In factory automation, efforts are being made to increase productivity while maintaining high-quality products. In this study, a CNN network structure was designed to quickly and accurately recognize a cigarette located in the opposite direction or a cigarette with a loose end in an automated facility rotating at high speed for cigarette production. Tobacco inspection requires a simple network structure and fast processing time and performance. The proposed network has an excellent accuracy of 96.33% and a short processing time of 0.527 msec, showing excellent performance in learning time and performance compared to other CNN networks, confirming its practicality. In addition, it was confirmed that efficient learning is possible by increasing a small number of image data through a rotation conversion method.
The susceptibility of three fumigants, methyl bromide, ethyl formate and phosphine, and concurrent treatment of ethyl formate and phosphine were tested on Lasioderma serricorne. Susceptibility assessment were performed by treating 5 to 6 initial dosage on every growth stages of L. serricorne. The LCT50 of methyl bromide was 13.896mg h/L for egg, 36.038mg h/L for late larvae, 25.172mg h/L for pupae and 21.758mg h/ L for adult, respectively. The LCT50 of phosphine was 0.317mg h/L for egg, 0.649mg h/L for late larvae, 3.748mg h/L for pupae and 0.703mg h/L for adult, respectively. In case of ethyl formate, the LCT50 was 43.657mg h/L for egg, 137.606mg h/L for late larvae, 72.676mg h/L for pupae and 52.951mg h/L for adult, respectively. Concurrent treatment of ethyl formate and phosphine was performed by treating 5 to 6 initial dosage of ethyl formate with 0.5 mg/L phosphine for 4 hours on every growth stages of L. serricorne. The LCT50 of ethyl formate concurrent treatment was 13.746mg h/L for egg, 8.156mg h/L for late larvae, 27.087mg h/L for pupae and 11.353mg h/L for adult, respectively, and these results indicate that concurrent treatment can control pest with lower dosage and shorter period. Sorption rates and ventilation periods of each fumigants were also calculated for efficacy and safety
The susceptibility of the Cigarette beetle, which are pests in tobacco, to methyl bromide and phosphine fumigants was evaluated. Five concentrations of each methyl bromide were selected for all stages and treated for 4 hours. As a result, 100% larvae were observed in eggs CT 51.20, late larva CT 73.61, pupa CT 71.87 and adult 52.87 mg h / L, respectively. The LCT50 values for methyl bromide were 13.896 for eggs, 36.038 for late larvae, 25.172 and 21.758 mg / l, respectively. The phosphine treatment was carried out for 5 to 6 concentrations (0.025, 0.051, 0.099, 0.501, 0.999 and 1.500 mg / L) for 20 hours. As a result, egg and late larvae showed 100% larvae at CT 5.137 and 6.435 mg h / L, respectively, and 61.9% and 98.9% of larvae and adult larvae were similar to each other. Pupae showed 86.4% larvae at CT 10.520 and 100% larvae at over 13.777 mg / h of CT. The LCT50 values for phosphine were 0.317 for eggs, 0.649 for late larvae, 3.748 for pupa and 0.703 mg / l for adults.
목 적: 담배 흡연이 동공크기, 시력, 조절력 및 눈물막에 미치는 급성 및 만성효과를 확인하고자 하였다. 방 법: 성인 남성 중 비흡연자 30명, 흡연자 25명의 지원자를 대상으로 하였다. 흡연의 급성효과를 관찰 하기 위하여 흡연자에게는 0.5 mg의 니코틴이 함유된 동일한 담배 1 개비를 피우도록 하고 흡연 직후 명소 시와 박명시 상태에서 동공크기, 대비시력, 대비감도, 고위수차, 조절력 및 눈물막안정성을 측정하였다. 동 공크기는 동공측정계(VIP™-200 Pupillometer)로, 안구수차는 파면수차계(KR-1W)를 사용하여 4 ㎜ 동공 크기에서 측정하였으며, 100%와 10% 대비시력, 대비감도를 측정하고, 조절력은 Push-up test 검사로, 눈 물막 안정성은 눈물막파괴시간(TBUT)을 측정하여 흡연 전과 비교하였다. 만성효과는 비흡연자와 흡연자의 흡연 전 상태에서 측정한 결과값을 비교하였다. 결 과: 흡연의 급성효과로 동공크기는 조도와 휘도에 상관없이 모두 유의하게 감소하였으며(p<0.05), 명 소시와 박명시에서 측정한 저대비 시력은 유의하게 향상되었다(p<0.05). 대비감도와 고위수차는 차이가 없 었고(p>0.05), 흡연 후 조절력과 TBUT는 유의하게 감소하였다(p<0.05). 흡연자와 비흡연자의 동공크기는 모든 조도와 휘도에서 차이가 없었고, 대비시력, 대비감도, 고위수차, 조절력 및 TBUT도 유의한 차이가 관 찰되지 않았다. 결 론: 흡연의 급성효과로 동공이 축동되고, 조절력 및 눈물막 안정성이 감소하며, 저대비 시력이 향상되 었다. 그러나 흡연은 만성적으로 동공크기, 시력, 조절력 및 눈물안정성에 영향을 주지 않는 것으로 나타나 흡연은 일시적으로 시기능에 영향을 주는 것으로 생각된다.
