The management of pollutant emissions from industrial sites involves various crucial steps, including estimating emission quantities and assessing their impact on surrounding areas. While emissions from point sources, such as exhaust outlets, are relatively easier to manage, emissions from area sources, such as workshops and livestock facilities, are often challenging to measure due to various constraints. To address this issue, this study proposes a method for estimating emissions from area sources by utilizing data collected at site boundaries and applying a reverse modeling approach. Using data from actual livestock facilities, along with reverse modeling results, this study identified a strong correlation between the facility area and the number of livestock raised. Correlation analyses revealed positive relationships between the facility area and the average odor emission rate, as well as between the number of livestock and the average odor emission rate. In addition, the results of reverse modeling confirmed a significant correlation between odor emissions, the number of livestock, and the facility area. Based on these findings, this study developed an odor emission factor for livestock facilities using the number of livestock and the facility area as activity indicators. The odor emission factor is expressed in units of OU/s/pig/m², where “OU” represents odor units, “s” denotes seconds, “pig” corresponds to the number of livestock, and “m²” refers to the total facility area. By multiplying the number of livestock by the facility area, the total odor emission rate (OU/sec) can be calculated. Unlike traditional emission factors that rely solely on the number of livestock, this newly developed factor incorporates all facilities contributing to odor emissions within a livestock operation. This approach allows for the estimation of odor emissions using external measurement data and facility information, even in cases where direct measurements are impractical. The results of this study are expected to be effectively utilized for odor evaluation and management in livestock facilities.
This study sought to improve the accuracy of estimating national emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from consumer solvent products (CSPs) by updating emission factors and category-specific activity data. The classification of the CSPs, which was originally proposed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, was reorganized to reflect domestic consumption patterns in Korea. VOC contents, product sales, and atmospheric evaporation rates of the CSPs were analyzed for subcategories including personal care products, household products, and automotive aftermarket products to update their emission factors. Additionally, the category-specific activity data, previously based on only population statistics, were newly applied to count the characteristics of each classification, such as the number of households and the number of registered automobiles. The updated emission factors were calculated to be 1.90 kg/capita·yr for personal care products, 4.37 kg/household·yr for household products, and 2.36 kg/car·yr for automotive products. An evaluation of uncertainties revealed the limitation in the product classification, the shortage of sales data, and the lack of information on VOC contents depending on the product forms (liquid, solid, and aerosol). This study highlighted the necessity of developing detailed classification systems and standardized VOC content measurement methods, ultimately contributing to more accurate and practical assessments of VOC emissions from the CSPs.
This study was conducted to efficiently manage THC, which was previously managed only through self-measurement. Using Selected Ion Flow Tube Mass Spectrometers, a real-time air quality measurement device, VOCs were measured in five industrial complexes, and methyl ethyl ketone was measured at the highest concentration in the industrial complexes. THC measurements were conducted at business sites located in the area. As a result of the measurements, printing processes, drying processes, etc. exceeded the emission standard of 110 ppm in three processes, and the outlets that exceeded the emission standard were instructed to improve prevention facilities such as activated carbon replacement, thereby reducing highconcentration VOC emissions. The results of the study suggest that if inspection agencies measure VOCs in real time and conduct Total Hydro Carbon measurements, etc. mainly in high-concentration areas, VOCs and Total Hydro Carbon, which are the causes of greenhouse gases and odors, can be efficiently reduced.
This study aimed to assess the global and domestic efforts regarding the reduction of environmental-impact-factor emissions in the production and construction processes of concrete pavements. By utilizing internationally commercialized programs, this study sought to calculate the environmental impact factors generated by specific domestic concrete-pavement projects and identify areas for improvement. This study evaluated the global and domestic efforts of environmental impact reduction by focusing on the production and construction of concrete pavements. This study calculated the environmental impact factors for five cases using internationally commercialized software. The analysis revealed that, during the production and construction of concrete pavements, Portland cement production is a dominant cause of global warming, smog, acidification, and non-carcinogenic factors, whereas aggregate production is a dominant cause of ozone depletion, eutrophication, carcinogenicity, respiratory issues, environmental toxicity, and fossil-fuel depletion. This study analyzed the environmental impact factors of material mix and process during concrete pavement production and construction using foreign life-cycle inventory (LCI) databases. The environmental impact of each input material was identified. In the future, if an LCI and life-cycle impact assessment (LCIA) database for domestic road pavement materials is established and analyzed based on the conditions presented in this study, it is expected to lay the foundation for the development of environmentally friendly materials.
