
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 796

        2024.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        살모넬라균은 가장 대표적인 수인성·식품매개질환 중 하 나이며 전 세계적으로 인간 위장염, 설사 질환의 가장 흔 한 원인이 되는 병원체이다. 식품 및 환경 검체, 식중독 또는 설사 환자로부터 분리한 살모넬라균의 혈청형, vitek2 를 이용한 항생제 내성검사, PFGE를 이용한 유전적 상관 관계를 조사하였다. 2020년부터 2023년까지 제주도의 식 품 또는 환경 검체에서 26주와 인체검체에서 313주로 총 339주가 분리되었다. 월별로 분리된 살모넬라균은 3월부 터 서서히 증가하여 8월에 가장 많이 살모넬라균을 분리 되었다. 환자로부터 분리된 살모넬라균은 성별에 따른 유 의미한 차이가 없었다. 그러나 살모넬라균은 70세 이상의 사람들에게서 가장 많이 분리되었고, 10-19세 사이의 사 람들에게서 가장 적게 분리되었다. 식품 및 환경 검체에 서 분리된 살모넬라균은 8개 혈청형이 있었으며, 주요 혈 청형은 S. Bareilly (26.9%), S. Rissen (23.1%), S. Thompson (19.3%) 순으로 확인되었다. 또한, 인체검체로 부터 분리된 살모넬라균은 27개 혈청형이 있었으며, 주요 혈청형은 S. Bareilly (31.0%), S. Typhimurium (24.6%), S. Enteritidis (11.5%) 순으로 확인되었다. 집단식중독의 원인이 되었던 살모넬라균 혈청형은 S. Bareilly, S. Enteritidis, S. Thompson이 있었다. 항생제 내성 검사 결과에서는 다양 한 항생제에 대한 내성이 나타났으며, 일부 살모넬라균에 서는 다제내성이 나타났다. 살모넬라균은 17개의 혈청형 에 따라 다양한 유전적 상관관계를 보여주었다. 이러한 결 과는 살모넬라균의 유행을 예측하고, 과학적 근거를 제공 함으로써 역학조사의 기초자료로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.
        2024.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The composition of the upper structure, which can be found in the 3-Dori type buildings in Yang-dong Village, varies significantly from time to time. The upper structure of the Gwan-ga-jeong, known as a house in the mid-Joseon Dynasty, consists of a basic 3-Dori type structure in which a beam is placed under 3-Dori and supported with two flat columns. On the other hand, the upper structure of I-hyang-jeong historic house, built in the 17th century, is different in that it has a stud between the two flat columns. The upper structure of Sa-ho-dang historic house, a 19th-century building is different from the upper structure of the buildings of the previous period in that three flat columns were used. As such, the difference in the composition method of the upper structure according to the construction period is closely related to the introduction of the Toi-maru, which is mainly explained by the boundary space. In addition, it can be expected that the introduction of the Toi-maru originated from the influence of the change in the plan. This study was conducted to examine the correlation between the plan and the composition of the boundary space through various typology of the 3-Dori upper structure distributed intensively in Yang-dong Village.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Silk fibroin (SF) from silkworms has special qualities, and these qualities have drawn a lot of interest lately in SF-based hydrogels for a range of biological applications. However, because there is a dearth of naïve silk materials to collect and prepare, research on the SF-based hydrogels isolated from spider silks has been rather limited. Thus, this study compared the microstructural properties of silk fibroin (SF) hydrogel scaffold, which was taken from the cocoon of the insect silkworm Bombyx mori, with those of hydrogel scaffolds derived from two types of woven silk glands in the orb-web