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        검색결과 13

        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한반도의 Donacia속에는 2아속에 속하는 6종이 있다(An, 2019). 이 중 Chujo (1941)는 북한 함경북도 웅기에서 채집한 표본을 D. aquatica (Linnaeus, 1758)로 보고하였고, Kimoto and Kawase (1966)는 D. japana로 표기하여 보고하였다. 그리고 Hayashi (2020)는 한국에 기록된 D. japana가 D. aquatica로 오인되었을 수 있다고 밝혔다. 이러한 혼란을 해결하기 위해 본 연구는 한국(포천과 울산)에서 채집한 표본과 D. japana에 대한 기재문, 수컷생식기와 같은 형태적인 부분(Hayashi, 2020), COI 유전자 염기서열을 비교하였다. 그 결과로 한반도에 기록된 D. japana은 D. aquatica로 대체되고, D. japana는 일본 고유종이라고 결론을 내리고자 한다.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Rotylenchus pini Mamiya, 1968 was reported from rhizospheric soils of Zoysia japonica in Korea. Females and males of the characterized population conform to the original species description from Japan and also to other subsequent species descriptions with variations in a few details in morphometrics including the existence of pharyngeal gland overlap in some specimen. Bayesian analysis of all the three DNA markers consistently grouped R. pini together with Rotylenchus species including R. zhongshanensis, a morphologically close species. Additionally, the newly obtained sequences of R. pini were found to be almost identical to the sequences assigned to Rotylenchus aff. devonensis in GenBank. These Rotylenchus aff. devonensis isolates might be representatives of R. pini populations. The current and previous phylogenetic studies supported by the recorded morphological plasticity within populations of the genus validate the proposed synonymy of Pararotylenchus with Rotylenchus.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Biting midges of the genus Culicoides Latreille are important pests of humans and livestock and many species act as vectors of important medical and veterinary pathogens. Culicoides and other biting flies were collected using black light traps set near nine cowsheds, as described by Kim et al., and New Jersey light traps set at 10 US army installations and one military training site from May to October, 2010– 2011 as part of the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency and 65th Medical Brigade (Eighth US Army, Korea) arthropod-borne disease surveillance program. Culicoides spp. were separated and identified to species using the keys and descriptions of Arnaud, Wada and Yu et al. and checklist of Cho and Chong. Kim et al. provided a brief summary of the history of research into the Culicoides fauna of the ROK noting the presence of several species of medical and veterinary importance. There are currently 28 species of Culicoides reported from the ROK and the presence of additional species has been reported by Cho & Chong, Kang & Yu and Lee, suggesting that the fauna has not yet been fully documented. Additionally, recent uses of DNA barcoding, by Bellis et al. have clarified the status of several species of Culicoides elsewhere and if applied more fully to Korean material, will likely reveal more records and perhaps new species. Surveys of adult biting midges from the ROK resulted in the discovery of three species previously not known from the ROK. So a total of 31 species of Culicoides are now known from the ROK. This study reports the presence of C. nasuensis Kitaoka, C. pallidulus Yu and C. jacobsoni Macfie from the ROK and an updated checklist of the Culicoides fauna of the ROK.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As pine mushroom market size is about 800 billion won in the world, global trade is being increased. And in Korea, the import volume of Chinese pine mushroom is coming to maximum 10 billion won. Caused by this situation, quarantine on insect pests of pine mushroom was being important. For this problem, we tried to analyze DNA barcodes on Diptera inhabiting in pine mushroom. In this study, 253 fly individuals from Korean mushroom and 13 from Chinese one were used. Diversity on species level was analyzed based on 2.0% threshold approach. In a results, total of 23 species of six families were detected. Among them, 19 species of six families were found from Korean mushroom and four species were from Chinese one. Korean and Chinese faunistic compositions by DNA barcoding were quitely different from each other. Therefore, we consider that quarantine inspection on Diptera of pine mushroom is more reinforced, and monitoring on the diptera species from imported Chinese pine mushroom is needed.
