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        검색결과 125

        2024.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The concrete silo dry storage system, which has been in operation at the Wolsong NPP site since 1992, consists of a concrete structure, a steel liner plate in the inner space, and a fuel basket. The silo system’s concrete structure must maintain structural integrity as well as adequate radiation shielding performance against the high radioactivity of spent nuclear fuel stored inside the storage system. The concrete structure is directly exposed to the external climatic environment in the storage facility and can be expected to deteriorate over time owing to the heat of spent nuclear fuel, as well as particularly cracks in the concrete structure. These cracks may reduce the radiation shielding performance of the concrete structure, potentially exceeding the silo system’s allowable radiation dose rate limits. For specimens with the same composition and physical properties as silo’s concrete structures, cracks were forcibly generated and then irradiated to measure the change in radiation dose rate to examine the effect of cracks in concrete structures on radiation shielding performance, and in the current state, the silo system maintains radiation shielding performance.
        2024.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Interim dry cask storage systems comprising AISI 304 or 316 stainless steel canisters have become critical for the storage of spent nuclear fuel from light water reactors in the Republic of Korea. However, the combination of microstructural sensitization, residual tensile stress, and corrosive environments can induce chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking (CISCC) for stainless steel canisters. Suppressing one or more of these three variables can effectively mitigate CISCC initiation or propagation. Surface-modification technologies, such as surface peening and burnishing, focus on relieving residual tensile stress by introducing compressive stress to near-surface regions of materials. Overlay coating methods such as cold spray can serve as a barrier between the environment and the canister, while also inducing compressive stress similar to surface peening. This approach can both mitigate CISCC initiation and facilitate CISCC repair. Surface-painting methods can also be used to isolate materials from external corrosive environments. However, environmental variables, such as relative humidity, composition of surface deposits, and pH can affect the CISCC behavior. Therefore, in addition to research on surface modification and coating technologies, site-specific environmental investigations of various nuclear power plants are required.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The 300 concrete silo systems installed and operated at the site of Wolsong nuclear power plant (NPP) have been storing CANDU spent nuclear fuel (SNF) under dry conditions since 1992. The dry storage system must be operated safely until SNF is delivered to an interim storage facility or final repository located outside the NPP in accordance with the SNF management policy of the country. The silo dry storage system consists of a concrete structure, liner steel plate in the inner cavity, and fuel basket. Because the components of the silo system are exposed to high energy radiation owing to the high radioactivity of SNF inside, the effects of irradiation during long-term storage must be analyzed. To this end, material specimens of each component were manufactured and subjected to irradiation and strength tests, and mechanical characteristics before and after irradiation were examined. Notably, the mechanical characteristics of the main components of the silo system were affected by irradiation during the storage of spent fuel. The test results will be used to evaluate the long-term behavior of silo systems in the future.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study is to ensure the structural integrity of a canister to be used in a dry storage system currently being developed in Korea. Based on burnup and cooling periods, the canister is designed with 24 bundles of spent nuclear fuel stored inside it. It is a cylindrical structure with a height of 4,890 mm, an internal diameter of 1,708 mm, and an inner length of 4,590 mm. The canister lid is fixed with multiple seals and welds to maintain its confinement boundary to prevent the leakage of radioactive waste. The canister is evaluated under different loads that may be generated under normal, off-normal, and accident conditions, and combinations of these loads are compared against the allowable stress thresholds to assess its structural integrity in accordance with NUREG-2215. The evaluation result shows that the stress intensities applied on the canister under normal, off-normal, and accident conditions are below the allowable stress thresholds, thus confirming its structural integrity.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Wolsong Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) operates an on-site spent fuel dry storage facility using concrete silo and vertical module systems. This facility must be safely maintained until the spent nuclear fuel (SNF) is transferred to an external interim or final disposal facility, aligning with national policies on spent nuclear fuel management. The concrete silo system, operational since 1992, requires an aging management review for its long-term operation and potential license renewal. This involves comparing aging management programs of different dry storage systems against the U.S. NRC’s guidelines for license renewal of spent nuclear fuel dry storage facilities and the U.S. DOE’s program for long-term storage. Based on this comparison, a specific aging management program for the silo system was developed. Furthermore, the facility’s current practices—periodic checks of surface dose rate, contamination, weld integrity, leakage, surface and groundwater, cumulative dose, and concrete structure—were evaluated for their suitability in managing the silo system’s aging. Based on this review, several improvements were proposed.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A transfer cask serves as the container for transporting and handling canisters loaded with spent nuclear fuels from light water reactors. This study focuses on a cylindrical transfer cask, standing at 5,300 mm with an external diameter of 2,170 mm, featuring impact limiters on the top and bottom sides. The base of the cask body has an openable/closable lid for loading canisters with storage modules. The transfer cask houses a canister containing spent nuclear fuels from lightweight reactors, serving as the confinement boundary while the cask itself lacks the confinement structure. The objective of this study was to conduct a structural analysis evaluation of the transfer cask, currently under development in Korea, ensuring its safety. This evaluation encompasses analyses of loads under normal, off-normal, and accident conditions, adhering to NUREG-2215. Structural integrity was assessed by comparing combined results for each load against stress limits. The results confirm that the transfer cask meets stress limits across normal, off-normal, and accident conditions, establishing its structural safety.
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