spider Trichonephila clavata: the major ampullate gland (MAG) and the tubuliform gland (TG). The SF hydrogel, which is stabilized by connected SF fibers, has a loose top structure, high porosity, and translucency, according to our FESEM investigation. While the TG hydrogel showed greater porosity, ridge-like or wall-like structures, and stable biocapacity generated by physical cross-linking, the MAG hydrogel showed even higher porosity, elongated fibrous structures, and superior mechanical properties. It is anticipated that the unique microstructural properties of MAG and TG hydrogels will be advantageous when choosing customized substrates to support particular cell types for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine applications.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        2016년 경주지진(규모 5.8) 및 2017년 포항지진(규모 5.4)은 1978년 대한민국 지진 관측 이래 국내 에서 발생한 지진 중 가장 큰 피해가 발생한 지진으로 기록되었다. 지진의 피해사례는 다양한 분야에 서 발생되었으며, 그중 교량 구조물에도 부분적인 피해가 다수 발생하였다. 국내에서는 교량구조물에 대한 내진보강 사업을 지속적으로 진행하고 있으며, 내진 보강의 공법 중 면진받침을 적용하여 구조물 의 내진성능을 확보하는 사례는 지속적으로 증가하고 있는 추세이다. 펜들럼 교량받침은 중간판의 기 하학적인 곡률과 고강도 마찰재를 이용하여 감쇠 기능뿐 아니라 복원 기능을 구비하고 있는 면진받침 으로써 제품 크기가 작아 시공성, 경제성이 우수하여 국내에서 가장 많이 사용되고 있는 대표적인 면 진장치이다. 펜들럼 받침의 경우 지진력 감쇠 및 회전, 이동량 수용을 위하여 2면의 곡면 구조로 진자 운동을 하므로 수평 변위 발생 시 필수적으로 수직 단차가 발생하는 구조이다. 또한 면압에 따라 마찰 계수가 달라지는 마찰재의 특성을 고려한 특성치 산출이 필요한 제품이다. 이 연구에서는 펜들럼 받침 의 다양한 면압에 따른 동적 시험을 실시하여 실제 거동과 일치하는 설계 특성치 산출법을 정립하였 다. 또한 펜들럼 면진받침의 진자 운동을 반영한 모양의 가이드와 프리세팅 전, 후에도 받침 상판의 수평을 유지할 수 있는 장치를 실물 크기로 제작하여 공인기관에 의뢰하여 프리세팅 시험 및 완제품 성능 시험을 실시하여 그 성능을 검증하였다. 성능 시험 결과 곡률에 따른 프리세팅이 가능함을 확인 하였다. 또한, 곡률형 프리세팅을 적용한 펜들럼 면진받침이 구조적으로 안전함을 확인하였다.
        2024.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        충주 호암동유적은 금강유역과 남한강유역, 낙동강유역을 연결하는 교통의 요지에 자리하고 있는 데, 적석목관묘는 기원전 2세기 초, 목관묘 2기는 기원전 2세기 전·중엽에 조영된 것으로 추정된다. 과학적 분석 결과, 호암동유적의 청동기들은 구리-주석-납의 3원계 합금으로 추정되며,『주례』고 공기의 금유육제와 비슷한 비율로 주조되었다. 이는 호암동유적의 청동기들이 기능과 용도에 따라 적 합한 성분조성비로 주조되었음을 나타낸다. 납동위원소비 분석을 토대로 한 원료산지추정 결과 중국 북부산 4점, 남한3지구산 10점, 남한2지구산 6점으로 추정되어서 청동원료가 넓은 지역에서 수급되 었음을 보여준다. 충주 호암동유적은 세형동검문화의 중심부인 중서부지역과 원료산지인 남한2지구(강원 동남부-경 북 동북부지역) 사이에 자리해서 무덤 피장자들이 청동원료를 수급하는 데 중요한 역할을 담당했을 것으로 생각된다. 그리고 세형동검문화가 일본열도로 파급되는 시기는 호암동유적의 유이식동모보다 늦은 시기로 추정되므로 발전Ⅰ기 말보다는 발전Ⅱ기 초로 생각된다. 호암동 적석목관묘의 무기류는 “원격전용 투사무기+근접전용 단병충격무기(세형동검)+근접전용 장병충격무기(동모·동과)”조합 을 이루고 있어서 충주지역이 군장사회로 접어들었음을 보여준다. 이러한 무기조합이 원삼국시대 토 광묘로 이어지는 것도 이를 뒷받침한다.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 유색과 백색품종 토종오리의 성별에 따른 생산능력과 도체특성을 평가하고자 실시하였다. 1일령 토종오리 총 480수를 2개 품종(유색과 백색)×2개 성별(암컷과 수컷)로 총 4처리구의 4반복으로 반복 당 30수씩 평사에 나누어 8주간 사양실험을 진행하였다. 본 연구결과, 전체 사양실험기 간에서 토종오리의 체중, 증체량 및 사료섭취량은 품종(유색과 백색) 간 차이는 없었으나 수컷이 암컷보다 유의적으로 높았다(p<0.05). 이와 유사하게, 사료요구율은 유색품종과 백색품종의 차이가 없었으나 수컷이 암컷에 비해 유의적으로 개선됨을 확인하였다(p<0.05). 토종오리의 머리, 가슴육, 다리육 및 간의 무게는 처리구간 통계적 차이를 나타내지 않았다. 도체중량은 처리구간 차이가 없었으나, 도체율은 백색품종이 유색품종과 비교해 현저히 높았다(p<0.05). 또한 복강지방 무게는 수컷이 암컷에 비해 높았으며(p<0.05) 백색품종이 유색품종보다 높았다(p<0.05). 폐사율은 토종오리 의 품종과 성별에 따른 유의적 차이가 없었다. 