
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 18

        2021.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The original intention and achievement of Chinese character culture industry research and practice is “Chinese character culture + X”, and “Chinese character culture + City (Region)” is the most comprehensive practice. Because of its rich cultural carrying capacity, unique pictographic features, and many related physical carriers, Chinese character culture can become the core and leading cultural strategy of cities, regions, and communities. In China, the two practical cases that combine Chinese character culture and city cultural strategy most closely are “Xu Shen’s Hometown – Luohe” and “Yin Ruins – Anyang.” This paper focuses on the cross fields of Chinese character culture, cultural industry, and public management, takes Luohe and Anyang as samples, introduces the cultural strategy modes and main contents of the two cities on the theme of Chinese character culture. By researching and comparing the implementation of the two strategies and the construction ideas behind them, this paper sums up the planning framework of the two cities’ cultural strategies. It matches the corresponding practice path of Chinese character culture to provide references. It helps scholars of Chinese character culture practice cultural strategic prediction, decision-making, and consulting projects of different cities.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 중국 노인들의 생활양식에 대한 분석을 기반으로, 노인들의 욕구에 부합할 수 있는 고령친화 주거단지 환경계획을 그 목적으로 한다. 장시성 상라오시에 거주하는 노인 306명에 대한 설문조사를 통해 여가시간 동안 산책과 대화, 간단한 쇼핑, 경작과 가드닝, 장기두기 등의 활동이 대부분임을 알 수 있었다. 전체 대상지는 입구·경관구역, 생활교류구역, 생태재배구역, 생활주거구역, 야외활동구역 및 완충식재구역으로 구분하였다. 단지 내 차량과 보행동선을 분 리하였으며, 생활교류구역 내에는 만남, 산책, 이벤트 및 판매 등을 위한 공간을 조성하였다. 노 인층의 원예욕구를 반영하여 생태재배구역을 조성하였으며, 무장애 플랜터박스 및 온실을 설 치하였으며, 손자, 손녀들과 함께 할 수 있는 야외활동공간을 조성하였다. 커뮤니티 가로계획과 관련하여 무장애 계획을 수립함과 동시에 우물, 마당 등과 같은 랜드마크 시설을 도입하여 공 간의 식별성을 높혔다. 또한 안전성 확보를 위한 보차분리 및 전통성 도입을 위한 포장설계 등 의 디테일이 추가되었다.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to draw out planning principles and structure of Iksan imperial capital city in late Baekje, especially in view of the relationship among imperial capital city planning area, skeletal axis and the location of royal castle. With site survey and analysis of historical records, old maps, topographical maps, archeological excavation data, land registration map of 1915, some significant inferences were drawn out. Firstly from the point of topological conditions, the contiguous line of a stratum from Mireuk mountain(彌勒山) to Wangkung-ri castle(王宮里遺蹟) and two waterways made a topological axis of Iksan Imperial capital city. Secondly district of Iksan imperial capital city can be deduced to the inner area north to Kummado soil wall(金馬都 土城), south to the confluence of Iksan river(益山川) and Busang river(扶桑川), west to Okum mountain fortress(五 金山城) and Galjeon river(葛田川), east to line near to eastern wall of Jesuksa temple(帝釋寺). Iksan ssang-reung(益 山雙陵) was located outside western boundary line of capital city. Thirdly axis from Wangkung-ri castle to northern Kummado soil wall made a skeletal axis of city structure. It got through northern lowland along Buk river(北川) between Yonghwa(龍華山) and Mireuk mountain. Fourthly the location of royal palace can be deduced to the north part of the city around Kumma town area along the planning principle of northern royal palace.