
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 75

        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        初等學校學生들에 대한 漢字․漢文敎育은 학교 교육 내에서 실시되는지 여부에 관계없이 거스를 수 없는 시대적 조류이다. 교육 당국의 語文政策은 논외로 하더라도, 21C 無限知識경쟁 시대에서 亞太時代의 國際文字인 漢文을 모르고는 落伍者가 될 수밖에 없으므로 한글전용정책은 재고되어야 한다. 초등학교에서의 한자 교육은 제 6차 교육과정의 ‘學校裁量時間’ 편성과 제 7차 교육과정의 ‘裁量活動’편성으로 인하여 回生하게 되었다. 그 결과 그 이전에 무계획적으로 수행되었던 초등학교에서의 한자교육은 地域敎育廳水準에서 ‘初等學校漢文敎育課程’을 수립할 수 있게 되었고, 이것과 관련하여 각 市․道에서 認定敎科書가 나오게 되었다. 제 6차 교육과정 이후 현재까지 6개 시도에서 19종의 교과서를 개발하여 사용하고 있다. 본고는 이점에 착안하여 초등학교 한문교육의 활성화를 위하여 지난 10 여 년간 개발하여 사용하고 있는 교과서의 내용과 수준을 검토하여서 현시점에서의 반성과 아울러 미래에 민족의 생존전략인 한문교육 정상화에 이바지하고자 한다. 初等學校에서 사용하고 있는 認定敎科書는 현재 19종인데 그 중13종(68.4%)이 7차 敎育課程시행 이후에 발행된 것으로 초등 한문 교육의 活性化란 측면에서 매우 다행스러운 일이라 할 수 있다. 그러나 이 19종의 교과서 발행 지역을 정리해 보면 14종(73.7%)이 서울․부산 지역이어서 한문 교육의 全國的인 擴散이란 측면에서 보면 기대에 미치지 못한다고 할 수 있다. 19종 교과서의 學習對象을 검토한 결과 11종(59.9%)의 교과서가 3학년 - 6학년 학생을 대상으로 하여 제작되었다. 이것은 초등학교에서의 한문교육이 교육과정 편제상 ‘裁量活動’ 시간에 이루어질 수밖에 없다는 제도상의 문제에서 起因한다. 또한 필자가 구입한 15종의 교과서를 분석한 결과 500자 이상 600자 미만의 漢字를 수록한 교과서가 8종(53.3%)으로 나타났다. 15종 교과서의 內容水準을 檢討한 결과 漢字의 學習은 대부분 漢字의 음과 뜻, 漢字의 쓰임, 漢字의 活用, 漢字의 짜임 등이 알맞게 제시되어 있다. 漢字語學習은 漢字語의 음과 뜻, 漢字語의 活用이 알맞게 제시되었으나 일부 교과서에서는 漢字와 漢字語의 槪念이 混在된 상태로 기술하고 있어서 집필자 및 교과서 심의진의 세심한 노력이 필요하다. 漢字成語의 學習은 대부분 평이한 漢字成語를 제시하여 풀이하는데 그치고 簡易한 文章을 제시하여 풀이하는 경우는 거의 찾아보기 어려운데 중등학교 한문 교육과의 연계성을 고려할 때 간이한 문장의 제시와 풀이가 더 필요하다고 본다. 또한 본문 내지 바탕글 체제를 도입한 교과서의 경우 일부 교과서에서 國漢混用, 國漢倂記, 한글 倂記, 漢字위에 한글 添字등 다양한 표기법이 나타나고 있는바 동일 교과서 내에서는 표기 방법의 일치가 이루어져야 할 것이다. 아울러 일부 교과서에서는 아동들의 한자 학습에 대한 흥미를 돋기 위하여 놀이 학습, 活動中心學習으로 교과서를 구성하였는바 이는 7차교육과정의 기본 정신인 ‘自己主導的學習能力의 伸張’이란 측면에서 매우 고무적인 일이라 할 수 있다. 이상의 敎科書의 內容水準檢討를 통하여 초등학교 한자 교과서와 관련한 몇 가지 문제점을 발견할 수 있었다. 첫 번째, 國家水準의 敎育課程이 制定되어야 한다. 국가 수준의 교육과정은 초등한문교육 정상화를 위한 가장 시급한 사안이다. 본말이 전도된 부조리를 타개하고 초등학교 한자한문교육이 올바른 궤도에 오르도록 교육 당국은 하루빨리 국가수준의 교육과정을 제정하여 공포하여야 한다. 두 번째, 敎科書의 名稱문제를 들 수 있다. 현재 발행된 19종의 교과서에서 일관되게 표기한 초등학교 ‘漢字’라는 교과서 명칭은 초등학교 한문 교육의 內容과 範圍를 생각해 볼 때 漢字語․漢字成語등을 包括할 수 있는 명칭이 아니므로 초등학교 ‘漢文’으로 변경되어야 할 것이다. 세 번째, 敎科書의 開發과 敎授資料의 普及문제를 들 수 있다. 이를 위해서는 먼저 초등학교 한문교과서 편찬지침이 마련되어야 한다. 또한 교과서에 따른 교수학습 자료를 CD-ROM화 하여 보급하거나 WEB상으로 제공하는것도 효과적인 방안일 것이다. 아울러 정형화된 교과서 구성 체제를 탈피하여 학생들이 흥미를 잃지 않고 학습할 수 있도록 교과서를 구성하는데 힘써야 한다. 이상에서 제기한 문제들이 개선될 때 초등학교 한문 교육은 질적 수준의 향상을 꾀할 수 있을 것이며 국가적으로는 민족의 생존 전략인 한문 교육을 통한 知的上向同質化에 기여할 수 있을 것이다.
