The purpose of this study is to produce virtual models of women aged in their 60s and to implement the virtual clothing with jackets. We referred to 3D images of standard and obese body types from the 8th Size Korea and attempted to create avatars based on their images through the various trials. Final virtual models were made to reflect the appearance of women in their 60s. For the standard body type, a 3D image with average body measurements was selected. Based on numerous trials aimed at turning her image into an avatar, the auto-converted avatar on CLO 3D was slimmer than the woman in the original image, and hence it was not suitable for the virtual model. After blending, we converted the image into an uneditable avatar for which only the joint points could be moved, thereby creating an avatar that was identical to the original image. We also selected an image of an obese woman with a “beer bottle” body shape from the 8th Size Korea. We created an avatar that resembled her shape by also converting it into an uneditable avatar for which only joint points could be moved. To use these avatars in virtual clothing, we removed masks of avatars and made faces, hair styles, and skin tones representing women in their 60s. The moderately-sized classic jackets were smooth on both virtual models and fitted satisfactorily. This study demonstrated the applicability of virtual model production of various body types or ages in special clothing studies.
PURPOSES : The objective of this study is to develop an optimal placement of the overturning prevention device based on a 3D object model during the development of the girder-type overturning prevention device for the remote control construction of bridges
METHODS : Based on existing construction methods and literature research, a detailed design model of a phase-optimized conduction prevention device is presented. The 3D-object model data, optimal placement, and an operating range of the equipment developed for the remote control construction of bridge girders were considered.
RESULTS : The shape of the overturning prevention device was selected taking into account the dimensions and operating range of numerous devices developed for the remote control construction of the bridge. In particular, the detachable device was chosen to allow a trouble-free construction considering the spacing between the pier cap of the bridge and the girders. The overturning prevention device presented based on this 3D object model will be manufactured as a mock-up and used for a demonstration project on remote control bridge construction. CONCLUSIONS : This will enable easy and economical construction as this development will support remote control construction of bridge girders to avoid accidents such as workers falling from high places like piers.
Considering the characteristics of nuclear power plants in order to decommission nuclear power plants safely and economically, this thesis provides a methodology for optimizing the technology for developing decommissioning characteristic evaluation system using simulation technology for core facilities of the plants based on 3D that reflects various factors. The results of pollution assessment and radiation assessment for the Kori Unit 1 reactor building, auxiliary building, and each major device are displayed in 3D drawings and viewer, and the radiation dose rate and radiation assessment results are displayed separately for each major location. Furthermore, this D/B development method which includes inserting result values of characteristic evaluation and the quantity of waste is one of the main technology to optimize the system which enables users to select decommissioning processes and predict the quantity of waste. (Refer to the presented 3D models of the containment building, D/B, tag search module, the scale calculation result of models after visualizing the result value of 3D based decommissioning characteristic evaluation) The methodology for optimizing decommissioning characteristic evaluation result value DB development system using 3D models of the first major nuclear power plant allows the display of decommissioning characteristic values in virtual reality, the selection of decommissioning process, the establishment of the decommissioning procedure. Hence, this study is expected to provide reliable guidelines for managing a decommission business efficiently in the near future and can be used in the related field if needed.
PURPOSES : The purpose of this study is to contribute to the utilization of standards while considering the possible upgrade of a local system as a subject of the application. Therefore, this study aims to explore the possible application of LandInfra for a local road management (maintenance) system in the context of enabling the basis of 3D geospatial road information management in Korea.
METHODS : Based on a review of related literature and international standards, an analysis of the current system is performed. After reviewing the LandInfra standard, an examination of corresponding classes between each data model (HMS and LandInfra) is performed for the mapping process. After the mapping process, a data model of the LandInfra-based HMS pavement data model is proposed.
RESULTS : To apply the LandInfa to the HMS pavement part, an examination of each data model is performed. After this procedure, a LandInfra-based HMS pavement database schema is proposed in the context of enabling 3D geospatial road information management and maintenance, particularly for pavement management information.
CONCLUSIONS : This paper presents how the LandInfra international open geospatial standard can be applied to the local road management system (HMS pavement part). As a result of this study, the LandInfra standard could be applied to the HMS; however, an encoding of the standard is required for conformance. Thus, further studies would be the encoding of the proposed data model for conformance with InfaGML encoding standards. In addition, a system prototype may be needed for complete application.
