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        검색결과 32

        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        High level radioactive waste (HLW) final disposal repository is faced thermos-hydro-mechanical - radioactive condition because it is placed over 500 m in depth and waste emits decay heats for decades. Repository will be operated around 100 years and will be closed after all the wastes are disposed. The integrity of engineered barriers including buffer, backfill, concrete plug and canister and natural barrier (natural rock mass) will be stood during operating periods. Monitoring sensors for concrete and rock mass is conducted using piezo based sensors such as accelerometer or acoustic emission (AE) sensors. Typical accelerometer for harsh conditions is commonly expensive and data/power cable can be a potential groundwater inflow and nuclide outflow path. The fiber optic accelerometer whose data and power cable are united and has limited volume. Therefore, it can be a potential alternative sensor of piezo based sensors. The temperature limits and accelerated tests for fiber optic sensors are conducted. Most of sensors gives a malfunction around 130°C. The results of these experimental tests give a possibility of communications in compacted bentonite buffer and will be utilized for the design of monitoring systems for the repository.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Understanding the long-term geochemical evolution of engineered barrier system is crucial for conducting safety assessment in high-level radioactive waste disposal repository. One critical scenario to consider is the intrusion of seawater into the engineered barrier system, which may occur due to global sea level rise. Seawater is characterized by its high ionic strength and abundant dissolved cations, including Na, K, and Mg. When seawater infiltrates an engineered barrier, such dissolved cations displace interlayer cations within the montmorillonite and affect to precipitation/ dissolution of accessory minerals in bentonite buffer. These geochemical reactions change the porewater chemistry of bentonite buffer and influence the reactive transport of radionuclides when it leaked from the canister. In this study, the adaptive process-based total system performance assessment framework (APro), developed by the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, was utilized to simulate the geochemical evolution of engineered barrier system resulting from seawater intrusion. Here, the APro simulated the geochemical evolution in bentonite porewater and mineral composition by considering various geochemical reactions such as mineral precipitation/dissolution, temperature, redox processes, cation exchange, and surface complexation mechanisms. The simulation results showed that the seawater intrusion led to the dissolution of gypsum and partial precipitation of calcite, dolomite, and siderite within the engineered barrier system. Additionally, the composition of interlayer cation in montmorillonite was changed, with an increase in Na, K, and Mg and a decrease in Ca, because the concentrations of Na, K, and Mg in seawater were 2-10 times higher than those in the initial bentonite porewater. Further studies will evaluate the geochemical sorption and transport of leaked uranium-238 and iodine-129 by applying TDB-based sorption model.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In 2012, POSIVA selected a bentonite-based (montmorillonite) block/pellet as the backfilling solution for the deposition tunnel in the application for a construction license for the deep geological repository of high-level radioactive waste in Finland. However, in the license application (i.e. SC-OLA) for the operation submitted to the Finnish Government in 2021, the design for backfilling was changed to a granular mixture consisting of bentonite (smectite) pellets crushed to various sizes, based on NAGRA’s buffer solution. In this study, as part of the preliminary design of the deep geological repository system in Korea, we reviewed history and its rationale for the design change of Finland’s deposition tunnel backfilling solution. After the construction license was granted by the Finnish Government in 2015, POSIVA conducted various lab- and full-scale in-situ tests to evaluate the producibility and performance of two design alternatives (i.e. block/pellet type and granular type) for backfilling. Principal demonstration tests and their results are summarized as follows: (a) Manufacturing of blocks using three types of materials (Friedland, IBeco RWC, and MX-80): Cracking and jointing under higher pressing loads were found. Despite adjusting the pressing process, similar phenomena were observed. (b) 1:6 scale experiment: Confirmation of density difference inhomogeneity due to the swelling of block/pellet backfill and void filling due to swelling behavior into the mass loss area of block/pellet. (c) FISST (Full-Scale In situ system Test): Identification of technical unfeasibility due to the inefficient (too manual) installation process of blocks/pellets and development of an efficient granular in-situ backfilling solution to resolve the disadvantage. (d) LUCOEX-FE (Large Underground Concept Experiments – Full-scale Emplacement) experiment: Confirmation of dense/homogeneous constructability and performance of granular backfilling solution. In conclusion, the simplified granular backfill system is more feasible compared to the block/ pellet system from the perspective of handling, production, installation, performance, and quality control. It is presumed that various experimental and engineering researches should be preceded reflecting specific disposal conditions even though these results are expected to be applied as key data and/or insights for selecting the backfilling solution in the domestic deep geological repository.