
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 32

        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The intermediate level spent resins waste generated from water purification for the the moderator and primary heat transport system during operaioin of heavy water reactor (HWR). Especially, moderator resins contain high level activity largely because of their C-14 content. So spent resins are considered as a problematirc solid waste and require special treatment to meet the waste acceptance criteria for a disposal site. Various methods have been studied for the treatment of spent resins which include thermal, destructive, and stripping methods. In the case of solidification methods, cement, bitument or organic polymers were suggested. In the 1990s, acid stripping using nitric acid and thermal treatment methods were actively investigated in Canada to remove C-14 nuclide from waste resin. In Japan, thermal distructive method was studied in the 1990s. Since 2005, KAERI developed acid stripping method using phosphate salt. However, acid stripping method are not suitable due to large amounts of 2nd waste containing acid solution with various nuclides. To solve this probelm, KAERI has been suggested the microwave treatment method for C-14 selective removal from waste resin in the 2010s. Pilot scale demonstration tests using radioactive waste resin generated from Wolsung unit 1 and unit 2 were successfully conducted and 95% of C-14 was selectively removed from the radioactive waste resin. In recent years, price of C-14 source is dramatically increased due to market growth of C-14 utilization and exclusive supply chain depending on China and Russia. High purity of C-14 were captured in HWR waste resin. Interest of C-14 recovery research from HWR waste resin is currently increased in Canada. In this study, microwave method is suggested to treat HWR waste resin with C-14 recovery process. Additionally, status of waste resin management and research trends of HWR waste resin treatment are introduced.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Given the limited terrestrial reserves of uranium (about 4.6 million tons), exploring alternative resources is essential to ensure the long-term supply and sustainability of nuclear energy. Uranium extraction from seawater (UES) is a potential solution to this issue since the amount of uranium dissolved in seawater (about 4.5 billion tons) is approximately 1000 times that of terrestrial reserves. However, the ultra-low concentration of uranium in seawater (about 3.3 ppb) makes it a challenging task to make UES economically feasible. This paper provides an overview of the current status of UES technology, which has evolved over the past seven decades. Starting from inorganic adsorbents such as hydrous titanium oxide in the 1960s, amidoxime-based fibrous adsorbents gained the most attention until the early 2010s due to their ease of deployment in actual seawater conditions and high affinity for uranium. Nowadays, research on organic adsorbents with microstructures is prevailing due to their ability to easily control surface area and compositions. In addition, this study identifies the key issues that need to be addressed to make UES technology economically viable.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The License on Technology Export of Nuclear Plant is a system that permits the export of strategic technologies for large-scale NPP projects collectively during the project period. So, an issuance of the export license could be omitted for each transfer of technology, but Post Strategic Items Confirmation must be performed before the transfer as a follow-up obligation. Sometimes, transfers of technology have been urgently required during the project. As Post Strategic Items Confirmation process takes up to 15 working days, it may be difficult to respond to urgent situations timely, which may cause setbacks on the project. Therefore, Urgent Technology Transfer System, which allows to transfer technology without prior Post Strategic Items Confirmation, was established to reduce a burden on licensee and improve the efficiency of regulation. This system applies only to the License on Technology Export of Nuclear Plant. In other words, the technology transferred through Urgent Technology Transfer System (hereinafter referred as Urgent Transfer Technology) does not pose any problem with regard to export control because it is already licensed. In addition, the Urgent Transfer Technology should be considered as a strategic technology until Post Strategic Items Confirmation, which means that the Urgent Transfer Technology is more strictly controlled than the generally transferred technology. Also, the Urgent Technology Transfer System does not apply to intangible technology transfers such as technical support through personnel dispatch. The system could be only used in specific conditions which are stipulated for each licensed project in advance in order to prevent indiscriminate abuse of the system by licensee. Licensees are required to report quarterly the stipulated condition corresponding to each Urgent Technology Transfer case, and it would be checked through post-site inspection whether the actual reason for the transfer meets the consulted condition. Moreover, the deadline of application on Post Strategic Items Confirmation after the Urgent Technology Transfer is stipulated for licensee so as not to omit the classification procedure. This Urgent Technology Transfer System does not apply to dual-use items. If the Urgent Transfer Technology is classified as a non-Trigger List Item through the Post Strategic Items Confirmation, it is outside the scope of the NSSC’s export license. In this case, the technology may be subject to an export license of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE). However, if the technology is classified to be a dual-use item after Urgent Technology Transfer, it may result in unauthorized transfer because it has already been transferred. Licensee must apply to classification of MOTIE before Urgent Technology Transfer if the technology being transferred may be related with Dual-use Items. It is easy for licensee to overlook due to the low awareness about this system. Therefore, outreach activities are necessary to raise licensee’s awareness by explaining the Urgent Technology Transfer System and current issues in detail. Consultation with MOTIE may be needed for the improvement on issues.
