The equivalent static load for non-structural elements has a limitation in that the sloshing effect and the interaction between the fluid and the water tank cannot be considered. In this study, the equations to evaluate the impulse and convective components in the design codes and previous research were compared with the shaking table test results of a rectangular water tank with flexible wall panels. The conclusions of this study can be summarized as follows: (1) It was observed that the natural periods of the impulsive component according to ACI 350.3 were longer than system identification results. Thus, ACI 350.3 may underestimate the earthquake load in the case of water tanks with flexible walls. (2) In the case of water tanks with flexible walls, the side walls deform due to bending of the front and back walls. When such three-dimensional fluid-structure interaction was included, the natural period of the impulsive component became similar to the experimental results. (3) When a detailed finite element (FE) model of the water tank was unavailable, the assumption could be used, resulting in a reasonably conservative design earthquake load.
The flange spreader has been used to withdraw butterfly valves during maintenance. The typical flange spreaders required an excessive working space, and the pipe and flange are damaged by the load. In the previous study, the author developed a valve easy out tool with collet, and designed collet shape to ensure structural safety. However, clamping force of the collet had not been checked. In this study, design of collet shape was performed to improve clamping force. Techniques of structural analysis were established and design parameters were selected. Through parametric study, the collet shape with clamping force of 159,748N was suggested. This will contribute to stability and efficiently of valve maintenance.
When domestic sewage and rainwater runoff are discharged into a single sewer pipe, it is called a “combined sewer system.” The sewage design standards in Korea specify the flow velocity based only on the volume of rainfall; therefore, sedimentation occurs on non-rainy days owing to the reduced flow rate and velocity. This sedimentation reduces the discharge capacity, causes unpleasant odors, and exacerbates the problem of combined sewer overflow concentration. To address this problem, the amount of sewage on non-rainy days, not just the volume of rainfall, should also be considered. There are various theories on sedimentation in sewer movement. This study introduces a self-cleansing velocity based on tractive force theory. By applying a self-cleansing velocity equivalent to the critical shear stress of a sand particle, sedimentation can be reduced on non-rainy days. The amount of sewage changes according to the water use pattern of citizens. The design hourly maximum wastewater flow was considered as a representative value, and the velocity of this flow should be more than the self-cleansing velocity. This design method requires a steeper gradient than existing design criteria. Therefore, the existing sewer pipelines need to be improved and repaired accordingly. In this study, five types of improvement and repair methods that can maximize the use of existing pipelines and minimize the depth of excavation are proposed. The key technologies utilized are trenchless sewer rehabilitation and complex cross-section pipes. Trenchless sewer rehabilitation is a popular sewage repair method. However, it is complex because the cross-section pipes do not have a universal design and require continuous research and development. In an old metropolis with a combined sewer system, it is difficult to carry out excavation work; hence, the methods presented in this study may be useful in the future.
Several water tanks installed in the building were damaged during the Gyeongju earthquake (2016) and the Pohang earthquake (2017). Since a water tank for fire protection is very important component, seismic safety should be ensured. In this study, an interaction between a water tank and a building was studied by the dynamic analysis of the RC building with the water tank. In case the water tank was installed on the roof of the RC building, it was confirmed that it did not significantly affect the response of the building. Based on the result, dynamic response characteristics of the water tank in the building were studied using two SDOF models represented dynamic behavior of the water tanks under earthquake. An earthquake time-history analysis was carried out with variables of aspect ratio of the tank, story of the building, and installed location in the building using three kinds of earthquakes.
우리나라의 바람은 계절풍, 태풍, 저기압 전선풍으로 나눌 수 있다. 또한 우리나라는 산지가 많고 삼면이 바다로 둘러싸인 지 리적인 특성도 갖고 있다. 이로 인해 각 지역의 풍향마다 풍속이 균일하게 불어오지 않는다. 내풍설계 시 사용하는 풍속은 건축구조기 준에 규정된 100년 재현기대풍속을 전풍향에 대해 동일하게 사용한다. 이 값은 풍향을 고려하지 않기 때문에 다소 보수적인 설계가 될 수 있다. 이 연구에서는 10개 지역을 대상으로 16풍향에 대한 분풍속을 수집하여 풍향별 100년 재현기대풍속을 산출하였다. 기상청에 서 수집한 자료를 균질하게 하기 위해 풍향별로 유효높이를 고려하였고, 지표면조도구분을 하는 방법으로 가스트계수방법과 목측방법을 사용하였다. 풍향별 100년 재현기대풍속을 산정하기 위한 확률분포는 Gumbel분포를 사용하였고, 경험적 초과확률로는 Hazen방법 을 이용하였으며, Gumbel분포와 Hazen방법의 적합성은 적합성평가함수에 의해 판단하였다. 이것을 토대로 각 지역의 풍향계수를 산출하였고, 풍향계수의 비교를 통해 지역별, 풍향별 풍속의 특성을 파악하였다.
This study investigates on the tuning stainless steel(STS630) to understand for groove cutting characteristics. For this purpose, we observed the cutting force according to feed rate and cutting speed variation and performed the computational analysis due to groove cutting depth. In groove cutting of stainless steel, there were principal force, feed force and radial force by arranging the highest cutting force in order. In case of wall thicknesses of 0.3mm and 0.5mm at groove cutting, principal force increases according to the increase of feed rate but it is not related to cutting speed. We found the unstable region of cutting force that is caused to the friction resistance of cutting tool and elastic deformation of groove wall. In computational analysis, we confirmed that the more feed rate increases, the more strain increases around the tooth root.
