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        검색결과 318

        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The goals of this study are to analyze how fashion professionals' attitudes toward Grunge style have changed since the 1990s and to compare aesthetic features of 1990s Grunge style and the style since 2000. By searching Vogue and Women's Wear Daily articles from 1992 to 2014 according to the keyword "Grunge", three collections from the 1990s and 59 collections since 2000 were selected for analysis. Although Grunge collections of the 1990s were harshly criticized by critics and retailers as ugly, the more recent collections have been highly praised for both design and profitability. The common aesthetic features of Grunge style in the 1990s and beyond include loose silhouettes, mix-and-match layerings, plaid patterns, floral prints, and striped patterns. However, Grunge style since 2000 has new features such as ornate fabrics, handcrafted details, a formal and dressy look, and faux plaid flannel shirts in chiffon or organza. These features give the style a more luxurious, feminine, and refined appearance. The results of this study indicate that Grunge style of the 1990s changed high fashion beauty standards and today's designers and consumers prefer to mix various styles to create new ones. They typically do not consider the original spirit or identities of the varied styles.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study explores a possibility to expend the scope of Traditional Korean-style ** ** House, or Hanok through including North Korea's Modem Korean-style building. As Korean traditional architecture is gaining more attention, we should think over how contemporary Hanok should be and establish the concept of Hanok for future generations to come. In order to do that, the traditional Hanok design techniques should be understood. Based on this, the appropriate Hanok Design and construction techniques for contemporary buildings could be found out. This study, therefore, aims at finding basic data of design techniques which can be applied to modern Hanok in South Korea and provi%Bng clues for the future Hanok design through studying Korean-style modern buildings in North Korea.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study we included 298 working women in Kangwon province to investigate the life style and eating habits related to constipation. The subjects were divided into 3 groups according to Roman II criteria as follows : normal, mild constipation and constipation groups. For the result, 48.4%, 42.7%, 27.2% and 28.6% of the subjects had constipation in the order of 20's, 30's, 40's, and 50's, respectively. Constipation group had low frequency of bowel movement per week and irregular visit to toilet compared to normal and mild constipation groups. There were higher percentage of people with reading habit while sitting on a toilet, in the constipation group compare to other groups. Constipation groups had difficulty having bowel movement when sleeping outside of their home. There was a significant difference in water consumption per day among the 3 groups. But there was no significant difference in the amount of meals consumed and the number of meals with snacks per day. For the food frequency, there was lower frequency of yogurt and vegetables consumption in the constipation group. But there was no difference in how to eat fruits. From these results, we concluded that in order to treat the constipation, it is recommended to take enough water and dietary fiber, and to have physical activities for the working women.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to find whether hemline cycles exist and whether hemlines show greater within-year variability over time. Utilizing US Vogue data from 1950 to 2013 on hemline length of women's daywear, total 2102 day-dresses or skirts on full fashion pictures were analyzed. The skirt length was divided by the total length of figure in the picture which was measured from shoulder to ankle. Aggregated yearly means smoothed by means of three-point moving averages were used to provide a better indication of the long-term direction of movement of the hemline. Within-year hemline variability was smoothed by the way of three-point moving average as well. The data showed five cycles on hemline change processes. The first cycle took 21 years from 1950 to 1971, which was the longest period and had the biggest hemline changes. The second cycle was the shortest from 1971 to 1977, in which hemline moved between below-knee length and midcalf. The hemline in the third cycle moved between midcalf and miniskirt. The third cycle took 16 years from 1977 to 1993. The forth was a short cycle from 1998 to 2001, and hemlines moved moderately between below-knee length and above-knee length. The fifth cycle has been on going since 2001, and the hemline has been getting longer after 2007. The within-year variability of hemlines was bigger in 1980s than previous years and was steadily increased.