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        검색결과 204

        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The high-level nuclear waste (HLW) repository is a 500-1,000 m deep underground structure to dispose high-level nuclear waste. The waste has a very long half-time and is exposed to a number of stresses, including high temperatures, high humidity, high pressure These stresses cause the structure to deteriorate and create cracks. Therefore, structural health monitoring with monitoring sensors is required for safety. However, sensors could also fail due to the stresses, especially high temperature. Given that the sensors are installed in the bentonite buffer and the backfill tunnel, it is impossible to replace them if they fail. That’s why it is necessary to assess the sensors’ durability under the repository’s environmental conditions before installing them. Accelerated life test (ALT) can be used to assess durability or life of the sensors, and it is important to obtain the same failure mode for reliability tests including ALT. Before conducting the test, the proper stress level must be designed first to get reliable data in a short time. After that, acceleration of life reduction with increasing temperature and temperature-life model should be determined with some statistical methods. In this study, a methodology for designing stress levels and predicting the life of the sensor were described.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Chemical environments of near-field (Engineered barrier and surrounded host rock) can influence performance of a deep geological repository. The chemical environments of near-field change as time evolves eventually reaching a steady state. During the construction of a deep geological repository, O2 will be introduced to the deep geological repository. The O2 can cause corrosion of Cu canisters, and it is important predicting remaining O2 concentration in the near-field. The remaining O2 concentration in the near field can be governed by the following two reactions: oxidation of Cu(I) from oxidation of Cu and oxidation of pyrite in bentonite and backfill materials. These oxidation reactions (Cu(I) and pyrite oxidation) can influence the performance of the deep geological repository in two ways; the first way is consuming oxidizing agents (O2) and the second way is the changing pH in the near-field and ultimately influencing on the mass transport rate of radionuclides from spent nuclear fuel (failure of canisters) to out of the engineered barrier. Hence, it is very important to know the evolution of chemical environments of near-field by the oxidation of pyrite and Cu. However, the oxidation kinetics of pyrite and Cu are different in the order of 1E7 which means the overall kinetics cannot be fully considered in the deep geological repository. Therefore, it is important to develop a simplified Cu and pyrite oxidation kinetics model based on deep geological repository conditions. Herein, eight oxidation reactions for the chemical species Cu(I) were considered to extract a simplified kinetic equation. Also, a simplified kinetics equation was used for pyrite oxidation. For future analysis, simplified chemical reactions should be combined with a Multiphysics Cu corrosion model to predict the overall lifetime of Cu canisters.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Since 1992, various numerical codes, such as TOUGH-FLAC and ROCMAS, have been developed and validated to dispose of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) safely through a series of DEvelopment of COupled models and their VALidation against EXperiments (DECOVALEX) projects. These codes have been developed using different approaches, such as general two-phase flow and Richards’ flow which is an approximated approach neglecting gas pressure change, to implement the same multiphysics behaviors. However, the quantitative analysis for numerical results, which originated from different fundamental approaches, has not been conducted accurately. As a result, improper utilization of the approach to analyze certain conditions occurring such as dramatic gas pressure change may result in erroneous outcomes and systemic problem pertaining to TH analysis. In this study, the quantitative analysis of the two approaches, in terms of TH behavior, was conducted by comparing them with a 1D simulation of the CTF1 experiment carried out by laboratory experiment. The results calculated by different approaches show agreement in terms of TH behaviors and material properties change until 120°C. The results verify the applicability of Richards’ flow approach in a high temperature environment above the current thermal criteria, set as 100°C, and gas pressure change does not have a significant impact until 120°C. Therefore, although further studies for applicability of Richards’ flow are needed to suggest the appropriate temperature range, these quantitative analyses may contribute to the performance assessment of a compact repository using the high-temperature bentonite concept, which is currently gaining attention.