        2004.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2004.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since the teaching of English was introduced into the primary school as a required subject in 1997, no achievement test has been administered for the purpose of comparing English achievement of primary school students who are receiving private instruction with that of those who are not. The purpose of this study was to investigate what impact private instruction had on English achievement of third- and fourth-year students in the primary school. For this purpose, an English achievement test was developed based on the 7th national curriculum and two questionnaires were administered: one questionnaire among 743 third- and fourth-year primary school students and the other among 22 primary school teachers. The results showed that students who were receiving private instruction outperformed those who were not on the English achievement test and that teachers had difficulty in handling English class due to the discrepancy of overall English proficiency between tutored students and non-tutored students. The findings suggest that teacher training needs to be intensified to ensure quality English language teaching in the primary school.
        2004.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the early stages of reading, word decoding skills are prerequisite to reading. Word decoding involves word discrimination, phonemic decoding, and understanding of meaning. In this process, phonemic awareness enables students to examine language independently to manipulate its component sounds, and to use letter-sound correspondences to read and spell words. The 7th national curriculum of English and the primary school English textbooks fail to provide systematic language structure focus to facilitate efficiently student acquisition of the English phonemic system. Therefore, many students suffer from lack of word decoding development as well as encoding development, particularly in the 5th and 6th grades. This study explores the English phonemic awareness of Korean primary school students. To achieve the purpose of this study, a test for phonemic awareness was developed and Korean students' phonemic awareness was examined. The test deals with six areas: phonemic segmentation, phonemic manipulation, syllable splitting, blending, oddity, and invented spelling. The results are as follows: Firstly, many students showed successful results in phonemic segmentation and oddity. However, they have difficulties with syllable splitting and invented spelling. While students have strengths in the awareness of consonants except for r-l, f-p, and b-v, they suffer from lack of awareness of vowels. Secondly, errors of invented spelling and blending showed that students have differing development stages of phonemic awareness, e.g., some students master the phonemic system perfectly whereas others perceive only the alphabetic sounds. Finally, this research suggests that a balanced approach to reading is necessary in the early reading in the Korean context.
        2004.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The 7th national curriculum takes a strong stance for a student-centered curriculum as well as operating and management flexibility at the school level. This study explored the procedures of and the status on implementation of the 7th national English curriculum at the primary level. It examined the processes taken by the local boards of education in due course of facilitating the schools with the school level curriculum implementation, and the schools and teachers for the actual curriculum implementation. To achieve the goal of the study, it was conducted by questionnaires for teacher and supervisors, classroom observation, and teacher interviews. Results were interpreted by the core aspects of the 7th national curriculum: curriculum reconstruction, student-centeredness, and specialization of the curriculum. Three major elements were found in the process of curriculum modification: firstly, the local boards of education was not enough to support so that the schools developed and implemented the school-based curricula secondly, teachers did not exert autonomy in interpreting and applying curriculum to their classrooms, and finally, there was a high demand for teachers and experts with potential in the schools as well as in the board of education. For the successful settlement of curriculum, continuous efforts are needed to involve teachers in the process of curriculum implementation.
        2004.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고는 현재 서울시의 소재 초등학교를 중심으로 한자교육의 현황을 살펴보았다. 그리고 그에 대한 문제를 발견하고 그에 대한 대안을 제시하였다. 設問 調査를 통한 初等學校 漢字敎育의 現況을 5개의 항목으로 살펴보았고, 이에 관한 5개의 문제점을 지적하였다. 그리고 이의 해결책을 아울러 제시하였고, 이와 관련하여 3개항의 보완책을 제안하였다.