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : This study presents a specific methodology for air dispersion analysis of urban areas methodology in accordance with urban planning and transport policy. METHODS: This study performed three alternatives including development density and public transit applying integrated urban model for the Delft city on Netherlands. Based on this result, the two types of air pollutant emissions(PM10, NOx) were calculated and analyzed the emission dispersion on that City. RESULTS: As a result, the quality of air near the City is better than that of current conditions showed that approximately from 2.1 to 7.9% according to alternatives. CONCLUSIONS: Air quality assessment in urban areas can be reasonably performed by applying a methodology when urban development and transport policy are considered.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        제4차 국토종합계획 수정계획(’06~’20)에 따라 추진된 행정중심복합도시 건설사업은 2005년 3월 18일 ‘행정중심 복합도시 건설 특별법’ 제정 및 공포를 시작으로 2030년 12월 사업완료를 목표로 진행되고 있다. 2011년 충남발전 연구원의 연기군 비오톱 조사 결과 행정중심복합도시 중 중앙녹지공간으로 계획된 장남평야 일대 농수로를 중심으 로 환경부 멸종위기야생생물 Ⅱ급 금개구리(Rana plancyi chosenica)와 맹꽁이, 뜸부기, 큰기러기 등 야생생물의 주요 서식처로 확인되었다. 그러나 행정중심복합도시의 내부 개 발공사에 따른 장남평야 성토문제와 금개구리 등 야생동물 서식처 보존 간의 상충이 야기됨에 따라 본 연구에서는 장 남평야 중앙녹지공간의 환경생태 현황을 조사분석하고 금 개구리 서식처 조성방안을 제시하고자 수행하였다. 장남평야는 하천퇴적물에 의한 충적토이면서, 고지도 분 석결과 금강의 범람원으로 확인되어 금강~장남평야~산림 으로 연결되는 생태계 연결 거점이었으나, 1950년대 제방 이 조성되고 대면적의 농경지로 토지이용이 변하여 지하수 위가 높은 논습지 생태계를 형성하게 되었다. 유역권 범위 로 조사한 현존식생 분석 결과 총 면적 10,535,798㎡ 중 초지 및 수역 48.0%, 산림 17.2%, 경작지 6.1% 등 이었고, 장남평야 내부에는 논경작지와 논휴경지, 습윤지성 초지 등 다양한 습지 비오톱이 분포하고 있었다. 금개구리의 주요 서식처인 중앙배수로와 자연형 농경지 배수로 단면구조 분 석결과 부들, 미나리, 고마리, 갈대 등 수생식물이 분포하였 고, 수심은 9~150cm 이었으나 15~20cm 정도가 금개구리 서식에 적정한 수심이었다. 금개구리는 2013년 3~7월경(여 름 장마철 포함) 서식처 현황 조사결과 장남평야 전 지역에 서 출현하고 있었으며, 야생조류는 2013년 3, 5, 7월 조사결 과 독수리, 잿빛개구리매 등 맹금류와 큰기러기, 원앙 등 보호종이 출현하여 금개구리뿐만 아니라 야생조류 등 금강 유역원의 주요한 야생동물 서식처인 것으로 판단되었다. 장남평야 금개구리의 주요 서식처인 중앙배수로 북쪽 지 역에서 2013년 5월 1일, 5월 15일, 5월 29일, 6월 6일에 걸쳐 조사한 금개구리 서식처 위치 자료와 본 연구의 양서 류 연구팀(김현태, 김대호, 손상호)의 금개구리 서식처 출현 현황 자료를 통합하여 금개구리 서식요구 면적을 도출하였 다. 라남용(2010)의 박사학위 논문에 따르면 금개구리는 번 식연못으로부터 평균 32.0±23.4m 떨어진 육상 지역에서 동 면하므로 행동반경은 약 50m로 설정하였다. 금개구리 출현 개체군의 총 행동권역 면적은 870,586㎡, 금개구리 출현 개체수는 최대 806개체이었다. 행동권역 당 금개구리 전체 개체수를 환산한 결과 금개구리 1개체당 서식 요구 면적은 1,080㎡이었다. 목표 금개구리 개체수는 1,500개체로 설정 하였고, 이에 따라 금개구리 개체군의 목표 서식 요구 면적 은 1,620,000㎡(약 1.6㎢)로 산출되었다. 장남평야 금개구리 서식처 보전 원칙으로 첫째, 금개구리 를 이주시켜 성공한 사례가 드물고 장남평야 거의 전 지역 에 금개구리가 생육하고 있으므로 다른 지역으로 이주시키 지 않고 현지 내 보전할 것, 둘째, 금개구리의 서식요구 조건 인 물 공급을 정상적으로 유지할 것, 셋째, 금개구리 서식 환경을 보장해 주기 위해 유기농법으로 논농사를 시행할 것, 넷째, 금개구리뿐만 아니라 야생조류 등 다양한 생물이 서식하는 생태계로서의 가치가 높으므로 만월산 배후산림 과 금강을 연결하는 생태축 연결을 제시하였다. 장남평야 중앙녹지공간 조성과 금개구리 서식처 보전을 합리적으로 추진하기 위해서는 중앙배수로 남쪽 지역을 금개구리 개체 군 서식처로 확보, 남쪽 금강둔치 경계부에 급수로를 설치 하여 지속적으로 물 공급 유지, 금개구리 서식처 내 자연형 배수로를 금강 둔치까지 연결하여 생태계 연결성 확보 등을 고려해야 할 것이다.
