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        검색결과 13

        2020.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        ‘투키디데스 함정’(Thucydides Trap)과 ‘중진국 함정’(Middle income Trap)이라는 두 개의 수렁 앞에 직면한 중국은 이를 돌파하기 위해 지 정학에 기반한 전략인 ‘일대일로’를 내놓았다. 이에 대해 국제사회는 전 통적 실크로드의 협력 공간이 확대 및 심화됨에 따라 이에 새롭게 부여 된 시대성·선진성·개척성 등에 기대를 하면서 동시에 지정학적 긴장 야기에 대한 우려의 목소리도 있다. 본 연구는 일대일로가 중국의 국가 대외전략 변화의 맥락 속에서 어떻게 등장하고 변화하였는지를 살펴보 았고, 전통적 지정학 및 지경학, 비판지정학의 이론을 바탕으로 분석하였다. 또한 전통적 지정학이 가지는 영토주의, 국가주의의 근원적 한계 로 인한 일대일로에 대한 이분법적 관점에 대해 비판지정학이 강조해온 탈영토 및 탈국가성에 주목하여 살펴보는 동시에, 최근 사회학뿐만 아 니라 다양한 영역에서 연구되는 있는 행위자-네트워크이론(ANT)의 개 념을 다룬다. 인간과 비인간(자연) 행위자 사이에서 상호작용을 다루는 행위자-네트워크이론에 따라 일대일로는 교량, 댐 등을 도로, 철도 등 의 ‘선’으로 연결하는 ‘일대일로 1.0 버전’과 중국 중심의 유라시아 경 제블록인 ‘면’으로 확장 연결하는 ‘일대일로 2.0 버전’을 뛰어넘어 4차 산업혁명 시대의 핵심기술들이 ‘입체’적으로 상호 교차·연계될 기술표준 으로 확장 연결되는 ‘일대일로 3.0 버전’으로 진화할 것을 제안한다. 이 로써 일대일로는 지정학적 갈등과 충돌의 위험을 줄이면서, 4차 산업혁 명 시대의 첨단기술 패권 선점을 위한 선의의 경쟁과 인류기술의 비약 적 발전을 위한 진보된 플랫폼으로 전환될 것으로 전망된다.
        2016.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        “Action-oriented Approach (AA)” as a new teaching method has taken an important role in teaching and learning of French Education during past 10 years. However, even though the new teaching method is very welcome for educators, now it is the time that we have to consider whether the key principle and fundamental notion of this approach is suitable for our language education environments and is theoretically appropriate for education. For that, it is necessary that we have to carefully examine this “Action-oriented Approach” from two points of views. First of all, from the angle of foreign language education, we need to verify whether this new approach could be appropriately applied in teaching and learning of Korean foreign language education or not. Secondly, from a societal perspective, we need to examine how this method, considering language education as everyday life itself, can handle some critical perspectives in the point of “status in quo” of “AA”. It has been criticized that language education as everyday life itself can make learners in everyday life to unconsciously acquire maintaining the ‘status quo’ during actions such as “educational inequality”. It is expected that this kind of examination will suggest us an improved way of “AA” for more effective and appropriate practice of French Education, and will give us an opportunity to think about the better way of teaching and learning model by “AA” in Korea.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Although many theoretical and empirical studies consider violent games, general causality between violent games and aggression or violence is ambiguity. To overcome such limitations, we try to identify the focal points of violent games. This study aims to explore the critical debate about violent games from research result in terms of heading in opposite directions. Furthermore, we analyzed the discourse of the violent game based on catharsis theory and cognitive neoassociation theory. Catharsis theory predicts that 'venting' aggression through exposure to violence will reduce the risk of later aggressive behavior. On the contrary, cognitive neoassociation theory posits that aversive events produce negative affect such as aggression. Several recent studies found little evidence for a relationship between violent games and aggression or violence. Given that aggression is not negative, it is reasonable to study the potential benefits of violent games. Therefore, we suggested several ways to application the violent games based on prior literature.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study attempts to show that the theory of critical environmental variation quantum(CEVQ) has a sound logical basis and empirical support. It is well known that the theory of critical environmental variation quantum is derived from the theory of biological probability distibution function and the central limit theorem(CLT) in statistics. The study uses the case study of fisheries damages compensation caused br the public marine construction undertaken in the area do Anjeong Bay in the city of Tongyeong for empirical test of theory of CEVQ. The results shows that the CEVQ theory perfoms a good job in measuring quantatively fjsheries damages caused by outflow of cold water due to the operation of LNG company since 2002. Therefore the study proves that the CEVQ theory is a good theory having internal consistency and empirical applicability.