본 연구결과는 토종오리의 육성기 단계에서 사육성적에 대한 기초자료로 이용될 것으로 사료된다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Taguchi method is one of the most popular approaches for design optimization such that performance characteristics become robust to uncontrollable noise variables. However, most previous Taguchi method applications have addressed a single-characteristic problem. Problems with multiple characteristics are more common in practice. The multi-criteria decision making(MCDM) problem is to select the optimal one among multiple alternatives by integrating a number of criteria that may conflict with each other. Representative MCDM methods include TOPSIS(Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution), GRA(Grey Relational Analysis), PCA(Principal Component Analysis), fuzzy logic system, and so on. Therefore, numerous approaches have been conducted to deal with the multi-characteristic design problem by combining original Taguchi method and MCDM methods. In the MCDM problem, multiple criteria generally have different measurement units, which means that there may be a large difference in the physical value of the criteria and ultimately makes it difficult to integrate the measurements for the criteria. Therefore, the normalization technique is usually utilized to convert different units of criteria into one identical unit. There are four normalization techniques commonly used in MCDM problems, including vector normalization, linear scale transformation( max-min, max, or sum). However, the normalization techniques have several shortcomings and do not adequately incorporate the practical matters. For example, if certain alternative has maximum value of data for certain criterion, this alternative is considered as the solution in original process. However, if the maximum value of data does not satisfy the required degree of fulfillment of designer or customer, the alternative may not be considered as the solution. To solve this problem, this paper employs the desirability function that has been proposed in our previous research. The desirability function uses upper limit and lower limit in normalization process. The threshold points for establishing upper or lower limits let us know what degree of fulfillment of designer or customer is. This paper proposes a new design optimization technique for multi-characteristic design problem by integrating the Taguchi method and our desirability functions. Finally, the proposed technique is able to obtain the optimal solution that is robust to multi-characteristic performances.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        항만 내 선박과 부두의 사고를 예방하기 위하여 통항 및 접안 안전성 평가를 통하여 안전한 부두가 건설되어 관리하고 있으나, 선 박의 접안 및 계류 과정에서 선박이 부두에 충돌하거나 로프로 인한 인명사고의 발생 등 예측할 수 없는 사고들이 종종 발생한다. 자동계류장 치는 선박의 신속하고 안전한 계류를 위한 자동화된 시스템으로 로봇 매니퓰레이터와 흡착 패드로 구성된 탈/부착 메커니즘을 가지고 있다. 본 논문은 자동계류장치의 흡착 패드의 위치 및 속도제어에 필요한 선체와의 변위 및 속도 측정 시스템을 다룬다. 자동계류장치에 적합한 측 정 시스템을 설계하기 위하여, 본 논문은 우선 센서의 성능 및 실외 환경적 특성 분석을 수행한다. 다음으로 이러한 분석 결과를 토대로 실외 부두환경에서 설치되는 자동계류장치에 적합한 변위 및 속도 측정시스템의 구성 및 설계 방법에 대해 기술한다. 또한 센서의 측정상태 감지 및 속도 추정을 위한 알고리즘을 제시한다. 제안된 방법은 다양한 속도 구간에서의 변위 및 속도 측정 실험을 통해 그 유용성을 검증한다.