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As Korea has relatively small land area and large population density compared to other countries considering the DGD concept such as Finland and Sweden, improvements of disposal efficiency in the viewpoint of the disposal area might be needed for the current disposal system to alleviate the difficulties of site selection for the HLW repository. In this research, we conduct a numerical investigation of the disposal efficiency enhancement for a high-level radioactive waste (HLW) repository through three design factors: decay heat optimization, increased thermal limit of buffer, and double-layer concept. In the optimized decay heat model, seven SNFs with the maximum and minimum decay heat depending on actual burn-up and cooling time are iteratively combined in a canister. Thermal limit of buffer is assumed as 100°C and 130°C for reference and high-efficiency repository concepts, respectively. By implementing an optimized decay heat model and a single-layer concept with a thermal limit of buffer set at 100°C, the disposal efficiency increases to 2.3 times of the improved Korean Reference disposal System (KRS+). Additionally, incorporating either an increased thermal limit of buffer to 130°C or a double-layer concept leads to a further 50% improvement in disposal efficiency. By integrating all three design factors, the disposal efficiency can be enhanced up to five times that of the KRS+ repository. Our analysis of rock mass stability reveals that increasing the thermal limit of buffer can generate rock spalling failure in a wider area. However, when accounting for the effect of confining stress by swelling of buffer and backfill using the Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria, the rock mass failure only occurred at the corner between the disposal tunnel and deposition hole when the thermal limit of buffer was increased and a single-layer concept was applied. The results given in this study can provide various options for designing the high-efficiency repository in accordance with the target disposal area and quality of the rock mass in the potential repository site.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The mobility of uranium (U) in the environment of a deep geological repository is controlled by various geochemical conditions and parameters. In particular, oxidation state of uranium is considered as a major factor to control the mobility of uranium in most of geological environments. In this study, therefore, we investigated the mobility of uranium in a deep geological repository by a natural analogue approach using a uranium deposit in the Ogcheon Metamorphic Belt (OMB). Uranium contents of rock samples from the study site ranged from 1.3 to 71 ppm (average 17.4 ppm). Uranium minerals found in the study site were mostly uraninite (UIVO2+x) and uranothorite ((UIV, Th)SiO4). The concentrations of U in the groundwater samples were very low (0.025~0.690 ppb) even though redox conditions are weakly oxidizing. Calculation results for U speciation in groundwater samples showed that major dissolved uranium species in the groundwater samples are mainly as calcium uranyl (UO2 2+) carbonate complexes such as Ca2UO2(CO3)3(aq) and CaUO2(CO3)3 2-. However, the activity ratios between 234U and 238U (AR(234U/238U)) showed U behavior in reducing conditions although the groundwater conditions were not reducing conditions and major dissolved U species were U(VI) species. Results from electron microscopic analyses for rock samples showed that major uranium minerals were U(IV) minerals such as uraninite and uranothorite. We could not identify other uranyl minerals and altered minerals from uraninite. This means that the geochemical condition of the study site has been maintained a reducing condition although the groundwater condition was a weakly oxidizing condition. Thus, the dissolution of uranium is strongly limited by the low solubility of uraninite. It is not obvious how the reducing condition of the study site has been maintained. Reducing agents such as pyrite, organic materials, and reducing bacteria might contribute to maintaining the reducing condition although further studies will be necessary. Results from this study imply that uranium mobility will be greatly limited by low dissolution of uraninite into groundwater if the reducing condition is well reserved. This limited mobility of uranium will be also contributed by low possibility of uraninite alteration into uranyl minerals which have a higher solubility than uraninite.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The nuclear criticality analyses considering burnup credit were performed for a spent nuclear fuel (SNF) disposal cell consisting of bentonite buffer and two different types of SNF disposal canister: the KBS-3 canister and small standardized transportation, aging and disposal (STAD) canister. Firstly, the KBS-3 & STAD canister containing four SNFs of the initial enrichment of 4.0wt% 235U and discharge burnup of 45,000 MWD/MTU were modelled. The keff values for the cooling times of 40, 50, and 60 years of SNFs were calculated to be 0.79108, 0.78803, and 0.78484 & 0.76149, 0.75683, and 0.75444, respectively. Secondly, the KBS-3 & STAD canister with four SNFs of 4.5wt% and 55,000 MWD/MTU were modelled. The keff values for the cooling times of 40, 50, and 60 years were 0.78067, 0.77581, and 0.77335 & 0.75024, 0.74647, and 0.74420, respectively. Therefore, all cases met the performance criterion with respect to the keff value, 0.95. The STAD canister had the lower keff values than KBS-3. The neutron absorber plates in the STAD canister significantly affected the reduction in keff values although the distance among the SNFs in the STAD canister was considerably shorter than that in the KBS-3 canister.