무로 보아야 하는 것이 상당할 것이다. 따라서 그와 같이 해석하여야 하는 이유 내지 근거, 달리 본다면 어떤 의무와 책임을 부담시켜야 하는지를 살펴보고, 이에 상응하여 상대선박은 어떤 의무와 책임을 부담하는지에 대하여 검토하고, 마지막으로 합리적인 좁은 수로 항법에 대한 조문이 되기 위하여 향후 추가 연구를 통해 보완하여야 할 부분이 있음을 제시하였다.
        2019.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It is well known that lymph node metastasis is a major prognostic factor in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). 30-40% of patients with OSCC have already undergone regional metastasis at diagnosis. The survival rate of patients with metastasis is reduced by more than 50%. Therefore, prevention and early detection of metastasis are very important to increase the survival rate of patients. Many investigators have studied the molecular mechanism of metastasis and tried to develop the molecules to inhibit any step of metastatic cascade. Among those molecules, an interest in the metastasis suppressor gene has been increasing. Expression of metastasis suppressor KiSS-1 has shown to be significantly related to poor clinical outcome and worse survival rate of patient in various malignancies of different organs. In addition, our previous study in OSCC also revealed that downregulation of KiSS-1 expression correlated with the presence of cervical lymph node metastasis, one part of tumor progression. Therefore, further investigation was needed to identify the molecular function of KiSS-1 using OSCC cell line and to evaluate the possibility of KiSS-1 as a new therapeutic target.
        2019.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        DNA 바코드를 기반으로 하여 외국발 국내 입항 선박에서 검출되는 편승자 해충(hitchhiker insect pests)에 대한 모니터링을 수행하였다. 국내 입항 선박 조사는 2018년 6월 1일부터 2018년 9월 17일까지 약 109일간 111개 선박에 대해 실시하였다. 모니터링 대상 해충은 ‘보고잡기법(simply collecting method by hands)’으로 확보하였으며, 총 336개체 에 대해 종동정을 실시하였다. 그 결과, 확보 해충 중 농림축산검역본부에 ‘관리해충(Regulated insect pest)’으로 등재되어 있는 Noctua pronuba를 포함하여 총 13종 21개체(Amata formosae (Erebidae, Lepidoptera, 1개체), Arippara disticha (Pyralidae, Lepidoptera, 1개체), Chondracris rosea (Acrididae, Orthoptera, 4개체), Cyrtacanthacris tatarica (Acrididae, Orthoptera, 1개체), Euhampsonia serratifera (Notodontidae, Lepidoptera, 3개체), Lemyra rhodophilodes (Erebidae, Lepidoptera, 2개체), Lymantria xylina (Erebidae, Lepidoptera, 1개체), Malacosoma dentata (Lasiocampidae, Lepidoptera, 3개체), Neochauliodes meridionalis (Corydalidae, Megaloptera, 1개체), Noctua pronuba (Noctuidae, Lepidoptera, 1개체), Parasa pastoralis (Limacodidae, Lepidoptera, 1개체), Psilogramma lukhtanovi (Sphingidae, Lepidoptera, 1개체), Syntypistis viridipicta (Notodontidae, Lepidoptera, 1개체))의 국내 미서식종이 채집되었으며, 확보된 21개체 중 15개체는 살아있는 상태로 검출되었다. 특히, 관리해충인 N. pronuba의 경우, 싱가포르에서 광양을 거쳐 포항항으로 입항한 선박에서 검출되었는데, 이 종은 유럽을 비롯하여 중동 및 중앙아시아까지 서식하는 종으로 1990년대 북미 대륙에 침입한 것으로 확인된 바 있다. 이에 따라, N. pronuba를 비롯하여 현 조사에 확인된 국내 미서식 편승자 해충의 편승 유무에 대한 정밀 모니터링 뿐만 아니라 위 종들에 대한 체계적인 위험성 평가 역시 필요할 것으로 사료된다.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        During reading instruction, sustaining learners’ reading motivation (RM) may be a challenge but a requisite when the goal is to keep learners reading. In the context of the present study, it was examined as to how RM may be sustained in a reading course. For this purpose, information on learners’ RM was collected in a semester-long university reading course with 118 Korean learners of English at the pre- and post-instructional stages of reading. RM was assessed with Motivations for Reading Questionnaire before and after reading instruction. Results indicated that reading involvement had decreased for all learners whereas the less skilled learners demonstrated an increase of reading efficacy and a drop in reading for grades. A linear multiple regression further indicated that reading efficacy was a significant predictor of reading proficiency only for the skilled learners. Implications are presented on how reading needs to be conducted by allowing learners to choose their own materials, which in turn may have an effect on developing more robust forms of RM.