        2023.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the changes in the cyanogenic glycoside (CN-Glc) content of maesil chung (MC) prepared according to its preparation conditions (i.e., maesil part, sugar type, maesil-sugar mixing ratio, liquid separation) and sugaring-ripening period and the quality characteristics of their products finalized through filtration and heat treatment (85oC, 30 min) with the 6-month ripened MC. The CN-Glc content dramatically decreased when the maesil flesh, isomaltooligosaccharide, maesil:sugar ratio of 5:5, and liquid separation after the 4-month sugaring were applied to the MC production. The CN-Glc content decreased with the ripening period. There was no effect of filtration and heat treatment on the CN-Glc reduction of the MC product. The sugar type predominantly affected the soluble solid and total carbohydrate content of the MC products, and their contents increased in the order of high-fructose corn syrup > sucrose > isomaltooligosaccharide. The MC product at a maesil:sugar ratio of 6:4 exhibited the higher organic acid content. There was no direct association between the total polyphenolic compound content and the preparation conditions of the MC product. Overall, the use of maesil flesh as a maesil ingredient and more than 6-month ripening after liquid separation may be a pivotal factor in producing the cyanogenic glycoside-reduced maesil chung.
        2023.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to investigate changes in the cyanogenic glycoside (CN-Glc) content of apricot and plum chungs over the sugaring-ripening period and to evaluate their quality characteristics. The whole and flesh parts of the apricot and plum were mixed with sugar to a mixing ratio of 1:1 (w/w) to prepare their chungs, after which the fruit-sugar mixtures were stored for 13 months. The CN-Glc content dramatically increased within 3-4 months, reached the maximum, and gradually decreased over storage by 13 months. The apricot and plum chungs with seeds exhibited much higher CN-Glc contents than those without seeds. All chungs stored for 10 months were filtrated and treated for 30 min at 85oC to measure their quality characteristics. Similar soluble solid contents (53.4- 53.6oBx) were found in all chungs. The apricot and plum chungs without seeds exhibited the higher concentrations of total carbohydrate, organic acid, and total polyphenolic compounds than those with seeds. In addition, the color of the apricot and plum chungs without seeds was darker and deeper yellow than those with seeds. Overall, the apricot and plum flesh may be better for producing the stone fruit chungs with minimal CN-Glc content and better nutrition.