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Technology for high-level-waste disposal employing a multibarrier concept using engineered and natural barrier in stable bedrock at 300–1,000 m depth is being commercialized as a safe, long-term isolation method for high-level waste, including spent nuclear fuel. Managing heat generated from waste is important for improving disposal efficiency; thus, research on efficient heat management is required. In this study, thermal management methods to maximize disposal efficiency in terms of the disposal area required were developed. They efficiently use the land in an environment, such as Korea, where the land area is small and the amount of waste is large. The thermal effects of engineered barriers and natural barriers in a high-level waste disposal repository were analyzed. The research status of thermal management for the main bedrocks of the repository, such as crystalline, clay, salt, and other rocks, were reviewed. Based on a characteristics analysis of various heat management approaches, the spent nuclear fuel cooling time, buffer bentonite thermal conductivity, and disposal container size were chosen as efficient heat management methods applicable in Korea. For each method, thermal analyses of the disposal repository were performed. Based on the results, the disposal efficiency was evaluated preliminarily. Necessary future research is suggested.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In Korea, 483,102 assemblies of spent fuel have been discharged and stored in sites, as of 2019. However, total capacity for site storage is 529,748 assemblies, and more than 90% is already saturated. Wolsong site, the most saturated site, started to construct more dry storage to extend the capacity in 2020. Spent fuel and high-level waste (HLW) is a big concern in Korean nuclear industry. Then, master plan for management of spent fuel is once announced by Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) in 2016 and reviewed by civil committee in 2019. The core contents of the plan are establishing schedule for construction of HLW management facility in one area, and construction of temporary dry storage in each site, if unavoidable. For HLW management facility, there are three following schedules: siting of Underground Research Laboratory (URL) and Interim Storage by 2020, operation of facilities initiated by 2030, and operation of final disposal facility initiated by 2050. Final repository will be designed as deep geological repository. The concept of deep geological disposal is that spent nuclear fuel is placed in disposal containers that can withstand corrosion and pressure in long-term, permanently isolated from the human sphere of life, and dumped in deep geological media, such as crystalline rocks and clay layer, at a depth of 300 to 1,000 meters underground. The safety assessment of waste disposal sites focuses on determining whether the disposal sites meet the safety requirements of national regulatory authority. This safety assessment evaluates the potential radiation dose of radionuclides from the disposal site to humans or the environment. In this case, the calculation is performed assuming that all engineering barriers of the disposal site have collapsed in a long-term period. Then radionuclides are released from the waste, and migrated in groundwater. The dose resulting from the release and migration of radionuclides on the concentration of nuclides in groundwater. In general, metallic nuclides may exist in water in various ionic states, but some form colloids. This colloid allows more nuclides to exist in water than in solubility. Therefore, more doses may occur than we know generally predict. To determine the impact of colloids, we performed the safety assessment of the Yucca Mountain repository as an example.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Gyeongju radioactive waste repository has been operated to dispose low and intermediate level radioactive waste in Korea since 2016. Currently, only deep geological disposal facility (1st) is in operation, surface disposal facility (2nd) is scheduled to operate from 2024. As a result, the annual amount of radioactive waste that can be disposed of at deep geological disposal facilities and surface disposal facilities is almost determined. According to this result, it was possible to derive the total annual disposal amount to dispose of all radioactive waste at the Gyeongju repository after landfill disposal facility (3rd) construction. To evaluate it, a predictive model has been designed and radioactive waste generation, storage, and disposal data were input. The predictive model is based on system dynamics, which is useful to analyze the correlation between input variables. As a result of analysis, radioactive waste generation amount and maximum annual radioactive waste disposal were predicted to reach 741,615 drum and 17,030 drum per year respectively. From these results, it seems that the expansion of radioactive waste acceptance system or temporary storage is necessary.