
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,769

        2022.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 인공지능과 블록체인 기반 사회 복지 서비스 사례 연구에 관련된 논문으로 국내외 다양한 ICT 융복합 복지 서비스에 대해 살펴보았다. 의료 분야에 적용되고 있는 AI 기술을 의료이미지 분석, 심장초음파, 뇌신경 분야, 디지털병리 분야 등으로 구분하여 살펴보고 각 사례 별로 적용된 기계학습 및 딥러닝 방법론에 대해 서술하였다. 국내 외 공공 의료 복지 분야에 적용되고 있는 블록체인 기술의 다 양한 사례를 살펴본다. 미국에서 시행 중인 블록체인 기반 출생증명, 에스토니아의 블록체인 기반 건강 기록 암호화 기술 및 복지 서비스 등에 대해 살펴본다. 마지막으로 다양한 ICT 기술이 접목된 미래 사회 복지 서비스의 발전 방향에 대해 고찰하고 기술적 한계점과 사회적 합의가 필요한 부분에 대해 고민해 본다.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 지방도시재생 리빙랩을 위한 종합적이고 체계적인 평가지표를 마련하는 것이다. 특히 이 연구는 지방소멸의 전형적인 사례인 전주 물왕멀을 중심으로 이루어졌다. 전주의 도시재생 리빙랩인 물왕멀공동체의 이해관계자들을 대상으로 조사를 실시한 결과, 여러 평가 지표 중 특히 민주성에서도 주민의 참여비중과 주민 누구나 참여가능한지의 여부를 매우 중요하게 인식했다. 이는 향후 사업책임자의 선정 시 중요하게 평가되고 고려되어야 할 지표를 시사해 준다. 종합하면, 지방도시재생 리빙랩의 성패는 주요 이해관계자인 주민의 참여에 달려있다. 특히 노령인구의 비율이 높은 지방 축소도시의 특성상, 고령자의 눈높이에 적합한 사업을 선정하고 집행하는 한편 높은 전문성을 가진 사업책임자를 배치하여 진입장벽을 낮추는 데 세심하게 주의를 기울임으로써 주민의 참여욕구를 충족하는 것이 중요하다.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        해양환경의 위험유해물질 배출규제는 주로 선박이나 해양시설 등으로부터의 오염규제에 한정되어 있기 때문에, 해안 인접 산업 시설들의 위험유해물질 배출 허용기준 및 배출 지침 수립 등의 해양배출제도의 수립 필요성이 제기되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 해양산업시 설의 위험유해물질 배출 허용기준 및 배출 지침 정보를 자세히 제공하고 있는 미국 환경보호청(US EPA)의 자료를 중심으로 허용기준 및 배출 지침 수립 등 배출 제도 체계를 소개하고 향후 국내 배출지침 적용에 대해 고찰했다.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Safety has once again emerged as a social issue due to the enforcement of the Serious Disasters Punishment Act and the occurrence of major disasters recently. As such, the safety culture related to unsafe human behavior is drawing attention as various discussions about the importance of safety and accident prevention are currently being undertaken. This study aims to determine whether changes in the level of safety culture in companies affect the accident rate. To this end, we targeted three workplaces in the same company in the domestic manufacturing industry, and 2,790 people were surveyed using DNV's Safety Will(ISRS-C version 4.0) for safety culture level diagnosis. The change in safety culture level and accident rate were compared and analyzed after carrying out safety culture level improvement activities for 5 years. As a result, the level of safety culture increased by 5.8 points, an overall improvement of 9.5%, while the total number of accidents decreased by 20%, from 5 to 4, indicating a general decreasing trend in accident occurrence. Results confirmed that the change in the level of safety culture affects the accident rate, and the improvement in the level of safety culture affects a reduction in accidents. Therefore, this study suggests that efforts to improve the level of safety culture within a company can be associated with accident reduction and accident prevention outcomes.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As the uncertainty of technology development and market needs increases due to changes in the global business environment, the interest and demand for R&D activities of individual companies are increasing. To respond to these environmental changes, technology commercialization players are paying great attention to enhancing the qualitative competitiveness of R&D. In particular, R&D companies in the marine and fishery sector face many difficulties compared to other industries. For example, the R&D environment is barren, it is challenging to secure R&D human resources, and it is facing a somewhat more difficult environment compared to other sectors, such as the difficulty in maintaining R&D continuity due to the turnover rate of researchers. In this study, based on the empirical data and patent status of private companies closely related to the R&D technology status, big data analysis, and simulation analysis methods were used to identify the relative position of individual companies' R&D capabilities and industrial perspectives. In this study, based on industrial evidence and patent applications closely related to the R&D technology status, the R&D capabilities of individual companies were evaluated using extensive data analysis and simulation analysis methods, and a statistical test was performed to analyze if there were differences in capabilities from an industrial point of view. At this time, the industries to be analyzed were based on all sectors, the maritime industry, the fisheries industry, and the maritime industry integration sector. In conclusion, it was analyzed that there was a certain level of difference in the R&D capabilities of individual companies in each industry sector, Therefore when developing a future R&D capability system, it was confirmed that it was necessary to separate the population for each industry and establish a strategy.
