
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 18

        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This experiment was conducted to evaluate feed value and usability of soybean varieties as livestock forage. In this study, three soybean cultivars, OT93-26, Geomjeongsaeol, and Pungwon, were harvested at R5 (beginning seed development)- and R6 (full seed)-reproductive stages for analyzing feed value of soybean. Days to R5 stage harvest of OT93-26 among the three soybean cultivars was 55 days and the shortest while Pungwon took 103 days to reach at R6 stage. The R6-harvested soybeans had higher dry matter (DM) yields and crude protein (CP) content than the R5-harvested. However, both DM and CP were the highest in the R6-harvested Geomjeongsaeol. Contents of neutral detergent fiber (nDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) of Pungwon harvested at R5 were the highest whereas the R6-harvested Geomjeongsaeol had the lowest. Digestible dry matter (DDM), dry matter intake (DMI), and relative feed value (RFV) of the R6-harvested Geomjeongsaeol and Pungwon were higher than those of the R5-harvested, but in case of OT93-26, those at R6 stage were low rather than those at R5 stage. However, soybean could be used as alternative forage with high feed value for livestock. Taken together, Geomjeongsaeol could be used for developing new forage soybean varieties with high feed value, and R6 would be the optimum harvesting stage for yield and quality of forage soybean.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study was to evaluate different herbicides in corn-soybean intercropping for optimum growth, yield and nutritive value of forage under Korean environment conditions. Herbicidal treatments were randomly applied over five plots, viz. (1) Control treatment: no herbicide; (2) Alachlor; (3) Simazine; (4) Pendimethalin and (5) Mixture of alachlor and simazine herbicides in RCBD have three replications. Results depicted that treated herbicides exhibited significant effect over control of weeds. Simazine herbicide alone or mixed with alachlor had adverse effects on soybean but enhanced (p<0.05) corn production in terms of survivability, dry matter and digestible nutrients yield. Corn-soybean coupling and total dry matter yield were greater (p<0.05) in pendimethalin. Simazine-alachlor mixture reduced (p<0.05) soybean height. Conclusively, simazine could not be suitable for corn soybean intercropping because of having an adverse effect on soybean component. Pendimethalin could maintain growth and yield of corn and soybean both components. Effect of alachlor was comparable to that of pendimethalin.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Corn is basal forage for livestock species in Republic of Korea but it lacks protein and needs nitrogenous fertilizer. This study was designed with main objective to achieve optimum growth, yield & nutritive value of forage for livestock through implementing corn-soybean intercropping strategy at 17 different places under Korean condition. Two treatments; corn as monocrop (control treatment) and corn-soybean intercrop were compared under Randomized Block Design from 28th May to 8th October, 2015. Each treatment had three replicates in each block, whereas seventeen different places were considered as blocks. Data were analyzed through SAS-9.1.3 software. Difference between two treatment means was tested through T-test. Findings depicted that intercropping pattern could not influence (P>0.05) corn plant & ear height, corn lodged stalk No. and corn stalks number. However, corn-soybean intercropping enhanced (P<0.05) forage productivity in terms of total fresh yield (16.4±0.7b vs. 19.9±0.7a tons ha-1), total dry matter yield (5.38±0.25b vs. 6.41±0.31a tons ha-1) and total digestible nutrients yield (3.94±0.17b vs. 4.59±0.21a tons ha-1). Dry matter percentage in corn stalks and corn ears was not different (P>0.05) between two treatments. It was concluded that corn-soybean intercropping strategy was promising technique in enhancing forage productivity though positive symbiotic relation between two crops.