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        중국 水墨畵는 동양예술의 독특한 철학적 意蘊과 인문의 情懷를 지니 고 있으며 ‘物’과 ‘我’관계에서 항상 ‘我’를 중요하게 여겼다. 사물의 표 현에서 “寄情于景”、“寄情于物”、“借物抒情”의 사상이 반영되어 최종적 으로 “物我為一”의 境界에 도달하며 동시에 객관적인 사물의 형상을 통 해서 주관적인 예술로 재창조 된다. 바로 이런 “外師造化,中得心源”의 繪畫 주장과 영향은 인문학적 미학 사상과 회화의 筆墨精神을 완벽하게 결합시켰다. 本考는 中國畵論 중에서 수묵화 언어에 대해 考察해 보았다. 중국 수묵화의 審美 정취와 繪畵技法과의 관계에서 시작해, 화가 자 신의 예술적 修養과 풍부한 회화 언어의 취득 방법 및 의의에 대해 다 양한 각도에서 분석하였다. 먼저 문인화의 필묵정신의 대표적인 예로 蘇軾이 제기한 文人畵의 개념을 분석하고 문인들이 문인화를 추구하는 이유에 대해 알아보았다. “意在筆先”의 ‘意’는 詩 중에서 意境을 말하며, 그 속에 문인의 淸廉 하고 고상한 人格과 超脫飄逸의 情趣가 표현된다. 예술창작 과정은 “眼 中之竹”에서 “胸中之竹”으로, “胸中之竹”에서 “畫中之竹”으로의 과정이 다. 이는 意象에서 形象으로의 物化과정을 말하며, 다양한 예술적인 상 상과 사유를 통해서 작가의 구체적인 사고를 표출해 낼 수 있다. 형상 과 韻味는 수묵화의 기본 언어인 筆墨으로 표현된다. 수묵화는 筆法과 墨法으로 意境을 표출해내 形神兼備의 미학적 경계를 얻는다. 문인화가 는 창작과정에서 意境을 중시하는데 중국미학의 중요한 범주에 속하는 意境은 문인의 생활 경험과 부단한 창작활동을 통해 비로소 성숙되고, 화가의 사유 방식과 회화 기법에 의해 비로소 수묵화 언어는 완성된다. 다음으로 文人畵의 시대적 위기에 대해서 살펴보았다. 오늘날, 많은 화가들은 수묵 언어의 審美系統 연구나 자신의 인격과 예술적 수양보다는 수묵화의 技法에만 무게를 두고 있어 회화기법을 위 한 표면적 연구는 턱없이 부족하다. 수많은 화가들의 그림 속에는 대부 분 자기만의 필묵언어가 없이 여전히 옛 선인들의 방식만을 그대로 踏 襲하고 있으며 화면은 私利私慾으로 가득 차 있다. 이는 자기 修養과 전통문화에 대한 이해의 부족에서 기인함으로, 그림의 품격이 현격히 저하되고 자신만의 필묵정신은 반영되기 어려워 문인화는 絶體絶命의 위기에 놓여있다. 文人畵의 발전을 위해 보다 깊은 思考를 필요로 한다. 기존의 수묵화 역사에 대한 활발한 연구가 이루어져 墨象을 재발견하고 개개인에 따른 수묵정신을 직접 체득해야 한다. 이러한 각성은 반드시 새로운 가치관 과 철학사상 및 예술이념에서 출발하여야 하며 자연적인 예술 수법을 채택하여 당대의 함축된 문화, 수묵 정신, 이성에 대해 다양한 측면에서 재검토가 되어야 하겠다.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The world has changed dramatically, and the concern with regard to environmental and social impacts of economic activity have become hot issues that have been extensively discussed. Many marketers are applying sustainability as the part of their CSR and consumers are becoming more involved in ethical value of sustainable issues. However, yet, most people still perceive sustainable products as “alternatives” due to various reasons like price, design or simply unfamiliarity with the brand (Niinimaki, 2010). In a current situation where more and more brands are coming to the market offering the variety of choice of sustainable product, brand popularity can be a signal, or cue that help consumers to decide those of unfamiliar sustainable brand because brand popularity can influence the evaluation and decision in the sense that consumers perceive popular brand not only as trustworthy, but also superior to others (Dean, 1999).In terms of brand popularity, “popular” brands tend to acquire more favorable evaluations and larger user shares with, rather than without the popularity component. However, with such characteristics, brand popularity concept can be used within a cue utilization theory, which suggests that products consist of an array of cues (extrinsic and intrinsic) that serves as indicators of quality for consumers when they make decisions related to the product (Olsen, 1972), delivering brand popularity by extrinsic cue through advertising. In addition, the signaling theory suggests that when brand is ranked as popular, consumers assume there are trust and confidence behind the brand, which reduce their level of uncertainty (Dean, 1999). As such, while it has been argued that this cue could be useful as it provides a certain value to consumers and influence their opinion about the brand and, consequently, purchase decision, up to now, there are little studies that use the brand popularity concept as extrinsic cue.Along with the issue of brand popularity, although different consumers around the world make their decisions based on their own mental or physiological orientation, and the difference among consumer behavior has been widely studied and reported, yet, most of sustainable marketing campaigns are made in the similar fashion, without adapting them to specific traits of consumers in different countries. However, in order for sustainable The world has changed dramatically, and the concern with regard to environmental and social impacts of economic activity have become hot issues that have been extensively