        2022.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 디지털 트랜스포메이션의 도입이 가속화 된 경영 환경 속에서 조직 내 인적자원개발(human resource development: HRD) 담당자들이 경험하는 업무 변화에 대해 알아보고, 그에 따른 필요역량 및 업무 수행 시 겪는 어려움을 탐색하는데 있다. 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위해 HRD 업무를 담당하는 현직 종사자 10명을 대상으로 하여 일대일 심층 인터뷰를 실시하였다. 그 결과 디지털 트랜스포메이션시대에 HRD 담당자의 업무는 NCS 기반의 능력단위를 기준으로 하여 전통적인 업무와 비교했을 때 강화, 감소 또는 새롭게 추가된 업무가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 필요 역량은 지식, 기술, 태도, 능력이라는 범주로 나누어 도출하였는데, 테크놀로지 활용 기술 및 변화에 적극적이고 긍정적으로 대응하려는 태도 및 능력이 중요한 것으로 나타났다. 전체적으로 디지털 트렌드 및 스킬에 대한 지속적인 학습으로 인해 업무량은 증가한 것으로 나타났다. 이상의 결과를 바탕으로 본 연구에서는 조직원들의 변화를 이끌어가야 하는 HRD 담당자들에게 실천적 시사점을 제시하고, 연구의 제한점 및 향후 연구 방향에 대하여 제언하였다.
        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 2022년 2월 발발한 러시아-우크라이나 전쟁과 분쟁에 대응 하는 국제기구의 역할을 살펴보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 구체적으로 본 연구는 분쟁과 국제기구 간 관계에 대한 기존 논의를 확인하고, 우크라 이나 전쟁이 촉발한 국제기구의 최근 활동에 대해 살펴본다. 특히 UN 총회는 안전보장 이사회의 상임이사국 거부권 행사에 대해 유엔 총회의 견제 역할을 강조하는 4월 26일 결의안을 통과시켰고, 이는 제한적이지 만 기존의 유엔 개혁에 대한 진일보한 활동으로 평가된다. 우크라이나 전쟁 직후 안전보장이사회의 상임이사국 중 하나인 러시아의 지속적인 반대로 유엔 차원에서의 강력한 우크라이나 지원 및 러시아 규탄이 나타 나지 않았다. 이에 대한 대응으로 유엔 총회는 안전보장이사회의 상임이 사국 거부권 행사 행위를 총회에서 설명해야하는 결의안을 채택하였다. 이를 통해 본 연구는 국제기구가 분쟁발발을 억지하거나 분쟁을 종식시 키는 적극적 역할을 수행하기 어렵지만 국제분쟁이 국제기구의 기존 개 혁논의를 촉진시켜 분쟁에 대응하는 국제기구의 역할을 다각화하는 요인 이라는 점을 제시한다.