        2011.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this article is to assess the historical development of spiritual warfare theory from an evangelical missiology. The recent spiritual warfare theory has emerged due to the sudden growth of Pentecostals during 20th century, along with a few missiologists’ introduction of ‘power encounter’ to the evangelical missiology which was often observed in animistic culture. The movement became widespread by the enthusiastic advocating efforts of Peter Wagner at Fuller Theological Seminary. The movement became widely acknowledged during the second Lausanne Congress at Manila in 1989. After the second Lausanne Congress meeting, the subgroup of Spiritual Warfare Network was finally formed within Lausanne movement and became the chief center of the proliferation of the theory among evangelical churches. While this theory became so prevalent among evangelical mission practices, there also emerged of the voice of caution to this theory among other evangelical missiologists. In 1993, a meaningful discussion on this issue within Lausanne camp initiated the discussion and “the Statement on Spiritual Warfare” became available by Lausanne committee. This was the first official voice of Lausanne group on this issue. This statement expressed the negative attitude toward spiritual warfare theory. From 1993 to 2000, even within evangelical camps, the polarization between Spiritual Warfare advocates and those who criticized them became obvious. But, in 2000, “Consultation on Deliver Us from Evil.” has presented the moderate and balanced view on this issue, and provides new way to make a reconciliation between two groups. Therefore, what are the biblical views on spiritual warfare? To assess biblical and healthier understanding of Spiritual Warfare theory, the paper attempts to provide dangers of this theory as well as its possibilities in our missionary practice. Some dangers are such as its experience-oriented approaches, its lack of sanctification aspect in Christian life, its too-much emphasis on demonology and miracle, and its danger of Christian magic and etc. Moreover, in order to exercise healthy practices on spiritual warfare, first, the biblical concept of spiritual warfare is needed; second, more extensive and broader understanding of spiritual conflict is needed. Third, its emphasis on the prayer must be well-taken by other evangelicals. Lastly, the other Christian virtue must be balanced with the practices of spiritual conflict.
        2009.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Louis I. Kahn is cleary one of 20th century great architects. The character of his philosophy of architecture can be condensed as simple words; Architectural Essence, because the very nature of his work based on historicity is so fundamental. Some contemporary architects and architectural critics regard it as a symbol of Post-Modern Architecture era expressing relative multiplicity or an expression of Heideggerian existentialism, but others do as the attribute of fundamentalist like absolute Plato's Idea. Comparing the former, studies of the latter theme have been executed superficially and somewhat biasedly for last decades. In the context, this paper attempt to reanalyze Kahn's idea of ‘Architectural Essence’ with the deep view of Platonist focused on the concept of binary opposition and causality.
        2007.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Despite many innovative changes such as CLT and task-based teaching, ELT still continues to transmit linguistic skills mostly to prepare learners for future job market (Canagarajah, 1999; Kim, 2002; Norton & Toohey, 2004; Pennycook, 2001; Sung, 2006). Accordingly, in a way to challenge the status quo of decontextualized practices in EFL in Korea, this paper exemplifies the researcher's emic experiences of realigning ELT to critical theory(CT) and pedagogy(CP) for an MA English program over the years. More specifically, after presenting existing literature on the history of ELT in Korea and CT and CP, this study utilized a research method of bricolage (Denzin & Lincoln, 2005) in which the teacher and student interviews, the student survey, and other relevant curricular and instructional materials were cross-compared and analyzed in the manner of triangulation. In doing so, this paper explains a few principles of developing an EFL graduate program for both domestic and international students. The results showed that exposing students to English-only environments and external faculty from abroad played key roles in the program. However, the lack of coherent administrative support and the high faculty turn-over rate posed constant threats to the enhancement of the program. Lastly, the paper calls for the urgent need of glocalizing curricular and instructional elements in TEFL for ‘critically conscious and conscientious’ practices by mobilizing the concept of 'criticality' in EFL contexts.
