
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 173

        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Taking the great advantage of Subaru's wide field coverage both in the optical and in the near infrared, we have been providing panoramic views of distant clusters and their surrounding environments over the wide redshift range of 0:4 < z < 3. From our unique data sets, a consistent picture has been emerging that the star forming activity is once enhanced and then truncated in galaxy groups in the outskirts of clusters during the course of cluster assembly at z < 1. Such activity is shifted into cluster cores as we go further back in time to z ~ 1.5. At z = 2 - 2.5, we begin to enter the epoch when massive galaxies are actually forming in the cluster core. And by z ~ 3, we eventually go beyond the major epoch of massive galaxy formation. It is likely that the environmental dependence of star forming activity is at least partly due to the external environmental effects such as galaxy-galaxy interaction in medium density regions at z < 1, while the intrinsic effect of galaxy formation bias overtakes the external effect at higher redshifts, resulting in a large star formation activity in the cluster center.
        2009.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The natural environment of Gulup-do should be preserved due to its unique ecological characteristics. A recent report stated that CJ group, one of Korea’s major business conglomerates (chaebols), plans to construct golf courses and resort facilities in Gulup-do. Such projects will destroy the delicate animal habitats of the island. The harmful chemical runoff from golf courses will also significantly damage the ecosystem. The purpose of this paper is to show that the development of Gulup-do will adversely affect the ecology of the island.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was conducted to investigate the distribution pattern, ecological characteristics and life cycle of the Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens, BSF). The BSF was widely distributed throughout Korea. The insect was mainly found in the vicinity of and in cattle sheds, manure sheds, living waste dump grounds, and food waste dump grounds. Developmental characteristics of the BSF are as follows: the egg was long oval shaped of 887㎛ in the major axis and 190㎛ in the minor axis; it weighed 24㎍. Female oviposited ca. 1,000 eggs on average; eggs hatched in 81 hours under laboratory condition (27℃, 60% R.H.). The duration of the larval stage was approximately 15-20 days. The size of the last instar larvae was 21mm. The cuticle of the pupae gradually acquired red-brown color and the size of them was 19 mm. The pupal stage was shorter for females (16 days) than males (15 days). Adults were sized about 13-20mm long and black-colored. The life span of adult insects was 5-8 days for the first generation (June-July), 7-10 days for the second generation (Aug.-Sept.), and 13-18 days for the third generation (Sept.-Oct.). Mating started on the next day of emergence and actively occurred at the third day after emergence. Mating mostly occurred between 10:00 and 16:00 during which light intensity is highest. Egg-laying started on the third day and was most frequent from the fourth to the sixth day after emergence. Similar to mating time, females oviposited mostly between 10:00 and 16:00.