
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,092

        2003.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This present study suggests a wider view of our ancestors' food culture by examining the generality and peculiarity of the food culture of the Chosun Period by associating the culture with genre paintings made in the 18th~19th century in Korea. People in the Chosun Period outwardly advocated the Confucian idea reflecting the life philosophy of Chinese. However, the vitality of common people's frank and simple lifestyles saturate genre paintings and display Korean food culture and sentiments of the age. Initially this paper examines the history of food sociology through Namjong literary artists' paintings. The meaning and philosophy of drinks are considered in relation to the trend of declining tea culture among scholars in the mid-Chosun Period with the policy of promoting Confucianism and oppressing Buddhism. Secondly, this paper investigates the background of genre paintings in the late Chosun Period, and examines the unique food culture of Koreans appearing in paintings, particularly with regard to the abundance and variety of seasoned vegetables appearing in genre paintings, our ancestors' sentiment appearing in milk-gathering painting, humanity in guest reception, food culture and view of nature in farm villages, fishing life history, food distribution culture, soybean-curd culture, etc.
        2003.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Bisphenol A (4,4'-isopropylidenediphenol, C15H16O2) is the monomer used in the manufacture of polycarbonate. Polycarbonate, in turn, is used in a wide array of plastic products, with new applications continuously being developed. Also it has be
        2003.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The basic objective of helioseismology is to determine the structure and the dynamics of the Sun by analysing the frequency spectrum of the solar oscillations. Accurate frequency measurements provide information that enables us to probe the solar interior structure and the dynamics. Therefore the frequency of the solar oscillation is the most fundamental and important information to be extracted from the solar oscillation observation. This is why many efforts have been put into the development of accurate data analysis techniques, as well as observational efforts. To test one's data analysis method, a realistic artificial data set is essential because the newly suggested method is calibrated with a set of artificial data with predetermined parameters. Therefore, unless test data sets reflect the real solar oscillation data correctly, such a calibration is likely incomplete and a unwanted systematic bias may result in. Unfortunately, however, commonly used artificial data generation algorithms insufficiently accommodate physical properties of the stochastic excitation mechanism. One of reason for this is that it is computaionally very expensive to solve the governing equation directly. In this paper we discuss the nature of solar oscillation excitation and suggest an efficient algorithm to generate the artificial solar oscillation data. We also briefly discuss how the results of this work can be applied in the future studies.
        2003.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        정확한 라스트를 제작하기 위하여, 시간대별 발의 변형을 고려한 데이터가 필요하다. 발은 개인의 특성에 따라 차이가 있으나, 정확한 라스트 개발을 위해 체중이 부하되지 않은 상태와 체중을 부하하고 양측 발로 체중을 지지하고 있을 때 발을 측정함으로 발과 기간 대에 따른 관계를 도출해내야 한다. 이 연구는 발길이(foot length), 볼너비(ball width), 볼둘레(ball girth) 뿐만 아니라 발등둘레(foot-dorsum girth), 종골하 지방패드의 너비(heel-pad width) 및 높이(heel-pad height) 등을 측정, 분석하여 기능성 라스트 제작을 위한 기반을 제공한다.
        2003.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Normal development of human fetal teeth during prenatal period play an important role in analyzing abnormal teeth formation and examining pathologic approach to abnormal teeth formation. The purposes of this study were to describe the normal development of dental hard tissues in fetal teeth compared to abnormal teeth formation through review and literature. We will apply these study to examine the pathologic alterations of human teeth in the future.
        2003.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The primary growth center (MdPGC) of human fetal mandible was conspicuously distinguished in the soft X-ray view of fetal mandibles.1) As the peripheral adaptive growth of mandible advanced during the postnatal period, the MdPGC became overshadowed by condensed cortical bone. However, in the well-processed radiograms of adult mandible a condensed radiopaque image, measuring 0.5-1.0 cm in diameter, can be observed below the apex of first premolar. In this study we aimed to trace a sclerotic sequela of mandibular primary growth center during postnatal period. Panoramic radiograms of two hundreds adults and soft X-ray views of thirty dry mandible were analyzed by statistical methods. The adult MdPGC was clearly distinguishable from the mental foramen. The area of MdPGC was seldom changed in the older persons, even in the edentulous mandibles. Additionally, the benign lesions of odontogenic cysts and tumors hardly destroyed the original structure of MdPGC, while the malignant tumors of squamous cell carcinoma and metastatic cancer rapidly destroyed and resolved the radiopaque area of the MdPGC.