        2006.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It is desirable to have an accurate expression on the temperature dependence of surface(or interfacial) tension Σ, because most of the interfacial thermodynamic functions can be derived from it. There have been proposed several equations on the temperature dependence of the surface tension, Σ(T). Among them Eotvos equation and the one modified by Katayama, which is called Katayama equation, for improving accuracies of Eotvos equation close to critical points, have been most well-known. In this article Katayama equation is interpreted on the basis of the cell model to understand the nature of the equation. The cell model results in an expression very similar to Katayama equation. This implies that, although Eotvos and Katayama equations were obtained on the basis of experimental results, they have a sound theoretical background. The Katayama equation is also modified with the phase volume replaced with a critical scaling expression. The modified Katayama equation becomes a power-law equation with the exponent slightly different from the value obtained by critical-scaling theory. This implies that Katayama equation can be replaced by a critical-scaling equation which is proven to be accurate.
        2002.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2012.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In his essay “Hamlet and His Problems”(1919), Eliot analyses Shakespeare’s Hamlet, and evaluates Macbeth, Coriolanus, and Antony and Cleopatra favorably. To Eliot, Hamlet is not as good as Macbeth, because it has no objective correlatives. Macbeth is the work, in which he can find suitable correlatives. Unlike Hamlet, Coriolanus and Antony and Cleopatra seem to him to be an artistic success. This article investigates Eliot’s evaluation of Antony and Cleopatra based on his objective correlative theory. Eliot claims that an author’s emotions should not be in his works, and that instead he should present them objectively. Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra is the best example of this theory, by way of Shakespeare’s various literary conventions, such as paradox, overtone, image, symbol, etc.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Th.is article aims to interpret T. S. Eliot’s doctrine of th.e objective correlatÎve in terrns of th.e European tradition of organicism. A consideration of the organic implications in Eliot's major critical concepts, s찌u따c대h. as “ whole of fee터ling’r’”’ “끼un삐nt비i“fied sensibility," and "depersonalization," reminds us that Aristotle, Longinus, and Horace also highly valued the organic relation between the part and the whole and tbe organic unity of thought and feeling in great classical poetry. S. T. Coleridge had imported organic ideas from Gerrnan thinkers and applied tbem to bis Shakespearean criticism. Refuting the neo-classical view tbat Shakespeare failed to give an adequate verbal forrn and organized structure to his talent, Coleridge insisted that “no work of genius dares want its appropriate forrn," and eulogized Shakespeare’s organic verbal structure equal to his genius. But, contrary to Coleridge, Eliot underestimated Hamlet as an artistic failure on tbe ground that Shakespeare could n이 find the obj야tive correlative equivalent to Hamlet’s baff1ement. However, it is worth noting that in the course of denouncing Hamlet, Eliot invented his doctrine of the objective correlative, wbich is an adoption of the organic principle inherited from S. T. Coleridge and Gottfried Leibniz. In his Knowledge and Experience, Eliot noticed that, having essential organic features, Leibniz’s windowless monad was very similar to F. H. Bradley’s concepts of the finite centre and immediate experience. In these concepts of holistic and empirical idealism, the distinctions between the subjective and the objective, spirit and matter, self and the world, feeling and image, and forrn and content cann이 be maintained for their mutual interdependence. So, it should be said that the concept of the objective correlative was a special application of Eliot's general principle of “the unity of feeling and objectivity," for feeling and objectivilY are only discriminaled aspects of Ihe whole experience. He remarked Ihal there was Ihe mutual incJinalion of menlal feeling and verbal image 10 reacl upon one anolher so inexplicably that Ihe relalion should be said 10 be organic. Therefore, the organic features implied in his crilical concepls and, in particular, Ihe doctrine of Ihe 0비e이ive correlalive confirrns Ihal he achieved a rapprochement between modem poetics and Iradilional authority.