
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 8

        2020.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 다문화 연구의 시각 아래 시행되는 한자 연구에서 고려해야 할 바를 6가지로 나누어 기본적인 생각을 표현하였다. 이러한 6가지 관점은 한자연구와 한자교육 문제를 넘어 동아시아 한자문화권 전반에 걸친 연구의 담론적 성격을 지니고 있다. 이러한 담론의 활성화를 통해 향후 한자 연구가 지향할 바를 고민하는 계기가 되고자 한다.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        德瑛, 主要活動在淸乾隆年间,乾隆元年壯元第一, 却終身官止四 品,而其人品學德均佳, 被衆人所敬佩, 後學追從者甚众,作品丰富多材,自成独特的文学风貌。由金德瑛的诗歌集≪桧门诗存≫, 可見他的人生轨迹 和生平经历,所到之处、所感之事。本稿集中探討就≪桧门诗存≫中<觀劇 絶句>三十首, 所謂≪檜門觀劇詩≫, 從中闡明他的文學觀及戱劇觀所在如 何。 乾隆盛世,戏曲艺术得到长足的发展,观剧诗的创作在这一时期具有独 特的文学意义。金德瑛的《檜門觀劇詩》是这一时期观剧诗的代表,其中明 确表达了诗人“咏史”的戏剧观:“稗官院本,虚实杂陈,美恶观感,易于通 俗,君子犹有取焉。其间亵呢荒唐,所当刊落。今每篇举一人一事,比兴讽 喻,咏史之变体也。”《檜門觀劇詩》中收录的观剧诗或记事或写人,均以 史笔传达兴亡之感借他人酒杯浇自己之块垒。观剧诗的价值定位存在于两个 层面:一是助益于文学批评史的不足之處,观剧诗一身兼二职,既是对戏剧 的审美接受,同时又是对戏剧的再传播;二是观剧诗并不是戏剧作品的衍生 品,创作主体通过诗歌表达戏剧观念,知识阶层对其接受、鉴赏的同时也有 唱和作品产生,形成了自足性兼發性互動性的文化現象。金德瑛的观剧诗传 承至今,其间不乏文人唱和、评点之作。至光绪以后,雖是戏剧趋向案头 化,而观剧诗的创作自有主張,叶德辉、皮錫瑞、易顺鼎等人敢於試圖对观 剧诗创作的唱和,使得唱和观剧诗成为清中後期戏曲审美内涵演绎的別格。歷來观剧诗的传播和接受, 皆被文人士大夫所重視,而观剧诗的基本功 能也與小说戏曲泂異, 尤其是观剧诗的接受階層比較狹小,因此难免会呈现 意識形態的貴族化傾向。同时限于诗歌篇幅較小,对戏曲的评论和论述有时 不能全面深入,缺乏对戏曲的艺术内涵及社会透視。 总之,金德瑛的觀劇詩與其諸家的和詩能够反映出淸代中後期的文学傾 向,并表达出艺术特征以及重敎多訓的歷史意識, 對當時崑花相競的劇壇大 有啓發性, 戏曲主題雅化的进程有所推动,使得南北地方戱更加提高其存在力量。
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The time of panicle initiation change by transplanting date, and this change is affected by heading ecotype and seedling age. So we assessed the variations of panicle initiation, spikelet differentiation and heading date affected by transplanting dates, rice cultivars and seedling ages. And we compared the growth durations and meterological factors between chief growth stages. The differences of growth duration from transplanting date to spikelet differentiation by seedling age were 1~3 days in all transplanting of Unkwang, but it increased to 4 days in Hwayeong transplanting on May 1 and June 30, and Nampyeong transplanting on June 30. The growth durations from panicle initiation to heading of Unkwang and Hwayeong increased until transplanting time by May 31, and decreased thereafter. The growth durations of Nampyeong increased in transplanting on May 16 and May 31. In each transplanting, mean temperature of 30 days after heading was highest in early transplanting, but sunshine hours in the period were highest in transplanting on June 30 in Unkwang, in transplanting on June 15 in Hwayeong, and higher in transplanting on May 31 and June 15 in Nampyeong. The growth duration between spikelet differentiation and heading showed variation according to rice cultivars and transplanting date, Those were 22~26 days in Unkwang, 21~27 days in Hwayeong and 21~28 days in Nampyeong.
        2000.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Ki-Sung Jang and Hyun-Sook Jung. 2000. A Study on Local, Temporal, Personal Deixis in German. Studies in Modern Grammar 22. 199-214. It is the intention of the present paper to give a description of the characteristic features of the Theory of Deixis. As a basis for this the "Zeigfeldlehre of Karl Buehler is used. Although this base is outdated or rather disputed in some respects it is the most comprehensive paper upon Deixis in the German language. To complete the present essay the different aspects of the Deixis (local, temporal, personal) will be examined in detail. Possibilities of systematization and definition will be given. With the intention to demonstrate and explicate the difficulties of foreign learners of the German language in a following step the system of Korean demonstrative pronoun will be introduced. Some advice for learners of German will conclude this paper.