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Facing competition in a context of saturated markets characterized by rapid technological transformations presumes more than ever the need for creativity (Runco 2004), i.e. the production of new and useful (or adapted) ideas (Amabile 1996). In this paper, we focus on individual creativity, which is a subject of growing interest in research in psychology, management, and education. Beyond supernatural or genetic views of individual creativity, researchers generally agree on a multi-variant approach to creativity, which would result from cognitive factors (i.e. intellectual capacities, domain or creativity expertise, cognitive style), personality traits, and individual motivation to complete the task as well as environmental factors (Amabile 1996). If some of these factors are intrinsically personal, thus stable in the short run, environmental factors could be organized in an “architecture” likely to foster individual creativity, stressing the non-negligible role of physical elements, such as forms, space or colors (Meusberger et al. 2009). In this perspective, our objective is twofold: first to explore whether the environment color – and more specifically a blue environment – can foster individual creativity, and second to interrogate the underlying emotional mechanisms likely to explain it. Using an experiment, we show that 1/ putting individuals in a blue (vs. white) environment has a direct positive influence on the volume of ideas, but not on the quality of ideas, and that 2/ emotions mediate the influence of the color blue (vs. white) on individual creativity. Specifically, the color blue enhances pleasantness, which enhances individual creativity (both in quantity and quality), especially when individuals also experience arousal. These findings both replicate and extend the literature on the influence of colors and mood on individual creativity, and call to further research on the mediating routes likely to explain the influence of colors on individual creativity.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study focuses on analyzing the variables that moderate the effectiveness of the advertising flyers, one of the most used tools in retailing, to improve product sales. In previous literature, studies analyzed and confirmed the effectiveness of flyers to increase the traffic store, the general store sales or the synergistic effect of them to highlight and improve the effectiveness of promotions. Despite their confirmed effectiveness on these issues and their large use by retailers and manufacturers, it is missed studies that analyze the variables that may moderate their effectiveness on the sales of the products displayed on it. In fact, only Zhang et al. (2009) tried to analyze if the location in which the product is displayed have an influence on its effectiveness. According to them, they obtained inconclusive results due to their sample size. This study, considering the consumer’s cognitive process, analyzes how the presentation and the position of the product in flyers have an effect on their effectiveness to increase the displayed product’s sales. The results show that (i) the special signage on a displayed product in flyers increases their effectiveness to increase displayed product’s sales, and (ii) not only being highlighted increases the effect of the flyer, but that the product positioning affects decisively. For example, some locations -such as the cover, the top of the pages and areas on the left-, increase the visibility of the product and are more effective than other positions to increase displayed product’s sales. These results are in line with previous studies that indicate the importance of the directionality of reading to capture the customer’s attention in other environments. In sum, as happens inside the store or in the shelf, depending on if the product is displayed with a special signage or in an area where the customers pay more attention due to the standard cognitive process, the effectiveness of the flyers increase. Thus, retailers and manufacturers must consider how and where to be in the flyer, not just being.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the last few years, the attention on false and misleading communications regarding company’s commitment towards the environment – a practice known as greenwashing – has drastically increased. Greenwashing has several consequences for companies: it deteriorates brand reputation and trust (Duan and Jie, 2013), increases consumer skepticism (Delmas and Burbano, 2011), reduces purchase intentions (Murray and Vogel 1997; Swaen and Vanhamme 2004, 2005), and erodes investor’s confidence in environmentally friendly firms (Delmas and Burbano, 2011). Indeed, private investors are interested in CSR and look for information about it (Cellier et al., 2016; Nath, et al., 2013) but little is known about the consequences of greenwashing on private investments. Moreover, greenwashing often happens because of the bad management of the supply chain and various company’s faults are related to the difficulty to manage it (Crane et al., 2014). The aim of this research is to