discussed. Many marketers are applying sustainability as the part of their CSR and consumers are becoming more involved in ethical value of sustainable issues. However, yet, most people still perceive sustainable products as “alternatives” due to various reasons like price, design or simply unfamiliarity with the brand (Niinimaki, 2010). In a current situation where more and more brands are coming to the market offering the variety of choice of sustainable product, brand popularity can be a signal, or cue that help consumers to decide those of unfamiliar sustainable brand because brand popularity can influence the evaluation and decision in the sense that consumers perceive popular brand not only as trustworthy, but also superior to others (Dean, 1999). In terms of brand popularity, “popular” brands tend to acquire more favorable evaluations and larger user shares with, rather than without the popularity component. However, with such characteristics, brand popularity concept can be used within a cue utilization theory, which suggests that products consist of an array of cues (extrinsic and intrinsic) that serves as indicators of quality for consumers when they make decisions related to the product (Olsen, 1972), delivering brand popularity by extrinsic cue through advertising. In addition, the signaling theory suggests that when brand is ranked as popular, consumers assume there are trust and confidence behind the brand, which reduce their level of uncertainty (Dean, 1999). As such, while it has been argued that this cue could be useful as it provides a certain value to consumers and influence their opinion about the brand and, consequently, purchase decision, up to now, there are little studies that use the brand popularity concept as extrinsic cue. Along with the issue of brand popularity, although different consumers around the world make their decisions based on their own mental or physiological orientation, and the difference among consumer behavior has been widely studied and reported, yet, most of sustainable marketing campaigns are made in the similar fashion, without adapting them to specific traits of consumers in different countries. However, in order for sustainable brand to become main stream it is important to understand how the traits of consumers from other countries differ. Thus, it is important to understand the cultural difference in terms of marketing.Therefore, this study adapts brand popularity concept as an extrinsic cue that serves as a certain indicator for consumers (Dean, 1999) and consumer decision making styles as mental characteristics for shopping orientation (Sproles & Kendall, 1986) in order to see cross-cultural difference in consumers’ perception of sustainability brand among 3 countries: Korea, China and Russia. Choice of countries is not only resulting from the difference in behavior and attitudes towards sustainable consumption of Greendex (National Geographic & Globescan, 2013), but also, the difference among countries even when belonging as a part of Asia. Thus this study investigates overall consumers’ decision making style among three countries of South Korea, China, and Russia to find the effect of brand popularity on brand evaluation. Additionally, the moderating effect of fashion leadership and sustainability involvement was preceded. From this, it aims to provide implication for positioning and marketing sustainable brand in accordance to the difference consumer segmentation. A study was designed to determine which dimensions of consumer style inventory of country are most frequently associated in accordance to countries and whether brand popularity had affect on purchase intention of sustainable brand. The hypotheses were tested with a data set developed form field survey. The study was conducted cross-nationally in Korea, China, and Russia using online and offline survey. The survey questionnaire reflected a quasi-experimental design. The between-subjects design employed consisted of two between-subject factors of brand popularity and consumer decision-making style. The factor brand popularity had two levels: one provided with a brand popularity ranking as an extrinsic cue and one without. The resultant questionnaire was pretest by natives before distributing. No discrepancies among the surveys were reported. The consumer decision making style had three levels of Korea, China, and Russia. The questionnaire was pretest by 30 fashion marketing researchers before distributing. Of the 376 samples collected, 6 were returned incomplete. An additional 18 samples were deleted for further analysis as the answers were unusable. In total 352 samples – 113, 121 and 118 samples from Korea, China and Russia respectively – were subjected for final analysis.A one-way MANOVA revealed a significant multivariate main effect for consumer decision making style of the nation (Pillai’s trace = .23, F (10, 676) = 9, p <. 