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        검색결과 237

        2013.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 국내외에서 육성 및 수집된 장미품종에 대하여 SSR 마커를 이용하여 품종식별 연구를 수행하였다. 장미 품종식별에 적합한 SSR 마커를 선정하기 위하여 112개의 SSR 마커를 12개의 주요품종을 대상으로 분석하였다. 최종 선발된 22개의 SSR 마커를 대상으로 69품종을 이용하여 분석하였을 때 대립유전자의 수는 2~10개의 분포를 나타내었으며 총 114개의 대립유전자가 분석되었다. PIC 값은 0.211~ 0.813의 범위에 속하였으며 평균값은 0.621로 나타났다. SSR 마커를 이용하여 작성된 장미 69품종의 품종간 유전적 거리는 0.41~0.87의 범위로 나타났고, 공시 품종 모두 SSR 마커의 유전자형에 의해 구분되었다. 본 연구결과는 장미 품종의 식별과 유전적 다양성 연구를 위한 기초 자료로 유용하게 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Molecular genetic markers have been widely used as powerful tools for analyzing the genome. In particular, SSR markers have practical applications in breeding systems because they can be used in high-throughput analyses for genetic mapping, heritable diversity testing, purity analysis, and marker-assisted selection. Currently, due to technical advances in DNA sequencing, large sequence databases are available for large-scale SSR mining and marker development. Here, we describe an automated method, the SSR Finder program, for SSR discovery in the onion sequence database, and primer design for amplifying the detected SSRs. A total of 1,049 SSR primers were obtained for genetic purity testing, and 100 SSR sets were analyzed in 14 bulb onion breeding lines using clustering analysis. A total of 20 selected markers from screening of all 1,049 SSR primers, were finally applied for genetic purity testing in three breeding lines, NW1, NW9, and NW10. The initial tests showed that 15%, 71%, and 97% of individuals within NW1, NW9, and NW10, respectively, were genetically homogeneous. These markers produced using the SSR Finder will be useful for investigating the genetic purity of onion breeding lines.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 총 50개의 SSR primer를 이용하여 색소옥수수(색소종실 옥수수 12계통, 색소찰 옥수수 12계통) 및 비색소옥수수(종실옥수수 2계통, 찰옥수수 5계통) 계통들에 대하여 유전적 다양성, 계통유연관계 및 집단구조를 분석하였다.1. 그 결과 50 개의 SSR primer들은 색소 및 비색소옥수수 31계통들에서 총 282개의 대립단편을 증폭시켰으며, SSR primer들에서 증폭된 대립단편의 수는 최소 2개에서부터 최대 11개까지의 범위로 나타나 평균 5.64개가 증폭되었다. MAF(major allele frequency)는 0.23(bnlg279)에서 0.90(umc2338)의 범위로 나타나, SSR primer 당 평균 0.45개로 나타났고, 유전적 다양성(GD)값은 0.17(umc2338)에서 0.86(bnlg279)의 범위로 나타나, SSR primer 당 평균 0.67의 값을 나타내었다. 2. 31개의 색소 및 비색소옥수수 계통들의 집단구조를 분석한 결과, 이들 옥수수 계통들은 Groups I, II, III, IV, V, admixed로 구분되었다. Group I은 찰옥수수 1계통, 색소종실옥수수 1계통, 색소찰옥수수 5계통이 포함되었고, Group II는 찰옥수수 1계통, 색소찰옥수수 3계통이, Group III는 색소종실옥수수 3계통, Group IV는 색소종실옥수수 2계통이, Group V는 종실옥수수 2계통, 찰옥수수 2계통, 색소종실옥수수 5계통이 포함되어 있었다. 그리고 admixed group에는 찰옥수수 1계통, 색소종실옥수수 1계통, 색소찰옥수수 4계통 이 포함되어 있었다.3. UPGMA법에 의한 계통유연관계 분석 결과, 31개의 색소 및 비색소옥수수 계통들은 유전적 유사성 27.4%의 수준에서 크게 3개의 그룹으로 나누어졌다. Group I은 10개의 옥수수 계통(종실옥수수 2계통, 찰옥수수 2계통, 색소종실옥수수 6계통)을 포함하고 있었고, Group II는 20개의 옥수수 계통(찰옥수수 3계통, 색소종실옥수수 5계통, 색소찰옥수수 12계통)을, 그리고 Group III은 색소종실옥수수 1계통을 포함하고 있었다. 따라서 본 연구의 결과는 앞으로 강원도 농업기술원 옥수수시험장에서 색소옥수수 자식계통들에 대한 선발과 품종 육성 연구에 유용한 정보를 제공할 것으로 생각된다.