선박운항의 효율성을 감소시키는 생물부착(biofouling)을 방지하기 위해 사용되는 방오시스템(antifouling system)은 연안의 선체 수리, 해상 부착생물 제거 및 재 페인팅과정에서 해양으로 유출될 수 있다. 이에 대한 법적규제는 마련되어 있지 않아, 해양 생태계에 부정적인 영향을 초래할 할 수 있을 것으로 우려되고 있다. 선체청소배출수에 포함된 오염화학 물질과 관련된 잠재적인 독성 위험이 우려됨에도 불구하고, 이에 대한 생물의 독성영향을 보고한 사례는 매우 제한적이다. 본 연구에서는 선체청소배출수에 노출된 넙치 수정란에 대한 발생독성영향을 분석하였다. 현장에서 실제 선체를 청소한 배출수를 채집하여 원수(wastewater)와 페인트 입자를 제거한 여과한 폐수(0.45 μm Lab filter wastewater)로 나누어, 희석 배율(10배, 100배, 1000배)에 따른 치사 및 아치사 수준의 생태독성영향을 평가하였다. 선체청소배출수의 화학조성은 결과, 구리(Cu), 철(Fe), 아연(Zn)이 높은 농도로 확인되었다. 선체청소배출수에 노출된 모든 실험구의 사망률은 유의한 차이가 없었으나, 심장 부종, 척추만곡, 꼬리지느러미 기형, 발달 지연의 아치사 수준의 형태발생기형 영향이 나타난 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 노출 6시간 후 전사체분석을 통해 독성기작을 분석한 결과, 선체청소배출수에 노출된 넙치 배아에서는 Nervous system development, Cell development, Muscle development, Animal organ development pathway와 관련된 유전자들이 유의하게 차등 발현되었다. 본 연구 결과는 선체청소배출수가 연안에 서식하는 넙치의 발생에 미치는 급성독성영향을 규명하여, 연안 해양환경을 보호하기위한 선체청소배출수의 관리기준 마련에 유용한 정보로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.
In this study used Computational Fluid Dynamic analysis to examine NOx reduction in hydrogen combustion, analyzing six conditions with varying air/fuel ratios, temperatures, and concentrations. Results were compared between two combustor shapes and previous experimental data. Findings showed increased air/fuel ratios decreased flame temperature and increased post-combustion O2. NOx emissions peaked at high temperatures and low O2. Numerical results aligned with previous experimental trends, validating the approach. Combustor shape differences, reflecting variations in fuel and air pipes, significantly affected flow rates and combustion positions. This reduced NOx emissions up to a certain air/fuel ratio, but excessive increases diminished this effect. The study highlights the complex relationship between combustor design, operating conditions, and NOx emissions. Further research is needed to optimize NOx reduction by considering pipe numbers and combustion locations. Future studies should explore various combustor geometries, fine-tune air/fuel ratios, and investigate additional parameters influencing NOx formation and reduction in hydrogen combustion systems.
In this study, hybrid devices were developed to simultaneously remove odor and particulate matter (PM) emitted during meat grilling, and their performance was evaluated. A ceramic filter system and surfactant microbubble plasma system were used to reduce particulate matter. For odor reduction, an electro-oxidation system, an ozone-active catalytic oxidation system, and a multi-adsorption filter system were used. By combining the above particulate matter reduction and odor reduction devices, the reduction efficiency of odor and particulate matter generated during meat grilling was analyzed. As a result, most of the six combined device conditions showed a reduction efficiency of more than 90% for particulate matter. The combined odor also showed a high reduction efficiency of less than 200 times the emission concentration standard. This study also evaluated 22 types of odorous substances, of which ammonia (NH3) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) showed removal efficiencies of more than 99%. Therefore, it is expected that the combination of these technologies can be used and applied directly to the sites where meat grilling restaurants are located to effectively contribute to the simultaneous reduction of particulate matter and odor.