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The final disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) will take place in a deep geological repository. The metal canister surrounding the SNF is made of cast iron and copper, designed to provide longterm containment of radionuclides. Canister is intended to be safeguarded by a multiple-barrier disposal system comprising engineered and natural barriers. Colloids and gases are mediators that can accelerate radionuclide migration and influence radionuclide behavior when radionuclides leak from the canister at the end of its service life. It is very important to consider these factors in the assessment of the long-term stability of deep dispoal repository. An experimental setup was designed to observe the acceleration of nuclide behavior due to gas-mediated transport in a simulated environment with specific temperature and pressure conditions, similar to those of a deep disposal repository. In this study, experiments were conducted to simulate gas flow within an engineered barrier under conditions reflecting 1000 years post repository closure. The experiment utilized bentonite WRK with a dry density of 1.61 g/cm³ after compaction. The compacted bentonite was subsequently saturated under a water pressure of 5 MPa, equivalent to the hydrostatic pressure found 500 meters underground. Gas was introduced into the saturated bentonite at different pressures to assess the permeation behavior of the bentonite relative to gas pressure variations. Consequently, it was observed that under specific pressures, gas permeated the saturated bentonite, ascending in the form of bubbles. Furthermore, it was noted that when a continuous flow was initiated within the bentonite, erosion took place, leading to the buoyant transportation of eroded particles upward by the bubbles. The particles transported by the bubbles had a relatively small particle size distribution, and cesium also tended to be transported by the bubbles and moved upward. When high-pressure gas is generated at the interface of the canister and the buffer, flow through the buffer can occur, and cationic nuclides such as cesium and strontium can be attached to the gas bubble and migrate. However, the pressure of the gas to break through the saturated buffer is very high, and the amount of cesium transported by the gas bubbles is very limited.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The engineered barrier system (EBS) for deep geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste requires a buffer material that can prevent groundwater infiltration, protect the canister, dissipate decay heat effectively, and delay the transport of radioactive materials. To meet those stringent performance criteria, the buffer material is prepared as a compacted block with high-density using various press methods. However, crack and degradation induced by stress relaxation and moisture changes in the compacted bentonite blocks, which are manufactured according to the geometry of the disposal hole, can critically affect the performance of the buffer. Therefore, it is imperative to develop an adequate method for quality assessment of the compacted buffer block. Recently, several non-destructive testing methods, including elastic wave measurement technology, have been attempted to evaluate the quality and aging of various construction materials. In this study, we have evaluated the compressive wave velocity of compacted bentonite blocks via the ultrasonic velocity method (UVM) and free-free resonant column method (FFRC), and analyzed the relationship among compressive wave velocity, dry density, thermal conductivity, and strength parameter. We prepared compacted bentonite block specimens using the cold isostatic pressure (CIP) method under different water content and CIP pressure conditions. Based on multiple regression analysis, we suggest a prediction model for dry density in terms of manufacturing conditions. Additionally, we propose an empirical model to predict thermal conductivity and unconfined compressive strength based on compressive wave velocity. The database and suggested models in this study can contribute to the development of quality assessment and prediction techniques for compacted buffer blocks used in the construction of a disposal repository.