        2012.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, Expressed Sequence Tag-Simple Sequence Repeat (EST-SSR) analyses were used to clarify the genetic polymorphisms among Korean ginseng cultivars and breeding lines and to classify them into distinct genetic groups. Polymorphic and reproducible bands were produced by 14 primers out of total 30 primers used in this study. Fourteen EST-SSR loci generated a total of 123 bands. Amplified PCR products showed the highly reproducible banding patterns at 110~920 bp. The number of amplified bands for each EST-SSR primers ranged from 2 to 19 with a mean of 8.8 bands. P26 and P35 primers showed 13 and 12 banding patterns, respectively. The number of alleles for each EST-SSR locus ranged from 1.67 to 2.00 with a mean of 1.878 alleles. P34 and P60 primers showed the highest and the lowest genetic polymorphism, respectively. Cluster analysis based on genetic similarity estimated by EST-SSR markers classified Korean cultivars and breeding lines into 4 groups. Group included Gopoong and Chunpoong and 9 breeding lines (55%), group included 2 breeding lines (10%), group included 3 breeding lines (15%), group included Gumpoong and 3 breeding lines (20%). Consequently, the EST-SSR marker developed in this study may prove useful for the evaluation of genetic diversity and differentiation of Korean ginseng cultivars and breeding lines.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        최근 옥수수는 식량작물의 역할과 더불어 간식용, 사료용, 공업원료 등의 다양한 용도로 이용되고 있다. 현재 강원도 농업기술원 옥수수시험장에서는 천연색소 원료로 이용될 수 있고, 항암, 항산화, 항당뇨에 효과가 있다고 알려진 안토시아닌 색소를 함유한 기능성 색소옥수수자식계통들을 육성하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 강원도 농업기술원 옥수수시험장에서 육성한 색소옥수수 24계통(색소포엽 옥수수 9계통, 색소종실 옥수수 3계통, 색소찰 옥수수 12계통)들과 종실옥수수 2 계통, 찰옥수수 5 계통들에 대하여 분자생물학적 분석법인 SSR 분자마커를 이용하여 색소옥수수 자식계통들에서 특이적으로 나타나는 분자마커를 찾기 위하여 유전적 다양성, 계통유연관계 및 집단구조를 분석하였다. 그 결과 분석에 이용된 50개의 SSR primer들은 31개의 옥수수 자식계통들에서 총 282개의 대립단편을 나타내었으며, 각 SSR primer 당 증폭된 대립단편의 수는 2개(umc2338)에서 11개(bnlg279)의 범위로 나타나, 평균 대립단편 수는 5.64개였다. 이들 집단들에서 측정된 Gene diversity 값은 전체 50개의 SSR 마커들에서 0.17(umc2338)∼0.86(bnlg279)의 범위로 나타나 평균 0.67의 값을 보였으며, PIC 값은 0.16(umc2338)∼0.84(bnlg279)의 범위로 나타나 평균 0.62의 값을 보였다. 본 연구에서 색소옥수수 계통 중 색소포엽 옥수수와 색소알곡 옥수수에 특이적으로 나타나는 대립단편을 분석한 결과, 총 100개의 특이적 대립단편을 확인하였다. 이들 100개 대립단편 중에서, 색소포엽 옥수수 자식계통들에서 특이적으로 나타나는 대립단편은 55개로 확인되었고, 색소알곡 옥수수 자식계통들에서 특이적으로 나타나는 대립단편은 45개로 확인되었다. 집단구조 분석 결과에 의하면, 31개의 옥수수 자식계통들은 membership probability threshold 0.8을 기준으로, Groups I, II, III, IV, V 그리고 admixed group으로 나누어 졌다. 그리고 UPGMA 법에 의한 계통유연관계 분석에서 31개의 옥수수 자식계통들은 유전적 유사성 27.4% 수준에서 크게 3개의 그룹으로 분리되었다. 첫 번째 그룹은 10개의 옥수수 자식계통(종실옥수수 2 계통, 찰옥수수 2 계통, 색소옥수수 6계통)들로 구성되었고, 두 번째 그룹은 20개의 계통(찰옥수수 3 계통, 색소옥수수 5계통, 색소찰옥수수 12계통)들로 구성되어 있었으며, 세 번째 그룹은 색소옥수수 1 계통으로 구성되어 있었다. 본 연구의 결과는 색소 옥수수 자식계통들에 대한 유전적 변이성 및 계통유연관계 그리고 집단구조를 밝힘으로써 앞으로 색소용 종실 및 찰옥수수 그리고 색소용 포엽 옥수수의 신품종을 개발하기 위한 육종연구에 유용한 정보를 제공할 것으로 기대된다.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Rice(Oryza sativa L.) feeds more than 50% of the world’s population and is one of the most important crops in the world. To evaluate the variation between different rice classfications, genetic diversity amoung a diverse set of rice collection including 59 breedlines, 23 landraces, 18 weedy rices and 35 introductions were analysed using 134 SSR markers located on the 12 chromosomes. In total, 1269 alleles were identified with an average of 9.47 per locus. Of the 1269 alleles, 460 (36.2%) were common, with a frequency of 0.05–0.5; 741 (58.4%) were rare (frequency < 0.05) and 68 (5.4%) were abundant (frequency > 0.5). A relatively high Polymophism information content (PIC) value was detected in landraces with smaller number of accessions than that of breedlines. Model-based structure analysis revealed the presence of six subpopulations, which was essentially consistent with the clustering based on genetic distance. One hundred and eight accessions (80.0%) showed a clear relation to each cluster based on their inferred ancestry value (>70%), while the remaining 27 accessions (15.4%) of which nine from landraces and fifteen from introductions were categorized as admixtures. Landrace and introductions distributed to almost all the six subpopulations whereas most of breedlines distributed to two distinct subpopulations. In conculusion, landraces in the present study showed critical importance in preservation of genetic diversity and rice breeding programs.