        2012.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Standardized short DNA sequences of the genome provide a DNA barcode for identifying species. Assembling DNA barcode data of regional fauna could provide a new identifying system and it will aid regional and global taxonomic studies and other applied biology. Recently, partial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) sequences, around 670-bp region of the mitochondrial gene, has been qualified as a good DNA barcode for the identification of insect species. The superfamily Nepoidea includes two families-Belostomatidae and Nepidae. And it contains about 377 species in 23 genera worldwide. In Korea, each family is recognized 4 species 3 genera, respectively. As a part of the Korean insect DNA barcode project, we conducted preliminary DNA barcode study on Korean Nepoidea to provide useful molecular data for aiding accurate identification. This study also tested the effectiveness of a COI barcode in discriminating Korean Nepoidea species. So far, 43 individuals of 8 species belonging to two families were analyzed. We used a 658-bp fragment of COI gene was sequenced. Pairwise sequence divergences were calculated using a Kimura 2-parameter model and constructed neighbor-joining tree to calculate generic differences among species and within species.
        2010.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        네발나비과 세줄나비속 나비는 열대 및 아열대지방에 153여종이 분포하며, 한 국에는 11종이 기록되었다. 나비류의 분류학적 연구는 성충의 날개무늬 패턴을 위 주로 형태연구가 주를 이루어왔다. 세줄나비(Neptis)속 역시 날개무늬패턴의 형태 적 유사성이 높다. 국내의 세줄나비의 종들 가운데는 종간 형질의 분리가 다소 모 호하거나, 중복되는 경우가 있어 왔다. 따라서 이번 분자분류학적 연구를 통해서 세줄나비속 국내종에 대한 기존 종 인식이 정확한 것인지를 재검토해 보고자 하였 다. 이번 연구에서는 기존의 형태분류를 통해 확증된 11종 33개체에 대한 DNA 바 코드를 분석하였으며, NCBI의 Blast search를 통해 확보된 국외산 3종 22개체를 실험에 추가 하였다. 그 결과, COI유전자 서열 차이는 0~16.2%를 나타내었고, 종 내 서열 변이율은 0.0~1.14%였으며, 종간 서열차이는 3.3~16.2%였다. 이로 볼 때, 1.14~3.3%의 Barcoding gap이 형성되는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 따라서, Divergence threshold approach를 통해 한국산 세줄나비속의 종들은 확실히 구분 되었으며, Clade based approach에서도 각 종들의 개체들은 Barcoding gap을 반 영하면서 종별로 묶이는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 이 결과는 기존의 형태 분류와 100% 일치하였으며, 결국 한국산 세줄나비속에 대한 종 동정에 있어 DNA 바코드 의 활용적 가치가 높은 것으로 나타났다
        2010.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Although DNA barcode coverage has grown rapidly for many insect orders, there are some groups, such as scale insects, where sequence recovery has been difficult. However, using a recently developed primer set, we recovered barcode records from 373 specimens, providing coverage for 75 species from 31 genera in two families. Overall success was >90% for mealybugs and >80% for armored scale species. The G·C content was very low in most species, averaging just 16.3%. Sequence divergences (K2P) between congeneric species averaged 10.7%, while intraspecific divergences averaged 0.97%. However, the latter value was inflated by high intra-specific divergence in nine taxa, cases that may indicate species overlooked by current taxonomic treatments. Our study establishes the feasibility of developing a comprehensive barcode library for scale insects and indicates that its construction will both create an effective system for identifying scale insects and reveal taxonomic situations worthy of deeper analysis.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Molecular phylogenetic analysis was conducted to evaluate the taxonomic relationships of genus Arisaema L. distributed in Korea and the molecular phylogenetic characteristics of three authentic Arisaema species for the herbal medicine Arisaematis Rhizoma (the rhizomes of A. amurense, A. heterophyllum, and A. erubescens). The sequences of three DNA barcodes (rDNA-ITS, matK, and rbcL) were analyzed using 50 samples of nine taxa consisted of eight Korean and one Chinese Arisaema with one outgroup (Dracunculus vulgaris). Both individual and combined phylogenetic analyses of three DNA barcode sequences revealed that the treated nine taxa are independently classified into six distinct clades (Clade I, A. amurense f. amurense and A. amurense f. serratum; Clade II, A. serratum and A. takesimense; Clade III, A. ringens; Clade IV, A. erubescens; Clade V, A. heterophyllum; Clade VI, A. thunbergii subsp. thunbergii and A. thunbergii subsp. geomundoense). These six clades were reasonably divided into three individual sections, Pedatisecta, Sinarisaema, and Tortuosa. Futhermore, the results of comparative DNA barcode sequences analyses provided a significant information for the taxonomic reconsideration of Arisaema L. at the specific and intraspecific level. However, we could not confirm the taxonomic characteristics or identity among the three authentic medicinal species through the molecular phylogenetic analyses of genus Arisaema L. for Arisaematis Rhizoma.