One of the harmful substances produced by livestock manure is ammonia (NH3), which is emitted at a high rate. Additionally, NH3 reacts with sulfur oxides (SOx) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the atmosphere to produce fine particulate matter (PM2.5). However, the management and countermeasures for NH3 in livestock facilities were found to be inadequate. To establish effective measures, an NH3 emission factor that complies with certified methodologies is required. This study calculates the emission factor by monitoring NH3 concentration and ventilation between September 2022 and May 2023 in a mechanically-ventilated enclosed facility. The data measurement was performed in accordance with the VERA test protocol from Europe, and NH3 concentrations were monitored in real-time using photoacoustic spectroscopy measurement equipment. The average NH3 concentrations for Rooms 1, 2, and 3 during the entire period were measured at 0.96 ± 0.39 ppm, 1.20 ± 0.57 ppm, and 1.34 ± 0.71 ppm, respectively, with an overall average of approximately 1.17 ± 0.49 ppm. The average ventilation was recorded at 2,782.0 ± 1,510.4 m³/h, with an average internal temperature of 26.0 ± 1.5 °C and a relative humidity of 63.9 ± 5.2%. The average emission factor per room was calculated as 0.14 ± 0.03 g/day/pig for Room 1, 0.19 ± 0.07 g/day/pig for Room 2, and 0.15 ± 0.05 g/day/pig for Room 3. Ultimately, this study determined the average NH3 emission factor for the weaned pig facility to be 0.16 g/day/ pig.
As global climate change impacts become more apparent, countries are implementing various policies to achieve carbon neutrality that can be categorized into direct regulations and market-based indirect regulations. The latter, utilizing economic incentives, is considered more efficient in transforming corporate behavior and promoting voluntary efforts for carbon reduction. In alignment with international trends, South Korea has introduced the Emission Trading System (ETS) in 2015. Despite this, the domestic carbon market remains underdeveloped, with low ETS participation, particularly in the aquaculture sector. In order to activate external projects under the ETS, this study proposes short-term strategies including linking ETS with popular eco-friendly energy distribution projects, developing standardized monitoring techniques, and integrating carbon reduction initiatives with other support mechanisms such as direct payment programs. Long-term strategies focus on developing new methodologies for external projects, promoting the use of renewable energy, and enhancing technologies to reduce energy consumption in aquaculture operations. By implementing these strategies, the study aims to enhance the participation of the aquaculture sector in carbon reduction efforts, contributing to the overall goal of carbon neutrality.
Biodiesel is a traditional energy field that can replace low-quality marine fuels for ships and various studies have been conducted. Since the 2000s, Korea has introduced a mandatory supply system of biodiesel for domestic vehicle diesel, gradually raising the blending ratio from 0.5% to 3.5%, and is expected to raise the mandatory blending ratio to about 8.0% by 2030. Therefore, in this study attempted to blend high-quality samples that meet the biodiesel quality standards manufactured by domestic companies with MGO in ratios ranging from 0 to 60%. We utilized a 1-ton combustion chamber to compare and analyze the exhaust gas emissions characteristics. As a result, in the BD60 condition, which represents the maximum range in this study, the O2 increased by approximately 1.5%p, and CO2 tended to decrease by 1.1%p. NOx decreased by approximately 18.2%p from 34.1 ppm to 27.9 ppm. In the case of SOx, a very low concentration of 0.08 ppm was detected under the BD0 condition, and it was undetectable under all other conditions containing biodiesel. This suggests that MGO itself has excellent low-sulfur oil quality and can implement zero SOx through biodiesel mixing. Furthermore the combustion efficiency decreased by approximately 1.91%, from 72% to 70.2%, and the exhaust gas temperature also decreased by about 4.5%p. However despite the lower calorific value of biodiesel compared to MGO, it demonstrated relatively close thermal output per unit content. This indicates sufficient potential for biodiesel to serve as a viable alternative fuel for ships in the future.
본 연구는 한국에서 시행 중인 탄소배출권 거래제도가 탄소중립을 달 성하는데 효과적으로 기여하고 효율적으로 작동할 수 있도록 정책적 시 사점을 제공하고자 한다. 이를 위해서, 탄소배출권 가격과 전산업생산지 수의 관계를 분석하였다. 즉, 탄소배출권 가격과 전산업생산지수의 선형 및 비선형 관계를 고려하여 경제학적 모형을 통해 추정 및 분석을 진행 하였다. 분석 방식은 구조변화를 반영한 방식과 임계값(문턱값)을 반영하 는 방식으로 나누어 모형을 구축하고 추정하였다. 그 결과, 한국의 탄소 배출권 가격과 전산업생산지수는 추정한 모형에서 비선형적 관계가 포착 되었다. 이러한 결과는 한국에서 시행 중인 탄소배출권 거래제도가 효율 적으로 작동할 수 있도록 추가적인 정책이 필요함을 시사한다. 예를 들 어, 산업 분야에서 저탄소 공정으로의 전환(또는 저탄소 경제로의 전환) 이 완전히 이루어지지 않은 현실을 고려할 때, 여전히 경제가 성장하는 상황에서 비선형 관계가 포착된다는 것은 탄소배출권 가격이 적정한 수 준을 유지하지 못하고 지속적으로 하락하는 추세를 나타낸다는 것이기 때문이다. 따라서, 탄소배출권 거래제도의 본래 취지인 탄소배출량의 감 축에 기여할 수 있도록 적정한 탄소배출권 가격이 배출권 거래제도하에 서 유지되도록 하는 정책을 고려해야 한다.