        2003.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 실험은 정식 후 단일처리전 장일처리 기간에 따른 온실재배 스프레이 절화국 Reagan Improved품종의 건물생산과 절화품질에 미치는 영향을 구명하기 위하여 네덜란드 Wageningen 대학의 유리온실 실험포에서 수행하였다. 정식 13-14일전에 피트블록에 삽목한 묘를 단위면적당 64줄기로 2000년 9월 6, 13, 20일에 각각 정식하였고, 2000년 9월 27일 모든 처리구에 단일처리를 실시하였다. 정식에서 최종조사일까지 장일처리 기간 3주 처리구에서는 84일이었고, 2주 처리구에서는 77일, 1주 처리구에서는 70일, 단일처리 후에 최종수확일까지는 63일이 소요되었다. 개화시기는 모든 처리구에서 동일하였다. 3주 장일처리구에서의 주당 꽃송이수는 1주 장일처리구에 비해 2개 더 많았고, 꽃의 생체중 및 건물중은 각각 식물 개체당 4g과 0.4g더 무거웠지만, 각 처리구별 꽃의 품질에는 큰 차이가 없었다. 최종건물생산량 (g.m-2 )은 3주 장일처리구에서 높고, 1주 장일처리구에서 가장 낮게 나타났다. 본 실험에서 단일처리 전 장일기간은 단일처리 후 개화시기에 영향을 주지 않았으며 꽃의 품질면에서도 큰 차이가 없었다. 반면 초장과 생체중은 장일 조건이 길수록 높았게 나타났으며, 누적 건물중도 3주 장일처리구에서 가장 높은 결과를 나타냈다. 장일처리 기간은 꽃 자체의 품질에 영향은 적었지만, 개체 생체중 및 초장에 매우 큰 영향을 미쳤으므로 단일처리전 장일처리 기간은 개체품질 및 연중재배 생산 시스템에서 균일한 품질을 생산하기 위해 장일처리 기간의 조절은 고품질의 국화생산에 중요한 요인으로 생각되었다.
        2003.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        고구마를 가해하는 됫날개흰밤나방(Aedia leucomelas)의 형태적 특징과 온도에 따른 발육특성 그리고 발생소장 및 고구마 가해양상을 1999부터 2000년까지 실내와 고구마포장에서 조사하였다. 성충은 흑갈색으로 체장은 암컷이 20.2mm,수컷이 18.9mm이었고, 날개 편 길이는 각각 33.7mm, 29.4mm이었다. 난은 납작한 원형이며, 유충은 엷은 황녹색-짙은 회색으로 체장은 3.3-53.5 mm이고, 번데기는 진한 갈색으로 체장은 15.1 mm이었다. 난부터 우화까지의 평균발육기 간은 15, 20, 25, 3 (605% RH, 16L : 8D)에서 각각 108.5, 70:7, 40.2, 29.1일로 온도가 증가할수록 발육기간이 짧아졌다. 각 태별 발육영점온도와 유효적산온도는 난은 10.7C와 67.5일도, 유충은 11.0C와 275.1일도, 번데기는 9.3C와 244.6일도 이었다. 암컷의 수명은 위 조사온도에서 각각 14.6, 12.8, 11.1, 10.3일이었고, 산란수는 각각 43, 189,244,265개로 성충수명은 고온일수록 짧아졌지만 산란수는 증가하였다. 됫날개흰밤나방 유충은 고구마 포장에서 6월 중순부터 10월까지 발생되었는데 9월 상-중순에 발생량이 가장 많았다. 유충의 섭식량은 20-에서 가장 많았고, 25C에서 1령, 2령, 3령, 4령, 5령 유충의 1일 섭식량은 각각 0.4, 3.6, 19.6, 40.7, 78.9 였다.
