
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,400

        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 볼텍스 세퍼레이터 내부의 밀폐된 영역 내에서 발생하는 회전에 의한 입자상 물질과 유체의 분리 특성 파악을 위하여 전산유체역학을 이용한 수치해석을 수행하였다. 볼텍스 세퍼레이터는 접선방향 운동량으로 인해 회전유동이 발생하여 원심력과 중력으로 인한 입자상 물질과 유체의 분리가 이루어지므로 비정상 상태의 복잡한 흐름을 갖는다. 본 연구에서는 유한체적법 기반의 3차원 점성 유동장의 비정상 해석을 수행하였으며 이상유동의 해석을 위하여 오일러-오일러 모델을 이용하였다. 효율적인 설계를 위하여 세 가지 형태의 볼텍스 세퍼레이터 내부 구조에 대한 분석을 수행하였으며, 입자상 체적비, 입자 직경의 변화에 따른 분리 효율을 비교하였다. 또한 전산해석을 통하여 얻어진 분리성능을 확인하였으며 실험을 통한 검증을 수행하였다.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to present a method that can estimate the height of reaction facilities for large structural experiment through load flow as primary design procedure. The characteristic of the load transmission according to the type of experiment was analyzed to obtain tensile and compressive forces occurring on the reaction facilities. Strong walls that are affected by the bending moment is applied the post-tensioning method, and the strong floor under the control of the tension and compression is designed in accordance with the load flow. And the optimum cross-section of the reaction facilities was obtained by comparing the stresses of the tensile stress and crack the concrete. Through validating elastic analysis, the design results were satisfied a given design conditions.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : This study compared two measures of traffic flow effectiveness on roads with roundabouts and signalized intersections and determined the more appropriate measure. METHODS: In addition to average delay time, the conventionally used measure, average travel time was introduced to measure traffic flow effectiveness because it is able to be obtained through field survey and reflect different travel distances and speed limits of roundabouts and signalized intersections. Using the two measures, roundabouts and signalized intersections were compared through simulations in terms of traffic flow effectiveness. RESULTS : For one-way single-lane roads, the two measures indicated consistent results that roundabouts were more effective than were signalized intersections when the traffic volume was less than 300 vphpl but vice versa when it exceeded 450 vphpl; however, the measures yielded inconsistent results when the volume was 350~400 vphpl. For one-way double-lane roads, the two measures indicated consistent results that roundabouts were more effective than were signalized intersections when the volume was less than 200 vphpl but vice versa when it exceeded 400 vphpl; however, the measures yielded inconsistent results when the volume was 250~350 vphpl. The results obtained using the two measures differed substantially for double-lane roads because behaviors such as weaving and lane changing at roundabouts are more common in double-lane roads than in single-lane roads. CONCLUSIONS : The average delay time would be lower on roads with roundabouts, but average travel time would be lower on roads with signalized intersections. Thus, evaluating the relative effectiveness of roads with roundabouts and signalized intersections by using average delay time alone would be inappropriate, whereas using average travel time as the evaluation index would yield fairer results.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: This study analyzed the lane-by-lane traffic flow characteristics in Korea by using real-world data, including congestion levels, for 2-, 3-, and 4-lane freeways. METHODS : On the basis of a literature review, lane flow and speed characteristics were analyzed using flow measurements and speed ratios. In addition, the effect of congestion levels on traffic flow were visualized using rescaled cumulative plots. RESULTS: Driver behavior varied depending on the congestion level. During free-flow conditions, the lane-use ratio of individual lanes varied largely, whereas during congestion, the ratio was nearly the same for all lanes (i.e., equilibrium). During maximum-flow and congestion conditions, the median lane was used more than the shoulder lane, whereas during all other conditions, the shoulder lane had a higher lane-use ratio. In 3- or 4-lane freeways, the lane-use ratio of the median lane always exceeded 1 and was the highest during free-flow conditions. CONCLUSIONS : The results of the present analysis can be used as an index to predict congestion before a lane is overcapacitated. Moreover, the results can be applied in variable lane guidance systems, such as car navigation systems and variable message displays, to control traffic flow.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : In this paper, the analytical solutions suggested to simulate the behavior of rheological fluids were rigorously re-derived and investigated for fixed conditions to evaluate the applicability for the solutions on a mini-cone slump test of cement paste. The selected solutions with proper boundary conditions can be used as reference solutions to evaluate the performance of numerical simulation approaches, such as the discrete element method. METHODS: The slump, height, and spread radius for the given boundary and yield stress conditions that are determined by five different analytical solutions are compared. RESULTS: The analytical solution based on fluid mechanics for pure shear flow shows similar results to that for intermediate flow at low yield stresses. The fluid mechanics-based analytical solution resulted in a very similar trend to the geometry-based analytical solution. However, it showed a higher slump at high yield stress and lower slump at low yield stress ranges than the geometry-based analytical model. The analytical solution based on the mini-cone geometry was not significantly affected by the yield criteria, such as von Mises and Tresca. CONCLUSIONS: Even though differences among the analytical solutions in terms of slump and spread radius existed, the difference can be considered insignificant when the solutions were used as reference to evaluate the appropriateness of numerical approaches, such as the discrete element method.