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Chemical ecology has been useful in various aspects of biosecurity that requires dynamic multidisciplinary practices. Some techniques and research outcomes have already been incorporated as routine practices in biosecurity, while many others are yet to come. Many pheromones and other semiochemicals have been being used as highly sensitive, species-specific detection and surveillance tools. When different species interact each other, specific volatile chemicals are often produced. Detection of these specific signature volatile compounds can also be used as an early diagnostic tool. Highly sensitive and discriminating olfactory tissues can be used as low-level chemical sensors. Risk analysis is an important component of biosecurity program. The range of host plants may be predictable by using information on ORN response profiles of a given species and on volatile chemical profiles of the candidate plants. In a study using two Cydia species as a model system, we hypothesize that combinational input from two different groups of olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs), antagonist ORNs and agonist ORNs, may play a key role in discriminating host plants from non-host plants. Semiochemicals can be used as delimitation and eradication tools against invading species. For example, mass trapping with pheromone traps, combined with some other means such as sterile insect technique, effectively eradicated the painted apple moth, an invasive species, in New Zealand. A cooperative research program among New Zealand, USA and Australia is currently underway to use semiochemicals to eradicate the light brown apple moth invading California. Chemical ecology in aquatic environment has been poorly understood. Semiochemicals for marine organisms would also be useful to improve marine biosecurity.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the distribution pattern, ecological characteristics and life cycle of the Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens, BSF). The BSF was widely distributed throughout Korea. The insect was mainly found in the vicinity of and in cattle sheds, manure sheds, living waste dump grounds, and food waste dump grounds. Developmental characteristics of the BSF are as follows: the egg was long oval shaped of 887 ㎛ in the major axis and 190 ㎛ in the minor axis, it weighed 24 ㎍. Female oviposited ca. 1,000 eggs on average, eggs hatched in 81 hours under laboratory condition (27℃, 60% R.H.). The duration of the larval stage was approximately 15~20 days. The size of the last instar larvae was 21 ㎜. The cuticle of the pupae gradually acquired red-brown color and the size of them was 19 ㎜. The pupal stage was shorter for females (16 days) than males (15 days). Adults were sized about 13~20 ㎜ long and black-colored. The life span of adult insects was 5~8 days for the first generation (June~July), 7~10 days for the second generation (Aug.~Sept.), and 13~18 days for the third generation (Sept.~Oct.). Mating started on the next day of emergence and actively occurred at the third day after emergence. Mating mostly occurred between 10:00 and 16:00 during which light intensity is highest. Egg-laying started on the third day and was most frequent from the fourth to the sixth day after emergence. Similar to mating time, females oviposited mostly between 10:00 and 16:00.
        2008.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research put most emphasis on setting the guidelines for improvement through character analysis of landscape ecology to cope with ecological malfunction of the woodland surrounded in cultivated areas. The results are as follows. 1) As a result of character analysis of the woodland in cultivated area in point of landscape ecology in five case sites, the size of case site 3 is the largest as and it is shown that a colony of pine trees which is valuable in terms of ecological, scientific, historic and cultural senses. 2) As a result of analysis on expansibility of woodland in cultivated area, case site 1 is 0.25, the lowest, flexibility is 4, the highest. In order to improve ecological function in woodland, it is regarded that maintaining curve form rather than straight one. 3) As a result of analysis of morphological diversity, case site 5 shows 1.3, the highest. However, the condition of vegetation and emergence frequency of species indicates low value degree. 4) Based on the result of analysis of landscape ecological character like above, the number of guidelines for the woodland in cultivated area is three and vegetation is four.