        2007.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to examine the planning principles and historical meaning of Eupchi constructed during the Joseon Dynasty. I investigated the general character of Eupchi based on analyses of published materials from the Joseon Dynasty. The Joseon Dynasty, which started in 1392, set up Eupchi in a position to effectively govern the whole country. Eupchi was differentiated from the surrounding villages, and became the center of administration and education. Eupchi was established based on techniques taken from the capital. Following precedence in the capital, Eupchi was transformed with spaces for Confucian ceremonies. The cityscape of Eupchi was also differentiated from the surrounding villages. Such transformation of Eupchi represents the progress of urbanization. The developments found in Eupchi spread around Korea, and mark an important stage in the historical evolution of Korean urbanization. The Joseon Dynsasty used similar techniques from the capital to establish Eupchi. However, I found some differences between Eupchi and the capital. The Joseon Dynasty recognized that walls could protect not only the capital city but also the country from foreign enemies. Protective walls were required for a capital, but not for Eupchi. In addition, Eupchi did not have commercial institutions supported by the Dynasty. This further demonstrates that different planning principles were used at Eupchi.
        1983.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This is a study on a landscape planning along the street 1~4, which are gateways to Taegu city and an important scenery. Therefore, emphasis was given to provide a bright, clean and beautiful first impression to visitors and citizens. The area is being developed for education and athletic park. Plans to construct a fountain, pergolas and a pond were set up to complement the active and passive facilities to the existing a athletic facilities in the area. Since D part in the area have alkali soil (pH 8.1), soil amendment is necessary for successful growth of trees and ground covers. When the area is filled or added with new soil for soil amendment, it will be important to use fresh soil which can support plant growth. It will be ideal to use ground covers and shrubs on the existing retaining walls along the street for keeping natural vegetation and slope stability instead of further cutting and reconstruction. It is not reasonable in technical and economic sense to remove rocks of the slope for planting trees. In order to harmonize plant color distribute, tall needle and broad leaf trees in the background as a screen, flowering trees were arranged in groups at front, and annuals were mass-planted along the footway. Natural-form-trees will be planted because they not only serve as a greenbelt but also are more economics in maintenance than formative trees.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        As a part of research to improve the satisfaction of residents on natural recreation forests near/within a city, the recognition of the residents was investigated and evaluated by using five-point Likert scale or frequency analysis for the plan of Mt. Wora natural recreation forest in Jinju city, which included the awareness, importance, preference, and visit intention of the residents. Until now, the personal goals of most visitors at Mt. Wora have been exercising or walking, and showed different from those of visitors at recreation forests with lots of recreational facilities and natural resources. Also the satisfaction was 3.6 and tended to be lower than that at natural recreation forests. The awareness and necessity of natural recreation forest were 3.3 and 4.0 respectively. As a result, the awareness was lower than the necessity though most respondent (84.5%) had already visited and experienced natural recreation forest before this survey. In the importance of facilities and programs, recreation/relaxation places, family accommodation, education, and leisure and sports were 4.2, 3.7, 3.7, and 3.4 respectively. The result shows a feature that the education was equal/similar to the family accommodation and the leisure and sports was over 3.0. In the preference of the types of accommodation and outdoor stay, the frequency of bungalow was 57.4% and higher than others. And then the frequency of autocamping and glamping were 36.5% and 32.9% respectively, and higher than that of camping. It indicates that users prefer more convenient types to typical/common types. The awareness and necessity of forest culture education were 3.1 and 4.1 respectively. The awareness of leisure and sports facilities was 3.2. The preference of adventures (zip line, eco-adventure etc.) was 3.4 and higher than those of others.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to establish baseline data for sustainable monitoring by applying the green city index (GCI), which is set up to evaluate the city level, to the city of Gangneung-si, which was designated as a pilot city for the Low-carbon Green Growth City project by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transportation. The GCI was applied in the framework of European systems, while considering the social and economic status of Korea. Indicators from 7 areas—CO2, energy, building, transportation, water, waste, and quality of atmosphere were analyzed, except for qualitative indicators. Results indicate that total CO2 emissions were 30.8 tons per capita, or 2.2 tons per one million units of real GDP. The total final energy consumption was 0.231 TOE/capita, or 0.317 TOE per one million units of real GDP. The percentage of total energy derived from renewable resources was 0.41% and energy consumption by the building was 433.5 Mwh/1,000 ㎡. The total percentage of the working population travelling to work daily by public transportation (limited to bus) was 19%. Further, the total annual water consumption was 99 ㎥/capita, and the water lost in the water distribution system was 0.057 ㎥/capita/day. The total annual waste collected was 0.0077 ton per capita, The annual mean emission were 0.014 ppm/day for NO2, 0.005 ppm/day for SO2, and 0.019 ppm/day for O3. The annual mean for PM10 emissions was 39 ㎍/㎥/day.