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        검색결과 12

        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The tombs at the royal level of the Western Han dynasties belong to the five kingdoms of Chu, Liang, Lu, Zhongshan and Changyi, representing the new forms and ideas of the tomb architecture. Taking Shanchuwang Tomb in BeidongShan, Xuzhou as an example, this paper analyzes the architectural structure and symbolic significance of the tomb, and tries to discuss the concept of burial reflected in it.The analysis of the structure of the main body of the tomb reveals the basic logic of the tomb imitating the palace on the ground, and the definition of the nature of the annex reflects its transcendence over the general form of the tomb.
        2014.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It is identified that an initial person who built of ‘Seoul Gyedong Modernized Hanok(former Min Hyeong-gi house)’ used as ‘Bukchon Culture Center’ in present, was not Min Hyeong-gi, but his wife, Yu Jin-gyeong, and she built it when 8 years went on after his death(1879~1973), and the construction year was at the gate of Chuseok in 1921. Yu Jin-gyeong was Head Family’s Eldest Daughter-in-law in family of Yeo Heung-min who was an influential person at the late Joseon Dynasty and was widow who had only son for 3 generations. And she built this house and moved to gain daughter and live futher grandchilds together in law in new nest. It is arranged that an annex surrounds with main building as the central figure. And this house emulates Yeonkeong-dang in backyard of the Changdeok Palace for 'preservation of main building' and Chim-bang-ga-toe applied on a bedroom in a palace is applied around nobleman family's the main room. It is rare case and expresses that a palace factor is borrowed. Yu Jin-gyeong's house is that a tradition Hanok is adjusted closely in city and central and basing mode as 'protective bedding' and building concept as 'a noble and protective architecture' is realized. So it has a character that development of Hangrang architecture is appeared and Head Family’s Eldest Daughter-in-law widow of modern upper class had a special benefit. As well as, a meaning that it is experimental house based on tradition and is build of Hanok with housekeeping as the central figure for appear a form which has minimal Hangrang for housekeeping in yangban family of modern city, can be found.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This thesis aims to analyze the architectural form for the restoration of noogak(樓閣), Boje-roo(普濟樓) which was constructed at the central court of Beomeo-sa(梵魚寺). The results are as follow; 1. Boje-roo was established in 1700. By the constructional records and poetic essays of the times, the architectural form of the establishment building was consisted of two stories structure. The passage system for the approach to the inner court was the nuha-jinip(樓下進入), that is to say, one might walk between the columns of lower story of the building. And one could ascend the upper stairs and approach to the upper level, inner court. 2. By the remodelling in 1812, the building was varied to one story structure. Therefore the passage system for the approach to the inner court transformed from the nuha-jinip to the ugak-jinip(隅角進入), that is to say, one might ascend the stairs of the podium and could approach the inner court through the both sides of the building. 3. Under the Japanese imperialistic rule, the structure of it's roof and walls of Boje-roo were altered to the Japanese style. In 1965, the wooden columns were shifted to the concreted column, and the wooden wall-panels were shifted to the brick wall attached stone slates. 4. Conclusively speaking, for the restoration of Boje-roo, the establishment form in 1700 is the more proper than the remodelling form in 1812.
        2005.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is the consideration about Hwaryeong-Jeon that enshrines Joseon Dynasty 22nd king Jeongjo's portrait of a king. Suwon's Hwaryeong-Jeon that accompanied a portrait and performed ritual ceremonies had several formalities and ceremonies which are connected with rituals. therefore, we will try to examine what relation between arrangement of building and plane composition had. And through this, it is thing to observe construction special quality that Hwaryeong-Jeon has. Joseon Dynasty's young-jeon (a hall where the royal portraits are kept) is retaining each other different state according to construction age every moment. Hwaryeong-Jeon among Joseon Dynasty's a hall of royal portraits is the construction form which is equiped well and is known for keeping the form well from the foundation to now And this building is evaluated as the standard form of early part young-jeon building of 19th century. Especially, Hwaryeong-Jeon shows the typical ritual equipments late Joseon Dynasty and at the same time has all kinds of characteristics which only we can find at Hwaryeong-Jeon. Namely, Hwaryeong-Jeon is the building which brings the design concept of the hall of royal portraits to completion as the building which enshrines single portrait of a king. After all, Hwaryeong-Jeon is evaluated as the building which can pass excellent form of late Joseon Dynasty, the hall of royal portraits building just as it is. Therefore, as I study its own style, I expect Joseon Dynasty's mind that enshrined the portrait of a king elaborately to be revealed.