        2008.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 2005년부터 2007년까지 파주, 강화도, 이천, 시화호, 충주 등 5개 지역에 서식하는 수리부엉이 9쌍의 둥지를 정기적으로 촬영, 관찰하여 번식생태와 교미행동을 연구하였다. 한배산란수는 1~4개로 평균 2.77개(n=15)였으며, 부화성공률은 약 71%(n=34)였고, 이소성공률은 약 83%(n=23)였다. 수리부엉이는 산란이 끝난 후에도 암수간의 교미행동이 지속되며, 새끼들이 둥지를 떠나는 시기인 부화 후 7~8주까지 교미행동을 계속한다는 것을 확인하였다. 이러한 수정 목적 이외의 교미 행동은 암컷과 수컷 모두의 필요에 의해서 이루어지는 것으로써 '부부관계(pair-bond)'의 확인, 유지, 강화를 통해 새끼를 안정적으로 키우기 위한 것으로 해석된다.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        멸종위기에 처한 우리나라 고유 담수어인 꼬치동자개 Pseudobagrus brevicorpus의 증식 복원을 위한 연구의 일환으로 생태와 초기생활사에 대해 조사하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 꼬치동자개는 특정 조건에 밀집되어 개체군을 형성하며 서식밀도는 1.25개체 m-2이었고, 생산력은 200~250개 마리-1 낮아 멸종위기 상황을 시사하였다. 산란은 자연산란 유도 결과 수초에 산란하는 것으로 추정되며 부화한 치어는 군집생
        2007.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this research is to set improvement guidance a character analysis of woodland edge to cope with the ecological dysfunction of woodland which was caused by massive development project and thoughtless development in country areas. The summary of research result are as follows. 1) From the result of landscape ecology characteristic analysis of woodland in all seven research sites, to begin with, in proportion of appearance by vegetation layer and condition of composition, site 5 showed to be most satisfactory. 2) A width of woodland edge was revealed 7.5m as a minimum, 17.0m as a maximum, and 11.4m as a average and minimum edge was set as 10m according to integrated analysis on each example place. 3) As a result of flexibility analysis, site 1, 2 and 5 was shown high value 3, and it is thought that curve rather than linearity should be maintained in order to increase the ecological function. Also, a phenomenon of straight was prominent, and as a woodland edge, green network and buffering system showed to be somewhat unsatisfactory. 4) Based on the result of character analysis of landscape ecology, main guidelines for improvement of woodland edge were categorized into five in parallel structure and three in vertical structure respectively. The guidelines for improvement of woodland edge suggested by the research has a deep meaning in that it is used as a basic material to induce for controling more systematically or landscape-friendly the defamed forest problems caused by road construction, various development projects, and enlargement of agricultural lands.
        2006.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to ascertain the prey composition and utilization of the Eurasian otter, Lutra lutra, in the ecosystem conservation region of the Seomjin River. The study was conducted for a 12-month period from March 2003 to February 2004 b
        2006.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 불암산도시자연공원의 친자연적인 공원관리계획 수립을 위한 연구로 자연생태계 현황, 과도한 이용과 공원시설물 조성에 따른 훼손 및 주변생태계의 영향 등 환경생태 현황을 정밀하게 조사분석하여 친자연적인 공원조성 및 관리방안을 제안하고 공원조성 기본계획 수립을 위한 기초자료를 제시하고자 하였다. 연구는 현황 조사, 분석, 생태적 평가, 공원관리계획 수립 단계로 진행하였으며, 조사분석 단계에서는 일반적 개황, 자연환경, 자연생태 등 현황을 파악하였으며, 생태적 평가에서는 조사분석 자료를 바탕으로 생태계의 기반이 되는식물생태계를 유형화한 비오톱유형, 야생동물 서식처, 자연경관 평가를 실시하였다. 관리계획 수립에서는 친자연적인 공원관리를 제안하고자 평가자료를 활용하여 양호한 생태계 및자연경관 보존지역으로 구분하였다. 생태계 및 자연경관 보존계획에서는 생태계 및 자연경관보존지역, 생태계 보호지역, 생태계 복원지역(이용가능)을 지정하였고, 훼손지 복원 및 복구계획에서는 훼손된 숲생태계 유형에 따라 식생복원 목표로 제안하였다.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        KISTI(한국과학기술정보연구원)는 학회 업무 관리, 학술정보 관리를 학회가 어려움 없이 처리하도록 지원하고자, 학회 정보화 사업의 일환으로 학회 학술정보 유통체제 전 과정을 온라인화하고 쉽게 관리할 수 있도록 한 『KISTI-ACOMS(KISTI-Article COntribution Management System: KISTI-학회논문투고관리시스템)』을 개발하여 2001년부터 학회에 무상으로 보급하여 왔다. 최근 KISTI-ACOMS를 이용하고자 하는 학회의 요청이 더욱 확대되고 있어, KISTI는 많은 학회의 특성들을 의견수렴하여, KISTI-ACOMS의 표준화를 목표로 보완해 나가고 있다. 본 연구는 KISTI-ACOMS를 기반으로 구축한 한국환경생태학회의 학회논문투고관리시스템의 기능에 대해 살펴보고, 향후 시스템에 필요한 기능 및 명세를 기술함으로써 한국환경생태학회의 개선된 온라인논문투고관리시스템을 제시한다.
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