        2003.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objects of this study are to find out (1) real situation of the food supply in prison under Imperial Government of Japan more cleary (historical meaning) and (2) which might help in understanding wrong present food consumption patterns in Korea which causes environmental as well as health problems. It is generally known that the length of the Japanese occupation for Korea is 36 years. However, it is concluded in this study that it was longer (70 years ; from 1875 to 1945 from when Japanese Army attacked and occupied Yungjongdo and Kanghwado island to e time when they were defeated on World War II.) Korea was annexed by Japan in 1910 then the Imperial Government of Japan dismissed the Korea Army, controlled the Office of Justice and the management of prison by force. Since then about 50% of all land was fell into Japanese Government ownership and 80% of Korean farmers became as tenant. After this change, Korea farmers were forced to pay extremely high rent (up to 80% of its harvest). Forced immigration, low price procurement of grain by Japanese government up to more than 30%of their production, was practiced. Accordingly, the food situation of Korean farmers became miserable, which may caused more violations of Imperial Japanese Law. Malnutrition, epidemic diseases, mortality rate of infants soared and average life expectancy shortened to 20-30 years old. This was the period of World Economic Crises and Food Crises in Japan. It was said then that if one Japanese comes to Korea then 200 Koreans will starved to death. Meanwhile, Proconsul Bureau of Chosun requested to the Department of Medicine, the Imperial University of Kyungsung to survey food supply situation of Koreans in prison throughout Korea. Objectives of the survey then was not only to find out scientifically whether it is agreeable in maintaining prisoner's health and also find out the possibility to save food during food crisis. Survey was started from 1923 and ended in 1945, and it focussed on prisoners in the Seodaemoon Prison. This report is the outcome of the first survey. They concluded that the food supplied was nutritionally (had) no problem, in compare with those of workers in the factory, students in the dormitory in Japan and with those of prisoners in Taiwan, France and Germany. Amount of grain supplied were different according to their work lord and was divided into 9 different levels. Total grain was consisted of 50% millet, 30% soybean and 20% indica rice(variety). However, there were no difference in the amount of supply of side dishes between work groups. For the highest working group, 3280g of boiled grain per day was supplied to make stomach full but as a side dishes, salty fermented bean paste, fermented fish and salty soups, etc. was supplied. Deficiency of animal protein were observed, however, high intake of soybean may possibly caused animal protein deficiency problem. On the contrary, the intake of water soluble vitamins were insufficient but the level of calcium and iron intake seems to be sufficient, however, imbalance of intake of nutrition may caused low absorbtion rate which might caused malnutrition. High intake of dietary fiber and low intake of cholesterol may possibly prohibited them from so called modem disease but may caused the defect in disease resistancy againist epidemics and other traditional disease. Over intake of salt(20-30g per day) was observed. Surveyors who attended in this survey, mentioned that the amount of food intake may nutritionally be sufficient enough but the quality of food(and possibly, the taste of food) were like that of animal feed. For the officials who received this report might consider that considering the war situation and food crisis, the supply situation of food in the prison may considered to be good enough(because they are not starving). But as a Korean who studied this report, one feel extremely pity about those situation because (situation of) those period were very harsh under the Imperi..
        2002.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 실험은 정식 후 단일처리전 장일처리 기간에 따른 온실재배 스프레이 절화국 (cv. Reagan Improved)의 생육 및 건물생산에 미치는 영향을 구명하기 위하여 네덜란드 Wageningen 대학의 유리온실 실험포에서 수행하였다. 정식에서 개화기까지 3주 장일처리구에서는 84일이었고, 2주 처리구에서는 77일, 1주 처리구에서는 70일,단일처리 후에 최종수확일까지는 63일이 소요되었다. 정식 후 초장 생장량은 3주 장일처리구에서 가장 높았고, 1주 장일처리구에서 가장 낮았다. 또한 정식 후 최종 엽수, 엽면적 확보량 및 엽생체중과 총식물생체중은 3주 장일처리구에서 높고, 1주 장일처리구에서 낮은 결과를 나타내었다. 반면.단일처리 후 절대생장율에 있어서 엽전개속도와 초장생장속도는 모든 처리구에서 동일한 반응을 보였다. 최종건물생산량 (g.m-2 )은 3주 장일처리구에서 높고, 1주 장일처리구에서 가장 낮게 나타났다. 초장과 생체중은 장일 조건이 길수록 높게 나타났으며,누적 건물중도 3주 장일처리구에서 가장 높은 결과를 나타냈다.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper examines the effects on mental task of changes in the intensity of physical activity. A treadmill-equipped instrument and perception tester were used to attain several levels of physical activity. In this paper, in order to determine the indivi
        2002.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2002.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is focused on the calculation for optimum period for environmental logistics system to replace old truck. Companies throughout the world have recognized the importance of environmentalism and the role of logistics in structuring a corporate response to environmental issues like recycling, waste disposal, pollution, and many others. Reverse logistics, the term often used to represent the role of logistics in environmentalism, is gaining acceptance by firms.