
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 22

        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Ondol is a traditional underfloor heating system designated as a national intangible cultural heritage of Korea. The Cultural Heritage Administration (CHA) publishes a standard specification for the repair of cultural properties, including ondol. This standard specification is used as a guide for contractors who repair ondol in the field. However, the standard specification for ondol repair has some errors and is difficult to understand in the field. This paper proposes a revision of the standard specification for ondol repair. This study found that the standard specification for ondol repair has some problems in terms of the terminology and structure of ondol. These problems were sufficient to confuse ondol repairers in the field. Therefore, this study proposes to revise the standard specification to correct these errors and make it easier for ondol repairers in the field to understand. This study is expected to help recognize and preserve ondol as a cultural property and not just as a building.
        2022.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The construction period of the ondol (Korean floor heating system) at Hoeamsa Temple Site is known as Joseon. The main reason is that a large number of remains in the Joseon era were excavated from the ondol floor with an all-around ondol method. This article partially accepts the theory of the creation of Ondol at Hoeamsa Temple Site during the Joseon Dynasty and suggests a new argument that some Ondol remains were built during the Goryeo Dynasty. The grounds for them are as follows. First, through the building sites consistent with the arrangement of the Cheonbosan Hoeamsa Sujogi (天寶山檜 巖寺修造記, Record of Repair and Construction of Hoeamsa at Cheonbosan Mountain), it is highly likely that the ondol remains as a basic floor was maintained during the reconstruction period in Goryeo. Second, the all-around ondol method of the Monastery Site has already been widely used since the Goryeo Dynasty. Third, some ondol remains consist of "Mingaejari" and "Dunbeonggaejari," which were the methods of the gaejari (which dug deeper and stayed in the smoke) in the pre-Joseon Dynasty. Based on the above evidence, this study argues that the building sites such as Dongbangjangji, Seobangjangji, Ipsilyoji, Sijaeyoji, Susewaryoji, Seogiyoji, Seoseungdangji, Jijangryoji, and Hyanghwaryoji were constructed during the late Goryeo Dynasty.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As a result of reviewing various documents and existing researches, since the late Goryeo period, the most active period in the Ondol(溫突, Korean floor heating system) facilities is the 17th century. The phenomenological reason was recovering the buildings destroyed by the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592(壬辰倭亂]) & the Manchu War of 1636(丙子胡亂), but the underlying cause was an abnormal climate in which a pair of summer and winter cold continued. In the 17th century, as the Ondol facilities grew rapidly without distinction between regions and classes, the supply and demand of fuel caused economic and natural environmental problems. And a negative and positive view on Ondol was suggested. Since the middle of the 18th century, when the demand and supply of Ondol reached its peak, which could no longer increase, a new awareness of Ondol began to grow. The room was called the Panbang(板房)and the Ondol, depending on the material that made up the floor. It was considered natural to have the Ondol from this time on. The Incan(□火間) and Jo(竈) that were made to burn were started to be recorded as a kitchen, regardless of size and function. Changes in social awareness of Ondol have led to concerns about heating efficiency. A variety of architectural explorations were conducted. Such a search was later realized in concrete architectural form. There is a double Ondoll structure, and the column spacing is reduced compared to the previous one. The heat buffer space is formed around the Ondol room, and the double window can control the light and the air going in and out.