급증하는 전련소비량을 감당하기 위해서 발전소는 필수적인 사회기반시설이며 안정적인 에너지 공급을 위해 발전소 내 구조적/비구조적 요소의 외부하중에 의한 안전성 평가는 반드시 필요하다. 국내에서 발생되는 지진의 상당수는 고주파 영역의 지진으로 보고되고 있으며 국내외 선행연구들에 의해 비구조적 요소가 고주파 지진에 더 많이 피해가 발생할 수 있는 것으로 연구되었다. 발전소 내에 대표적인 비구조적 요수중 하나인 전기 캐비닛의 경우 선행연구들에서 고유진동수가 10Hz 이상의 고주파 영역에 속하는 것으로 나타났으며 이에 따라 고주파 지진에 의한 안전성 평가가 필요할 것으로 판단된다. 본 연구에서는 전기 캐비닛의 고주파 지진에 의한 영향성 평가에 앞서 양문형 전기 캐비닛의 유한요소 모델을 구축하여 모드해석을 수행하였으며 진동대를 이용한 공진탐색실험 결과와 비교하여 모델의 타당성을 검토하였다. 또한 모델의 신뢰성을 높이기 위해 ABAQUS와 ANSYS Platform을 이용하여 모델을 구축하고 모드해석을 수행하였다. 실험에서 얻어진 1차, 2차 3차 전역모드의 주파수와 비교하였을 때 최대 약 5%의 오차가 발생하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 1차, 2차, 3차 전역모드에 유효질량이 90%이상 참여하는 것으로 나타나 가장 지배적일 것으로 판단되며 모드형상이 유사한 것으로 판단되어 구축된 모델이 양문형 전기 캐비닛의 전체적인 동적 거동을 잘 모사할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
PURPOSES : This study is a method for developing a 3D stratum modeling that uses Civil3D, CAD, Revit, and Dynamo, the products of Autodesk and ground survey data to prevent reversal and applying BIM design to underground structures.
METHODS : If the ground level difference is severe and the survey data is not sufficiently spaced, a reversal phenomenon occurs such that the stratum is generated above the surface ground. In such cases, the first layer of the stratum can be offset from the ground surface and the remaining layers are created and utilized by the stratum thickness. However, the first layer is just offset from the ground surface, which is not an accurate implementation of geological information. To fix this error, we propose a method to calculate the quantity in 3D based on the algorithm that generates the stratum underneath the original ground surface connected with borehole data.
RESULTS : The 3D stratum is designed to be implemented within 30 min with minimum memory resource occupancy. The ground surface is generally based on a digital map and can be linked with a drone and 3D scan data afterwards. The stratum model for each layer can be implemented in both a triangulated irregular network (TIN) and solid for quantity and volume calculations. Each layer will be generated in selected colors, and analysis on altitude, gradients, etc. can be performed with it.
CONCLUSIONS : Constructing 3D spatial information using 2D information is expected to lay the foundation for providing required services in construction, real estate, architecture, urban planning, and transportation in the future, to users with integration and convergence into various fields such as BIM, smart city, digital twin, and VR-AR.
PURPOSES : This study aims to create a pleasant environment by exploring ITS technology-based reduction measures to manage vehicles on the road, which are the main cause of traffic noise, while identifying the effects of traffic noise and various noise reduction measures. METHODS : A review of the literature identified the matters discussed mainly by reviewing the pre-examination and related statutes of traffic noise management measures at home and abroad. Furthermore, in the field investigation section, the variables affecting traffic noise (traffic volume, large vehicle mix rate, and driving speed) were investigated and the noise impact was analyzed using the three-dimensional (3D) noise prediction model (SounpdPLAN).
RESULTS: The noise impact levels of the 3D noise prediction model were identified from various angles, such as horizontal and vertical, and traffic noise management measures for pre-real-time management and related DB utilization measures were proposed.
CONCLUSIONS: Unlike the existing traffic noise management measures, which focus on follow-up management measures, it is believed that further research is needed to develop standards and related guidelines that meet regional characteristics by taking into account the characteristics of traffic noise and creating concrete and drawing action plans that can be used in future policies using ITS technology.