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Glass wool, the primary material of insulation, is composed of glass fibers and is used to insulate the temperature of steam generators and pipes in nuclear power plants. Glass fiber is widely adopted as a substitute for asbestos classified as a carcinogen. The insulations used in nuclear power plants are classified as radioactive waste and most of the insulation is Very Low-Level Waste (VLLW). It is packaged in a 200 L drum the same as a Dry Active Waste (DAW). In the case of the insulations, it is packaged in a vinyl bag and then charged into the drum for securing additional safety because of the fine particle size of the fiberglass. A safety assessment of the disposal facility should be considered to dispose of radioactive waste. As a result of analyzing overseas Waste Acceptance Criteria (WAC), there is no case that has a separate limitation for glass fiber. Also, in order to confirm that glass fibers can be treated in the same manner as DAW, research related to the diffusion of glass fibers into the environment was conducted in this paper. It was confirmed that the glass fiber was precipitated due to the low flow velocity of groundwater in the Gyeongju radioactive waste repository and did not spread to the surrounding environment due to the effect of the engineering barrier. Therefore, the glass fiber has no special issue and can be treated in the same way as a DAW. In addition, it can be disposed of in the disposal facility by securing sufficient radiological safety as VLLW.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Especially for near-surface repository for disposal of the low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste, safety assessment in case of inadvertent human intrusion should be handled seriously. This is because this type of incident will possibly give rise to high acute, not chronic exposure dose even though its occurrence of likelihood could higher than rather deeper geological repository for disposal of high-level radioactive waste over long time span after closure of the repository. Recently well drilling scenario for the pumping groundwater from the aquifer near the repository, among other possible inadvertent human intrusion incidents, has been popularly evaluated for the worst case due to its relatively high possibility of occurrence in parallel with normal scenarios for the nuclide transport for post-closure safety assessment of the repository. Movement of nuclide plume both in the confined and unconfined aquifer under and over a radioactive waste repository is of importance especially around an extracting well. Through this study a simple comment regarding quantification between a pumping rate from the well drilled into the aquifer as well as quantification of the plume size flowing around the well is presented. Drawdown of the well which is the change of water level of the upper water surface of the aquifer due to well pumping makes a cone of depression. And capture zone in the aquifer which is formed around the well, by which the groundwater is removed out, is the groundwater volume or area in the aquifer that is considered to contribute the extraction of the well by pumping. Usually this capture zone does not encompass the entire aquifer thickness for the partially penetrating well, which means that not all the portion of flowing groundwater through the aquifer is drawn by the well. And this capture zone does not need to coincide with the volume of the cone. Furthermore, all the nuclide plume volume is not necessarily and completely mixed with the groundwater flowing the entire aquifer. Therefore, a strategical approach might be required to grasp the aquifer portion and the plume size influenced by pumping to evaluate rather accurate radiological consequences due to the well scenario avoiding overestimation and meaningless conservatism as well, which is especially very common in the mass balance modeling e.g., by GoldSim under assumption that all the groundwater volume from the aquifer near the well extracted by the well. Although the capture zone around the well should be determined both by use of global/local groundwater flow model in the aquifer but a simple analytical model could be sought. Capture zone analysis has been widely seen in the area of the design of groundwater remediation system. If for safety assessment of the subsurface repository the plume behavior in the aquifer under the repository should be well characterized and correctly modeled, then the current study is expected to be more or less helpful to develop a specific mass balance model for nuclide transport and groundwater flow for assessment of an abnormal well drilling scenario near the repository.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The integrity of the disposal repository structure must be guaranteed for few hundreds to few hundred thousand years until toxicity of radioactive waste is surely degraded. Acoustic emission (AE) method is widely utilized to evaluate the integrity of the structure because it can detect crack wave signals of the structures. It is well known that the cracking AE energy is proportional to the volume of the structure (Fractal theory). However, it is hard to destroy whole structures for obtaining AE energy. Therefore, the scaled specimens are prepared to obtain the relationship between volume of the structure and AE energy. The specimens are prepared with same of Wolsong Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Center (WLDC) silo concrete recipe. Their diameters are from 50 mm to 150 mm in each 10 mm and their heights are twice of the diameter. One set of 50 mm to 150 mm specimens (11 specimens in one set) are made in single mixers to maintain uniformity. Surface of the specimens are flatten with cement milk to prevent from applying load with eccentricity. The uniaxial compression test is performed by controlling displacement as 0.1 mm/min. The fractal constant is obtained using least square function from volume-cumulative AE energy relationship.