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the environmental consciousness of Daegu citizen on conservation planning considering the regional characteristics was investigated. Data were collected throughout a survey and 1400 people were selected using a stratified sampling method based on populations of Daegu administration district. Results wee followings; First, the levels of environmental consciousness were different dependent on districts’ characteristics. Second, poor awareness on Daegu Agenda 21 (Clear and Green Daegu 21) were shown. Daegu Agenda 21 is the action plan for the sustainable environmental conservation activities of the City of Daegu. Third, waste was the most serious environmental problems of Daegu , air quality was second worst, and third was river water quality from the survey, but differentiated awareness was shown dependent on regional spatial factors and pollution emission factors. Last, a public environmental education was the most important issue to make invigorations and progress for future environmental policy.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study is to achieve the slow-city planning based on resources in Cheongsong-gun. To this end, the natural landscape and old houses of the village set up potential of the core, and three complementary elements were traditional food and traditional crafts, nature trails. The vision and objectives were established, characterization plan by spacial areas was considered. The actionable items of the project by divisions such as; conservation and utilization of natural resources, old house villages, traditional crafts, traditional foods, landscape composition, social awareness training, to attract visitors, slow-city environmental policy, were proposed. And step-by-step implementation plan was proposed, Division of roles between public authorities and residents of the implementation process was considered.
        2013.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        As international regulations for greenhouse gas emissions is strengthened in order to respond to climate change all over the world, we need to reduce greenhouse gas in urban planning. we derived the elements of the plan for a carbon balance of Seoul and suggested a methodology of urban design guidelines regarding the carbon balance.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Urban forest area in South Korea has been increased up to 20.8% of national land as of 2007 by the mergence of municipalities and counties. The rate of park and green tract among urban forest averages out to about 4% nationally but the Capital, Seoul, almost 105% level, not easy to split the two. Park and green has positive management system because of its infrastructure attribute and relevant security obligation standard while urban forest left alone with no such concerns. The most important reason of the negligence comes from institutional inertia although it is possible to be managed functionally by forest laws as like forests of park, landscape, wind and noise protection, and timber product. As a results, it reaches below than 92.64% of the national average level of the timber stockpile especially in the metropolitan areas and loses broad acres rapidly due to the easy conversion system to the urban land usage. Therefore, there must be required some alternative methodologies to conserve and foster it. The paper proposes the four urban forest management types and their control methods. The four types divide into conservation, foster, development, and reservation ones. Also it suggests the five furtherance tract types with the combination among the four earlier types, optionally having one of the six aim climaxes and recommends the standardization of operation design. The total green quantity index of urban forest also suggested by the weight method according to location and DBH class. The case study of the suggested model was executed on the Daejon Metropolitan area and its index calculated as 110.4% level compared with the acreage.
        2005.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Practically, it is very hard to investigate the rural villages in North Korea. The Korean rural village in Yanbian is proximate from North Korea and most of inhabitants of the village have been emigrated from Hamgyeong-Do and Pyeongan-Do. In this sense, it can be meaningful to study Korean villages in Yanbian is an alternative approach toward researches of North Korean rural villages. In this study, spatial characteristics of the Ryongsan village, Ryongjeong city was studied as a representative korean rural village in Yanbian. The Ryongsan village has been formed based on the traditional culture and custom of North Korea. The case of planning and design is provided through drawings of components for planning of rural villages based on the results of spatial characteristics analysis.
        2003.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objective of the study is to suggest planning directions for practical use and to find the conditions of tourist attractions in rural villages founded on city-dweller's preference. Both a questionnaire and a field survey were used for the study. Selected were four villages such as Oryan-ri, gachun-ri, Junggi-ri, and Gyochon-ri. The results of the study are as follows: City-dweller's valued on natural environment resources in rural tourism and felt uncomfortable to accommodations. The scoring system reflecting functions of six resources showed that common problems encountered in rural tourism were lacks of people's organization, and human exchange mind, and tourism-related leasure places and facilities. Based upon the results, some measures to develop villages were suggested.