In Natural Analogue Study, Concrete is one of the important engineering barrier components in the Multi-thin wall concept of radioactive waste disposal and plays the most important role in disposal sites. The concrete barrier at the disposal site loses its role as a barrier due to various deterioration phenomena such as settlement, earthquake, and ground movement, causing the disposed waste to leak into the natural ecosystem. Some of the key factor is deterioration triggered by sulfate attack. Concrete deterioration induced by sulfate is commonly manifested in an extensive scale when a concrete structure makes contact with soil or water, aggravating its performance. In this study, an accelerated concrete deterioration evaluation experiment was performed using a total of three experimental methods to evaluate the reaction between concrete and water. The first experiment was a deterioration evaluation using Demi. Water, the second was a deterioration evaluation using KURT groundwater after extraction, and the last experiment was a concrete deterioration evaluation using KURT groundwater and sodium sulfate. For all of these experiments, accelerated concrete deterioration experiments were conducted after immersion for a total of 365 days, and specimens were taken out at 30-day intervals and characterization analysis such as SEM and EDS was performed. Experimental analyzes have shown that various chemical species are generated or destroyed over time. In the future, we plan to continue to conduct a total of three concrete deterioration evaluation experiments above, and additionally evaluate the chemical reaction between bentonite and concrete.
철근콘크리트는 가장 널리 사용되는 건축자재로 최근 노후 시설물이 증가하면서 노후 구조물에 대한 안전성 검토가 매우 중요한 문제로 대두되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 대표적인 열화 인자인 동결융해와 철근부식 그리고 동결융해와 철근부식의 복합적 열화에 따른 RC 휨 부재의 거동을 실험적으로 평가하였다. 4개의 철근콘크리트 휨 부재를 제작하였으며 각 열화 인자에 따른 RC 휨 부재의 거동을 평가하기 위해 4점 재하법을 이용하여 정적실험을 수행하였다. 동결융해는 총 300 사이클의 급속동 결융해실험을 수행하였으며, 부식은 전위차부식촉진실험을 수행하였다. 실험 결과, 동결융해로 인해 콘크리트의 압축강도가 12% 감소하였으며 RC 보 부재의 상부 압축부의 파쇄 범위가 증가하였고 최대강도가 6% 감소하였다. 철근부식으로 인해 RC 휨 부 재의 항복강도가 1.2%, 최대강도가 7% 감소하였으며, 복합열화로 인해 RC 휨 부재의 항복강도가 2.4%, 최대강도가 9% 감소하 였다.
PURPOSES : Recently, air pollution caused by particulate matter has been worsening. Among the substances generating particulate matter, NOx is the main precursor of particulate matter and is widely distributed in areas with a high volume of traffic. TiO2 has been used as a material for removing NOx through a chemical reaction as a photocatalyst. In this context, the reduction of NOx through TiO2 concrete is proposed. However, the research on the surface deterioration on the performance of TiO2 concrete is not documented yet. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the long-term durability and NOx removal efficiency of TiO2 concrete by considering the concrete surface deterioration.
METHODS : Freezing–thawing resistance test (KS F 2456) and scaling test (ASTM C 672) were performed to investigate the variation in the TiO2 penetration distribution and NOx removal efficiency of TiO2 concrete corresponding to surface deterioration. The long-term durability of TiO2 concrete was evaluated through an environmental resistance test and changes in TiO2 penetration depth and distribution characteristics. In addition, the NOx removal efficiency of TiO2 concrete was evaluated as surface deterioration occurs. RESULTS : As a result of the freeze–thawing resistance test, a relative dynamic elastic modulus of more than 80 % was detected. In addition, a TiO2 penetration depth of 0.3 mm, NOx removal efficiency of 11.2 %, and a 30 % of TiO2 surface prediction mass ratio were achieved after 300 cycles. As a result of visual observation of the scaling test, “0, no scaling” was secured. After 50 cycles of scaling test, the TiO2 penetration depth, NOx removal efficiency, and TiO2 surface prediction mass ratio were 0.3 mm, 36.3 %, and 63 %, respectively. Through the results of the environmental resistance test, the excellent long-term durability and NOx removal efficiency of TiO2 concrete were confirmed.
CONCLUSIONS : As a result of the experiment, long-term durability and NOx removal efficiency of TiO2 concrete were secured. The application of TiO2 concrete can be a good alternative with long-term performance and durability.
PURPOSES : Concrete pavement is excellent in structural performance and durability. However, its functionality – such as noise and skid resistance – is a shortcoming. Functionality such as noise reduction and skid resistance of concrete pavement is affected by the texture surface, and the texture surface is classified according to the length of the wavelength. In recent years, Fine-size exposed aggregate concrete pavement has been applied, which has excellent structural performance and durability, and secures functionalities such as noise reduction and long-term skid resistance by randomly forming texture surface. Fine-size exposed aggregate concrete pavements are constructed by removing the surface cement binder to randomly expose coarse aggregate and their functionality is mainly governed by the surface texture. However, deteriorated concrete by tire-pavement friction and deicing agent may cause abrasion and aggregate loss on the surface texture; thus reducing their functional performances. Abrasion is created by the thin cutoff of aggregate texture under repeated tire-pavement friction. In addition, aggregate loss is defined by the detachment of aggregates from cement binder. This study aims to evaluate the abrasion and aggregate loss of Fine-size exposed aggregate concrete pavement surface texture under tire-pavement friction and scaling tests.