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Miscanthus is one of the important crops for bioenergy feedstock. Applicable molecular makers would be useful for development of valuable cultivar with enhanced biomass. Microsatellites as a co-dominant are widely useful for many applications in plant genetics and breeding such as genetic diversity analysis, cultivar identification, and marker-assisted selection. In order to develop novel EST-SSR markers for genetic improvement, we obtained the EST sequence data from the constructed cDNA libraries using a leaf and rhizome organs in the M.sinensis and M.sacchariflorus. SSR motifs were identified by SSR search-module program SciRoKo software. The number of SSR motifs was 1,724 in M.sinensis (leaf: 948, rhizome: 776) and 1,158 in M.sacchariflorus (leaf: 549, rhizome: 609). The most common repeat was tri-nucleotide followed by tetra-, di-, penta-nucleotide. CCG and AGC motifs were detected the most abundant repeat type in tri-nucleotide. We used an ORF Predictor program to screen the SSR location in the genome. The majority of the motifs were located in the ORF regions than the untranslated regions (UTRs). Especially, the tri-nucleotide was localized in the ORF regions, whereas di- and tetra-nucleotide were frequent in UTR regions. Based on SSR-containing sequence of the M.sinensis (leaf), 228 primer pairs were designed using Primer3 program. Randomly selected 20 primer pair was firstly screened using genomic DNA for their effectiveness to amplify SSR fragments of the expected size and to detect allele polymorphism. Fourteen out of total twenty primer pairs (70%) were successfully amplified. The remaining SSRs will be further screened and reported. When confirmed, those SSRs will be used for studying genetic diversity of the collected Miscanthus germplasm.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer, commonly known as Korean or Asian ginseng, is a perennial herb which is native to Korea and China. Its roots are highly prized for several medicinal properties. Therefore, Ginseng has been a top-ranked subject of many fields of scientific research worldwide. However, very limited number of research work has been published on species authentication using DNA marker system. In this study, 22 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were used to analyze the genetic diversity and population structure of 167 ginseng cultivars from 11 regions and 10 breed varieties. A total number of 111 alleles were detected, with an average of 5.05 per locus. The average expected heterozygosity and polymorphism information content (PIC) for SSR locus were 0.35 and 0.30, respectively. The model-based structure analysis revealed that 66.5% of all cultivars could be grouped into three populations with inferred value (allele shared >70%) membership. More than 33% of tested cultivars derived from two ancestries, which was basically consistent with clustering based on genetic distance. Almost all of the cultivars shared the ancestry with S1 and S2 except 1 China Jilin and 3 USA cultivars. The result indicated that most of Korean ginsengs are closely interrelated between the two ancestors but USA ginsengs are totally different from Asian cultivars.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The genus Rubus belongs to the Rosaceae family and is comprised of 600-800 species distributed worldwide. Understanding the genetic relationships and genetic structure in Rubus species is important for enabling efficient management, conservation, characterization and utilization of the species. However, as a minor crop, genetic research foundation was limited to explore genetic diversity and relationships in Rubus species. The present study shows the results of application SSR markers that were developed from SSR-enriched libraries of the one Rubus species (Rubus coreanus Mique.) in our previous study. We used 34 polymorphic microsatellite markers to analysis of genetic diversity within the Rubus species, including redraspberry, blackraspberry, blackberry and mountainberry. All the 34 SSR primers pairs produced 483 polymorphic and reproducible amplification fragments. The largest number of alleles per primer pair was confirmed at GB-RC-167, GB-RC-100, GB-RC-076 and GB-RC-245, which contained 26, 25, 23 and 21, respectively. An average value of polymorphic information contents (PIC) were 0.74 with a range of 0.36 to 0.92. Population structure and phylogenetic analyses showed that all Rubus species formed three largely distinct clusters, which were confirmed by principal coordinate analysis (PCoA). We obtained the results that the developed SSR markers showed a substantial degree of genetic diversity in the various Rubus species distributed in Korea.