비임상시험관리기준에서 독성시험 전 분석법 밸리데이션은 농도 설정 및 시료 제조 측면에서 중요하다. 시험기관에서는 의뢰받은 시험물질 2종에 대한 밸리데이션을 고성능액체크로마토그래피를 이용 하여 수행한 결과 특이성, 시스템 적합성, 직선성, 일내 재현성, 균질성, 안정성, 농도분석, 품질관리를 판정 기준에 만족하는 분석방법을 확립 및 검증하였다. 하지만 의뢰기관의 시험성적서상 표준물질 함량은 시험 기관의 결과보다 1.34배, 1.17배 높은 결과로 나타나 비임상시험관리기준에 적합한 분석법 밸리데이션을 통한 결과 도출이 신뢰성과 안정성 확보 측면에서 중요함을 확인하였다.
PURPOSES : The purpose of this study was to improve the performance of concrete pavements by decreasing measurement deviations using an Internet of Things (IoT)-based air content measurement device. METHODS : We calculated the properties of concrete which varied according to the air content. For a low measurement deviation, the concrete pavement performed according to the design standard. To confirm the difference in the performance of the concrete pavement for various air contents, we verified the change in the relative dynamic modulus according to the number of freeze–thaw cycles for each value of the air content. In addition, we analyzed the number of durability cracks according to the freeze–thaw cycles in the field. RESULTS : We confirmed that IoT-based measurement equipment improved the performance of pavements without changing their mixing designs or specifications. We confirmed that the performance of concrete pavements changed even with variations in air content within the range of quality standards. Using IoT-based air content management, we confirmed the reduction in concrete pavement durability cracks without changing the mixing design. CONCLUSIONS : We confirmed that IoT-based air-content management improved pavement performance. The feasibility of extending this concept to manage other concrete properties such as the chloride content should be acknowledged. Future research will require laboratory tests to understand the variation in concrete properties with varying air contents and to consider diverse load conditions.
공동주택 방화문의 화재성능 결함으로 인하여 하자소송이 확대되고, 화재발생 시 치명적일수 있다. 그러나 현행 법령은 이에대한 대책이 소홀한 편이다. 본 연구에서는 방화문의 결함과 특성 등을 잘 반영하고 있는 『강제창호 제작・품 질검수 매뉴얼』과 LH 설계・시방서 개정작업에서 드러난 문제점들에 대한 개 선방안을 제시하고자 한다. 방화문의 적정단가를 산정하고 내용연수를 합리적 으로 조정하며 3단계 점검시스템 등 관련규정을 신설 운영한다면, 방화문 품질 성능 향상과 화재시 입주민 보호에 크게 기여할 것으로 판단된다.
PURPOSES : The purpose of this study was to improve the performance of concrete pavements by measuring the unit-water content with an Internet-of-Things (IoT)-based unit-water content measurement device at an increased precision compared with that of existing measuring equipment.
METHODS : We calculated the properties of concrete that varied according to variations in the unit-water content. To confirm the change in the performance of concrete pavements, we compared and analyzed the fatigue cracking rate and international roughness index of concrete pavements at the 20-year point of public use according to the changes in properties using the Korea Pavement Research Program(KPRP).
RESULTS : We confirmed that IoT-based measurement equipment can improve the performance of pavements without changing their mixing designs or specifications. We confirmed that the performance of the concrete pavements changed significantly, even with unit-water content variations within the range of quality standards. According to IoT-based unit-water content management, we confirmed that the performance of the concrete pavement (fatigue cracking rate and international roughness index) improved without changing the mixing design.
CONCLUSIONS : We confirmed that by using IoT-based unit-water content management, pavement performance can be improved. It is necessary to consider whether the application of this concept to other concrete property management items, such as the chloride content, is possible. Considering the changes in concrete properties according to the unit-water content based on laboratory tests and considerations of various load conditions will be necessary for future research.
In order to find out the management and sanitation status of protective gear provided at the construction site, a case study and survey were conducted by visiting the site. As a result of the case study, inspection and management, disinfection, and storage of protective equipment were insufficient in both workplaces with less than 50 employees and workplaces with more than 100 employees. As a result of the survey, workers(66.2%), said they did not know how to identify hard hats(67.6.%), how to identify bad hard hats(60.8%), and how to identify bad safety belts (73.0%), even though workers(66.2%) were educated on protective gear, and those in charge of protective gear Non-specified(56.8%), regular inspection of the provided protective equipment was not performed(82.4%), and disinfection was not performed(90.5%). Therefore, as a management plan to maintain the performance of personal protective equipment, educational aspects, regular training on protective equipment, training on how to identify defective protective equipment, management of recording papers, technical aspects, strengthening of standards for placement of dedicated safety managers in small workplaces, participation of workers’ representatives when selecting protective equipment, and selection of protective equipment for workers Providing opportunities, administrative aspects of protective equipment regulation and management, introduction of sanitary and cleanliness system, and selection of personnel in charge of protective equipment management were suggested.
PURPOSES : The purpose of this study is to identify a gradation control method that minimizes the volatility of recycled aggregates to maintain the quality of reclaimed asphalt mixtures. METHODS : In this study, two types (0~13 and 0~10 mm) of recycled aggregate stockpiles with an extraction viscosity of 40,000 poise and a 19 mm hot asphalt mixture with virgin aggregates are used. The test methods are evaluated for plastic deformation resistance using the Hamburg wheel-tracking test and for low-temperature crack resistance using the dynamic modulus test. In the field, the performance is evaluated via an accelerated pavement test.
