
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 11

        2016.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        중국에서 보편적으로 통용되는 식자는 ‘일반적’, ‘특수적’ 방법이 있다. 일반 방법은 식자는 쉬우 나 언어 환경과의 괴리를 피할 수 없다거나, 흥미 유발로 식자 능력을 배양할 수 있으나 한자 고유 의 규율을 이해하는데 어려움이 있다거나, 한자가 가지고 있는 특성을 도외시하게 되는 등 문제점을 가지고 있다. ‘벽문절차’와 ‘자족문’이 특수 방법으로 벽문절차는 한자의 형․음․의 분석을 통해 관련된 부분을 도출해내고 독특한 연상법을 활용해 흥미를 유발하고 기억하게 한다. 그러나 한자의 규율을 무시하 는 문제에 따른 해설상의 오류를 벗어나기 힘들다. 한자 특성을 제대로 학습할 수 없게 만들고, 언어 환경도 고려하지 못한다. 자족문은 획기적이고 신선한 방법으로 평가받는다. 한자 특성을 고려해 파생을 활용하여 자족이 란 개념을 창출했다. 문장을 익히면서 문자를 익히고, 문자를 익히면서 문장을 익숙하게 하는 문장 과 문자 학습을 통일시켰다. 문장 학습으로 언어 환경을 잘 활용할 수 있고 개별 문자를 쉽게 이해 할 수 있는 방법으로 한어 특성을 살렸다. 그러나 자족문 방법도 중국 언어체계에서 활용도가 높을 뿐 우리 언어체계에서 쉽게 활용할 수 없다는 단점을 가지고 있다.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Chinese ancient literacy teaching is tteaching and learning of characters which refers to use paper as the carrier of copying or print the words in Chinese ancient books before 1911 years. Ancient literacy teaching has its particularity. At present there is only the system of standard Chinese literacy teaching in domestic, but no system of ancient literacy teaching. The phenomenon of scattered, random and inefficient in ancient literacy teaching seriously affect the reading, sorting and study of ancient books. The cause of this situation is not fully understanding the uniqueness of ancient literacy teaching. The situation is difficult to adapt to the current requirement of reading, sorting and researching in ancient books. Therefore, we need build the system of ancient literacy teaching mechanism in urgent. The relevant authorities should change cognition and elevate the status of ancient literacy teaching. Establishing a relatively independent ancient literacy teaching system, improving the method of teaching words in ancient books and establishing the implemented platform of teaching words in ancient books improve the teaching level and quality of ancient books to read so as to meet the needs of the ancient books reading and researching.