        2015.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2014.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2014.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2014.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1. 환경과 생태위기 2. 온돌에 숨어있는 환경코드 3. 온돌과 관련된 불의 정신세계 4. 온돌의 원점 5. 스스로를깨끗하게 하는온돌민속 참고문헌
        2014.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2013.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2013.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        온돌은 동북지방주거에서는 가장 중요한 요소 중 하나이다. 약 2천 년 남짓 유구한 역사 동안, 독특한 온돌양식과 온돌문화를 형성하였으며, 아파트온돌, 라지에이터, 공기조화 난방 등으로 발전하였다, 온돌은 동북 대가족 문화의 주요한 요소일 뿐 만 아니라, 농가의 공간형성과 구축에도 중요한 단서이다. 온돌은 자연형 에너지사용으로 고효율 방식이다. 전통의 온돌-일반적으로 흙 벽돌과 벽돌을 쌓아서 만들고, 음식을 할 때 사용되는 그 여열을 통해 외부와 연결된 부뚜막을 통해 내부와 연결된 고래가 있는 방구들을 지나 굴뚝으로 열을 전달한다. 오늘날 동북의 신농촌은 아주 빠른 건설개발단계에 있다. 기술의 발전과 관념의 변화에 따라, 사람들은 전통온돌을 기반으로 한 혁신적인 시도들을 선보이고 있다. 새로운 온돌을 만들어 내기도 한다. (뜬바닥온돌,에너지절약온돌 등.) 신형온돌은 전통온돌의 모든 기능을 계승할 뿐만 아니라, 지속가능한 발전의 요구와도 맞는다. 즉 전통문화에 현대적 기술을 결합한 형태이다. 본 논문은 동북지역농가를 연구대상으로 하였으며, 온돌의 내포된 함의, 형식과 종류, 난방방식 및 기타 신형 온돌의 발전과 변천에 대해서 다루고 있다.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2013.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        세상에는 다양한 난방방식들이 존재한다. 그리고 대부분의 난방은 열의 복사나 대류를 이용하여 방 공기를 데운다. 실내 온도가 유지되어야 하기 때문에 이들 방식들은 보온과 단열을 매우 중요하게 여긴다. 반면에 온돌은 열전도 즉 접촉으로 난방하기 때문에 방바닥의 축열 능력이 강조된다. 이러한 온돌 방식은 특유한 실내 환경을 조성한다. 즉 바닥에 저장된 열기에 직접 접촉하기 위해 사람들의 일반 활동들이 방바닥 가까이에서 이루어지게끔 한 것이다. 또한 온돌은 실내의 상부가 더 따듯한 다른 난방방식과 달리, 실내의 하부가 따뜻하고 상부가 차가운 환경을 조성한다. 이러한 환경은 한국 사람들이 추구하는 최상의 건강 환경인 두한족열(頭寒足熱)과 일맥상통한다. 이렇듯 온돌은 한국 사람들의 생활 문화와 그 발전에 많은 영향을 미쳐왔다.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        世界上的采暖方式各种各样。这些采暖方式主要是通过辐射和对流, 它们强调保温因为维持室内温度很重要。与此相反, 温突则主要强调在地板里储热因为它通过传导加热。也就是说它通过直接接触加热。这种独特的加热方式创造了独有的室内环境。室内活动与地面紧密相连, 以致于人们直接接触地面的热量, 而这种方式影响韩国人民的文化发展。而且温突创造了这样一种室内环境, 它使得地面比天花板更暖和, 但是对于其他采暖系统来说, 天花板温度是更高的。这样的环境是韩国人更喜欢的最佳的健康状况, 也就是头寒足热。
        2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study mainly inquired characteristics and changes of 'Chang-aelgool' through 38 cases(with 161 Ssang-chang) of annex and pavillion buildings in Yeong-nam region which are built during the Chosun dynasty. The method of inquiry included actual survey of windows along with bibliographical research, and the results are as below. First, through the discovery of the term 'Chang-aelgool' as an indication of the window-forming frame in 'YeongGeonUiGwe'(1680 A.D), it is apparent that the term 'Chang-aelgool' was widely used in Korea from the late 17th century. Second, the 'Chang-aelgool' of study objects are classified into 4 categories. Type Ⅰ and Ⅱ are comprised of mitre-joints which cover the 4 corners of 'Chang-aelgool' and mainly used in building annex and pavillion buildings during the early period of the Chosun dynasty. Type Ⅲ was widely used during the early and middle period of the Chosun dynasty and drastically dropped in number during the late period of the dynasty. Type Ⅳ is comprised of mitre-joint of the upper-half, tenon-jointing of the lower-half and widely used in annex and pavillion building during the late period of the Chosun dynasty. Third, the form of 'Chang-aelgool' has changed from rectangular form with longer width during the early period of Chosun dynasty to square form during the middle period and eventually ended up as a rectangular form with longer height during the late period of the dynasty. Fourth, it is considered that while mullion which is located in the center of 'Chang-aelgool' was mainly used around the main floored room during the early period of the Chosun dynasty, became commonly used in main floored room and 'ondol' rooms during the middle period and drastically dropped in number from then and ended up being not in use after the mid 18th century.
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