        2021.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Titanium is the ninth most abundant element in the Earth’s crust and is the fourth most abundant structural metal after aluminum, iron, and magnesium. It exhibits a higher specific strength than steel along with an excellent corrosion resistance, highlighting the promising potential of titanium as a structural metal. However, titanium is difficult to extract from its ore and is classified as a rare metal, despite its abundance. Therefore, the production of titanium is exceedingly low compared to that of common metals. Titanium is conventionally produced as a sponge by the Kroll process. For powder metallurgy (PM), hydrogenation-dehydrogenation (HDH) of the titanium sponge or gas atomization of the titanium bulk is required. Therefore, numerous studies have been conducted on smelting, which replaces the Kroll process and produces powder that can be used directly for PM. In this review, the Kroll process and new smelting technologies of titanium for PM, such as metallothermic, electrolytic, and hydrogen reduction of TiCl4 and TiO2 are discussed.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Transgenic livestock can be useful for the production of disease-resistant animals, pigs for xenotranplantation, animal bioreactor for therapeutic recombinant proteins and disease model animals. Previously, conventional methods without using artificial nuclease-dependent DNA cleavage system were used to produce such transgenic livestock, but their efficiency is known to be low. In the last decade, the development of artificial nucleases such as zinc-finger necleases (ZFNs), transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs) and clustered regulatory interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)/Cas has led to more efficient production of knock-out and knock-in transgenic livestock. However, production of knock-in livestock is poor. In mouse, genetically modified mice are produced by co-injecting a pair of knock-in vector, which is a donor DNA, with a artificial nuclease in a pronuclear fertilized egg, but not in livestock. Gene targeting efficiency has been increased with the use of artificial nucleases, but the knock-in efficiency is still low in livestock. In many research now, somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) methods used after selection of cell transfected with artificial nuclease for production of transgenic livestock. In particular, it is necessary to develop a system capable of producing transgenic livestock more efficiently by co-injection of artificial nuclease and knock-in vectors into fertilized eggs.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        최근 국내에서 연구개발중인 SWRO-PRO 복합해수담수화 기술은 SWRO 해수담수화 플랜트에서 발생하는 고염도 농축수와 저염도 하수처리수를 각각 PRO 시스템의 유도용액과 원수로 사용하여, 두 용액의 농도차에 의해 발생되는 삼투에너지를 압력교환장치를 통해 회수하여 RO 고압펌프에서 필요한 에너지를 줄이거나, 터빈 형태의 에너지 회수장치 적용을 통해 전력을 생산하는 기술이다. PRO 시스템을 통해 회수된 에너지는 해수담수화 운영비를 절감할 수 있고, 고농도 농축수 방류로 인한 해양생태계 영향을 최소화 시킬 수 있다. 또한, 농축수 처리 비용 및 해수담수화 전력시설 비용을 절감시키는 효과를 기대할 수 있다.
        2017.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        CCS is not a recent issue. Efforts to reduce carbon dioxide since the 1990s have been around the world, and the carbon dioxide emitted from post-combustion flue-gases is still enormous. Membrane technology also has been widely considered as a good candidate to enrichment of CO2, but it has not been verified about the remarkable advantages compare to the other technologies; such as amine scrubbing or physical adsorption. Numerous membranes for CO2 separation with high selectivity and permeance have been developed, but the membrane process for those applications are much less. The industrial technology to concentrate and store the carbon source has not been proved enough for its massive emission and engineering issue. Moreover, membrane technology lacks database for large scale processes. In this talk, the membrane process for CCS industry will be introduced. The considerable factors for industrial application of membrane technology will be also announced.