PURPOSES : The study aims to establish a comprehensive life cycle assessment model for bridges in South Korea considering domestic carbon emission factors. The main aims are to evaluate the carbon emission of bridge construction, focusing on the Seong-ri Bridge as a case study, and to improve national environmental policies and management strategies. METHODS : We utilized the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology, adhering to standards set by ISO, to categorize each phase of the bridge's life cycle. The process involved selecting the bridge type based on the compilation of a detailed analysis range. The analysis covered various stages from raw material supply (A1-A3) to construction (A4-A5) and maintenance (B2-B5), excluding certain stages due to data unavailability. Carbon emission factors were then applied to quantify emissions at each stage. RESULTS : The findings indicate that the raw material production phase (A1-A3) contributes to approximately 96% of the total carbon emissions, highlighting its significant impact. We report detailed calculations of emissions using domestically developed emission factors for materials such as steel and concrete and establish a carbon emission per unit length measure for comparative analysis with other infrastructure. CONCLUSIONS : We leveraged LCA ISO standards to analyze each stage of the Seong-ri bridge, calculating its carbon emissions based on domestic factors for CO2, CH4, and N2O. By tailoring the study to Korea-specific emission factors, we develop a greenhouse gas model closely aligned with the nation’s environmental conditions. The results contribute to improving environmental impact assessments and strategically aiding national policy and management decisions.
PURPOSES : This study analyzed the amount of fuel consumption and atmospheric emissions by type of asphalt concrete mixtures. METHODS : Asphalt concrete mixture was produced directly at the plant, fuel consumption was measured compared to daily production, and atmospheric emissions emitted during the production process were measured. Hot and warm asphalt mixtures were produced, and analyses were conducted according to weather conditions and production volume. RESULTS : The fuel use per ton was confirmed to reduce energy by approximately 23.5% in WMA compared to HMA due to differences in the production temperature during the production of asphalt mixtures. Additionally, HMA production yielded 1.6 times higher atmospheric emissions for CO2 and 3.8 times higher for NOx than that for WMA, indicating that CO2 and NOx emissions tended to increase as fuel consumption increased. CONCLUSIONS : When producing asphalt mixtures, the production temperature, production volume, atmospheric conditions, and site conditions have a significant impact on fuel usage and atmospheric emissions.
PURPOSES : We propose a framework to evaluate the reliability of integrating homogeneous or heterogeneous mobility data to produce the various data required for greenhouse gas emission estimation. METHODS : The mobility data used in the framework were collected at a fixed time from a specific point and were based on raster data. In general, the traffic volume for all traffic measurement points over 24 h can be considered raster data. In the future, the proposed framework can be applied to specific road points or road sections, depending on the presence or absence of raster data. RESULTS : The activity data required to calculate greenhouse gas emissions were derived from the mobility data analysis. With recent developments in information, communication, and artificial intelligence technologies, mobility data collected from different sources with the same collection purpose can be integrated to increase the reliability and accuracy of previously unknown or inaccurate information. CONCLUSIONS : This study will help assess the reliability of mobility data fusion as it is collected on the road, and will ultimately lead to more accurate estimates of greenhouse gas emissions.
In the event of an emergency such as facility shutdown during process operation, the by-product gas must be urgently discharged to the vent stack to prevent leakage, fire, and explosion. At this time, the explosion drop value of the released by-product gas is calculated using ISO 10156 formula, which is 27.7 vol%. Therefore, it does not correspond to flammable gas because it is less than 13% of the explosion drop value, which is the standard for flammable gas defined by the Occupational Safety and Health Act, and since the explosion drop value is high, it can be seen that the risk of fire explosion is low even if it is discharged urgently with the vent stock. As a result of calculating the range of explosion hazard sites for hydrogen gas discharged to the Bent Stack according to KS C IEC 60079-10-1, 23 meters were calculated. Since hydrogen is lighter than air, electromechanical devices should not be installed within 23 meters of the upper portion of the Bent Stack, and if it is not possible, an explosion-proof electromechanical device suitable for type 1 of dangerous place should be installed. In addition, the height of the stack should be at least 5 meters so that the diffusion of by-product gas is facilitated in case of emergency discharge, and it should be installed so that there are no obstacles around it.