        2013.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        這個研究歸納了小一識字教學期間對學生的觀察,分析小一學生識字的過程及方法。探討現今的中文科教材在識字教學設計上,能否配合漢字的特性,學習者的心理,並提出改進教學設計的建議。 研究的目的是希望從漢字學習、多種識字教學法、兒童心理學的角度來探討學習成效。研究對象是就讀小學一年級的適齡學生。本人選取了大多數學校常用的中國語文科教科書示例,結合實際教學經驗及例子,供教育人士參考。
        2013.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        閱讀是學生獲取知識的重要途徑。透過「從閱讀中學習」(香港教育局,2002),學生建立良好的語文能力,並提升學習能力,才能與時並進。識字是打開閱讀之門的鑰匙(香港教育局,2008),學生要有良好的識字能力,增加識字量,才能開始閱讀。然而,香港教育局(2004)指出,中國語文教育的學習內容,分為閱讀、寫作、聆聽、說話、文學、中華文化、品德情意、思維和語文自學九個學習範疇,並沒有包括識字的學習。 本研究因應小學生語文學習的需要,在校本中文課程中,加入識字的元素,運用有效的識字策略,提升小學生對漢字的覺識(awareness),並鼓勵學生運用不同的識字策略,增加識字量,讓學生建立語文能力的基礎。本研究以準實驗研究(前後測),評量學生學習識字策略的成效,以及識字量的變化。通過是研究結果,重新審視本港中文課程,討論如何作出調適,以迎合小學生語文學習的需要。
        2013.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        考察及理解學習者學習某一特定語言的過程是語言教育研究的核心課題之一。語言學者大致提出了三種模型。初期,提了學習者把從小的語言單位入手,然後擴展到大的語言單位,從而理解全語言的意思。就是通過從認識綴字、音節、單語、句、文段以及整個文章的順序來理解整個意思。這是文章意義中心說。以後,有學者主張讀者通過將自身已存知識、經驗的結合對文章的意思進行推測、組織確定。最後有的學者提出了綜合性的結論,即,學者在學習某一篇文章中,不僅要對文字進行逐一解讀而且要結合自身的已存知識、經驗,兩個因素不斷互相作用為了更深層次的解讀。學習漢文者將如何理解並且掌握好漢文的意思呢?一般用一下模型:首先展示一個句子,然後教組成句子的每一個漢字的音和義。並且著重強調句子中有特殊含義的漢字並對其在文章脈絡中的特殊意思進行分析理解。通過對句子中每個漢字的字義以及句子的結構形式進行綜合分析,從而完成對句子的理解以及解釋。並且強調句子的中心內容,作者的創作意圖以及文章的主旨。即,在理解每一個漢字的基礎上掌握漢字詞匯、文句、以及整個文章的意思。最近語言學習研究者重視學習者,他是語言學習的主體。在注重學習者本性下,我們不僅應該留意掌握文章中所使用的綴字、詞匯、句節的意思和機構,而且文章的主題、素材、特徵、核心詞匯以及讀者的已存知識,背景知識的活用性也受到了重視。一般學習漢文的人,首先要通過對文章中漢字的逐一解讀來對文章進行第一層解讀。然後通過對文章的結構,虛詞的使用,文章形式的分析對文章進行第二層解讀。漢字的解讀,文章的結構形式以及虛詞的使用等是文章的要素。這些要素是理解文章的重要背景的關鍵要素。但是漢文學習的主體既不是文章本身也不是漢文教學者,而是漢文學習者自己。漢文學習者包含的有關學習內容、背景知識和其已存知識能作用理解文章,這些因素的程度會對理解文章產生很大的影響。解讀文章的過程是讀者對文章意義的一個知識組成過程,在這個過程中文章的各個要素和讀者的自身要素始終不斷地相互作用。因此,漢文教育中在重視漢字的解讀,漢文知識的同時可以對讀者已存知識的活用性戰略進行一定的規劃。與此相關還有以下的幾個問題。第一,有必要增加教材的分量和文種的多樣化,從而展開一定的討論。第二,教授∙學習的效果可以立證于質研究方式。為此需要進行精密的研究設計。第三,針對教授∙學習方案以及教案需要收集學習者的反映材料,通過對材料的分析總結給漢文學習者指出一條有效的學習途徑。最後,提出了在學界中所提及的被稱為漢字教育或識字教育的捷徑的“集中識字”和“分散識字” 的學習方法進行研究的要求。
        2013.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한자교육과 독해의 결합은 전통적인 중국의 어문 한자교육에서 중시받고 귀감 으로 삼아야 할 귀중한 경험 중 하나이다. 이 경험은 한자의 특성과 규칙과 부합 할 뿐 아니라, 학생들로 하여금 한자의 형음의를 통일하여 연결하여 학습하게 하 는 훌륭한 기초를 마련해 줌으로서 한자교육의 범위를 넓혀 준다. 또 한 측면에서 한자교육의 효과는 언어를 운용하는 범주에까지 나아가 학생들로 하여금 훌륭한 언어 감각을 배양하게 하여 언어 운용의 훌륭한 기초를 쌓도록 하여준다.