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In attempt to avoid crop damage through wild bird’s picking, this study was designed with aim to evaluate several pre-sowing soybean seed coatings for optimum yield in corn-soybean mixed forage. It was investigated under four cropping treatments, viz. 1) corn sole, 2) corn mixed with soybean without any coating, 3) corn with iron coated soybean and 4) corn with thiram coated soybean. Each treatment had three replicates and corn sole was control treatment. Pioneer (P1184) and crossbred (PI483463 × Hutcheson) seeds were used for corn and soybean, respectively. The trial was conducted under randomized block design from 5th June to 23rd September, 2015. Data were an alyzed through ANOVA technique using SAS9.1.3 software. Results depicted that survivability of soybean against wild birds damage was found better (p<0.05) in thiram coating which was higher than iron coating and control treatment but later on thiram coating had adverse effects on subsequent growth of soybean plants. Corn stalk height was decreased (p<0.05) in thiram coating, whereas corn ear height was reduced in iron coating treatment. Iron coating enhanced (p<0.05) height of soybean plant (p<0.05) better than that of thiram coating. Soybean seed coatings didn’t influence dry matter yield and nutritive value in terms of total digestible nutrients yield in corn soybean mixed forage. Conclusively, although presowing thiram coating enhanced survivability of soybean plants against wild bird damage but had adverse effects on its subsequent growth. However, soybean seed coatings didn’t influence yield and nutritive value of corn soybean intercropping forage
        2014.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.], an ediblelegume, has a high protein content in both its hay andgrain, so it is often used as a supplement for other foragesthat have a deficient protein concentration. Therefore, thisstudy investigated the forage quality and yield in the caseof mixed planting of soybean and corn. The forage yield andquality were assessed for three cropping patterns: soybeanmono planting, corn mono planting, and mixed planting ofsoybean and corn. For planting, this study used a forage corncultivar, Kwangpyeongok, and three recombinant inbreed lines,W2, W4, and W11, selected from Glycine soja (PI483463)×G. max (Hutcheson). The mixed planting of soybean and cornproduced a higher forage yield than the corn mono cropping.The crude protein and crude fat content were also increasedwith the mixed planting of soybean and corn when comparedwith the corn mono cropping. Some decrease of ADF andNDF, and increase for RFV in mixed planting of soybeanand corn than corn mono cropping. Therefore, the resultsshow that mixed planting of soybean and corn is aneffective cropping system to improve the forage quality.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This experiment was carried out to know adaptability and forage production and quality of corn and corn + soybean intercropping for silage at paddy field in Chungnam province. growth, forage production and quality of silage corn was higher in case of corn and soybean intercropping than that of corn single planting at paddy field. The height of stem of Kwangpyongok and Sword bean intercropping was somewhat lower than Kwangpyongok single planting and higher at ear height and stem diameter. Fresh yield of Kwangpyongok and Sword bean intercropping was the highest as 45.8 tons per ha among corn monoculture, corn + soybean intercropping. The dry yield of Kwangpyongok and Sword bean intercropping at paddy field was the highest as 20.5 tons per ha among corn monoculture and corn + soybean intercropping. The result of this study showed that 'Kwangpyongok and Sword bean intercropping' had good forage productivity and quality of silage compared with corn monoculture, corn and common bean intercropping.