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To conduct numerical simulation of a disposal repository of the spent nuclear fuel, it is necessary to numerically simulate the entire domain, which is composed on numerous finite elements, for at least several tens of thousands of years. This approach presents a significant computational challenge, as obtaining solutions through the numerical simulation for entire domain is not a straightforward task. To overcome this challenge, this study presents the process of producing the training data set required for developing the machine learning based hybrid solver. The hybrid solver is designed to correct results of the numerical simulation composed of coarse elements to the finer elements which derive more accurate and precise results. When the machine learning based hybrid solver is used, it is expected to have a computational efficiency more than 10 times higher than the numerical simulation composed of fine elements with similar accuracy. This study aims to investigate the usefulness of generating the training data set required for the development of the hybrid solver for disposal repository. The development of the hybrid solver will provide a more efficient and effective approach for analyzing disposal repository, which will be of great importance for ensuring the safe and effective disposal of the spent nuclear fuel.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As Korea has relatively small land area and large population density compared to other countries considering the DGD concept such as Finland and Sweden, improvements of disposal efficiency in the viewpoint of the disposal area might be needed for the current disposal system to alleviate the difficulties of site selection for the HLW repository. In this research, we conduct a numerical investigation of the disposal efficiency enhancement for a high-level radioactive waste (HLW) repository through three design factors: decay heat optimization, increased thermal limit of buffer, and double-layer concept. In the optimized decay heat model, seven SNFs with the maximum and minimum decay heat depending on actual burn-up and cooling time are iteratively combined in a canister. Thermal limit of buffer is assumed as 100°C and 130°C for reference and high-efficiency repository concepts, respectively. By implementing an optimized decay heat model and a single-layer concept with a thermal limit of buffer set at 100°C, the disposal efficiency increases to 2.3 times of the improved Korean Reference disposal System (KRS+). Additionally, incorporating either an increased thermal limit of buffer to 130°C or a double-layer concept leads to a further 50% improvement in disposal efficiency. By integrating all three design factors, the disposal efficiency can be enhanced up to five times that of the KRS+ repository. Our analysis of rock mass stability reveals that increasing the thermal limit of buffer can generate rock spalling failure in a wider area. However, when accounting for the effect of confining stress by swelling of buffer and backfill using the Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria, the rock mass failure only occurred at the corner between the disposal tunnel and deposition hole when the thermal limit of buffer was increased and a single-layer concept was applied. The results given in this study can provide various options for designing the high-efficiency repository in accordance with the target disposal area and quality of the rock mass in the potential repository site.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The nuclear criticality analyses considering burnup credit were performed for a spent nuclear fuel (SNF) disposal cell consisting of bentonite buffer and two different types of SNF disposal canister: the KBS-3 canister and small standardized transportation, aging and disposal (STAD) canister. Firstly, the KBS-3 & STAD canister containing four SNFs of the initial enrichment of 4.0wt% 235U and discharge burnup of 45,000 MWD/MTU were modelled. The keff values for the cooling times of 40, 50, and 60 years of SNFs were calculated to be 0.79108, 0.78803, and 0.78484 & 0.76149, 0.75683, and 0.75444, respectively. Secondly, the KBS-3 & STAD canister with four SNFs of 4.5wt% and 55,000 MWD/MTU were modelled. The keff values for the cooling times of 40, 50, and 60 years were 0.78067, 0.77581, and 0.77335 & 0.75024, 0.74647, and 0.74420, respectively. Therefore, all cases met the performance criterion with respect to the keff value, 0.95. The STAD canister had the lower keff values than KBS-3. The neutron absorber plates in the STAD canister significantly affected the reduction in keff values although the distance among the SNFs in the STAD canister was considerably shorter than that in the KBS-3 canister.