        2003.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper aims to identify the meaning of architectural form of the East and the West. Ordinarily, we know the visual differences of architectural form between the two cultural families, and the technical reasons of such differences. However, the East and the West have their own views of architectural form that are derived from their own views of architecture, and again the views of architecture are rooted in their own views of the world. The paper maintains a comparative stance between the two cultures in analyzing the different concepts of architectural form, and employ the ideas of 'Form(形象)' and 'Energy-Form(氣形)' as a kind of representative concept of the two views of architectural form. It is discussed that the idea of Form pursued the realization of ultimate substance which is less materialistic but more ideal., while, the idea of Energy-Form pursued the realization of oneness and health through mutual interaction between man, architecture and nature. Architectural form in the West has been the purposeful expression of human ideal, while in the East, it was an expediential device for better energy condition. It seems important to understand such differences of the meaning of architectural form between the East and the West, since, in present time, we tend to think that the Western conception of architectural form is the only possible one. But it is not generally known that the Western conception of form has very particular background reason of its own which is unique to Western culture, and on the other hand, the nature of East Asian conception of architectural form is generally unknown.
        1999.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to reveal the source of the architectural norm embodied in the first built-form of ChongMyo's Main Building, three analytic types were introduced into research. According to the level of accepting the architectural form of ChongMyo in the Koryo Dynasty, these types were defined by 'newly interpreted form', 'newly introduced form', and 'coventionally accepted form'. Among the first built-form in ChongMyo's Main Building, the form of 'TaeSil' was newly interpreted on the basis of the Tang's realating norm, and the form of 'HyupSil' was newly introduced according to the contemporary trend that had increasingly regarded it as an indispensible form. But the form of 'IkSil' had the different source, that is, the architectural form of ChongMyo in the Koryo Dynasty. After reconstructed by the King ChungSun, that form had been sustained without any change until the end of Koryo Dynasty. In result, that form had been accepted conventionally at the first time of building ChongMyo in the ChoSon dynasty.
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There are several treatises about architectural characteristics of Hyangkyo. But those treatises usually treat with the types of site plans or structural characteristics without the historic background. So there needs the approaching methods with the historic background to study about the architecture of Hyangky. This study aims at the sample research about the architecture of Hyangkyo in beginnig period. Kyodong hyangkyo is the first building in hyangkyo. There are some architectural characteristics in this building comparing with the Hyangkyo in ripening period. Such characteristics apper in the site plan of educational spaces and in the floor plans of Myongryundang, Dongjae, Seojae. And there appear some characteristecs in ritual spaces such as the architectural structure of Daesungjun, and the position of stone establishment (Kwansedae, Saengdan) The ritual form of Kyodong hyangkyo has no special characteristics compering with the Hyangkyo in ripening period. These rictual form has kept the general rule of ritura form through the history.
        1998.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        According to Post-modernists including deconstructivists, as Modernism is changed into Post-modernism, the paradigm is shifted from consciousness to language. The paradigm of consciousness corresponds to representational language, and the paradigm of language to self-referential one. In post-modern age most of architects are wandering what kind of language architecture is. Some theorists contend that architecture is representational, and others that it is self-referential. Allan Colquhoun, who is known as one of the best architectural theorists inUnited States, accepts both the former and the latter, but fails to reveal the meaning and the limitation, of the two languages. Although he believes that the representational language of architecture ('figure') is the source of self-referential language of architecture('form'), he never clearly answers what kind of language architecture. In order to overcome the limitation and the meaning of Colquhoun's figure and form, and synthesize the two language, this essay appropriates Martin Heidegger's some concepts, 'ready-to-hand,' 'present-at-hand' and 'being-in-the-world' to make a theoretical framework for 'image' which prevails over and synthesizes 'form' and 'figure.' Since Image is based upon both 'being-in-the world' and 'ready-to-hand,' it is the source of 'form' and 'figure.' When 'image' is fragmented, the former and the latter emerge. Image is therefore both the former and the latter because it represents and self-refers a world as a reality.