        2004.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the relations among Korean phonological processing skills, English vocabulary knowledge, and the learning of new English words in 6th grade children. The children were tested in phonological awareness, phonological short-term memory, and naming speed tasks, as well as English vocabulary and paired-associate learning of Korean-English word pairs. Most tasks were significantly correlated with English vocabulary and paired-associate learning. In regression analyses, phonological awareness, short-term memory, and naming speed significantly predicted English vocabulary; and English vocabulary and naming speed predicted paired-associate learning. These results suggest that Korean phonological awareness, naming speed, and short-term memory are associated with English vocabulary knowledge and learning. These findings support the transfer of phonological processing skills across second languages.
        2004.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The factors of obesity related with food habits were assessed to provide information for nutrition education database. The subjects in this study were 234 primary school children in Busan. Children were classified into normal and obese groups(mildly obese, moderately obese and severely obese) by obesity index. In self-recognition of body image, only 28.6% of MI group considered themselves as 'overweight or obese'. 87.2% of the subjects controlled their weight method with exercise. With regard to meal speed, 64.5% of the subjects ate fast(≤15 min.). The study also found that 79.8% of the subjects ate breakfast, 56.4% of the subjects them were moderate by obese, 40.8% of the subjects ate snacks after dinner. Eating speed, meal volume and snacks money per day were significantly different in obesity. Preference for eating out was Korean Chinese, Western and Japanese food, in order. Favorite food for snack, such as ddukbokki, fruits, milk. fried foods and candy and caramel were significantly different in obesity(p〈0.05). However hamberger, pizza and chocolate were not significantly different in obesity. The most preference snack for all the subjects were fruits and ice cream. In food preference, potato, dduk, meats, fishes, cheese, milk, ice cream were significantly different in obesity. The distasteful food for subjects were patbab, vegetables, shellfishes and salt-fermented foods. From above results, obesity of children was related to meal speed, meal volume and snacks motley per day. Therefore, these results suggest that continuous and practical nutrition education to change food habits art necessary to avoid child obesity.
        2003.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2003.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1996.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To find out the reference data of the school food service system, I serveyed four primary schools in Seoul, Korea and Nara, Japan respectively. The school children and their parents of whom arbitrary selected two classes among each primary school, were taken the questionaire about the present school food service system and their favorate food. The results were as follows; 1) 74.8% of Korean and Japanese children, and 92.5% of their parents were in favor of school food service. 2) Korean childrin wanted more amount of food and less salty taste. 3) Korean and Japanese children and their parents believed that the school food service system correct children's unbalanced diet. 4) Korean children wished more kinds of foods, western-styled cooking and that the food would be served in warm state. 5) Korean parents wanted that school food service system should be natural and better quality food material, and teacher should educate good eating habit. 6) Korean school children prefer yogurt, cuttle-fish, chicken, bean-curd, tomato, orange, dried laver, sweet potato, pine-mushroom in each food group. In conclusion, school food service system should be enough to meet children's good nutrition status, and the menu would be selected with consideration of children's preference and Korean traditional diet habit. Good table manner and eating all kinds of foods should be targht by school food service system as well as preparing good quality of food.
        1995.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The relationship of obesity and related behaviors was analyzed among 361 primary school children, 4th and 5th grade, in one of private school in Seoul in July 1994. Compared to 1985 Korean Children's Growth Standard, the surveyed children have shown remarkable growth, which is the secular trend in growth of Korean children accompanied with rapid economic growth. But the relative incremental weight was far larger than that of height and this trend was more evident among children over 50th percentile, which shows a wide prevalence of obesity of the surveyed children. By WLI index, 15% of the children was overweight and 13% was obese. The higher the WLI, the more frequent and stronger stress they had. The nutrition knowledge score of obese children was higher compared to others. They were especially sensitive to their physical fitness but many normal or underweight-children also experienced stress due to their body weight and have tried to lose weight by incorrect methods. On the other hand many obese children thought they were optimal or underweight. These results reasserts the importance of nutrition education focused on children aheading puberty. They need to know the correct degree of obesity and to get appropriate education through teachers, dietitians, parents and doctors. The findings of this study could be applied to a nutrition implementation policy to ensure better physical fitness of children aheading puberty in the future.
        2022.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The rapid development of information technology has continuously promoted the informatization of education. Information technology has had a profound impact on education, and teachers are also facing new challenges. TPACK has become one of the important qualities of teachers in the information age. TPACK theory emphasizes the intersection and deep integration of technology, subject knowledge, and pedagogical knowledge. Through the investigation and study of current primary school teachers’ TPACK, it is found that primary school teachers generally lack the deep integration of technical knowledge and subject teaching content. Research on strategies to improve TPACK for primary school teachers.
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