        2003.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        사료용으로 적합한 우량품종을 선발하기 위하여 콩의 18개 장려품종을 5월 11일에 30x 20cm 거리로 파종하여 생육수량성 및 조성분 등을 조사한 결과를 하면 다음과 같다. 개화까지의 일수는 석량콩, 큰올콩 및 화엄콩이 58일로 짧은 편이었고, 단파흑두는 93일로 가장 늦었다. 그외 다른 품종이 개화까지 일수는 65∼69일이었다. 경장은 푸른콩, 남해콩이 각각 129.3, 124.6cm로 가장 길었고 큰올콩, 화엄콩 및 석량콩은 63.9∼66.9cm로
        2003.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 시험은 제주지역의 화산회토양에서 인산시비량 차이(0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250kg/ha)에 따른 제주재래 대두의 생육형질, 수량 및 사료가치 변화를 구명하기 위하여 2002년 5월 11일부터 2002년 9월 10일까지 시험하였다. 인산시비량이 0에서 250kg/ha로 증가함에 따라 개화기까지의 일수는 92일에서 97일로 지연되었고, 초장은 109cm에서 124cm로 커졌다. 분지수, 엽수, 경직경, 근장 및 근중 등도 인산시비량이 증
        2003.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 시험은 제주지역에서 재식밀도(3030cm, 3025cm, 3020cm, 3015cm, 3010cm)에 따른 제주재래 대두의 생육형질, 수량성 및 사료가치를 검토하고 가축조사료로 이용하기 위하여 2002년 5월 11일부터 9월 10일까지 수행하였던 결과는 다음과 같다. 개화기까지의 일수는 밀식함에 따라 94일에서 98일로 지연되었다. 초장은 3030cm 재식구에서 103cm로 작은 편이었으나 밀식할수록 점차적으로 커져서 3010cm 재식구에서 초장은
        1995.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 시험은 청예용으로 생산성이 우수한 대두를 선발할 목적으로 우리나라 전역에 재배되고 있는 종실용대두(각 도별 추천품종)10품종의 생육특성, 기호성 및 건물수량을 비교 검토한 것으로 시험은 3년간 (1989~1991) 건국대학교 자연과학대학 부속 사료포장에서 실시하였으며 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 초장은 재배기간 70, 80일째는 장백이 90일째는 백장에서 실시하였으며 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 초장은 재배기간 70, 80일째는 장백이 9
        2015.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ‘연풍’은 1999년에 대립이며 황색 종피이며 다수성인 ‘수 원191호’를 모본으로 하고 경장이 짧고 조생종인‘수원196호’ 를 부본으로 교배되었다. 2000년도에 F1을 양성하고, 2001년 도에 F2는 집단선발을, 2002년 ~ 2004년도에 F3 ~ F5세대를 계통육종법으로 선발한 HS982-B-1-1-2-2 계통으로 계통명은 ‘연천3호’이다. ‘연풍’의 주요특성을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 신육형은 유한신육형이며 꽃색은 자색이고, 엽형은 피침형 과 능형의 중간형이며, 모용색은 회색이고, 종실모양은 편구 형이며, 제색과 종피색은 황색이고 협색은 갈색이고 협은 성 숙 후에도 잘 개열되지 않으며, 성숙기는 대원콩보다 15일 빠 른 조중생종이며, 100립중은 28.7 g으로 대립이다. SMV유묘 검정에서는 하위엽에서 모자이크증상을 보였으나, 포장에서 는 0이었다. 검은뿌리썩음병의 발병율은 2.5%였다. 불마름병 유묘 검정에서는 5 정도였으나, 포장에서는 0이었다. 콩나방 은 1.5%였다. 종실의 화학적 성분은 단백질은 36.1%이었는 데 특히 아미노산 함량은 346.8 ㎎/100g, 아이소플라본 함량 은 1,667 ㎍/g으로 대원콩보다 낮았다. 조지방은 19.2%였는 데, 대원콩보다 포화 지방산은 11.8%로 1.6% 높았으나, 불포 화지방산은 85.0%로 1.2% 낮았다. 가공적성에서 두부수률은 대원콩과 비슷한 수준이었으나 두부물리성 중 경도, 검성, 응집성은 비슷한 수준이었으나 경도는 낮았다. 청국장의 발효 및 풍취는 대원콩보다 우수하였다. 수량성은 대비품종인 대원콩보다 생산력검시험에서는 16% 증 수 되었고, 3개년 간 실시한 지역적응시험에서 3.44 MT/ha으 로 38% 증가하였다(품종보호번호: 제4242호).