000). Given the significance of the overall test, the univariate main effects were examined. Significant univariate main effects for consumer decision making style of nation were obtained for quality (F = 6.95, p <.01), for uniqueness (F =7.54 , p <.01), for favorability (F =6.94 , p <.01), and for purchase intension (F =4.33 , p <.05). Significant nation pairwise differences were obtained in popularity among Korea, China, and Russia. In case of Korea, the effect of brand popularity yielded significantly higher mean score when it was presented. However, for China, the effect of brand popularity was significant as well (Pillai’s trace = .10, F (5, 114) = 2.45, p <. 05). Meanwhile, the outcome of Russia had different aspect to the prior two countries with no significant difference at all. The t-test provides evidence to support the claim that the effect of brand popularity differs according to the consumer decision making style of nations. Participants were placed into "high" or "low" fashion leader groups on the basis of previously obtained attitude. The group was divided according to the mean value (X = 2.98). Significant nation pairwise differences were obtained in fashion leadership among Korea, China, and Russia. In case of Korea, the effect of fashion leadership was not shown significant. However for China, the effect of fashion leadership was significant (Pillai’s trace = .31, F (5, 114) = 10.27, p <. 001). Russia also had dramatic effect of fashion leadership (Pillai’s trace = .12, F (5, 110) = 3.03). Significant nation pairwise differences were obtained in sustainability involvement among Korea, China, and Russia. The significant dependent variables appear differed by nations. In case of Korea, the effect of sustainability involvement was significant (Pillai’s trace = .17, F (5, 105) = 4.33, p <. 01). Similarly, the effect of sustainability involvement in China was significant (Pillai’s trace = .20, F (5, 114) = 5.82, p <. 001). The result of Russian was not significant. This study examines the overall effect of brand popularity and consumer decision making styles among three countries: South Korea, China, and Russia on customer evaluation of sustainable brand with the moderate role of fashion leadership and sustainability involvement. This study found that the effect of brand popularity differs according to the consumer decision making style of nations, fashion leadership, and sustainability involvement. Thus, consumer culture should be considered when applying such communication strategy. The result revealed that first hypothesis that brand popularity will affect consumer evaluation on the sustainable brand was denied. This can be explained due to the experimental condition of this study where it applied a virtual brand and the virtual institutions for evaluation. However, in more specific, this can be described as due to the cross national method of this study. The previous studies only focus on proceeding study in one country (Kim & Chung,1997; Rao & Monroe, 1988). It was found that Koreans tend to be more recreational, impulsive, confused by overchoice, brand conscious, and habitual whereas China brand conscious, impulsive, and less confused by overchoice. Russia was scored significantly low on all above mentioned criteria. The moderating effect of consumer decision making style of nation was investigated. The result indicated significant difference of consumer decision making style of nation. Whereas Korean had positive effect of brand popularity on brand evaluation when presented, China showed negative influence, and Russia had no significant impact. This can be due to the Korean consumers’ tendency to value trust and reputation. Individual Korean consumers tend to buy products of large we The third hypothesis of fashion leadership negatively affecting the effect of brand popularity was also partially supported. The significant dependent variables appear differed by nations. In case of Korea, the effect of fashion leadership did not shown significant, yet China and Russia did. However, while China had positive effect of brand popularity, especially