        2016.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        본 연구에서는 MF/UF/RO/MD와 같은 다양한 종류의 막여과 공정에 대하여 에너지 사용량을 분석하기 위한 기법을 개발하기 위하여 수행되었다. 에너지 흐름 분석을 위하여 공정모사 모델을 개발하였으며 이를 이용하여 각 단계별 유효에너지와 에너지 손실을 계산하였다.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        숲 공간의 영향에 대한 많은 연구들이 있는 반면 시간요인에 대한 연구들은 부족하다. 공간과 시간은 동시적으로 상호간에 영향을 미치기 때문에 공간요인에 의한 영향들은 시간에 의해 변화할 수 있다. 본 연구는 숲에서 보낸 시간의 4가지 요인들(체험, 몰입, 건강지각과 심리내적 인식)에 대한 영향에 초점을 두었으며, 2014년 4월부터 10월까지 설문을 통해 이루어졌다. 설문지는 체험 (LE), 몰입(FL), 건강지각(HP)과 심리내적인식(IPP)으로 구성되었다. 대상자들은 충청남도 이북지역에서 살고 있으며 생태 숲해설 과정이나 생태교육과정에 있는 사람들로 40-70세였다. 이들은 또한 1년에서 20년에 이르는 숲관련 경력을 가지거나 일을 하고 있는 사람들이었다. 체험, 몰입, 건강지각과 심리내적 과같은 요인들은 숲에서 보낸 시간의 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났으며, 이 요인들은 통계적으로 유의한 수준에서 숲에서 보낸 시간에 따라 증가하는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 이 연구는 산림치유프로그램을 기획하는 사람들뿐만 아니라 산림치유를 공부하는 사람들에게도 유용할 것이다. 숲에서 보낸 시간이 체험, 몰입, 건강지각과 심리내적 인식에 영향을 주기 때문에 이 점을 산림치유프로그램에서 고려해야 한다.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Seawater flow characteristics around deep-sea sediment resuspension system was analyzed using CFD simulation. Seawater flow is influenced by migration velocity of DSSRS and the resuspension system with disturbance device. Especially complicated flow field is generated with discharged flow in the vertical direction, and there is large variation of seawater velocity near the system with vortex flow. Turbulent kinetic energy near the system increases 2~6 times, and its variation is also affected by the operation condition of the disturbance device. The results of this study are expected to be useful in evaluating the environmental effects of the suspended solid matters which are generated in the deep sea sediment disturbance process.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) could analysis the flow characteristics in the nozzle exit with fluid condition variation. Consequently, the purpose of this paper is to show that the fluid temperature and velocity field formed in the nozzle exit dominates the understanding for flow phenomenon. High fluid velocity can cause such a high temperature in the test gas that dust the particles grow. For this reason the flow conditions with air-air, air-vapor as test gases were used in this paper. The most important result to come from the CFD was the existence of the shock wave structure which was a dominant influence on the flow characteristics in the nozzle exit. Specially, It has an advantage to confirm the normal shock wave location because the temperature field variation of the flow distinguish clearly through mach disc.Also, the temperature through normal shockwave is at around 2.0 times higher than in atmosphere fluid condition. Consequently, this can be used as a good technical background for the design of rocket engine.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        High-quality colloidal CdSe/ZnS (core/shell) is synthesized using a continuous microreactor. The particle size of the synthesized quantum dots (QDs) is a function of the precursor flow rate; as the precursor flow rate increases, the size of the QDs decreases and the band gap energy increases. The photoluminescence properties are found to depend strongly on the flow rate of the CdSe precursor owing to the change in the core size. In addition, a gradual shift in the maximum luminescent wave (λmax) to shorter wavelengths (blue shift) is found owing to the decrease in the QD size in accordance with the quantum confinement effect. The ZnS shell decreases the surface defect concentration of CdSe. It also lowers the thermal energy dissipation by increasing the concentration of recombination. Thus, a relatively high emission and quantum yield occur because of an increase in the optical energy emitted at equal concentration. In addition, the maximum quantum yield is derived for process conditions of 0.35 ml/min and is related to the optimum thickness of the shell material.