        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        클라우제비츠는 『전쟁론』에서 전쟁은 개별 상황마다 그 본질을 약간씩 변화시키기 때문에 카멜레온과도 같다고 보았다. 클라우제비츠의 이러한 주장은 모든 것이 불확실한 전쟁 상황에서 다양한 요소들이 상호작용을 하여 승패에 영향을 미칠 수 있음을 언급한 것이다. 이 글에서는 불확실성 의 요인이 되는 우연과 마찰, 정보, 위험, 육체적 고통을 토대로 이를 해 소하기 위한 5가지 방안을 도출하여 제1연평해전과 연평도 포격전 사례를 분석하였다. 분석 결과 첫째, 실전적 교육훈련, 둘째, 과감한 권한 위임, 셋째, 부대 운용의 융통성, 넷째, 간단없는 작전지속 지원, 다섯째, 피아 전술 전기 숙달 등을 통해 불확실성을 해소하고 전승을 달성할 수 있었음 을 확인할 수 있었다. 이것이 한국군에 주는 함의로는 첫째, 창의적인 사 고력과 탄력적인 부대지휘 능력을 배양하기 위한 교육훈련의 필요성, 둘 째, 전술교리 적용에 융통성 없이 집착하는 문화 지양, 셋째, 군인으로서 ‘인생의 첫 전투’를 어떻게 수행할 것인가에 대한 준비가 필요하다. 비록 군사과학 기술이 발전하여 전장 상황을 가시화할 수 있게 되더라도 전쟁 의 근본적인 본질인 불확실성은 전쟁 수행에 커다란 영향을 미치는 변수 라는 것을 망각해서는 안 될 것이다.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As part of the third ATM Challenge, we performed a series of atmospheric dispersion simulations for routine releases of Xe-133 from ordinarily operating nuclear facilities such as Medical Isotope Production Facilities (MIPFs), Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs), and Research Reactors (RRs) in the Northern Hemisphere using our ATM, Lagrangian Atmospheric Dose Assessment System (LADAS), with Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) data produced by the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA). The simulation time period is 6 months, from June to November in 2014, and we used the stack emission data except for CNL (Canada) and IRE (Belgium) in accordance with the scenario of the third ATM Challenge 2019. In addition, the simulations were done individually for all MIPFs, NPPs, and RRs. We utilized 3-hourly KMA’s Unified Model Global Data Assimilation and Prediction System (UM-GDAPS) data with 0.35°×0.23° horizontal resolution as input meteorological fields and extracted hourly time series results for Xe-133 activity concentrations with few different resolutions such as 0.5°×0.5°, 0.35°×0.23°, and 0.1°×0.1° at several IMS stations in the Northern Hemisphere which were in normal operation in 2014. Considering previously reported values of daily Xe-133 release amounts for CNL and IRE, measured signals at some IMS stations (such as CAX17, DEX33, SEX63, and USX75) were well reproduced from the simulation results.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Kori unit 1 was permanently shut down in 2007 and is currently awaiting approval for decommissioning and dismantling (D&D). The wastes generated during decommissioning is estimated to be approximately 14,500 of 200 L drums. In this study, the treatment process of decommissioning wastes will be reviewed through the case of the US Zion nuclear power station (ZNPS). Zion unit 1 and 2 received an operating license in 1973 and were permanently shut down and the spent nuclear fuel was transferred to the pool in 1998. The decommissioning was carried out according to the following five steps; (1) safe storage (SAFSTOR) dormancy, (2) preparation for decommissioning, (3) establishment of independent spent fuel storage installation (ISFSI) and transfer of the spent fuel and greater than class C radioactive materials, (4) decommissioning operations and (5) site restoration. The total volume of waste generated during decommissioning was expected to be approximately 1.7×105 m3. This is far above the Kori unit 1 waste estimation because ZNPS has a history of accidents and includes soil waste. Wastes were treated differently according to their properties and locations.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Trojan Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), a four-loop PWR designed by Westinghouse and owned by Portland General Electric (PGE), reached its initial threshold in 1975 and was operational until November 1992. PGE received a Possession Only License from the NRC in May 1993. In 1995, limited decommissioning activities began at the Trojan, including the completion of a large components removal project to remove and dispose of four steam generators and pressurizers from the containment building. In April 1996, the NRC approved a plan to dismantling the Trojan NPP and began more aggressive component removal activities. At the end of 1998, part of the radioactive drainage system began to be removed, and embedded piping decontamination and survey activities began. Trojan NPP has more than 8,840 m of contaminated pipelines throughout the power block. Most of Trojan NPP’s contaminated embedded piping can generally be divided into four categories drainage piping, ventilation ducts, buried process piping, and other items. For the Trojan NPP, the complete removal of contaminated and embedded piping without damaging the building would have significantly increased costs due to the structural considerations of the building and the depth of the embedded pipe. Therefore, Trojan NPP has chosen to conduct the Embedded Pipe Remediation Project (EPRP) to clean and in situ survey of most of the embedded piping to meet the Final Site Survey (FSS) acceptance criteria, with much success. This study provides a discussion of EPRP activities in the Trojan NPP, including classification and characterization of affected piping, modeling of proposed contamination acceptance criteria, and evaluation of various decontamination and survey techniques. It describes the decontamination tools, techniques, and survey equipment and the condition of work and cost estimate costs used in these projects. To identify embedded piping