to those with high fashion leadership, Russia had negative effect of brand popularity. The difference on consumer decision making style in between high and low fashion leadership groups was investigated. For Korea, involved subjects were significantly more novelty conscious, hedonic shopper, habitual. In case of China, involved subjects were significantly more perfectionism, brand conscious, novelty conscious, impulsive, confused by overchoice, and habitual Lastly, for Russia, involved subjects were significantly less brand conscious novelty conscious, hedonic, impulsive, and habitual. The result of Korea can be inferred as the high trend sensitivity of Koreans. With less difference in consumer decision making style in between high fashion leaders and low fashion leaders, compared to the other two countries, the effect may have not been clearly shown. The result of China and Russia can be interpreted as that the Chinese fashion leaders being more brand conscious caused higher result when the brand popularity was provided. Yet, in Russian fashion leaders who are less brand conscious and less impulsive may have affected the rigid attitude towards the well-known sustainable brand. Lastly, the effect of sustainability involvement was examined. In case of Korea, the effect of sustainability involvement was significant. Similarly, the effect of sustainability involvement in China was significant. The result of Russian was not significant. "high" and "low" fashion leadership groups differed in their decision making style by nation. For Korea, involved subjects were significantly more novelty conscious, hedonic shopper, and more habitual. In case of China, involved subjects were significantly more perfectionist, brand conscious, novelty conscious, hedonic, impulsive, confused by overchoice, and habitual. Lastly, for Russia, involved subjects were significantly more perfectionist. The difference of the result can be explained through the distinctive culture of each country along with the result of the consumer decision making style of the highly involved groups from each country. Koreans, as mentioned above, the effect popularity cue works stronger than other countries. The tendency of preferring products with powerful brand name would have affected the result as expected. However in case of China, along with that Chinese having suspicious perception on institutional documents, significantly being brand apathy may also explain the result. In addition, Russia overall had a high score of sustainability, which can relate to the fact that although slight decrease in its Greendex recently, it has been ranked for several years now, the sustainability value itself may have worked as a intrinsic value of the brand rather than brand popularity cue.ll-known companies rather than small and unfamiliar ones (Kim & Zhang, 2009). The result of China can be explained with Chinese consumers’ characteristics of having suspicious perception on transparency of the enterprise information (Brandvista, 2013). Especially distrust on official data or the governmental exists. With Russians result, this finding are supported by several previous research that suggests that new brands coming to Russian market at the very high speed and disappears quickly due to complexity of the market, thus consumers don’t have time to strongly attach to one brand (Peskova, 2007).
        2014.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This case study investigates the impact of cognitive style (field in/dependence) on errors in English writing through extensive reading (ER). It explores different possibilities between two field-independent (FI) and field-dependent (FD) learners through ER, and it considers the types of errors (interlanguage or intralingual) that they are more likely to commit. The participants were two Korean female high school students with different cognitive styles. To ascertain their respective cognitive styles, the Group Embedded Figures Test (GEFT) was conducted. The participants were asked to write a reading log once a week for six months. Data analyses were performed by two raters, and for further qualitative analysis, Nvivo 10 was used. The results showed that ER was more beneficial to the FI learner with regard to writing proficiency, and both the FI and FD learners committed considerable interlanguage errors. Furthermore, there were similarities and discrepancies between the FI and FD learners as a result of the ER treatment in interlanguage error change.