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Technology for high-level-waste disposal employing a multibarrier concept using engineered and natural barrier in stable bedrock at 300–1,000 m depth is being commercialized as a safe, long-term isolation method for high-level waste, including spent nuclear fuel. Managing heat generated from waste is important for improving disposal efficiency; thus, research on efficient heat management is required. In this study, thermal management methods to maximize disposal efficiency in terms of the disposal area required were developed. They efficiently use the land in an environment, such as Korea, where the land area is small and the amount of waste is large. The thermal effects of engineered barriers and natural barriers in a high-level waste disposal repository were analyzed. The research status of thermal management for the main bedrocks of the repository, such as crystalline, clay, salt, and other rocks, were reviewed. Based on a characteristics analysis of various heat management approaches, the spent nuclear fuel cooling time, buffer bentonite thermal conductivity, and disposal container size were chosen as efficient heat management methods applicable in Korea. For each method, thermal analyses of the disposal repository were performed. Based on the results, the disposal efficiency was evaluated preliminarily. Necessary future research is suggested.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Gyeongju radioactive waste repository has been operated to dispose low and intermediate level radioactive waste in Korea since 2016. Currently, only deep geological disposal facility (1st) is in operation, surface disposal facility (2nd) is scheduled to operate from 2024. As a result, the annual amount of radioactive waste that can be disposed of at deep geological disposal facilities and surface disposal facilities is almost determined. According to this result, it was possible to derive the total annual disposal amount to dispose of all radioactive waste at the Gyeongju repository after landfill disposal facility (3rd) construction. To evaluate it, a predictive model has been designed and radioactive waste generation, storage, and disposal data were input. The predictive model is based on system dynamics, which is useful to analyze the correlation between input variables. As a result of analysis, radioactive waste generation amount and maximum annual radioactive waste disposal were predicted to reach 741,615 drum and 17,030 drum per year respectively. From these results, it seems that the expansion of radioactive waste acceptance system or temporary storage is necessary.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In Korea, research on the development of safety case, including the safety assessment of disposal facility for the spent nuclear fuel, is being conducted for long-term management planning. The safety assessment procedure on disposal facility for the spent nuclear fuel heavily involves creating scenarios in which radioactive materials from the repository reach the human biosphere by combining Features, Events and Processes (FEP) that describe processes or events occurring around the disposal area. Meanwhile, the general guidelines provided by the IAEA or top-tier regulatory requirements addressed by each country do not mention detailed methods of ‘how to develop scenarios by combining individual FEPs’. For this reason, the overall frameworks of developing scenarios are almost similar, but their details are quite different depending on situation. Therefore, in order to follow up and clearly analyze the methods of how to develop scenarios, it is necessary to understand and compare case studies performed by each institution. In the previous companion paper entitled ‘Research Status and Trends’, the characteristics and advantages/disadvantages of representative scenario development methods were described. In this paper, which is a next series of the companion papers, we investigate and review with a focus on details of scenario development methods officially documented. In particular, we summarize some cases for the most commonly utilized methods, which are categorized as the ‘systematic method’, and this method is addressed by Process Influence Diagram (PID) and Rock Engineering System (RES). The lessons-learned and insight of these approaches can be used to develop the scenarios for enhanced Korean disposal facility for the spent nuclear fuel in the future.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The integrity of the disposal repository structure must be guaranteed for few hundreds to few hundred thousand years until toxicity of radioactive waste is surely degraded. Acoustic emission (AE) method is widely utilized to evaluate the integrity of the structure because it can detect crack wave signals of the structures. It is well known that the cracking AE energy is proportional to the volume of the structure (Fractal theory). However, it is hard to destroy whole structures for obtaining AE energy. Therefore, the scaled specimens are prepared to obtain the relationship between volume of the structure and AE energy. The specimens are prepared with same of Wolsong Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Center (WLDC) silo concrete recipe. Their diameters are from 50 mm to 150 mm in each 10 mm and their heights are twice of the diameter. One set of 50 mm to 150 mm specimens (11 specimens in one set) are made in single mixers to maintain uniformity. Surface of the specimens are flatten with cement milk to prevent from applying load with eccentricity. The uniaxial compression test is performed by controlling displacement as 0.1 mm/min. The fractal constant is obtained using least square function from volume-cumulative AE energy relationship.