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to develop expressed sequence tag-Simple sequence repeat (EST-SSR) markers of brown plant hopper resistance gene originated from a rice cultivar ‘Cheongcheong’ and sensitive rice cultivar ‘Nakdong’. Total RNA extracted from the leaves of ‘Cheongcheong’ and ‘Nakdong’ were used to synthesize a cDNA library. As a result of analyzing the cDNA library, EST-SSR sites were found and the EST-SSR primer sets were developed. This study enables to provide effective marker assisted selection (MAS) methods on the selection of white-backed planthopper resistance gene originated from a rice cultivar more simply, quickly and precisely. Furthermore, using this marker’s advantage of deriving from cDNA, it is possible to identity the white-backed planthopper resistance gene.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Most of cultivated chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.) have been found to be polyaneuploid with hexaploid, 2n=6x=54, predominant. Cytological studies has shown that bivalent were normally formed and multivalent were rare during meiosis. These meiotic behavior reflected that the chromosome of chrysanthemum paired with its homologue preferentially and diploid-like inheritance was occurring. However, several genetic researches was in contrast to this hypothesis, based on the results of genetic analysis. Therefore, it is important to determine whether the mode of inheritance in chrysanthemum is disomic (selective pairing) or hexasomic (random pairing). ‘Dancer’ and ‘Puma White’, and their 94 crossing progenies were genotyped using 84 SSR primers. Alleles of each SSR locus were determined by length of PCR product with fluorescently labeled primers using ABI 3730 DNA Analyzer and GeneMapper 3.0 software (Applied Biosystems). A total of 210 types of alleles were detected in 49 SSR loci (4.29 allele types/locus). The observed segregation ratio of these alleles for 94 crossing progenies showed better fits to hexasomic than disomic. Moreover, based on the genotyping results, the genotypes of ‘Dancer’ and ‘Puma White’ were analyzed as BCDEFF and AACEEE in ChSSR-61 locus, respectively. And the genotypes of PD-33 and PD-51 were analyzed as ABDEEF and ABDEEF, respectively. It means that BDF alleles of PD-33 and BEE alleles of PD-51 were given from ‘Dancer’. If the chromosome is paired preferentially, the B allele would pair with C allele, D with E, and F with E at this locus of ‘Dancer’. But it was found PD-75 as AADEEF without B and C alleles. This is a clear evidence that the mode of inheritance in chrysanthemum is not disomic but hexasomic.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The amount of genetic variability of a species is essential for its survival and adaptation in different environments, and studies of genetic diversity using molecular markers are necessary to understand the genetic structure of a population and to orientate effective strategies of germplasm conservation. The aim of current study was to determine the SSR markers that can be used rapidly and reliably to evaluated the pepper of Bulgaria landraces, and applied the markers to assement of introduce genetic diversity of the pepper germplasm. We used 22 polymorphic microsatellite markers to analysis of genetic diversity within 61 pepper collection of Bulgaria landraces germplasm, all SSR primers pairs produced 80 polymorphic and reproducible amplification fragments. An average value of polymorphic information contents (PIC) were 0.334 with a range of 0.061 to 0.63. The mean values of observed (HO) and expected heterozygosity (HE) were 0.383 and 0.154, respectively, indicating a considerable amount of polymorphism within this collection. A genetic distance-based phylogeny grouped into three distinct groups, which was the landrace, moderate and wilde type, genetic distance (GD) value was 0.540. An average day of flowering time was 53 days with a range of 45 to 60 days. The everage od fruit length and width were 9.38cm with a range 2.1 to 23.6cm, and 3.51cm with a range 0.6 to 8.9cm, respectively. Molecular data were complemented with morphological measurements according to the descriptor list for the pepper collection of Bulgaria landraces germplasm.