This study was performed to evaluate the contact toxicity and residual toxicity of the 26 commercially registered insecticides against cigarette beetle, Lasioderma serricorne and maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais adult. Among 26 insecticides, seven insecticides (chlorpyrifos, chlorpyrifos-methyl, fenitrothion, fenthion, phenthoate, cypermethrin, α-cyhalothrin) against L. serricorne adult and five insecticides (chlorpyrifos, chlorpyrifos-methyl, fenitrothion, fenthion, phenthoate) against S. zeamais adult showed perfect mortality. LC50 (ppm) values of those selected insecticides were appeared lowest value on α-cyhalothrin (1.46 ppm) against L. serricorne adult and chlorpyrifos-methyl (0.64 ppm) against S. zeamais adult, respectively. However, chlorpyrifos-methyl still remain high toxicity until 90th days after treatment against both L. serricorne and S. zeamais adults. From above results, it will be useful information to select insecticides effective against L. serricorne and S. zeamais adults.
Among various food base baiting materials, beer and macerated cucumber were the most effective to induce slug that is a troublesome pest on leafy vegetables, especially on lettuce. However, the baits attracted only but did not kill the pest. When the baits were combined with various insecticidal organic materials, a few combinations such as beer and cigarette mixture successfully induced and killed the slug in the field test. The most effective combination of beer 50 ㎖ and a cigarette contained in a small plastic box killed 25 slugs per night. While macerated cucumber 50 ㎖ and a cigarette mixture killed only 4.3 slugs. The bait of beer and cigarette mixture revealed 68.4% control value against slug damage when treated for 3 consecutive days in a lettuce cultivation greenhouse. The bait also effectively reduced the slug damage in a lettuce nursery showing 58.3% control value. The method seemed highly useful for the control of slug in the organic farming system in which application of pesticides are strictly prohibited.
궐련벌레(Lasioderma serricorne F)가 제품담배내 오염되었을때의 방제방법으로 감마선 이용법을 선전 방제효과를 조사하였다. Gelatin capsules에 공시충을 넣은 다음 감마선을 조사해 본 결과 0.8kGy이상의 선량에서 난태는 모두 살충되었고 용태나 성충때 및 유충태는 0~30%가 살충되었다. 몇가지 제품담배값내에 공시충을 함유한 gelatin capsules이 삽입된 궐련을 넣은후 감마선 조사시의 궐련벌레 충태별 방제효과도 동일한 결과를 얻었다. 감마선의 영향을 받은 궐련벌레의 성충 및 유충태를 인공먹이로 사육해 본 결과 차세대 개체군 증식이 확인되지 않았다. 감마선에 노출된 궐련벌레의 각 충태는 선량이 높아질수록 생존기간이 짧아졌으며 4령 유충이 처리 공시충중 가장 오래 생존하였다. 감마선에 노출된 제품담배의 고유향기나 맛은 선량 증가에도 영향을 받지 않았다. 감마선이 처리된 제품담배의 포갑지나 궐련지 및 은박지 등은 고유의 색도 또한 변화하지 않았다.