        2014.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study sought to prove the validity of Hansik Yangnyomjang classification Korean culinary education. survey was conducted among Korean Cuisine professionals, culinary instructors, culinary professionals and potential students from various backgrounds. ata were collected by self-administered questionnaires and analyzed by reliability analysis, frequency analysis and t-test. any differences in terms of the validity of Hansik Yangnyomjang classification between groups based on their majors, teaching experiences, and knowledge of sauce classification. First, the result showed that fermented Jang is core element Korean cuisine. Second, Hansik Yangnyomjang classification needs to be organized around Balhyojang. Third, Hansik Yangnyomjang classification for beginners and foreigners who want to learn Korean Cuisine relatively easily. Finally, the term ‘sauce’ is not suitable for replacing Yangnyomjang.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        환경대기 중의 휘발성유기화합물을 채취할 때 사용하는 샘플링 방법은 백을 이용한 샘 플링 방법과 흡착관을 이용한 샘플링이 대표적이다. 본 연구에서는 실제 대기시료를 이 용하여 두 샘플링 방법을 동시에 진행하여 비교하고자 하였다. 시료의 채취방법에 따른 회수율 정도를 알아보기 위해, 청국장을 조리하면서 발생하는 시료를 채취하는 과정에서 실험을 진행하였다. 그 결과, 유기산의 회수율이 백 샘플링보다 흡착관을 이용한 샘플링 에서 평균적으로 98.6 %의 percent difference (PD)를 나타내는 것을 확인하였다. 카보닐 계열과 방향족은 19.2와 34.3 %로 비교적 적은 차이를 나타냈다. 각 성분 중에서 butyl acetate는 0.50 %로 가장 낮은 수치를 보였고, TMA도 마찬가지로 비교적 낮은 수치를 기록하였다(2.13 %). 이러한 결과는 현장 조건에서 채취방식의 중요성을 확인해 주었다
        2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구는 싸이의 강남스타일이 한국과는 문화적 차이가 큰 미국에서 어떻게 문 화적 차이를 극복하고 수용될 수 있었는지 강남스타일의 수용과 유통을 통해 향후 K-POP의 발전가능성을 진단해 보는데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 미국에 거주 하는 18세 이상 성인 중 강남스타일 뮤직비디오를 한번이라도 시청한 사람들은 대상 으로 온라인 설문조사를 실시하였다 . 분석결과 몇 가지 흥미 있는 결과가 나왔는데 , 우선 강남스타일과 같은 K-pop의 수용은 미주지역에 거주하는 백인보다는 유색인종 이 주도적인 것으로 나타났다 . 그러나 K-pop을 시청한 이후 이를 확산시키기 위한 행 동에서는 백인이 더 적극적인 것으로 나타났다 . 또 강남스타일은 노래와 춤, 가수가 한데 어우러진 잘 만들어진 뮤직 비디오 때문에 성공할 수 있었지만 , 이외에 강남스타 일의 확산에는 매스미디어와 소셜미디어가 상당히 영향을 미친 것으로 나타났다 .
        2013.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Hanok recently is getting attention by Korean wave and the eco-friendly construction. However it has the not a few . weak points to live in modem and been recognized as a big problem such as efficiency problem, hight cost to construct and maintenance difficulty to be solved. The solution are the modularity and weight lightening of Hanok but the roof is one of the most difficult parts of it, the roofrepresents the beauty of Hanok with graceful catenary line, filling timber and soil should be improved to the modem materials and construction methods as an alternative. As the result, this study conceives the improvement figuring out the problem and the case study review as well as suggests the valuation of feasible plan and the potential for modularity by application of the actual field. The roof is consisted of the framework as the constructable role on the upper part of roof board, the insulation and air layer as well as additional roof board should be installed to make easy the roof construction and attach the vapor permeability water proofed paper. Accordingly, Additional rafter, Diaphragm board and Panel can be used as the alternatives. and this reports the possibility of workability, modularity applied in the field. The results of this study are expected to improve the efficiency of the waterproofing of roofs, insulation, maintenance, etc and so on contribute to the pervasiveness of the hanok.