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Spent nuclear fuel still emits radionuclides and high heat that are dangerous to humans. In order to permanently isolate such spent nuclear fuel from human living areas, research is underway to construct a deep disposal system (500 m underground bedrock) consisting of natural and engineering barriers. In this study, plugs, which are engineering barriers consisting of disposal containers, buffer, backfill and plugs were investigated. The plug is one of the engineered barriers made of concrete to block the outflow of radioactive materials and the ingress of organisms, through the tunnel crosssection seals that are eventually discarded. General concrete leachate has a pH of 12.5 or higher and is highly alkaline, which induces dissolution of SiO2 components contained in the buffer and backfill. Dissolved SiO2 causes precipitation and cementation on the surface of the buffer and backfill, reducing performance. Therefore, the use of low-ph concrete is essential for deep, high-level waste disposal sites. Currently, Finland, Sweden, France, Switzerland, etc. have proposed low-ph concrete mix design and performance standards. For example, in Finland, cement, silica fume and fly ash are used as binders and the compressive strength is 50 MPa or more, and the leachate pH is 11 or less. In this research, test specimen fabrication and physical property tests (strength, pH) were performed based on mix design, proposed in Finland, Sweden, France and Switzerland. A cubic (50 mm×50 mm×50 mm) and a cylinder (Ø100 mm×200 mm) specimens were fabricated. Cubic and cylinder were made of mortar and concrete, respectively, depending on whether they included coarse aggregate. General concrete strength shows the characteristic that 70 to 80% of the 28th day of the second order appears on the 14th day of the second order and converges after the 28th day. As a result of mortar strength property evaluation, it increased by 30% from 90th to 28th. pH characterization was evaluated according to the powder dissolution method (ESL method) and leaching method (Leachate, EPA 1315) on cubic (mortar) and cylindrical (concrete) specimens, respectively. Mortar ph was measured at 9.78, a decrease of up to 20% from 90 days to 7 days. The physical property evaluation of concrete is currently underway and shows a trend of increasing strength and decreasing pH according to age. Consequently, we aim to present a low-ph concrete mix design for domestic highlevel radioactive waste disposal sites.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Backfill is one of the main components of engineered barrier in a high-level waste repository. The material selection of the backfill determines the barrier performance of the backfill. Overseas, its related research has been carried out mainly in Sweden, Finland, Canada, and Japan. However, Korea has recently started backfill research, and it is urgent to select a potential material for establishing the concept of backfill material and conducting backfill research. This study reviews NEA report, potential materials for overseas backfill research, advantages and disadvantages of single and mixed backfill materials, cases of license applications in Finland and Sweden for the selection of potential materials for backfill in Korea’s high-level waste repository. The review results indicated that it is reasonable to carry out backfill research according to the following plan: Both single and mixed materials are considered as potential materials for backfill research; experiments and performance studies are conducted with these materials; and, based on the results, a potential material or candidate material for the backfill suitable for the HLW repository in Korea is determined. For this plan, the single material is tentatively selected, as in Sweden, as bentonite with a montmorillonite content of about 40-50%. Then, if the selection criteria for montmorillonite content are determined through experiments and performance studies, we determine the final potential backfill material. As for the mixed backfill material, the bentonite/crushed rock mixture seems to be more advantageous than the bentonite/sand mixture considering the disposing problem of crushed rock generated from tunnel excavation and economic feasibility through its recycling. It is thought that the bentonite used in the bentonite/crushed rock mixture should have a higher montmorillonite content than bentonite used as a single backfill material since the crushed rock acts as an inert material in the mixture. The results of this study can be used as basic data for selecting the backfill material to be applied to the high-level waste repository in Korea, and can be used as a guideline for selecting the potential material required for backfill experiments and performance studies to be carried out in the future.