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, 18 simple sequence repeat (SSR) primer sets were used to analyze the genetic diversity, genetic relationships, and population structure among 96 accessions of the two cultivated types of Perilla crop and their weedy types in East and Southeast Asia. A total of 168 alleles were identified at all the loci with an average of 9.3 and a range between 3 and 18 alleles per locus. Of the 168 alleles, 21 alleles (12.5%) were private, 67 alleles (39.9%) were rare (frequency < 0.05), 96 alleles (57.1%) were detected at an intermediate frequency (range, 0.05 - 0.50), and five alleles (3.0%) were abundant (frequency > 0.50), respectively. The gene diversity values varied from 0.443 to 0.898 with an average of 0.749. The PIC values varied from 0.397 to 0.890 with an average of 0.721. The gene diversity of each locus for accessions of cultivated var. frutescens, weedy var. frutescens, cultivated var. crispa, and weedy var. crispa were respectively showed 0.662, 0.744, 0.540, and 0.584. On the analysis of population structure using software program STRUCTURE 2.2, the 96 Perilla accessions were divided into Groups I, II, and admixed group. The phylogenetic tree revealed that the 96 accessions cluster into three major groups. No clear geographic structure and also between two cultivated types of Perilla crop and their weedy types were detected. The present study has demonstrated the utility of SSR analysis for the study of genetic diversity, genetic relationships and population structure among 96 accessions of the two cultivated types of Perilla crop and their weedy types in East and Southeast Asia. In our study, SSR markers helped improve our understanding of the genetic diversity, genetic relationships, and population structure of the two cultivated types of P. frutescens and their weedy types in East and Southeast Asia.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Korea signed to the international union for the protection of new varieties of plants (UPOV) 2002, it has been increased that the importance of the rights protection for breeder. National institute of horticultural & herbal science (NIHHS) has been bred using crossing and tissue culture since 1992 and released nineteen new Phalaenopsis varieties from 2002 to 2011. This study was conducted to develop DNA markers for discrimination of the Phalaenopsis varieties bred in NIHHS, Korea. Also the genetic relationships among 14 Phalaenopsis varieties were analyzed using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Fifty five polymorphic bands (4.6 per primer) were generated by polymerase chain reaction with selected 12 primers among 111 primers. The dendrogram was constructed by using the UPGMA clustering algorithm based on genetic similarity. The Similarity values among the breeding Phalaenopsis cultivars ranged from 0.593 to 0.945. Fourteen Phalaenopsis cultivars were classified into three major groups at similarity coefficient value of 0.66. Understanding of the genetic diversity could be useful in Phalaenopsis breeding program. We could discriminate these breeding varieties using SSR 20 and SSR 21. These molecular markers could be utilized as a reliable tool for variety discrimination with morphological characterization in breeding Phalaenopsis.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A set of nine Korean rice germplasm (KRG) along with the six indica lines were screened under irrigated non-stress and drought stress situations at IRRI in dry season (DS) 2011. The experiment received mild to moderate drought stress. Under irrigated situation, among all lines, IRRI119 yielded highest followed by PSBRc80 and PSBRc14. Among nine KRG, Hanareumbyeo yielded highest followed by Gayabyeo. Yield of Hanareumbyeo was similar to high yielding indica lines. Under drought, PSBRc14 provided the highest yield among indica lines and Hanarembyeo provided highest yield among nine KRG. Among nine KRG, Hanarembyeo provided the highest yield both under irrigated non-stress and drought stress situation. Parental polymorphism was performed with 125 SSR markers taking six KRG and three drought tolerant donors and polymorphic markers and japonica lines background specific markers were identified. The polymorphic markers in the region of three QTLs (DTY1.1, DTY2.2, DTY3.1) will be used for foreground genotyping for QTL introgression and background specific markers will be used for background genotyping. Sixteen rice germplasm could be separated into two main groups, japonica and indica groups by cluster analysis. The japonica and indica groups also classified as two subgroups, respectively. Based on results of screening of japonica lines under irrigated non-stress and drought stress situations, two KRG- Hanarembyeo and Jinmibyeo were selected for introgression of three QTLs (DTY1.1, DTY2.2 and DTY3.1) associated with grain yield under drought stress.