        2016.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구는 최근 등장한 영화들 가운데 시간적 구조를 영화 형식에 가장 흥미롭게 표현한 <500일의 썸머>와<그랜드 부다페스트 호텔>을 연구 대상으로 선정하여, 이들의 시간 구조가 어떻게 구성되어 있으며 이러한 구성이 어떻게 시각화되었는지 살펴보았다. 이를 통해 ‘표현의 형식’으로서 이야기의 구성이 스토리를 전달하는 도구일 뿐만 아니라 시각적인 ‘표현의 도구’로써 어떻게 사용되어졌으며, 그러한 이야기의 표현 형식이 스토리텔링에서 어떠한 의미를 지니는 것인지에 대하여 고찰하였다. <500일의 썸머>에서 애니메이션으로 구성된 인터타이틀을 통해 시간의 흐름에 대한 정보를 제공하고 각 날짜별로 남자주인공의 심리상태나 연애상황을 인터타이틀의 영상에 표현함으로써 기억이 갖는 임의적인 시간의 배치로 인한 이야기 구성의 비논리성을 보완하는 기능을 하고 있다. <그랜드 부다페스트 호텔>은 다양한 시기의 이야기를 액자식으로 구성하고 있는데, 각 시기의 이야기가 진행될 때 그 당시 사용했던 화면 비율을 사용함으로써 한 편의 영화 내에서 화면의 크기가 각기 달라진다. 즉, 액자식 구성으로 이야기가 진행됨에 따라 1980년대(1.85:1), 1960년대(2.35:1), 1930년대(1.37:1)의 각 시기별로 그 당시 사용했던 화면 비율을 사용함으로써 각 시대의 분위기와 예술적인 감각 등을 재현하였을 뿐만 아니라, 시간의 배열을 독창적으로 시각화하였다. 이들 두 영화에서 시간의 배열을 시각화한 이러한 표현 방식은 현대 영화들에서 보여지는 상투적인 시간의 왜곡 구조에 창의적으로 접근하였다는 점에서 의미가 있다. 이들 영화의 경우 비연대기적 서사방식 그 자체가 새롭다고 할 수는 없지만, 이러한 서사방식을 시각적으로 표현하는 방식의 독창성이 관객에게 신선함과 퍼즐을 풀어내는 것과 같은 쾌감을 준다. 이러한 시간성 표현들은 단지 영화가 말하고자 하는 내용을 전달하는 형식에 그치는 것이 아니라, 그 표현을 통해서 스토리텔링에서 또 다른 의미를 생산하는 역할을 하게 된다.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we numerically analyzed flow and particle transport near the electrostatic precipitator in the tunnel according to train runs. When there was no train running, flow field was formed by a precipitator. Flow emitted from precipitator blocks the path along the tunnel, and therefore most contaminated air passes through the precipitator and can be cleaned. On the other hand, flow pattern during the train run was affected by train induced wind. A strong straight flow was generated at the front of train, and back flow was formed in the opposite line. When a train runs upward only (train start from suction section to blow section), the subway train transports contaminated particles along the tunnel. For downward train runs only case, the cleaned air reentered the contaminated section with train wind. Both train runs case showed combined flow and particle concentration pattern of both single train runs.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Froude(Fr) 수의 상사성을 통해 문풀의 크기와 유동 속도를 결정할 경우 축척비에 따라 문풀 내부 유동에 대한 Reynolds(Re)수가 크게 달라진다. 즉 같은 Fr 수를 갖는다 할지라도 축척비에 따라 문풀 내부 유동 특성이 달라질 수 있음을 의미한다. 본 연구에서는 같은 Fr 수로 상사되었을 때 축척비가 문풀 내부 유동 특성에 미치는 영향을 분석하기 위해 2차원 수치 해석을 수행하였다. 문풀의 크기가 작을 때 문풀에 작용하는 힘은 매우 주기적인 특성을 보이는 반면 문풀의 크기가 커질수록 주기가 일정하지 않은 교란 특성을 보이기 때문에 과도 응답과 통계적 정상 상태의 응답을 구분하기 어려워진다. 주파수 특성에 있어서도 축척비의 제곱근에 반비례하여 나타나는 주파수 특성(f0.5 ~ 2f1 ~ 2f2.0)은 Fr 수의 상사성에 따른 유동 특성으로 볼 수 있으나, 문풀의 크기가 클 때 매우 낮은 주파수(f2.0=0.07)로 문풀 내부에서 매우 강한 와가 발생하는데 이는 축척비에 따른 영향이다.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we have modeled the rear side of the HVAC diffuser with square prism and tried to investigate the influence of a wake flow by PIV and a numerical analysis using computational fluid dynamics based on steady-state Navier-Stokes equation and standard k-ε model. A commercial CFD program, FLUENT, is used on the analysis. The wake is generated by a square prism, which is installed at the divergent flow. The results show that a fluid are distributed up and down directions of prism, and the recirculation regions are decreased.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The flow acting on a confined jet flow can be represented as a conventional turbulence flow with its complex phase and characteristics. This is still effectively applied in a variety of industries, for example in ejectors. In this study coaxial confined model made of transparent acrylic pipe and driving water nozzle in order to figure out of recirculation flow near the wall of pipe and prove how flow in the pipe can be developed. It was revealed that length of the recirculation flow adjacent to wall of pipe was characterized to be larger when Reynolds Number is getting bigger.