        2013.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Understanding consumers' being well and stylishly dressed is a key for marketers' success in ever changing fashion industry. The purpose of this study is to identify the antecedents of dressing style. As antecedents, personal values and clothing-related variables were considered: this study included physical appearance, materialism, and individualism as personal values and quality conscious, price conscious, and brand conscious as clothing related variables. It was hypothesized that personal values influence dressing style both directly and indirectly through clothing related variables. Data were gathered by surveying university students in Seoul, using convenience sampling. Three hundred eleven questionnaires were used in the statistical analysis, exploratory factor analysis using SPSS and confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis using structural equation modeling. The results showed that all the fit statistics for the variable measures were quite acceptable. In addition, the overall fits of the model suggest that the model fits the data well. The hypothesized relationship test also showed that individualism among personal values directly influences dressing style and that only price consciousness among clothing-related variables influences dressing style. With respect to the relative importance, individualism showed the largest standardized regression weight. The results suggest effective product, price, and promotion strategies for marketers whose target market is style conscious consumers.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study explores a possibility to expend the scope of Traditional Korean-style House, or Hanok through including North Korea's Modern Korean-style building. As Korean traditional architecture is gaining more attention, we should think over how contemporary Hanok should be and establish the concept of Hanok for future generations to come. In order to do that, the traditional Hanok design techniques should be understood. Based on this, the appropriate Hanok Design and construction techniques for contemporary buildings could be found out. This study, therefore, aims at finding basic data of design techniques which can be applied to modern Hanok in South Korea and provi야ng clues for the future Hanok design through studying Korean-style modern buildings in North Korea.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        21세기는 문화가 경쟁하는 민족개성의 시대로 나아가고 있다. 본 연구는 한옥의 부흥과 ‘현대한옥’ 실현을 위한 연구의 한 방법으로 북한의 현대한옥에 연구를 통해 한옥의 범위를 확장하고 현대한옥의 하나의 범위로 그 가능성을 모색하기 위한 연구이다. 이제 건축에서도 분명 새로운 한옥의 시대가 도래하였고 이 시대의 한옥이 어떠해야 하는지 생각해 봐야 하고 앞으로 우리의 후손에게 남겨줄 지금의 한옥을 정립하여야 한다. 그러기 위해서는 과거 우리의 한옥이 어떠했는지 알아야 함이 먼저 선행되어야 한다. 이를 바탕으로 한옥에 적합한 기법을 찾아내고 지금 우리가 사는 이 시대 이 장소에서 새롭게 적응시킬 수 있는 설계와 시공에 대한 연구가 필요하다 . 이러한 바탕에서 본 연구는 북한의 대형공공건물에 전통설계기법을 적용한 방법을 통해서 이 시대 대한민국에서도 실현 가능한 현대한옥의 기초 자료를 제공하고 북한에서 그간 연구하고 진행하고 있는 북한의 현대한옥을 조사 연구함으로 우리 현대 한옥의 나아갈 방향에 대한 단서를 제공한다.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Nowadays, the human resources of an organization are very important in order to survive in competitive business environment. This study investigates the influence of four decision-making styles in Myer-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and working conditions on organizational effectiveness. Job satisfaction and immersion have been regarded as key conceptions of organizational effectiveness. The result of this study has shown that organizational effectiveness are influenced by personality types and working conditions. Based on the result, an enterprise must provide working conditions which are conducive and suitable for all decision-mak- ing styles. For ST-type, the composition of good relationship with superiors, clear organization’s visions and goals and rewarding compensation on original idea contribution need to be provided. On the other hand, autonomic authority and job assistance in co-worker are more suitable for NT-type. Finally, in the case of SF-type, the organization must give job assistance in co-worker.