and drains at the Trojan NPP, based on frequent site surveys, plan sketches showing an overview of system flow paths and connections and database were developed to identify drain inputs and headers. This approach effort has been a successful method of remediation and site survey activities. The developed database was a valuable asset to the EPRP and a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) code was assigned to each drains and headers, allowing the embedded piping to be integrated into the decommissioning cost estimation software (Decon. Expert) and schedule, which aided in decommissioning cost estimation. Also, regular database updates made it easy to check the status of the decommissioning project data. The waste system drain at Trojan NPP was heavily contaminated. The goal of the remediation effort is to completely remove all removable contamination and to reduce the fixed contamination below the decided contamination acceptance criteria. Accordingly, Hydrolysis, Media blast, Chemical decontamination and Pipe removal were considered as remediation option. Trojan NPP’s drainage pipe decontamination option did not cause a significant corrosion layer inside the pipe and media blast was chosen as the main method for stainless steel pipe. In particular, the decommissioning owner decontaminates most of the embedded piping in-situ to meet the FSS acceptance criteria for economic feasibility in Trojan NPP. The remaining pipe was filled with grout to prevent leaching and spreading of contamination inside the pipe. In-situ decontamination and survey of most of these contaminated pipes are considered the most cost-effective option.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A significant amount of piping is embedded in nuclear power plants (NPPs). In decommissioning these materials must be removed and cleaned. It can then be evaluated for radioactivity content below the release level. MARSSIM presents Derived Concentration Guideline Levels (DCGLs) that meet release guidelines. Calculating DCGL requires scenarios for the placement of embedded pipe and its long-term potential location or use. Some NPPs choose to keep the embedded pipes in the building. Because others will dismantle the building and dispose of the piping in-situ, determining the disposal option for embedded piping requires the use of measurement techniques with the sensitivity and accuracy necessary to measure the level of radioactive contamination of embedded piping and meet DCGL guidelines. The main measuring detectors used in NPPs are gas counters that are remotely controlled as they move along the inside of the pipe. The Geiger-Mueller (GM) detector is a detector commonly used in the nuclear field. Typically, this GM detector used 3-detectors that cover the entire perimeter of the pipe and are positioned at 120-degrees to each other. This is called a pipe crawler. It is very insensitive to gamma and X-ray, only measures beta-emitter and does not provide nuclide identification. The second method is a method using a high-resolution gamma-ray detector. Although not yet commercialized in many places, embedded piping is a scanning method. The technique only detects gamma-emitting nuclides, but some nuclides can be identified. Gamma-ray scanning identifies the average concentration per pipe length by the detector collimator. It is considerably longer than a pipe crawler. In addition, several techniques, including direct measurement of dose rate and radiochemical analysis after scraping sampling, are used and they must be used complementary to each other to determine the source term. Expensive sampling and radiochemical analysis can be reduced if these detectors are used to measure the radioactivity profile and to perform waste classification using scaling factor. In the actual Trojan NPP, a pipe crawler detector was used to survey the activity profile in a 26 foot of an embedded pipe. These results indicate that the geometric averaging of the factors and a dispersion values for each nuclide are constant within the accuracy factors. However, in order to accurately use the scaling factor in waste classification, it must have sample representativeness. Whether the sample through smear or scraping is representative of the radionuclide mixture in the pipe. Since the concentration varies according to the thickness of the deposit and depending on the location of the junction or bend, a lot of data are needed to confirm the reliability of the nuclide mixture. In this study, the reliability of the scaling factor, sampling representativeness and concentration measurement accuracy problems for waste classification in decommissioning NPP were evaluated and various techniques for measuring radioactive contamination on the inner surface of embedded pipes were surveyed and described. In addition, the advantages and limitations of detectors used to measure radioactivity concentrations in embedded piping are described. If this is used, it is expected that it will be helpful in determining the source term of the pipe embedded in the NPPs.