investigate how greenwashing affects intention to invest depending on the involvement of the supply chain. In two experiments we compared three types of greenwashing, which vary according to the supply chain role in the misconduct and the declared CSR commitment of the company. We call indirect greenwashing when a company that declares to be CSR committed is accused of greenwashing because it purchases raw materials or services from a supplier that does not meet sustainability standards (e.g. child labor, environmental damages). Conversely, a company that does not follow its CSR talk because of its own production procedures is an example of direct greenwashing. We also propose a third category of greenwashing, which we called vicarious greenwashing: when the misconduct and the relative accusation regard a company’s supplier, but the company does not claim to be sustainable (so it’s vicariously affected). A scenario-based experimental design (n =107) asked participants to indicate the intention to invest on a company accused of direct greenwashing (vs. indirect vs. vicarious). Results showed that direct greenwashing is particularly detrimental on investment intentions, especially compared to vicarious greenwashing, but not compared to indirect greenwashing (even if the means were lower). This result suggests that greenwashing is detrimental for investments even when the company does not perform the misconduct. A second experiment (n = 202) investigated whether the declared control on the supply chain affects intention to invest when the company is involved in greenwashing. Direct greenwashing was the more detrimental for investments, but, when companies declared high control on the supply chain, greenwashing significantly decreased intention to invest, so that in high control condition direct greenwashing did not differ from vicarious and indirect greenwashing. These results show how the involvement in greenwashing affects investment intentions of private investors and expand our knowledge on the consequences of greenwashing, so far mostly investigated from the consumer side. We show that greenwashing has potential disruptive consequences from a broader perspective, because it reduces stakeholders’ willingness to invest, even when the misconduct is attributable to a supplier.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study identifies the best gift ever as a new type of gift with specific characteristics that make it different from the ideal, „perfect gift‟. For this, we draw on consumers‟ lived experiences to understand the underlying traits of their most cherished gifts. This understanding is of great importance for retailers, who strive to assist consumers on their search for the „perfect gift‟ (Mintel, 2015). As Belk (1996) suggests, the „perfect gift‟ involves sacrifice, altruism, luxury, surprise and is uniquely appropriate for the recipient. Although this concept has been widely used in the literature, there remain two main limitations to address. First, existing work focused on the „perfect gift‟ is conceptual and considers this type of gift in its ideal form, thus neglecting actual experiences of givers and receivers as consumers of their most special gifts. Although some empirical research exists around the subject (Tuten & Kiecker, 2009), these studies assume the „perfect gift‟ conceptualisation proposed by Belk (1996) or suggest that “the „perfect gift‟ metaphor is not always an accurate prototype for giving” (Otnes, 2018, p.222). In addition to this, the retail environment has changed considerably since Belk‟s (1996) work. The new digital world reconfigures the definitions of gift-giving contextualised in a pre-digital landscape (Belk, 2013; Otnes, 2018), raising questions for example, of whether digital gifts can be perfect (Belk, 2013). In order to address these concerns, we propose to study participants‟ experiences of their best gift ever (both given and received); to this effect, we conducted 27 face-to-face semi-structured interviews. We did not prompt participants with any characteristics of the „perfect gift‟ from the literature but rather focused on capturing participants‟ insights about their best gift ever in their own terms. While we drew insights on the categorisation of the perfect gift proposed by Belk (1996), we adopted an interpretivist perspective allowing themes to emerge from the data (Holbrook & O‟Shaughnessy, 1988). Our findings show that the best gift ever might not be perfect but it is attainable and proposed as a new concept to understand gifts. This extends existing