METHODS : In the study, abrasion and aggregate loss of tining and exposed aggregate concrete surface treatments were evaluated. Deterioration of each surface treatment was replicated by scaling test under ASTM C 672 test method. Afterward, abrasion test was conducted by ASTM C779 to simulate the tire-pavement friction under traffic. Consequently, abrasion and aggregate loss were measured.
RESULTS : Abrasion depth of non-scaling tining, 10-mm EACP, and 8-mm EACP was 1.76, 1.12, and 1.01mm, respectively. Compared to scaling surface treatments, the difference of abrasion depth in tining texture was the largest with value of 0.4mm. For both textures of finesize exposed aggregate concrete, abrasion depth difference was about 0.1mm. Moreover, The 10-mm EACP exhibited a 2.6% of aggregate loss rate caused by tire-pavement friction before conducting concrete deterioration test. After 40-cycle scaling test, aggregate loss increased up to 12.2%. For 8-mm EACP, aggregate loss rate was 1.7% on non-scaling concrete. Further, this rate was magnified up to 7.3% for the 40-cycle scaling concrete.
CONCLUSIONS : Under non-scaling or scaling tests, fine-size exposed aggregate concrete pavement showed better abrasion resistance than tining texture since tining was formed by aggregates and cement binder. Additionally, rate of aggregate loss was significant when EACP experienced the deicing agent under numerous cycles of freeze-thaw action.
PURPOSES : Durability of concrete is traditionally based on evaluating the effect of a single deterioration mechanism such as freezing & thawing action, chloride attack, carbonation and chemical attack. In reality, however, concrete structures are subjected to varying environmental exposure conditions which often results in multi-deterioration mechanism occurring. This study presents the experimental results on the durability of concrete incorporating air-cooled slag(AS) and/or water-cooled slag(WS) exposed to multi-deterioration environments of chloride attack and freezing & thawing action.
METHODS: In order to evaluate durable performance of concretes exposed to single- and multi-deterioration, relative dynamic modulus of elasticity, mass ratio and compressive strength measurements were performed. RESULTS: It was observed that multi-deterioration severely affected durability of concrete compared with single deterioration irrespective of concrete types. Additionally, the replacement of cement by AS and WS showed a beneficial effect on enhancement of concrete durability.
CONCLUSIONS : It is concluded that resistance to single- and/or multi-deterioration of concrete is highly dependent on the types of binder used in the concrete. Showing the a good resistance to multi-deterioration with concrete incorporating AS, it is also concluded that the AS possibly is an option for concrete materials, especially under severe environments.
PURPOSES : The purpose of this study is to suggest the construction and quality control method for the re-repair of a deteriorated partial depth repair for sections of Portland cement concrete pavement. METHODS : An experimental construction was conducted to extend the repair width for removing an existing repair section. A removal method was used to ensure early performance for a deteriorated partial depth repair section. Bond strength and split tensile strength were measured at the near vertical interface layer between the existing pavement and repair material. The area was analyzed for various conditions such as the extended repair area and the removing method of the existing repair section. RESULTS : As a result of analysis of bond strength and split tensile strength, the bonding performance of a milling removed section was improved over a cutting and hand breaker removed section. The bond strength was analyzed to increase slightly as the extended repair width for removing the existing repair section increased. The split tensile strength did not show a clear relationship to an increased extended repair width of an existing removed repair section. CONCLUSIONS: The milling removal method should be applied in the removal of existing deteriorated partial depth repair sections. The extended repair width for a re-repair section should be wider than the existing partial depth repair with at least a 75-mm length and width for the bond strength and the split tensile strength.
국내 고속도로 콘크리트 중앙분리대는 SB5-B(270kJ)의 충돌등급에 저항하도록 설계되어 있다. 그러나 최근 대형 화물차 량의 충돌사고가 지속적으로 증가하는 경향을 보이고 있어 SB6(420kJ) 등급으로의 상향이 필요하다. 충돌등급 상향을 위한 새로운 중앙분리대 단면을 제시하기 위해서는 실제 충돌시험을 수행하여 기준 통과여부를 결정하며, 충돌시험 수행을 위한 적정 단면을 제시하기 위해서는 충돌해석을 통해 선정한다. 이러한 충돌해석의 정확도 향상을 위해서는 차량 모델, 콘크리트 단면 열화상태, 콘크리트 피복 두께 등 다양한 변수에 대한 정확한 변수 선정이 필요하다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 공차 중량, 단면 열화, 콘크리트 피복 두께에 대한 변수연구를 수행하여 충돌저항성능 저감을 확인하였다. 전체 중량뿐만 아닌 공차 중 량에 따라 중앙분리대의 충돌저항성능에 차이가 있는 것으로 확인되었으며, 10cm 이하의 콘크리트 피복 두께에서는 충돌저 항성능이 민감하게 증가 또는 감소한다. 단면 열화가 발생할 경우 중앙분리대의 충돌저항성능의 감소가 발생하여 열화정도 에 따른 보수 및 보강이 이루어져야 하는 것으로 판단된다. 따라서 콘크리트 구조물과 차량의 충돌해석을 수행할 경우 트럭 의 공차중량 비율, 콘크리트의 피복두께 및 열화에 대한 영향이 상세하게 고려될 필요가 있음을 확인하였다.
