Niobium (Nb) is present in Ni-based alloys and stainless steels used in nuclear reactors as structural materials. Nb-93 is a naturally occurring and stable isotope of niobium and Nb-94 (half-life = 20,000 years) is produced by neutron activation of Nb-93. Nb-94 can be present in waste streams from dismantling of nuclear power plants and treatment of the primary coolant circuit. Hence, the radioactive wastes containing active Nb-94 are disposed of in the repositories for low- and intermediate-level waste (LILW). Nb predominantly exhibits a pentavalent oxidation state (i.e., +V) within the stability field of water. Cementitious materials (concrete, mortar, and grout) are extensively utilized in LILW disposal systems as structural components and chemical agents for the stabilization of waste. Solubility defines the source term (i.e., upper concentration limit) in the repository system. However, the solubility behavior of Nb in cementitious systems at high pH remains ill-defined, and information available on the Nb solid phases controlling the solubility is scarce and often ambiguous. Sorption on cementbased materials is one of the main mechanisms controlling the retention of niobium(V) in a LILW repository, and distribution coefficients (Rd) are necessary to evaluate the retention capacity by sorption in the safety assessment of disposal systems. Available sorption data of Nb(V) on cement showed a large discrepancy in Rd, moreover, no sorption data is available for Nb(V) under conditions characterizing the first degradation stage of cement (young cement condition) at pH 13 – 13.5. In this context, the solubility of Nb was extensively investigated in porewater conditions representative of the cement degradation stage I, as well as in CaCl2-Ca(OH)2 systems. Special focus was given to the accurate characterization of the solubility-controlling solid niobium phases. We also studied the sorption of Nb(V) by hardened cement pastes (HCP) and calcium silicate hydrates (CSH, major hydrate of HCP). This work provides the results on Rd, sorption isotherm and sorption mechanisms of Nb(V). Besides, the impact of ISA (polyhydroxycarboxylic acid generated by the degradation of cellulose) on Nb(V) sorption and the dissolution of cement materials was investigated.
Strontium is known as a salt-soluble element during the electrolytic oxide reduction (EOR) process. The chemical behavior of SrO during EOR was investigated via thermodynamic calculations to provide quantitative data on the chemical status of Sr. To achieve this, thermodynamic calculations were conducted using HSC chemistry software for various EOR conditions. It was revealed that SrO reacts with LiCl salt to produce SrCl2, even in the presence of Li2O, and that the ratio of SrCl2 depends on the initial concentration of Li2O dissolved in LiCl. It was found that SrO reacts with Li to produce Sr during EOR and that the reduced Sr reacts with LiCl salt to produce SrCl2. As a result, the proportions of metallic forms were lower in Sr than in La and Nd under various EOR conditions. The thermodynamic calculations indicated that the three chemical forms of SrO, SrCl2, and Sr co-exist in the EOR system under an equilibrium with Li, Li2O, and LiCl.
In this study, we successfully synthesized a nano-sized lanthanum-modified lead-titanate (PLT) powder with a perovskite structure using a high-energy mechanochemical process (MCP). In addition, the sintering behavior of synthesized PLT nanopowder was investigated and the sintering temperature that can make the full dense PLT specimen decreased to below by using powder as sintering agent. The pure PLT phase of perovskite structure was formed after MCP was conducted for 4 h and the average size of the particles was approximately 20 nm. After sintered at 1050 and , the relative density of PLT was about 93.84 and 95.78%, respectively. The density of PLT increased with adding and the specimen with the relative densitiy over 96% were fabricated below when 2 wt% of was added.
Growth behavior of InGaN/GaN self-assembled quantum dots (QDs) was investigated with respect to different growth parameters in low pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. Locally formed examples of three dimensional InGaN islands were confirmed from the surface observation image with increasing indium source ratio and growth time. The InGaN/GaN QDs were formed in Stranski-Krastanow (SK) growth mode by the continuous supply of metalorganic (MO) sources, whereas they were formed in the Volmer-Weber (V-W) growth mode by the periodic interruption of the MO sources. High density InGaN QDs with 1~2nm height and 40~50nm diameter were formed by the S-K growth mode. Dome shape InGaN dots with 200~400nm diameter were formed by the V-W growth mode. InN content in InGaN QDs was estimated to be reduced with the increase of growth temperature. A strong peak between 420-460 nm (2.96-2.70 eV) was observed for the InGaN QDs grown by S-K growth mode in photoluminescence spectrum together with the GaN buffer layer peak at 362.2 nm (3.41 eV).
베아링강(AISI S2100) 위에 TiCi4, N2,H2,그리고 Ar의 기체혼합계를 이용하여 플라즈마화학증착법으로 내마모 TiN증착층을 얻었다. 증착된 TiN층 내의 잔류 CI에 의한 결정성, 미소경도, 접착력, 그리고 마모특성에 대해 연구하였다. TiN 중착층은 좋은 내마모성을 가지고 있었으며, TiN의 기계적 특성은 잔류CI함량이 증가할때 나빠졌다. 마모측정결과 마모면의 trailing edge에 인장응력이 걸려 많은 crack이 관찰되엇다.
In this study, pull-out tests were performed for evaluating tensile behavior of chemical anchors. Diameter and embedment length were considered as test variables. During the test, uplift load and vertical displacement of chemical anchors were measured. Maximum uplift load of 16kN was measured in chemical anchor having 21mm diameter and 300mm embedment length.