RESULTS : The Hamburg wheel-tracking test shows good water resistance as well as less than 5 mm of deformation. The result of a dynamic modulus test at -5 °C shows a 92.9% low-temperature crack resistance as compared with that of the 19 mm dense grade hot-mix asphalt mixture. The result of the accelerated pavement test confirms that the performances of the 19 mm dense grade hot-mix asphalt mixture and reclaimed asphalt mixture are equal owing a 1.2 cm plastic deformation.
CONCLUSIONS : By evaluating the plastic deformation resistance and crack resistance of the reclaimed asphalt mixture based on a stockpile gradation controlled at 0~10 mm via an indoor test, it is discovered that the plastic deformation resistance increases partially, whereas the crack resistance remains almost unchanged. The accelerated pavement test confirms that a performance equivalent to that of a 19 mm dense grade hot-mix asphalt mixture is achieved.
The strategy for the management of earthquakes is shifting from post recovery to prevention; therefore, seismic performance management requires quantitative predictions of damage and the establishment of strategies for initial responses to earthquakes. Currently, seismic performance evaluation for seismic management in Korea consists of two stages: preliminary evaluation and detailed evaluation. Also, the priority of seismic performance management is determined in accordance with the preliminary evaluation. As a deterministic method, preliminary evaluation quantifies the physical condition and socio-economic importance of a facility by various predetermined indices, and the priority is decided by the relative value of the indices; however, with the deterministic method it is difficult to consider any uncertainty related to the return-year, epicenter, and propagation of seismic energy. Also this method cannot support tasks such as quantitative socio-economic damage and the provision of data for initial responses to earthquakes. Moreover, indirect damage is often greater than direct damage; therefore, a method to quantify damage is needed to enhance accuracy. In this paper, a Seismic Risk Assessment is used to quantify the cost of damage of road facilities in Pohang city and to support decision making.
본 연구는 3륜 승용관리기 복부 장착형의 회전 종자판식 2조 정밀 콩 파종작업기를 개발하여 장류 콩인 대원 콩을 대상으로 시험 포장에서 설정 파종 주간거리에 따른 작업속도별 파종작업기의 파종성능을 분석 하였다. 파종작업기 포장시험 결과 평균 파종 깊이는 2.34~3.98cm 범위로 나타났으며, 평균 주당 파종 종자 수는 2.00~2.36개의 범위로 나타났고, 평균 파종 주간거리는 설정 주간거리 15, 20, 25cm일 때 각 각 15.48~16.80, 20.04~22.04, 23.96~24.60cm의 범위로 나타났다. 평균 주당 출아 수는 1.89~2.12개 로 약 90% 이상의 높은 출아율을 보였으며, 평균 출아 주간거리는 설정 주간거리 15, 20, 25cm일 때 각 각 15.10~16.32, 19.84~20.45, 24.23~24.56cm의 범위로 나타났다. 콩 파종기는 설정 파종 주간거리 15, 20, 25cm에서 파종 작업속도 약 1.7m/s까지 설정 주간거리에 대한 평균 출아 주간거리의 비율과 평 균 주당 출아 수가 각각 96.9~108.8%, 1.89~2.12개로 나타나 매우 우수한 점파 파종성능을 보인 것으로 판단되며, 파종 작업속도를 1.0m/s, 포장효율을 약 60%로 고려할 때 콩 파종작업기는 약 30a/h의 유효작 업능률을 보일 것으로 예상되었다.
일반국도의 연장 및 공용기간의 증가로 포장상태가 불량한 구간이 증가하고 이로 인한 유지보수비용이 급 격하고 있다. 제한된 예산으로 일반국도를 효율적으로 관리하기 위하여 포장관리시스템(PMS, Pavement Management System)이 1980년대 말 도입된 이후 현재 한국건설기술연구원에서 국토교통부로부터 위임을 받아 운영 중에 있다. 일반국도 PMS에는 다양한 종류의 유지보수 공법이 적용되고 있다. 1990년대 국내 아 스팔트 포장에서는 소성변형이 급격하게 증가하여 이를 억제하기 위하여 개질 아스팔트를 이용한 장수명 포 장 공법이 1990년대 중반부터 도입되기 시작하였다. 대표적인 장수명 아스팔트 포장 공법으로는 개질아스 팔트 포장(PMA, Polymer Modified Asphalt)과 SMA(Stone Mastic Asphalt)이 있다. 하지만 이러한 장수 명 포장은 일반 아스팔트 포장에 비하여 높은 단가와 현장 공용성 검증 부족으로 일반국도에 활발하게 적용 되고 있지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 일반국도 PMS 데이터베이스를 바탕으로 장수명 아 스팔트 포장의 공용성능을 평가하였다. 일반국도 PMS는 포장상태를 균열률과 소성변형량을 적용하고 있으므로 공용수명을 결정하는 공용성능 인자로 균열률과 소성변형량을 적용하였다. 그림 1은 내유동성 아스팔트 덧씌우기 포장 구간에서 공용기 간에 따른 균열률과 소성변형량의 변화를 나타낸다. 공용수명은 임계 균열률(15%)과 소성변형량(10mm) 을 기준으로 결정하였다. 마지막으로 다양한 조건에 적용된 장수명 아스팔트 포장의 공용수명 영향을 미 치는 인자, 예를 들어 교통량, 환산교통량, 기온 등에 대한 통계분석을 실시하였다. 장수명 아스팔트 포장 의 객관적인 공용성능을 평가하기 위하여 동일한 조건에서 적용된 일반 아스팔트 포장의 공용수명과의 비, 공용성능비를 제안하였다.