research beyond the notion that "the perfect gift, like most perfection, remains an ideal more than a reality in our gift giving" (Belk, 1996, p.76). Our analysis suggests that the best gift ever is: 1) experiential (i.e. symbolic meanings are associated with the shared giver-receiver experience), 2) memorable (i.e. the experience is remembered vividly and gift meaning evolves overtime); and 3) delightful (i.e. experience of deep emotions of delight, excitement and pleasure). Finally, although the best gift ever shares characteristics with those of the perfect gift including appropriateness, sacrifice, altruism and luxury, our data shows that these characteristics defining the ideal perfect gift (Belk, 1996) are not necessarily met by the best gift ever in most cases. That is, not all of these traits were simultaneously present within the same best gift ever experience and some of them were not important for our participants. Practitioners could support customers in the creation of the best gift ever by helping to build memorable and delightful gift experiences, the value of which can be enhanced over time.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Research in the consumption of counterfeit products has examined market size, consumer perceptions, and buyer characteristics (Nia & Zaichkowsky, 2010; Wee, Tan, & Cheok, 1995). However, little is known about how different kinds of counterfeits are evaluated because the term counterfeit tends to be used as a catch all for “fakes”. By taking a more nuanced approach to defining counterfeits we investigate how consumer’s perceptions of counterfeit products can vary based on the details of the item and its production. Moreover, we demonstrate that perceptions and consumption of counterfeits is not universal across cultures. Drawing from cultural psychology research, we propose that differences in dialectical thinking styles can influence the evaluation of counterfeit products. Prior literature has demonstrated that East Asians are relatively more dialectical. While Caucasians (with European cultural background) adopt a relatively more polarized, less polarized, less dialectical belief system (Peng & Nisbett, 1999). This difference has important implications for our understanding of cultural differences in considering counterfeits. Consider, for example, a “ghost shift” Rolex watch (i.e. an unlicensed copy made in a licensed facility with authentic materials but on an unofficial third shift (Parloff, 2006); compare that with a replica made using slightly different materials in a different facility altogether. Both are classified as counterfeits but may be evaluated differently with respect to authenticity and, as a result, may differ in perceived value as well (e.g. likelihood to purchase). We investigate these issues through three experiments conducted with 406 American undergraduate students by asking them to evaluate a variety of counterfeit and ghost shift counterfeit products. The first study relies on culture (non-Asian vs. East Asian ethnicity) as a proxy for thinking style and investigates perceptions of counterfeit sunglasses and shoes. Our second study provides converging evidence for the role of thinking styles on evaluations of different types of counterfeit shoes and extends our research by moving beyond reductionist cultural explanations through a wholly non- Asian sample by measuring individual differences in dialectical reasoning (Dialectical Self Scale; Spencer-Rodgers, Boucher, Mori, Wang, & Peng, 2009). Our last study investigates counterfeit Rolex watches and, more importantly, manipulates participants’ tolerance for change and contradiction through an established priming task (Peng & Nisbett, 1999). All three experiments revealed consistent results: lower dialectical thinking (more representative of Europeans) resulted in a greater likelihood to purchase the third shift version over the replica version, while higher dialectical thinking (e.g. East-Asian) resulted in equivalent responses between the two types. In studies 2 and 3 perceived authenticity also differed for low dialectical thinkers, but not high dialectical thinkers.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper presents the findings of a survey of Turkish marketing academics undertaken between 2007 and 2016. As a follow up, replicating Erdoğan and Uzkurt’s study (2007), this study aims to accommodate the existing studies approaching the status and problems of marketing academics and add a longitudinal dimension in 2016.
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