        2023.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        전기자동차의 빠른 확산은 지구온난화와 자연재해 대응을 위해 국제적으로 중요한 과제이다. 대중화를 위해 “캐즘(Chasm) 극복”은 필수적이나, 선행연구들은 전기차 초기시장 분석이 대부분이며 캐즘 단계의 연구는 다소 제한적이다. 본 연구는 전기차 초기 단계를 벗어나는 국내시장에서 소비자의 전기차 구매 주요 저해 요인과, 이에 영향을 주는 소비자의 인구통계학적 특성 및 자동차 관련 경험을 설문과 통계 기법을 통해 심층 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 한국 전기차 시장은 캐즘 전 단계로 판단되며, 전기차의 “기술에 대한 낮은 신뢰성”, “경제성에 대한 의문”, “충전-운전 불편성”이 전기차의 주요 수용 저해 요인으로 확인되었다. 지역에 따른 고속/완속 충전 인프라의 적절한 구축, 교육과 홍보를 통한 전기차의 인식개선, 전기차 수용에 우호적인 얼리어답터(Early adopter)의 전기차 수용 촉진은 캐즘을 극복하는 과정에서 중요한 역할을 할 것으로 판단된다.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Radioactive contamination distribution in nuclear facilities is typically measured and analyzed using radiation sensors. Since generally used detection sensors have relatively high efficiency, it is difficult to apply them to a high radiation field. Therefore, shielding/collimators and small size detectors are typically used. Nevertheless, problems of pulse accumulation and dead time still remain. This can cause measurement errors and distort the energy spectrum. In this study, this problem was confirmed through experiments, and signal pile-up and dead time correction studies were performed. A detection system combining a GAGG sensor and SiPM with a size of 10 mm × 10 mm × 10 mm was used, and GAGG radiation characteristics were evaluated for each radiation dose (0.001~57 mSv/h). As a result, efficiency increased as the dose increased, but the energy spectrum tended to shift to the left. At a radiation dose intensity of 400 Ci (14.8 TBq), a collimator was additionally installed, but efficiency decreased and the spectrum was distorted. It was analyzed that signal loss occurred when more than 1 million particles were incident on the detector. In this high-radioactivity area, quantitative analysis is likely to be difficult due to spectral distortion, and this needs to be supplemented through a correction algorithm. In recent research cases, the development of correction algorithms using MCNP and AI is being actively carried out around the world, and more than 98% of the signals have been corrected and the spectrum has been restored. Nevertheless, the artificial intelligence (AI) results were based on only 2-3 overlapping pulse data and did not consider the effect of noise, so they did not solve realistic problems. Additional research is needed. In the future, we plan to conduct signal correction research using ≈10×10 mm small size detectors (GAGG, CZT etc.). Also, the performance evaluation of the measurement/analysis system is intended to be performed in an environment similar to the high radiation field of an actual nuclear facility.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        At domestic nuclear power plant, concrete containers are stored to store waste generated before waste acceptance criteria (WAC) was established. Concrete container store concentrated waste liquid and waste resin. In order to disposal radioactive waste to a disposal site, it is necessary to conduct a characteristic evaluation inside the waste to check whether it satisfies the WAC. Two types of concrete containers are stored: round and square. The round type is filled with one 200-liter drum, and the square type is filled with four 200-liter drums. In the case of a round shape, the top lid is fastened with bolts, so it is possible to collect samples after opening the top lid without the need for additional equipment. However, in the case of a square shape, there is no top lid, and concrete is poured to cure the lid, so the separate equipment for characteristic evaluation is required. It is necessary to install a workstation for sample collection on the top of the concrete container, equipment for coring the top of the concrete container, and a device to prevent concrete dust scattering. Currently, the design of equipment for evaluating the characteristics of concrete containers has been completed, and equipment optimization through mock-up test will be performed in the future.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Dry active wastes (DAWs) are combustible waste generated during the operation and decommissioning of nuclear facilities, and are known to be generated in the amount of approximately 10,000 to 40,000 drums (based on 200 L) per unit. It consists of various types of protective clothing, paper, and plastic bags, and is stored in radioactive waste storage facilities. Therefore, reducing the volume of DAWs is an important issue in order to reduce storage costs and utilize the limited space of waste storage facilities. Heat treatment such as incineration can dramatically reduce the volume of waste, but as the waste is thermally decomposed, CO2, a global warming gas, is generated and there is a risk of emissions of harmful gases including radionuclides. Therefore, a heat treatment process that minimizes