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Additive manufacturing (AM) is defined as the manufacture of three-dimensional tangible products by additively consolidating two-dimensional patterns layer by layer. In this review, we introduce four fundamental conceptual pillars that support AM technology: the bottom-up manufacturing factor, computer-aided manufacturing factor, distributed manufacturing factor, and eliminated manufacturing factor. All the conceptual factors work together; however, business strategy and technology optimization will vary according to the main factor that we emphasize. In parallel to the manufacturing paradigm shift toward mass personalization, manufacturing industrial ecology evolves to achieve competitiveness in economics of scope. AM technology is indeed a potent candidate manufacturing technology for satisfying volatile and customized markets. From the viewpoint of the innovation technology adoption cycle, various pros and cons of AM technology themselves prove that it is an innovative technology, in particular a disruptive innovation in manufacturing technology, as powder technology was when ingot metallurgy was dominant. Chasms related to the AM technology adoption cycle and efforts to cross the chasms are considered.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리나라는 기술혁신을 통한 글로벌 기술경쟁력 제고를 위해 연구개발(R&D) 에 대한 투자를 꾸준히 증대시켜왔다. 우리나라의 GDP 대비 연구개발투자 비중은 4.15%로 세계 1위 수준이며, 4년 연속 무역규모 1조 달러를 달성하였다. 그러나 이와 같은 노력에도 불구하고 국가 간 기술경쟁력을 가늠하는 중요한 척도인 기술무역수지는 OECD 국가들 가 운데 최하위 수준이며 만성적인 적자를 기록하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 우리나라의 기술무역수지 개선방안을 강구하기 위한 연구를 수행하고자 하 였다. 먼저, 기술무역에 대한 개념과 현황을 파악하였으며, 기술무역과 상품무역 간 비교를 통해 기술무역의 중요성을 검토하였다. 그동안 기술무역 관련 연구가 일부 수행되었지만, 기술무역에 있어 가장 중요한 역할을 담당하는 기업의 입장에서 기술무역에 대한 인식을 파악 하기 위한 연구는 제대로 수행되지 못하였다. 이에 본 연구에서는 기술무역 실적 보유 기업 과 미보유 기업을 구분하고 기업의 실제적인 인식 및 실태를 파악하기 위한 설문조사를 수행 하였다. 설문조사 결과, 기술무역 실적 보유기업과 미보유 기업 간에는 최고의사결정권자의 인지 도 측면에서 큰 차이를 보였으며, 기술무역 전담부서와 전담직원의 부족이 매우 심각함을 파 악할 수 있었다. 또한 기술무역 관련 교육의 필요성을 절실히 느끼고 있음에도 불구하고 이 에 대한 교육 이수 경험은 불과 10%에도 미치지 못하는 것으로 조사되었다. 아울러 본 연구에서는 선행연구에 대한 심도 있는 고찰 및 산업계 실태조사 등을 토대로 기술무역 통계조사 방법론 개선, 사회적 인식 제고, 기술수출 활동 유인을 위한 정부의 정책 적 지원, 기술무역 관련 인프라 구축 및 전문인력 양성을 위한 교육과정 개설 등의 개선방안 을 제시하였다.
        2015.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        역삼투법 해수담수화 기술은 에너지 소모 및 농축수 처리 문제로 인하여 기술 활용의 보급에 제한이 있는 실정이다. 해수·하수를 유도용액과 원수로써 사용하는 정·역삼투 융합공정은 별도의 유도용액이 필요하지 않으며 희석된 해수가 역삼투 공정의 원수로써 사용되기 때문에 일반적인 역삼투법 해수담수화 기술보다 낮은 압력에서 운전된다. 또한 역삼투 공정 후단에 정삼투 공정을 추가시킴으로써 농축수를 희석시킬 수 있으며 이로써 농축수 배출로 인한 문제점을 최소화 시킬 수 있다. 현재 국외에서는 Modern water, Porifera사 주도로 정삼투 모듈 개발 및 실용플랜트 개발이 이루어지고 있으며, 국내의 경우 FOHC 연구단에서 해당 공정의 기본 메커니즘 및 실용화에 관한 연구가 이루어지고 있다.
        2015.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Flat panel display devices are mainly used as information display devices in the 21st century. The worldwide waste flat panel displays are expected at 2-3 million units but most of them are land-filled for want of a proper recycling technology More specifically, rare earth metals of La and Eu are used as fluorescent materials of Cold Cathode Flourscent Lamp(CCFL)s in the waste flat panel displays and they are critically vulnerable and irreplaceable strategic mineral resources. At present, most of the waste CCFLs are disposed of by land-filling and incineration and proper recovery of 80-plus tons per annum of the rare earth fluorescent materials will significantly contribute to steady supply of them. A dearth of Korean domestic research results on recovery and recycling of rare earth elements in the CCFLs prompts to initiate this status report on overseas research trends and noteworthy research results in related fields.
        2012.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The current situation of the nanopowders production technology based on the process of electrical explosion of wires is described. The advantages and disadvantages of the electroexplosive technology are indicated. The results of studies characterizing the effect of the electrical explosion conditions on the nanopowders properties are presented, including latest results: conditions of nanopowders passivation, conditions of nanopowders production having narrow size distribution, the methods of nanopowders diagnostic and standartization. In addition, the application and area of future research on this technology are proposed.
        2006.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        무용, 영상 그리 고 음악이 컴퓨터에 의해 종합지어지는 예술의 형태는 더 이상 낯선 장르 가 아니다. 더욱이 무용과 영상, 영상과 음악, 음악과 무용 간에 얼마만의 interactivity가 구현되 었느냐에 많은 작가들의 관심은 집중 되어 지고 있으며 이러한 새로운 기술 구현이 작품의 완 성도로 비추어지는 경우 도 간혹 생긴 다. 그리하여 이러한 기술의 현황을 살펴보고 발전 방향 을 고찰 해 보는 것이 아티스트들에게는 매 우 흥미로운 논쟁거리가 되고 있다.
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