
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 10

        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 일본 민주당 정권기에 이루어진 고교무상화 제도의 도입과 정에서 조선학교가 배제되고 자민당 정권기에 그 결정이 확정되기까지의 정치과정에 대해서 분석하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 본 논문은 기존연구 에서 주목하지 않은 국내정치과정의 행위자들-정부, 정치가, 시민단체, 언론-에 초점을 맞춰 정치적 동학을 밝히고자 하였다는 점에서 선행연구 들을 보완하고 있다. 본 연구를 통해서 제시하고자 한 점은 다음과 같다. 조선학교에 대한 고교무상화의 적용은 국제인권규약이 정하고 있는 고등 교육의 보편적 적용을 위한 정책의 일환으로서 도입될 예정이었지만, 조 선학교와 조총련, 북한체제와의 연관성이 부각되면서 안보적 측면이 중 시된 결과 배제로 확정되어 이루어지지 못했다. 조선학교 배제문제는 일 본사회의 마이너리티인 재일조선인에 대한 인권(교육권, 학습권) 측면의 문제였지만, 북한에 의한 일본인 납치피해자 및 북송사업 피해자 등의 인권문제가 상대적으로 강조되면서 재일조선인의 인권에 대한 논의가 약 화되어간 과정이었다. 민주당 정권 초기 보편적 인권규범을 주장하던 정 치세력은 사회적 기반의 약화로 연계를 형성하지 못하였으며, 정부의 납 치문제담당성-보수계 시민단체의 연계가 해당 정책의 결정과정에 영향을 미쳤음을 알 수 있었다.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study to investigate the satisfaction of elementary and middle school students in Chungnam province. We surveyed related to school food service, concerns about food ingredients and dietary life, perceptions of free school food service and satisfaction the quality and management of the school food service. Furthermore, this survey with the previous. Compared to year, frequency of education related to school food service and concerns about food ingredients and dietary life. Perception on free school food service increased 1.2%, not statistically significant. Satisfaction for the quality of the school food service statistically significant increase compared to 2015. ore individuals educated the foods’ countyof- origin and a higher concern the food materials and dietary life, subsequently higher satisfaction for the quality and management of school food service. The results of this study suggest that concern and concentration on software of school food service such as education and guide are important.
        2017.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aims of this study was to investigate the satisfactions with school food service and its influencing factors for elementary and middle school parents. We surveyed parents regarding their concerns about food ingredients and dietary life, perceptions of free school food service, the necessity of food supply systems such as school food service centers, and the satisfaction about the quality and management of school food services. Compared to the last year, concerns about food ingredients and dietary life as well as perceptions about free school food services decreased. The reported necessity of supply system such as school food service centers and co-purchasing was lower than in 2015. The satisfaction about the school food service decreased, compared to 2015. More individuals had higher concerns about local food and stated the necessity for school food supply systems, as well as a higher satisfaction about the quality and management of school food services. In conclusion, it is important to emphasize characteristics of school food services such as co-purchasing local foods.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study is to investigate the perception and satisfaction of elementary and middle school students on free school food service. We surveyed education related to school food service, concerns about food ingredients, perceptions of free school food service and satisfaction for the quality of the school food service. The investigation is classified into two groups, schools that operate as a food service center or those that do not. Those who are provided food ingredients by school food service centers are educated about the agricultural products’ country-of-origin and their environmentfriendly food service. The more individuals are educated of the foods’ county-of-origin and environment-friendly food service the more they will have a higher concern of the food materials and subsequently a higher satisfaction for the quality of school food service. School food service centers managed directly by the local government would probably receive higher satisfaction than those consigned to a private sector. The results of this study will be meaningful to establish policies on school food service and school food service centers.
        1998.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2018.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aimed to analyze socioeconomic effect of eco-friendly free school food supply system by Seoul, which has been consistently extended since 2011. To do so, effect of eco-friendly free school food supply system on the beneficiaries, Seoul citizens, was analyzed by using ‘labor & income panel’, while that on rural society was analyzed by using the surveys on the eco-friendly agricultural product supply performance by the ‘Eco-friendly Agricultural Products Retail Center’ as well as for students, school parents, nutrition teachers and nutritionists. The results of analysis showed that eco-friendly school food supply system contributes to income redistribution among the Seoul citizens to a certain extent, provides the eco-friendly agricultural product producers in the rural society with the stable market, and positively influences them to secure stable incomes. In addition, eco-friendly free school food reduced the amount of carbon emissions through the use of environmentally friendly agricultural products resulting in environmental improvements and economic benefits. Considering such effects, free school food supply using the eco-friendly agricultural products needs to be consistently maintained in the future without politic change by political ideology and to be extended to middle school level in medium and short-term.
        2013.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        이 연구에서는 Fairclough의 비판적 담론분석 모델을 적용하여 서울시 무상급식 정책결정과정에 나타난 정책담론들이 수행하는 역할 및 특성을 규명하는데 목적을 두고 있다. 이를 위해 담론 투쟁과정에서 부각된 담론들에 대한 신문기사의 텍스트 분석을 통해 진보와 보수의 논리를 기술하고, 양자 간 대립하며 전개하고 있는 담론을 해석하였다. 또한, 사회적 실천관계에서는 정책이 형성되는 상황적 맥락과 결정이 이루어지는 제도적 맥락을 살펴보았다. 연구결과에 따른 이 연구의 결론 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 서울시 무상급식 정책결정과정에서 정책담론들은 진보와 보수 세력들의 정치적 이해관계와 결합하며 논쟁이 된 것으로 볼 수 있다. 둘째, 무상급식 정책결정과정에서의 정책행위자들, 즉 진보와 보수는 자신들의 논리를 정당화하기 위한 다양한 행동전략을 구사했으며 이 과정에서 정책담론이 중심적인 역할을 하였다. 셋째, 서울시 무상급식에 관한 정책결정은 정책행위자들의 이해와 타협에 의한 결정이라기보다는 담론투쟁에 의한 결과라 할 수 있다.