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        포도 대목 품종 육성 시, 주요 교배친으로 사용되는 대목 품종 29점 및 국내 자생 머루를 포함한 포도 속(Vitis) 야생 유전자원 13점 등 총 42점의 유전적 다양성을 분석하기 위하여 RAPD와 SSR 분석을 수행하였다. Random decamer 30 종을 분석하여 329개의 다형성 밴드(60.3%)를 얻었으며 primer 당 평균 다형성 밴드 수는 11.0개였다. SSR 마커 20종을 이용하여 분석한 결과 263개의 대립인자가 확인되었고, 마커
        2011.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench), one of the minor crops grown in Korea belonging to the Polygonaceae family, is an annual crop widely cultivated in Asia, Europe, and America and has a character of outcrossing and self-incompatibility. The objective of this study was to analyze the genetic variability, phylogenetic relationships and population structure of buckwheat landraces of Korea using SSR markers. Ten microsatellite markers have been detected from a total of 79 alleles among the 179 buckwheat accessions were collected from Korea. The number of allele per marker locus (NA) ranged from 2 (GB-FE-001, GB-FE-043 and GB-FE-055) to 31 (GB-FE-035) with an average of 7.9 alleles. GB-FE-035 was the most polymorphic with the highest PIC value 0.93. Major allele frequencies (MAF) for the 10 polymorphic loci varied from 0.12 to 0.97 with a mean allele frequency of 0.57. The expected heterozygosity (HE) values ranged from 0.05 to 0.94 with an average of 0.53. The observed heterozygosity (HO) ranged from 0.06 to 0.92 with an average of 0.42. The overall polymorphic information contents (PIC) values ranged from 0.05 to 0.93 with an average of 0.48. The landrace accessions of buckwheat used in the present study were not distinctly grouped according to geographic distribution. The study concludes that the results revealed genetic differentiation was low according to the geographic region because of outcrossing and self-incompatibility. We reported that our analyses on the genetic diversity of common buckwheat cultivars of Korea were performed by using of microsatellite markers.
        2011.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 총 50개의 SSR 마커를 이용하여, 찰옥수수 및 종실용 옥수수 핵심집단(찰옥수수 40계통, 종실용 옥수수 40계통)의 자식계통들의 유전적 다양성, 집단구조 및 계통유연관계를 분석하였다. 1. 그 결과 65bp에서 225bp 크기의 범위로 총 242개의 대립단편들을 증폭시켰다. SSR primer들에서 증폭된 대립단편의 수는 최소 2개에서부터 최대 9개까지의 범위로 나타났고, 평균 4.84개가 증폭되었다. 그리고 GD값은 0.420에서 0.8
        2011.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to investigate the genetic diversity and to develop a technique for cultivar identification using SSR markers in grapevine. Thirty Korean bred and introduced grapevine cultivars were evaluated by 28 SSR markers. A total of 143 alleles were produced ranging from 2 to 8 alleles with an average of 5.1 alleles per locus. Polymorphic information contents (PIC) were ranged from 0.666 (VVIp02) to 0.975 (VVIn33 and VVIn62) with an average of 0.882. UPGMA (unweighted pair-group method arithmetic average) clustering analysis based on genetic distances using 143 alleles classified 30 grapevine cultivars into 7 clusters by similarity index of 0.685. Similarity values among the tested grapevine cultivars ranged from 0.575 to 1.00, and the average similarity value was 0.661. The similarity index was the highest (1.00) between 'Jinok' and 'Campbell Early', and the lowest (0.575) between 'Alden' and 'Narsha'. The genetic relationships among the 30 studied grapevine cultivars were basically consistent with the known pedigree. The three SSR markers sets (VVIn61, VVIt60, and VVIu20) selected from 28 primers were differentiated all grapevine cultivars except for 'Jinok' and 'Campbell Early'. Five cultivars ('Narsha, 'Alden', 'Dutchess', 'Pione', and 'Muscat Hamburg') were identified by VVIn61 at the first step. Then 21 cultivars including 'Hongsodam' by VVIt60 at the second step and 2 cultivars ('Heukbosuck' and 'Suok') by VVIu20 at the third step were identified. These markers could be used as a reliable tool for the identification of Korean grapevine cultivars.