        2012.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        漢字一向是國際人士學習中文的難點。從沒有受過漢字形體規則訓練的外國人的視角來看,漢字就是由線條組成的圖形。幾何識字法取材自558檢字法,從筆畫(線條) 與圖形(平面) 的視角分析漢字,又以幾何學兩線相交為一交义點(點) 的方式輔助分析。幾何識字法將漢字分別從整全方塊結構式分割與字內合攏圖形結構兩種圖形視角解構。寫字方面,以「三十六小犬同入四川」組成基本字例引導句,介紹基本筆劃與筆順,再配合前述之結構式分割,學習者就相對容易寫出漢字。 漢字輸入方面,個人數碼助理的按鍵式筆劃輸入、觸控式手寫輸入與及現時愈來愈多個人電腦中已預載的拼音與字形融合的輸入法均為漢字學習者提供了莫大的方便。幾何識字法以學習者為中心,以外國人的視角,以線條圖形和引導句作主導,經教學實踐證實,不論是對成年學習者或是小學非華語學童,均有良好的效果。
        2012.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Chinese characters are ideographic system text. Therefore,Chinese characters is through its body structure to express meaning. Thisis the basis of Chinese characters can be created, resulting in theprinciples of radical.Correspondingly, people recognize Chinesecharacters only through analysis of the body structure of Chinesecharacters in order to know the original significance of a singlecharacter. Therefore, understanding the Characters and the principle ofradicals is very important. However, in Chinese characters search, inorder to search easy people set up another radical system , this set ofradical system were re-classified and positioning of Chinesecharacters.Of course, considerable part of the radical is coincident with.Therefore, in the teaching process we should distinguish the principlecomponents and characters principles of radical differences, it is acorrect understanding of Chinese characters, and accurate use of Chinesecharacters.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Many Asian languages includes Chinese characters which is used i n different countries or different nations, for instance, Korean learns Korean Chinese characters, Japanese learns Japanese Chinese characters, Singapore learns simplified Chinese characters, the mainland China and Taiwan or Hong Kong people learn simplified and traditional Chinese characters. The pronunciation is same for simplified and traditional Chinese characters. But for Korean and Japanese characters, the pronunciation is different, but elements which composed the character are similar. This article focuses on introducing a computer Chinese input method which is coded based on the shape of constituent element of Chinese characters. The completed scientific system of this input method enables Chinese character computer inputting associated with language literacy teaching and dictionary indexing. That means it will be formed a unified system based on the same coding of each character shared in the computer inputting, language literacy teaching and dictionary indexing. The advantage is that the training of inputting Chinese characters by using computers can be conducted with the language literacy teaching simultaneously. The author hopes to work with scholars who come from various countries to exchange the opinion on how to use this Chinese character input method associated with the literacy teaching to improve the efficiency of character recognition. The students can speak Chinese characters in local pronunciation, but also can input Chinese characters handily and quickly in computer.
        2011.01 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        新加坡在2007年實施的小學華文課程中,綜合地採用了各種識字教學策略,以期解決學生在識字學習中遇到的困難。參考了中國內地、香港等地的經驗後,該課程中綜合地應用了看圖識字、兒歌識字、字理識字、字族文識字、電腦識字、注音識字、隨文識字等策略。在設計之初,該課程也同時通過單元教學模式,以照顧不同家庭用語、不同學習能力的學生的差異性學習需要。有關該課程的實際效益評估,可見於從2006年的試教階段到2007至2009年的實施階段的幾項研究成果中: • 於2006年對25所試教學校(實驗組)和25所非試教學校(控制組)的小一小二學生進行Peabody語彙掌握檢測; • 於2008年對同一批學生在小三階段的語言能力進行測試; • 於2008-09年對整體課程實施進行評估。 從以上兩項測試的量化數據和教師訪談等質性分析中,我們發現了該識字教學課程的一些正面效果,但同時也出現了課程實施中的一些局限與不足。 本文對該識字教學課程設計進行描述、對各相關研究成果進行報告,並對其成果與不足進行討論。
        1985.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The effects of the vegetable diet on the levels of the serum lipids, particularly the level of the serum total cholesterol which is most concerned with coronary heart disease (CHD) were investigated in 30 male SDA (Seventh Day Adventists) group and 30 male omnivorous group (control group). SDA participated in this study intaked relatively few animal origin foods whereas they intaked plant origin foods largely; they seldom or sometimes intaked meats, fishes, butter, margarine, beverages and coffee, but often unrefined cereals, legumes, vegetables and fruits. In the both systolic pressure and diastolic pressure, there was no difference between two groups. The levels of the serum total cholesterol, triglyceride and phospholipid were lower in SDA group than in the omnivorous group. Among them the difference was statistically significant in the level of the serum total cholesterol. HDL-cholesterol was more or less higher in SDA group than in the omnivorous group, but the difference was no significant. The result that SDA group had lower level of the serum total cholesterol than the omnivorous group suggested that that they might be less prone to CHD than the omnivorous group. Though this possibility, however, was derived from the fact of the lower level of serum total cholesterol of SDA group, it might by partly responsible for their habit that they never smoke and drink alcohols and coffee.