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The heat transfer characteristics of a louver fin for a radiator are numerically analyzed to investigate the performance of radiator for automotive. The commercial code FLUENT is utilized to simulate a louver fin to analyze both the flow fields of air and the solid region of lover fin. The numerical analysis is performed with the variation of air mass flow rate. The results show that as mass flow rate increases, louver fin efficiency is nearly constant. The correlation of the average Nu is derived. The results of numerical study is useful in louvered fin design.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: The purpose of this study is to develop a methodology for estimating additional carbon emissions due to freeway incidents. METHODS : As our country grows, our highway policy has mainly neglected the environmental and social sectors. However, with the formation of a national green growth keynote and an increase in the number of people interested in environmental and social issues, problems related to social issues, such as traffic accidents and congestion, and environmental issues, such as the impact of air pollution caused by exhaust gases that are emitted from highway vehicles, are beginning to be discussed. Accordingly, studies have been conducted on a variety of environmental aspects in the field of road transport, and for the quantitative calculation of greenhouse gas emissions, using various methods. However, in order to observe the effects of carbon emissions, microscopic simulations must use many difficult variables such as cost, analysis time, and ease of analysis process. In this study, additional greenhouse gas emissions that occur because of highway traffic accidents were classified by type (incident handling time, number of lanes blocked, freeway level of service), and the annual additional emissions based on incidents were calculated. According to the results, congestion length and emissions tend to increase with an increase in incident clearance time, number of occupied lanes, and worsening level of service. Using this data, we analyzed accident data on the Gyeong-bu Expressway (Yang-Jae IC - Osan IC) for a year. RESULTS : Additional greenhouse gas emissions that occur because of highway traffic accidents were classified by type (incident handling time, number of lanes blocked, freeway level of service) and annual additional emissions caused by accidents were calculated. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, a methodology for estimating carbon emissions due to freeway incidents was developed that incorporates macroscopic flow models. The results of the study are organized in the form of a look-Up table that calculates carbon emissions rather easily.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Antibiotic Detection Kit (Combination I), a lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA) developed for detecting antibiotic residues in milk, was utilized for the analysis of antibiotic residues in the muscle tissue of olive flounder. After 5-h treatment of samples by placing them in water dosed with sulfadimethoxine (SDM; 200 g/ton water), the residue depletion of SDM was investigated in 25 cultured olive flounders (Paralichthys olivaceus). Muscles from fish were sampled before treatment and on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th days after treatment. The concentration of SDM in the muscle was then determined by LFIA. The absorbance ratio of the sample to the control blank (Bs/Bo) was employed as an index to determine the residue in olive flounder muscle. To investigate the recovery rate, standard solutions were added to muscle samples to obtain final concentrations of 25 and 50 ng/mL in the muscle. The recovery rates of all spiked samples were >96.6% of the spiked value. SDM was detectable in the muscle of fish treated with the drug until the 1st day of the withdrawal period. The present study shows that the LFIA can be easily adopted to detect SDM residues in the tissue of farmed fish.