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The analysis of uranium migration is crucial for the accurate safety assessment of high-level radioactive waste (HLW) repository. Previous studies showed that the migration of the uranium can be affected by various physical and chemical processes, such as groundwater flow, heat transfer, sorption/ desorption and, precipitation/dissolution. Therefore, a coupled Thermal-Hydrological-Chemical (THC) model is required to accurately simulate the uranium migration near the HLW repository. In this study, COMSOL-PHREEQC coupled model was used to simulate the uranium migration. In the model, groundwater flow, heat transfer, and non-reactive solute transport were calculated by COMSOL, and geo-chemical reaction was calculated by PHREEQC. Sorption was primarily considered as geo-chemical reaction in the model, using the concept of two-site protolysis nonelctrostatic surface complexation and cation exchange (2 SP NE SC/CE). A modified operator splitting method was used to couple the results of COMSOL and PHREEQC. Three benchmarks were done to assess the accuracy of the model: 1) 1D transport and cation exchange model, 2) cesium transport in the column experiment done by Steefel et al. (2002), and 3) the batch sorption experiment done by Fernandes et al. (2012), and Bradbury and Baeyens (2009). Three benchmark results showed reliable matching with results from the previous studies. After the validation, uranium 1D transport simulation on arbitrary porewater condition was conducted. From the results, the evolution of the uranium front with sequentially saturating sites was observed. Due to the limitation of operator splitting method, time step effect was observed, which caused the uranium to sorbed at further sites then it should. For further study, 3 main tasks were proposed. First, precipitation/ dissolution will be added to the reaction part. Second, multiphase flow will be considered instead of single phase Darcy flow. Last, the effect of redox potential will be considered.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Safety assessment is important for the radioactive waste repositories, and several methods are used to develop scenarios for the management of radioactive waste. The intent of the use of these scenarios is to show how the radio nuclides release can affect the safety of disposal system. It plays an essential role of providing scientific and technical information for performance assessment of safety functions. As important as scenario is, numerous studies for their own scenario development have been conducted in many countries. Scenario development methodology is basically divided into four categories: (1) judgmental, (2) fault/event-tree analysis, (3) simulation, and (4) systematic. Under numerous research, these methods have been developed in ways to strengthen the advantages and make up for the weakness. However, it was hard to find any judgmental or fault/event-tree analysis approach in recent safety assessments since they are not well-systemized and difficult to cover all scenarios. Simulation and systematic approaches are used broadly for their convenience of analyzing needed scenarios. Furthermore, several new methodologies, Process Influence Diagram (PID)/Rock Engineering System (RES)/Hybrid, were developed to reinforce the systematic approach in recent studies. Currently, a government project related to the disposal of spent nuclear fuel is in progress in Korea, and the scenario development for safety case is one of the important tasks. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the characteristics and strengths and weaknesses of the latest scenario development and analysis methods to create a unique methodology for Korea. In this paper, the existing methodologies and cases will be introduced, and the considerations for future scenario development will be summarized by considering those used in the nuclear field other than repository issues. Systematic approach, which is the mostly commonly used method, will be introduced in detail with its use in other countries at the subsequent companion paper entitled ‘Case Study for a Disposal Facility for the Spent Nuclear Fuel’.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In Korea, research on the development of safety case, including the safety assessment of disposal facility for the spent nuclear fuel, is being conducted for long-term management planning. The safety assessment procedure on disposal facility for the spent nuclear fuel heavily involves creating scenarios in which radioactive materials from the repository reach the human biosphere by combining Features, Events and Processes (FEP) that describe processes or events occurring around the disposal area. Meanwhile, the general guidelines provided by the IAEA or top-tier regulatory requirements addressed by each country do not mention detailed methods of ‘how to develop scenarios by combining individual FEPs’. For this reason, the overall frameworks of developing scenarios are almost similar, but their details are quite different depending on situation. Therefore, in order to follow up and clearly analyze the methods of how to develop scenarios, it is necessary to understand and compare case studies performed by each institution. In the previous companion paper entitled ‘Research Status and Trends’, the characteristics and advantages/disadvantages of representative scenario development methods were described. In this paper, which is a next series of the companion papers, we investigate and review with a focus on details of scenario development methods officially documented. In particular, we summarize some cases for the most commonly utilized methods, which are categorized as the ‘systematic method’, and this method is addressed by Process Influence Diagram (PID) and Rock Engineering System (RES). The lessons-learned and insight of these approaches can be used to develop the scenarios for enhanced Korean disposal facility for the spent nuclear fuel in the future.