저장중(貯藏中)에 있거나 제조(製造)된 담배를 가해(加害)하는 주요해충(主要害蟲)인 궐련벌레(Lasioderma serricorne F.)의 유충(幼蟲)에 기생(寄生)하는 궐련벌레살이주머니응애 (Pyemotes tritici L.-F. & M.)는 응애아목(亞目)(Trombidiformes)의 Pyemotidae(주머니응애과(科))에 속(屬)하며 국내(國內)에서는 처음으로 한국인삼연초연구소(韓國人蔘煙草硏究所)에서 발견(發見), 분류(分類) 동정(同定)되어졌다. 본종(本種)을 개체사육(個體飼育)하면서 조사(調査)한 형태적(形態的) 특징(特徵)과 일부(一部) 생활사(生活史)의 요약(要約)은 다음과 같다. 1. 궐련벌레살이주머니응애는 4개(個)의 배판(背板)을 갖고 있으며 첫째 등판에는 세쌍, 두번째에는 두쌍, 세번째에는 한쌍, 네번째에는 두쌍의 센털이 나있고, 첫째 등판에는 한쌍의 기관(氣管)이 있다. 네쌍의 다리에는 사이판(板)과 두개의 발톱이 있고, 특히 맬 앞쪽 발에는 발달된 발톱이 있다. 2. 수컷이 먼저 태어나며 암컷이 태어나는 즉시 교미(交尾)한다. 암컷이나 수컷은 어미의 복부내(腹部內)에서 성적(性的)으로 성숙(成熟)된 상태로 태어난다. 3. 교미(交尾)가 끝난 암컷은 숙주의 체표(體表)에서 일(日) 이 지나면 새끼를 낳기 시작한다. 4. 새끼를 낳는 기간(期間)은 일(日)이고 한마리의 암컷이 낳는 새끼의 수(數)는 마리였다. 5. 암컷과 수컷의 출생(出生) 직후(直後)의 크기는 같았고 체장(體長)은 , 체폭(體幅)은 이었다. 6. 수컷은 48시간(時間) 이내(以內)에 모두 사망(死亡)하였고 암컷은 자라면서 복부(腹部)는 커져 구형(球型)을 이루며 다 자라면 직경(直徑)이 , 체적(體積)이 가 된다. 7. 복부(腹部)의 직경(直徑)은 숙주체액(宿主體液) 흡즙후(吸汁後) 일(日)경에, 체적(體積)은 일(日)경에 증가폭(增加幅)이 가장 컸다. 8. 새끼를 낳기 시작한 후(後) 4일(日)경에 가장 많이 낳았고 9일(日) 이후(以後)부터는 낳기를 중단하였다.
최근 화장품 시장에서 안티폴루션 효능이 있는 화장품은 새로운 피부 건강을 위한 해결책으로 나타나고 있다. 외부(대기) 오염물질에 의해 피부의 산화 기전을 매개하는 주요 원인 인자들로 오존, UV, 미세먼지 및 담배연기 등을 꼽을 수 있다. 담배 연기의 노출은 직⋅간접적으로 피부 표피 내 지질의 산화를 야기한다. 피부의 지질 산화에 의해 squalene과 squalene monohydroperoxide의 비율 변화가 발생하고, malondialdehyde (MDA)가 지질산화 산물로 생성된다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 담배연기 노출 시 발생하는 피부 산화에 대하여 레드비트를 함유하는 화장품이 방지할 수 있는 효능이 있는지에 대하여 MDA의 생성량으로 관찰하였다. 시험대 상자 전박부를 세 영역(음성대조, 양성대조, 시험제품)으로 나누어 각 지름 3.3 cm의 원으로 구획하고, 15분간 담배연기에 노출 후 피부 표면으로부터 지질막을 걷어낸 후 TBARS assay를 통하여 MDA를 정량 하였다. 음성 대조(무도포, 미노출)에 비해 양성대조(무도포, 담배연기 노출)의 MDA 생성량이 3.7배 증가된 결과로, 오염물 질인 담배연기에 의한 피부의 산화적 손상을 확인하였다. 반면에 레드비트를 함유하는 화장품을 미리 도포한 영역은 양성대조에 비해 MDA 생성량이 25% 감소하는 결과를 나타내었다. 결론적으로, 담배연기 노출은 피부 표피 내 지질 산화를 야기하며, 레드비트를 함유하는 화장품이 이러한 대기환경오염으로부터 방어적 효과(안티 폴루션 효과)를 보이는 것을 확인하였다.
Background: The current regulations regarding the storage of medicinal herbs do not define the storage temperature; instead, but the only requirement is that the plastic bags used for storing the medicinal herbs should be tightly sealed during storage. The practice of storing medicinal herbs at room temperature (28℃), causes many problems, including growth of insect pests on the stored medicinal herbs. Thus, it is necessary to understand the effect of insect pests on the quality of medicinal herbs stored at room temperature (28℃) for the improving the relevant regulations. Methods and Results: Cnidium rhizome and Angelica radix were infested with Lasioderma serricorne F. adults and incubated at 28℃ for 2.5 and 5 months. The population of L. serricorne was established rapidly, and left many holes, cadavers, and feces on the stored medicinal herbs, thereby greatly damaging the product appearance and hygiene. In addition, active ingredients of the medicinal herbs were significantly decreased, probably reducing their medicinal quality as well. Conclusions: These results indicate that the current regulations are not sufficient to prevent the establishment of storage insect pests and guarantee the quality and hygiene of stored medicinal herbs. Therefore, it is necessary to devise proper storage protocols and upgrade the current relevant regulations to maintain the quality of medicinal herbs during storage.