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Ikseon-Dong 166 is one of the traditional urban resident area developed during 1930’s. The purpose of this research is to analyze the structural relationship between a conventional housing unit plans and modern block plans based on orthogonal geometry. To fully explore the selling point of the new urban development, the planner or real estate developer in private sector did not abandon or compromise the conventional house layouts, consists of single layer of rooms keeping the main room facing south. This study concludes the following factors connecting the urban and architectural plans. Oblong block plans following east-west direction did not allow the southern exposure of courtyard and main room, which was the absolute requirement for traditional house units, the longer side of block plan followed north-south direction as a result. Considering the possibility of rent, having entrance at the east or west side of individual site enables two separate household maintain their spatial privacy. In addition to the factors mentioned above, when the blocks are to be divided into individual addresses, north-south oblong block plans maintained the length to face the front road minimum while the southern exposure maximized. These factors explains why the private developers maintained their blocks elongated to north-south direction when the block plans laied out by public sectors which did not care that much of southern exposure show random orientation in the view point of solar exposure.
        2013.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Early mission history to Latin America has been seldom studied by Korean mission scholars. Western scholars’ investigations on early violent contacts between Europe and New World have been focused on either ‘sorrymode’ (for Iberian scholars) or ‘wearesomebody mode’ (for Hispanic scholars). In the paper, the author argues a story of Christian mission, rather sad and dramatic: the life of native Peruvian Jesuit, Blas Valera. He was born mestizo between conquistatores father and mother from Inca royal family. His profound knowledge about Inca native culture and acute sensitivity of native languages made this Jesuit priest excellent missionary translator and later, missionary to native people himself. However, his theological openness to local culture and audacious identification between Inca’s supreme being and the Christian God caused a lot of troubles and controversies. During the Third Lima Council, the clash between Jose de Acosta, a Jesuit Provincial and adamant advocate of eradicating native component of the Christian faith, and the flexible Blas Valera was not avoidable. Jose de Acosta and the European Jesuit community in Peru charged Valera with sexual abuse and put him into jail. Later, it is said that Valera was sent to Spain, by the repeated request of Jose de Acosta, and was kill by English pirate in 1597. However, new discoveries of Valera’s writing possibly reveals that he was not killed in Spain; rather, he returned to Peru and wrote an important treatise, called Nueva coronica y buen gobierno, under the authorship of Guaman Poma. The author of this paper supports the authenticity of Vakera’s newlydiscovered documents and new theory, due to the same missionary points of Valera and Poma.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 귀인이론을 기반으로 사람들이 개인의 경제적 성공과 관련하여 어떠한 귀인양식을 보이는지 고찰하는 실증연구이다. 먼저 귀인이론의 이론적 고찰 및 귀인양식 관련 선행연구 분석에 의한 논거를 토대로 '개인의 경제적 성공 관련 귀인양식 고찰'이라는 연구논제를 정립하였다. 이러한 연구논제를 실증적 방법으로 고찰하기 위해 수도권 지역에 거주하는 성인 238명(연령대/성별 할당표본추출)을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 조사결과 개인의 경제적 성공 관련 귀인요인에 대해, 보유자산 10억원 미만 사람들은 태생적 환경조건 72.1%, 노력 18.0%로 나타나고, 보유자산 30억원 이상 사람들은 태생적 환경조건 12.0%, 노력 48.0%로 나타났다. 이러한 귀인양식을 Weiner(1979)가 주장한 귀인이론의 원인지각 측면에서 해석해 보면, 개인의 경제적 성공을 성취하는 원인에 대해 보유자산이 적은 사람은 태생적 환경조건 탓으로 돌리고, 보유자산이 많은 사람은 노력 덕분이라고 믿는 경향을 보인다는 것이다.