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Spent nuclear fuel (SNF) is the main source of high-level radioactive wastes (HLWs), which contains approximately 96% of uranium (U). For the safe disposal of the HLWs, the SNF is packed in canisters of cast iron and copper, and then is emplaced within 500 m of host rock surrounded by compacted bentonite clay buffer for at least 100,000 years. However, in case of the failure of the multi-barrier disposal system, U might be migrated through the rock fractures and groundwater, eventually, it could reach to the biosphere. Since the dissolved U interacts with indigenous bacteria under natural and engineered environments over the long storage periods of geologic disposal, it is important to understand the characteristics of U-microbe interactions under the geochemical conditions. In particular, a few of bacteria, i.e., sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), are able to reduce soluble U(VI) into insoluble U(IV) under anaerobic conditions by using their metabolisms, resulting in the immobilization of U. In this study, the aqueous U(VI) removal performance and change in bacterial community in response to the indigenous bacteria were investigated to understand the interactions of U-microbe under anaerobic conditions. Three different indigenous bacteria obtained from different depths of granitic groundwater (S1: 44–60 m, S2: 92–116 m, and S3: 234–244 m) were used for the reduction of U(VI)aq. After the anaerobic reaction of 24 weeks, the changes in bacterial community structure in response to the seeding indigenous bacteria were observed by high-throughput 16S rDNA gene sequencing analysis. The highest uranium removal efficiency of 57.8% was obtained in S3 sample, and followed by S2 (43.1%) and S1 (37.7%). Interestingly, SRB capable of reducing U(VI) greatly increased from 4.8% to 44.1% in S3 sample. Among the SRB identified, Thermodesulfovibrio yellowstonii played a key role on the removal of U(VI)aq. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis showed that the dspacing of precipitates observed in this study was identical with that of uraninite (UO2). This study presents the potential of U(VI)aq removal by indigenous bacteria under deep geological environment.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The structural integrity of concrete silos is important from the perspective of long-term operation of radioactive waste repository. Recently, the application of acoustic emission (AE) is considered as a promising technology for the systematic real-time health monitoring of concrete-like brittle material. In this study, the characteristics of AE wave propagation through concrete silo of Gyeongju radioactive waste repository were evaluated under the effects of groundwater and temperature for the quantitative damage assessment. The attenuation coefficients and absolute energies of AE waves were measured for the temperature cases of 15, 45, 75°C under dry and saturated concrete specimens, which were manufactured based on the concrete mix same as that of Gyeongju concrete silo. The geometric spreading and material loss were taken into account with regard to the wave attenuation coefficient. The attenuation coefficient shows a decreasing pattern with temperature rise for both dry and saturated specimens. The AE waves in saturated condition attenuate faster than those in dry condition. It is found that the effect of water content has a greater impact on the wave attenuation than the temperature. The results from this study will be used as valuable information for estimating the quantitative damage at the location micro-cracks are generated rather than the AE sensor location.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Low and intermediate radioactive wastes in South Korea have been disposed in Wolsong Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Center (WLDC), Gyeongju. This repository structure is planned to be operated few hundred years while toxicity of the waste is sufficiently decayed. The structural integrity of the repository is required to protect the waste in safe. The integrity of the structure is commonly estimated using acoustic emission (AE) method. The integrity of the structure using AE is obtained by following process: 1) Estimation of maximum acoustic crack energy of the structure, 2) Acoustic signal measurement and filtering, and 3) Measurement of simultaneous acoustic cracking energy. The damage of the structure can be obtained from cumulative cracking energy from the structure divided by the predicted maximum cracking energy of the structure. Estimation of maximum cracking energy is gained by the specimens whose components are identical to the repository structure. The cracking energy of the different specimens are obtained during uniaxial compressive test and volume of the specimen is calculated. Then, the fractal coefficient for the structure is obtained and the maximum crack energy of the target structure can be calculated. The specimens whose diameters vary from 50 mm to 150 mm and heights are twice of the diameter are made with same recipe of WLDC silo concrete. The uniaxial compression test is conducted with loading rate of 0.1 mm·min−1. The fractal coefficient is obtained by least square method from the volume-cumulative energy relationship.
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