Purpose - This study aims to explore the influence of combining "non-halal" labels with visual and textual warning labels on cigarette packages to induce the intention to quit smoking and boost the stop-smoking campaign. Research design, data, and methodology - This study examines" non-halal" labeling on cigarette packages using an experimental method. A total of 120 smokers, aged 18-23, were chosen from among Universitas Indonesia students. Data obtained were analyzed using ANOVA and T-Test. Results - The use of a "non-halal" label as a warning on cigarette packages is more effective to influence Muslim smokers to quit smoking. The results also suggest that "non-halal" labels more effectively increase intentions to quit smoking when use din combination with textual-visual labels. Conclusions - The study found that the addition of "non-halal" labels in textual or textual-visual warning labels on cigarette packages would significantly increase the intention of Moslems smokers to quit smoking. These results support previous research findings, that if cigarettes are labeled as "non-halal" (haram) products for Moslem teenagers, it will induce them to quit smoking.
The small number of fusion research that addresses fear-appeal and self-efficacy in the effectiveness of warning labels cause the label is not clear, then the purpose of the study is the first to examine the effect of the combination of the message. With the experimental method, a total of 240 participants were smokers consist of Indonesian university students in the age range 18-23 years. Data obtained then processed with ANOVA statistical methods and Test T. The results are consistent with previous studies that the visual warning labels more effective than the textual warning labels alone. Results also suggest that a warning label should be both visual and textual messages combined with self-efficacy. Limitations, this study does not differentiate among smokers and non-smokers, in addition to the images are used only one type of disease, so that the research needs to be done to distinguish these factors.
This study was carried out to investigate the inhibitory effect of Angelicae Dahuricae Radix (ADR) extract on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) induced by cigarette smoke condensate (CSC) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in mice. COPD was induced by intratracheal instillation of LPS and CSC 5 times for 12 days; this increased airway hyperresoponsiveness (AHR) and inflammatory cells in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF). ADR extract was administered orally at a dose of 50 and 200 mg/kg. The concentration of imperatorin, a major component of ADR and therefore used as a measure of quality control, was 0.098%±0.018%. Treatment of the mice with ADR extract (50 and 200 mg/kg) alleviated AHR and reduced inflammatory cell counts. Treatment with cyclosporin A (CSA; 10 mg/kg) also modulated AHR and reduced inflammatory cells effectively. Compared with CSA treatment, treatment with ADR (50 mg/kg) extract reduced neutrophil and CD4+/CD3+ cell counts by 22.67% and 44.92%, respectively. In addition, compared with CSA treatment, treatment ADR 200 mg/kg reduced neutrophils, CD4+/CD3+ cells and CD8+/CD3+ cells, by 32.10%, 83.17% and 82.11%, respectively. These results indicate that ADR extract may have an inhibitory effect on COPD induced by LPS and CSC in mice.
This study was carried out to investigate whether Chrysanthermum zawadskii var. latilobum Kitamura (C. zawadskii) extracts has an inhibitory effect against the mutagenicity by cigarette smoke condensates (CSC). C. zawadskii was extracted with 70% ethanol and the yield was 18.5%. We further fractioned 70% ethanol extract sequentially to diethylether, chloroform, dichloromethane, and aqueous water, and gained the yield of 17.5%, 5.6%, 5.8%, 32.8% and 35.5%, respectively. In the Ames test, there was no mutagenic effect of crude extract and its solvent fractions up to 2 mg/plate toward Salmonella typhimurium TA 98 with or without S-9 mix metabolic activations. On the contrary, the crude extract showed an inhibitory activity against the mutagenicity of CSC in the presence of S-9 mix metabolic activation. Diethyl ether layer among five solvent fractions showed the highest inhibitory activity. The inhibitory activity of diethyl ether fraction was also increased in a dose-dependent manner and the inhibitory rate was about 97.7% at the concentration of 1 mg/plate. In this study, we conclude that crude extract of C. zawadskii itself is potentially safe for mutagenicity, and the diethyl ether fraction has an inhibitory effect against the mutagenicity of CSC.
In this study, development of new sound absorbent which is safety, economical and efficient with using recycled materials is tried for substitution of commercial sound absorbent. The sound absorbents, used in this investigation, were made of used paper or filters of cigarette butts. With the variation of the material densities,, sound absorptions of materials were measured. The impedance tube method is used for measuring sound absorption coefficient of the new sound absorbent materials. The measured frequency range was 250㎐ to 4000㎐ in 1/3 octave band . The sound absorption coefficient of the commercial materials and that of the materials synthesized in the our laboratory show almost same value.