PURPOSES :Infiltration of moisture, polluted material, and deicer into concrete, accompanied by freeze and thaw can cause significant deterioration of concrete pavement. In order to protect concrete from deterioration, it is necessary to prevent the infiltration of these concrete external materials. The moisture-repellent agent, which is a surface treatment and maintenance material added to concrete structures to render them water resistant, has advantages such as prevention of water infiltration and security against air permeation. Nano-coat, which is referred to as silicon hydride, is typically used as a moisture-repellent agent. Therefore, in this study, an attempt is made to use penetration-type Nano-coat as an alternative in order to evaluate its applicability through environmental resistance tests.METHODS:This study aimed to evaluate the applicability of penetration-type Nano-coat, which can provide water repellency to concrete, in concrete pavements, through various environmental resistance tests such as freezing and thawing resistance, chloride ion penetration resistance, and surface scaling resistance tests. The applicability of penetration-type Nano-coat was demonstrated based on the specification of KS F 2711, KS F 2456, and ASTM C 672.RESULTS :In the case of penetration-type Nano-coat applied on sound concrete, an increase in concrete durability was demonstrated by the negligible chloride ion penetrability and the absence of scaling, as revealed by visual observation of the surface, after 50 cycles of scaling resistance test. In addition, test result of the application of penetration-type Nano-coat on deteriorated concrete established that concrete surface pretreated by grinding provided improved durability than non-treated concrete.CONCLUSIONS:This study indicates that penetration-type Nano-coat is applicable as an effective alternative, to increase the durability of concrete structures. In addition, it was known that pretreatment of deteriorated concrete surface, such as grinding, is required to improve the long-term performance of concrete pavement.
표준 시료의 분광 분석으로부터 획득한 각 원소별 파장 특성 값과 검사대상 미지 시료로부터의 파장 분석 결과를 비교함으로써 미 지 시료에 함유된 원소의 정성 및 정량 분석을 가능하게 하는 것이 LIBS이다. 본 연구에서는 콘크리트 내구성에 영향을 미치는 주요 열화 요인 을 규명하는 것에 대하여 LIBS의 적용 가능성을 실험적으로 분석하였다. 즉, LIBS를 통해 염화물, 황산염, 탄산화 모르타르 시험체에 대한 유 해 열화인자 정량 검출 실험을 실시함으로써 콘크리트 열화 진단의 LIBS 적용 가능성을 연구하였다. 염화물과 황산염 시험체 각각에 대하여 LIBS 실험을 실시한 결과 농도가 증가할수록 염소 및 황 이온의 LIBS 스펙트럼 파장 강도가 선형적으로 증가하는 것을 알 수 있었다. 탄산화 시 험체의 경우 탄산화 노출 기간에 따른 탄소 이온 LIBS 스펙트럼 파장 강도는 다소 비선형적으로 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 이상의 실험결과 로부터 콘크리트 열화 진단에 LIBS의 적용가능성을 부분적으로 확인할 수 있었으며, 콘크리트 탄산화의 경우 시멘트 자체에 탄소 성분이 함유 되어 염화물 및 황산염 시험체의 정량 검출과는 다소 상이한 결과를 보인 것으로 추정된다. 따라서 콘크리트 탄산화에 대하여 LIBS를 적용하 기 위해서는 보다 다양한 매개변수 연구가 수행되어야 할 것으로 사료된다.
The compressive strengths of concrete in old drainage structures were measured by core test and non-destructive testing, and the neutralization depths were estimated. There are a high correlation between the core and non-destructive testing compressive strength and the carbonation depth.
The map crack occurred in the concrete barrier and this crack is caused by the Alkali—Silica Reaction. As a result of the collision analysis according to the damage of the barrier, the barrier was found to be below the reference of structural performance when the crack height was 50cm or more. In the case, improvement is considered necessary.
This paper presents an experimental study to evaluate complex deterioration resistances of concretes according to addition of modified sulfur. The complex deterioration tests were performed to concretes with freezing-thawing and deicing chemicals. From the test result, it was confirmed that the complex deterioration resistances of modified sulfur cement concrete was higher than that of normal concrete.
This paper presents an experimental study to evaluate complex deterioration resistances of concretes according to addition of modified sulfur. The complex deterioration tests were performed to concretes with freezing-thawing and deicing chemicals. From the test result, it was confirmed that the complex deterioration resistances of modified sulfur cement concrete was higher than that of normal concrete.
This study was performed to analyze the importances review on deterioration items of concrete retaining wall using statiscal analysis. As a result of study, the main deterioration items of concrete retaining wall were found out and the results can be utilized for the efficient management.