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Soybeans have been the favored livestock forage for centuries. However, little studies have been succeed in estimating forage quality of soybean by near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS). To establish NIR equations for soybean forage quality, 353 forage soybean samples, including an 181 recombinant inbred line population derived from PI 483463 (G. soja) ´ Hutcheson (G. max), 104 cultivated soybeans (G. max) and 68 wild soybeans (G. soja) were used to develop NIR for four quality parameters: crude protein (CP), crude fat (CF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and acid detergent fiber (ADF). Two NIR spectroscopy equations developed for CP and CF (2,5,5,1; multiple scatter correction [MSC]) and for NDF and ADF (1,4,4,1; MSC) were the best prediction equations for estimating these parameters. The coefficients of determination in external validation set (r2) were 0.934 for CF, 0.909 for CP, 0.767 for NDF, and 0.748 for ADF. The relative predictive determinant (RPD) ratios for MSC (2,5,5,1) calibration indicate that the CP (3.34) and CF (3.45) equations were acceptable for quantitative prediction of soybean forage quality, whereas the NDF (2.34) and ADF (1.97) equations were useful for screening purposes. The NIR calibration equations developed in this study will be useful in predicting the contents of forage qualities and in breeding soybean for forage
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Soybean is desirable as a forage crop because of it has high protein and oil concentration. Wild soybean, a progenitor of cultivated soybean, has a softer stem and higher protein content in seed than cultivated soybean. There is little information on yield and forage quality for wild soybean and its derivatives. The objective of this study was to determine the forage yield and quality of wild soybeans and selected soybeans derived from a cross G. max ×G. soja. Forage yield and quality were assessed for three grain soybean cultivars, three wild soybeans and three selected lines from G. max×G. soja. Forage quality attributes such as crude protein (CP), crude fat (CF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), digestible dry matter (DDM), dry matter intake (DMI) and relative feed value (RFV) were determined at the R2, R4 and R6 developmental stages. Forage yield and CF were highest at stage R6 in G. max, G. soja and selected G. max×G. soja lines. CP content was similar between R2 and R4 but increased sharply after R4 and peaked at R6 in G. max and selected lines from G. soja×G. max. On the other hand, CP content was similar between R4 and R6 stage in wild soybeans. Generally, NDF and ADF were highest at stage R4 but decreased at stage R6. DDM, DMI, and RFV increased between R4 and R6. These results suggest that R6 was the optimal harvest stage to provide forage of highest quality and yield. A study was conducted in 2011 to evaluate forage yield and quality at stage R6 in 25 lines from PI483463 (G. soja)×Hutcheson (G. max) and four cultivated grain soybeans. Hutcheson had the highest forage yield with 24.7t/ha infresh weight (FW) among grain soybeans. Line W11 had the highest forage yield(25.7t/ha,FW) among G. soja×G. max selections and four other lines had similar forage yield compared to Hutcheson. Generally the 25 lines from this G. max×G. soja cross had thinner main stems and branches than cultivated soybeans. When the 25 lines were evaluated for their feed quality as per forage grade by AFGC, nine lines rated prime grade and all 25 lines were classified as forage Grade 1. Results of this study indicate crosses between wild and cultivated soybean show promise for improving soybean as a forage crop.
        2001.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.) is known to produce the highest total digestible mutrients (TDN) yield among summer grain legumes in Jeju area but little is known about the effects of cultural practices on forage yield and quality. A determinate soybean cv. Baegunkong was planted on 5 June, 20 June, and 3 July and grown at four plant densities (30, 50, 70 and 90 plants m-2 in 1998 in Jeju to evaluate the effects of planting date and plant density on the yield and quality of soybean forage. Days to flowering decreased from 47 to 38 days, average plant height from 61 to 51cm and main stem diameter from 6.31 to 5.00mm as planting was delayed from 5 June to 3 July. Average plant height quadratically increased from 45 to 62cm as plant density increased from 30 to 90 plants m-2 . Planting date did not affect the average dry matter, crude protein, and TDN yields. The average dry matter and TDN yields displayed a quadratic response to plant density and the optimum plant density for both dry matter and TDN yields was estimated about 60 plants m-2 . Plant density had no effect on crude protein yield. Planting date did not significantly influence forage quality. The crude protein content was not significantly influenced by plant density. Increasing plant density slightly increased acid detergent fiber content but slightly decreased TDN content.