본 논문은 골프 스윙 자세 학습자를 위하여 골프 스윙의 참조 모델인 3D 모델과 학습자의 골프 스윙을 촬영한 동영상을 대상으로 스윙 동작 시 각각의 위치 및 시간에서 각 동작을 정밀하게 비교 분석하기 위해 3D 모델의 골프 스윙 동작과 학습자의 스윙 동작을 동기화 시키는 방법을 제안하고 구현한 결과를 제시한다. 3D 모델과 학습자의 스윙 동영상을 동기화시켜 재생하기 위해서 먼저 학습자의 골프 스윙 동영상을 촬영하고, 촬영한 동영상으로부터 어드레스 자세부터 피니쉬 자세까지 골프 클럽의 위치에 따라 상대적 시간 정보를 추출한다. 고품질 모션 캡쳐 장비를 통해 초당 120프 레임으로 캡처된 골프 전문가의 움직임 정보를 3D 모델에 리깅한 3D 참조 모델에 학습자 스윙 동영상으로부터 추출한 골프 클럽의 위치별 시간 정보를 적용하여 3D 참조 모델과 학습자의 스윙 동 영상을 동기화시켜 재생함으로 학습자는 골프 스윙의 각 위치에서 참조 모델과 자신의 자세를 정밀 하게 비교함으로 자세를 교정하거나 학습할 수 있다. 동기화된 재생을 통하여 기존의 수동적으로 위치를 조정하며 참조 모델과 학습자의 스윙을 비교 분석하는 시스템의 기능을 편리하게 사용할 수 있도록 개선할 수 있으며, 골프 자세의 각 위치를 검출하는 영상 처리 기술을 적용한 부분을 제외 하고, 동기화시키기 위해 동영상에서 자동적으로 각 위치의 시간 정보를 추출하여 동기화시켜 재생 하는 방법은 일반적인 생활 스포츠 분야로 확대하여 활용할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.
PURPOSES: The objective of this study was to develop an asphalt pavement response model for a subsurface cavity section using the 3D finite element method and a statistical approach.
METHODS: It is necessary to analyze the structural behavior of asphalt pavement with a subsurface cavity to evaluate the degree of risk for a road cave-in. A 3D finite element model was developed to simulate the subsurface cavity underneath asphalt pavement and was verified using the ILLIPAVE program. Finite element analysis was conducted for asphalt pavement sections with different asphalt layer thickness/modulus, and cavity depth and length, to generate the artificial pavement response database. The critical pavement response considered in this study was the tensile strain at the bottom of the asphalt layer because fatigue cracking is the main cause of road cave-in. The relationship between the critical pavement response and influencing factors was investigated using the pavement response database. The statistical regression approach was adopted to develop the asphalt pavement response model for predicting the critical pavement response of asphalt pavement with a subsurface cavity.
RESULTS : It was found from the sensitivity analysis that the asphalt layer thickness or modulus, and cavity depth or length, are the major factors affecting road cave-in incidents involving asphalt pavement. The asphalt pavement response model showed high accuracy in predicting the tensile strain at the bottom of asphalt layer. It was found from the verification study that the R square value between finite element model and pavement response model were 0.969 and 0.978 in the cavity and intact sections, respectively.
CONCLUSIONS: The work reported in this paper was intended to figure out the pavement structural behavior and to develop a pavement response model for the occurrence of cavities underneath asphalt pavement using 3D finite element analysis. In the future, critical pavement response will be utilized to establish the criteria of risk of road cave-in based on various different conditions.
아소 화산은 일본 규슈 중앙부에 위치하며, 세계에서 가장 큰 칼데라 화산중의 하나이다. 나카다케 분화구는 아 소 칼데라의 중앙 화구군에서 유일한 활동적인 화산체이다. 2016년 10월 8일 아소 산에서 36년 만에 폭발적인 분화가 발생하였으며, 분연주가 11 km 상공까지 상승하였고 화산재는 최대 300 km 떨어진 지역에서도 확인되었다. 본 연구에 서는 미국 USGS에서 개발한 Ash3D모델을 이용하여 2016년 10월 8일의 분화에서 발생한 화산재의 확산과 침적에 대 한 수치모의를 실시하였다. 수치모의 결과 분화에 의해 발생한 화산재는 아소 칼데라 화산의 동쪽과 북동쪽으로 확산되 어 우리나라에는 피해를 주지 않는 것으로 나타났으며, 동북동 방향으로 최대 400 km 이상 먼 곳까지 침적되는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 수치모의 결과는 관측 확인된 화산재 침적 결과와 대체로 일치하였다. 빠른 화산재 재해 예보를 위하여 Ash3D를 이용한 수치모의가 유용하게 쓰일 수 있을 것이다.