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As the management procedure for self-disposal wastes stored in the radiation controlled area within the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) have been established, and the types and quantities of wastes are increasing. In order to carry out the disposal of wastes with various generation histories, we expanded the processing range from surface contaminated waste, which was already in progress, to volumetric contaminated waste. In this paper, a case study of self-disposal of volumetric contaminated radioactive waste for which final disposal has been completed is described. In order to carry out of self-disposal of volumetric contaminated waste, it is important to collect representative samples and prove their representativenss. Based on this, a treatment plan was established after reviewing the history of the waste to be disposed of, and the treatment work was carried out as follows; waste collection, classification by size and shape, radiation (activity) measurement, sampling of representative samples, radioactivity concentration analysis, notification to regulatory bodies and question-and-answer, final disposal. The waste is judged have no potential for contamination because the polywood used to set the flat floor between the steel frame and floorboards in the experimental greenhouse didn’t come into contact with radioactive material. However, due to the conservative approach to the presence or absence of contamination, the treatment plan was established assuming volumetric contaminated waste. The type of waste is single wood, and the major contaminating radionuclides are Sr-85 and Cs-137. After the waste was collected and sorted by size and shape, it was weighed and a representative sampling amount and sampling method were set up. A direct method of surface contamination was performed on the entire area, and the representative sample was divided into three groups of homogenized population samples using the trisection method, with three points (upper/middle/below) were sampled at a 200:1 ratio, and radioactivity concentration analysis was conducted. After confirming that the concentration was below the allowable concentration for selfdisposal, the final disposal was completed after receiving approval after reporting to the regulatory body. As a result of radioactivity concentration analysis of representative samples, the maximum radioactivity concentration for each nuclide was Sr-85: < MDC (0.00178), Cs-137 : 0.00183 Bq/g (Sr-85 : 1 Bq/g, Cs-137 : 0.1 Bq/g), which meets the nuclide allowable concentration standard. It was confirmed that the total maximum fraction of 0.02 Bq/g satisfies the criteria (In the case of mixed nuclides, the sum of the fraction is less than 1). This paper introduces the establishment and implementation of self-disposal procedures based on the experience of self-disposal of radioactive waste with volumetric contaminants, and is going to utilize it as a basic material for self-disposal of radioactive waste with volumetric contaminants that will continue in the future and contribute to the reduction of radioactive wastes.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Kori-1, the nuclear power plants in South Korea, first started operation in April 1978 and was suspended permanently in 2017. The saturation rate time of spent nuclear fuel generated by major nuclear power plants operating in Korea are getting closer. If we fail to dispose spent nuclear fuel, which is equivalent to high-level radioactive waste, the nuclear power plants will have to be shutdown. High-level radioactive waste is permanently disposed through a deep geological disposal system because it contains long-term half-life nuclides and emits high energy. To select the deep geological disposal site and construct the disposal facilities, it is necessary to establish appropriate regulatory policies accordingly. The status of database construction in OECD-NEA, NRC, SITEX, and IAEA, which provides safety regulations for deep geological disposal system, stipulates each requirement for dismantling nuclear power plants. However, details such as specific figures are not specified, and guidelines for the disposal of high-level radioactive wastes are not clearly distinguished. In Korea, the CYPRUS program, an integrated database system, has been developed to support comprehensive performance evaluation for high-level waste disposal. However, due to several difficult situations, maintenance and upgrades have not been performed, so the research results exist only in the form of raw data and the new research results have not been reflected. Other than that, there is no preemptive basis for regulating the deep geological disposal system. With real-time database, we can develop a regulatory system for the domestic deep disposal system by systematically analyzing the regulatory condition and regulatory case data of international organizations and foreign leading countries. The database system processed and stored primary data collected from nuclear safety reports and other related data. In addition, we used relational database and designed table to maximize time and space efficiency. It is provided in the form of a web service so that multiple users can easily find the data they want at the same time. Based on these technologies, this study established a database system by analyzing the legal systems, regulatory standards, and cases of major foreign leading countries such as Sweden, Finland, the United States, and Japan. This database aims to organize data for each safety case component and further prepare a safety regulatory framework for each stage of development of disposal facilities suitable for the domestic environment.