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The backfill refills the deep geological disposal system after the installation of buffer in the disposal hole. SKB and Posiva have established the safety function for the backfill such as hydraulic conductivity of 10-10 m/s and swelling pressure of 0.2 MPa. The study on the thermal properties is required for the evaluation of performance design and long-term stability of backfill, since the thermal condition affects the hydraulic and mechanical behavior of backfill. Thermal conductivity is a key characteristic of thermal properties due to heat dissipation from spent fuel. In this study, thermal conductivities of bentonite-sand mixed blocks were measured. The silica sands were used instead of the crushed rock with bentonil-WRK, one of the candidate bentonite of the Korean repository system. The effects of size distribution and mass ratio of sand were evaluated. Four different size of silica sand (i.e., 0.18-0.25, 0.7-1.12, 1.6-2.5, 2.5-5.0 mm) and five mixing ratio (i.e., 1:9, 2:8, 3:7, 4:6, 5:5 of bentonite and sand) were used for characterization of thermal conductivity. As a result, the thermal conductivities were measured ranging from 1.6 to 3.1 W/m∙K depending on the size and mass ratio of the sand. The smaller the size or higher the mixing ratio of sand or the higher the water contents, the higher the thermal conductivity on the surface of backfill block. The higher compressing pressure induce higher thermal conductivity. Meanwhile, the feasibility study of backfill block productivity was reviewed according to the variables of this study. The excessive sand ratio and water contents lead to poor quality that results in the failure of the block. In Korea, the research of backfill is only now in fundamental steps, thus the results of this study are expected to use for setup the experimental conditions of hydraulic and mechanical performance, and can be used for the design of safety function and evaluation of long-term stability for deep geological disposal system.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Mechanism and kinetics of Rhenium complexes as a surrogate of Technetium-99 (99Tc) is worthy of study from radioactive waste safe disposal perspective. Re(IV)-EDTA was synthesized via the reduction of Re(VII) with Sn(II) in the presence of Ethylenediaminetetracetic acid (EDTA). The Re(IV)-EDTA was then degraded by H2O2 (7–30%) at pH of 3–11 in ionic strength I = 0–2 M solution. The Re- EDTA was observed to degrade more rapidly at pH of ≤ 3–4 than one of ≥ 10–11 and remained stable at pH = 7–9. At a low acidic pH, the complex degradation process was facilitated by protonation and corresponded to the exponential model (y = k. e–nt). In contrast, at an alkaline pH, the degradation was facilitated OH– complexation with Re(IV) and corresponded to a linear model (y = –mt + C). Complex degradation followed the zero-order rate kinetics for the H+ and Re-EDTA parameters, apart from a pH of 3, for which degradation was a better fit to first order kinetics. A higher Re(IV)-EDTA stability at a pH of 7–9 demonstrated that Re(IV)-EDTA (or 99Tc(IV)-EDTA) tends to be more persistent in natural environmental conditions.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The criticality analyses considering burnup credit were performed for a spent nuclear fuel (SNF) disposal cell consisting of bentonite buffer and two different types of PWR SNF disposal canister: the KBS-3 type canister and the small standardized transportation, aging and disposal (STAD) canister. The criticality analyses were carried out for four cases as follows: (1) the calculation of isotopic compositions within a SNF using a depletion assessment code and (2) the calculation of the effective multiplication factor (keff) value using a criticality assessment code. Firstly, the KBS-3 type canister containing four SNFs of the initial enrichment of 4.0wt% 235U and discharge burnup of 45,000 MWD/MTU was modelled. The keff values for the cooling times of 40, 50, and 60 years of SNFs were calculated to be 0.74407, 0.74102, and 0.73783, respectively. Secondly, the STAD canister was modelled. The SNFs contained in the STAD canister were assumed to be the enrichment of 4.0wt% and the burnup of 45,000 MWD/MTU. The keff values for the cooling times of 40, 50, and 60 years were estimated to be 0.71448, 0.70982, and 0.70743, respectively. Thirdly, the KBS-3 canister with four SNFs of which the enrichment was 4.5wt% and the burnup was 55,000 MWD/MTU was modelled. The keff values for the cooling times of 40, 50, and 60 years were 0.73366, 0.72880, and 0.72634, respectively. Finally, the calculations were carried out for the STAD canister containing four SNFs of the enrichment of 4.5wt% and the burnup of 55,000 MWD/MTU. The keff values for the cooling times of 40, 50, and 60 years were 0.70323, 0.69946, and 0.69719, respectively. Therefore, all of four cases met the performance target with respect to the keff values, 0.95. The STAD canister showed lower keff values than the KBS-3 canister. This appears to be the neutron absorber plate installed in the STAD canister although the distance among the four SNFs in the STAD canister was shorter than the KBS-3 canister.
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