the generation of CO2 and harmful gases is necessary. One of the alternatives to incineration is to carbonize DAWs, dispose of carbonized materials below the release standard as non-radioactive waste, and selectively separate and stabilize inorganic components, including radionuclides, from carbonized DAWs. In this study, 13 types of DAWs generated from nuclear power plants were selected and their thermal decomposition characteristics were investigated to design a heat treatment process that replaces incineration. As a result of TGA analysis, the temperature at which thermal decomposition of each waste begins is 260-300°C for cotton, 320-330°C for paper, 315-420°C for synthetic fiber, 350°C for latex gloves. The mass of most samples decreased to less than 1 % of the initial weight after heat treatment, and dust suit and latex gloves had residues of 13.83% and 13.71% of the initial mass, respectively. The metal components of the residue produced after heat treatment of the sample were analyzed by EDS. According to the EDS results, cotton contains Ca and Al, paper contains Ca, Al and Si, synthetic fiber contains Ca, Cu and Ti, latex gloves contain Ca and Mg. Additionally, ICP analysis was performed to quantify the inorganic components. These results are expected to be applicable to the processing of DAW generated at nuclear facilities in the future.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A lot of CANDU Spent Fuels (CSFs) have been stored in spent nuclear fuel pools and dry storage facilities. In accordance with the enhanced nuclear regulations, the initial characteristics of CSF should be inspected to ensure the integrity of CSF and the reliable operation of storage system before loading it into a cask for long-term dry storage. For the inspections, an initial characteristics measurement equipment was designed, which is used for Pool-Side Examination (PSE) in the spent fuel pool of the pressurized heavy water reactor nuclear power plant. Measurements using the equipment consist of non-contact inspections and contact inspections. The non-contact inspections do not affect CSF integrity, whereas the integrity of CSF can be reduced during the contact inspections under abnormal operating conditions because the probe of equipment may apply specific loads to the CSF. Therefore, the structural integrity evaluations of equipment and CSF are performed using Finite Element (FE) analyses for four combinations based on two abnormal conditions and two probe positions. The used abnormal conditions are the pressing load condition and the scratching load condition, and two probe positions are the center and bottom of the fuel rod in the longitudinal direction, respectively. In this evaluation, the bottoms of the fuel rod or CSF are defined as the regions facing the bottom surface of equipment. The analysis of the pressing load condition is performed by pressing the probe of the equipment in radial direction of the CSF fuel rod. That of the scratching load condition is carried out by applying a specific radial load to the CSF fuel rod using the probe and then applying the load to the surface of the fuel rod while moving axially along the surface. All combinations are analyzed considering geometric, boundary and material non-linearity under the dynamic load, which is dependent on the equipment operating velocity. The stresses of CSF and equipment components were obtained from these analyses. The maximum stress of each component was generated at the combination on the scratching load condition for the bottom position among the four combinations. The obtained maximum stresses are lower than the yield stress for each component material. Also, the CSF is not overturned due to the support plate of the equipment in all analyses. Therefore, the structural integrity and safety of the equipment and the CSF are maintained under abnormal operating conditions during the inspection using the initial characteristic measurement equipment.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, Sparassis crispa(cauliflower mushroom), which is rich in beta-glucan, was pulverized using ultrafine grinding technology for its potential utilization as a diverse food ingredient. The physical and antioxidant properties of cauliflower mushroom powder were evaluated at various grinding times. The results showed that as the grinding time of cauliflower mushroom increased, the average particle size significantly decreased (p<0.05). Additionally, the water-holding capacity, swelling capacity, and water solubility index of cauliflower mushroom increased significantly(p<0.05). Based on the analysis mentioned above, cauliflower mushroom prepared as a superfine powder for 5 minutes exhibited superior physical and chemical properties as well as antioxidant characteristics and is expected to be widely used in various foods.
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