Simple 3, 10, and 30-story buildings with a nonstructural element which is located at roof or near the middle of the building height are selected. Based on 2009 Korean Building Code, the seismic design force applied at the nonstructural element is evaluated. Response spectrum analysis is conducted with the design response acceleration spectrum of 2009 Korean Building Code and the analytical response is compared with the seismic design force from the Code. Furthermore, an artificial earthquake based on Korean design response acceleration spectrum and the 50% intensity of El Centro earthquake, which can be considered as the maximum future earthquake possibly occurring in Korea, are selected to conduct time history analysis. When the period of the nonstructural element is shorter than 0.06 second or longer than that of the 1st period of each building, the Code equations of seismic design force for nonstructural element seems to be appropriate. However, the period of the nonstructural element is close to the one of the building's higher mode periods including the 1st period, seismic force of the nonstructural element might exceed the Code specified seismic design force.
According to the rapid evolution of information technology, the salesperson's business efficiency and faster information sharing within the enterprise that need to improve competitiveness has been increasing steadily. In general, many companies has been managed the sales through the ERP system. However, the ERP informations as a result of operating activities can not perform customer maintenance activities from strategic planning. Therefore, a series of sales activities information as corporate intellectual assets is needed strategic business solutions for managing it. In this study, the web-based SFA systems were designed for salesperson. Salespersons improve the efficiency of the business through management and improvement activities of sales information. The systematic customer information management contribute to improving the company's revenue through improved customer service satisfaction.
텐세그리티 구조물의 설계를 위한 다목적 최적화 기법이 제시되었다. 구조물의 기하가 먼저 주어지며, 설계변수는 부재력이다. 목적함수는 최대 강성매트릭스에 대한 최저 고유치와 찾고자 하는 목표값으로부터 가장 근접하게 일치하는 부재력이다. 복수의 목적함수 문제가 구속조건을 도입하여 일련의 단일 목적함수 문제로 전환되었다. 본 논문의 타당성을 알아보기 위해 텐세그리티 그리드에 대한 최적해를 구해 보았다.
본 연구는 경주부근에서 일어난 3개의 지진 (1999년 4월 24일, 규모 3.3, 6개 관측소; 1999년 6월 2일, 규모 4.0, 14개 관측소; 1999년 9월 12일, 규모 3.2, 7개 관측소)으로부터 27개의 관측된 지반진동 자료를 이용하여 지진원 및 지진파감쇄특성 변수값을 분석하였다. 본 연구에서는 구하고자 하는 모든 값을 동시에 비선형적으로 분석하기 위해 LM (Levenberg -Marquardt) 역산방법을 적용하였고 전단파 에너지를 이용하였다. 3개지진의 평균 응력강하값은 약48-bar이고 본 연구에 이용된 모든 관측소 부지부근 지진파감쇄 {\kappa}값의 평균은 0.0312-sec로 분석되었다. 또한 광역 지진파감쇄값인 Qo 과 {\eta}값은 각각 417 및 0.83으로 분석되었다. 특히 지진파감쇄 {\kappa}값은 미국 동부지역 대푯값 보다 훨씬 크고 미국 서부지역 대푯값 보다 약간 작은 값을 보여주고 있어 관측소 부지증폭 특성에 대한 분석자료가 있으면 보다 의미있는 결과를 얻을 수 있다고 판단된다. 본 연구에서 분석된 지진원 및 지진파감쇄 특성 변수값들은 지배방정식의 차이 등으로 인해 기존의 연구결과와 일부 파라메타값에 있어서 다소 커다란 차이를 보여주고 있다.
본 연구에서는 지진하중을 받는 탄성구조물을 대상으로 층전단력 분포에 기초한 마찰감쇠기의 설계방법을 제시하였다. 먼저 마찰감쇠기의 슬립하중(slip-load)을 정규화하는 방법 별로 단자유도 시스템의 수치해석을 수행하고 비교하였다. 이를 통해 슬립하중과 가새 강성의 영향을 파악하였으며, 설치용 가새와 원구조물의 최적강성비를 찾았다. 다음으로는 다양한 고유주기와 층수를 갖는 구조물을 대상으로 수치해석을 통해 마찰감쇠기의 설치 층수와 위치의 결정방법 및 슬립하중의 분배 방법을 도출하였다. 이 과정에서 설치 층수가 포함된 성능지수를 사용하여 슬립하중의 총합으로부터 최적의 설치 층수를 도출하는 경험식을 제시하였다. 마지막으로 실제 지진하중을 사용한 수치해석을 통해 기존의 최적설계 방법과 비교하여 제안된 방법의 우수성을 입증하였다.
In this study, a seismic design methodology for a friction damper based on the story shear force of an elastic building structure is proposed. First, using two normalization methods for the slip-load of a friction damper, numerical analyses of various single-degree-of-freedom systems are performed. From those analyses, the effect of the slip-load and brace stiffness was investigated and the optimal stiffness ratio of the brace versus original structure was found. Second, from the numerical analysis for five multi-story building structures with different natural frequency and the number of story, reasonable decision method for the total number of installation floor, location of installation and distribution of slip-loads are drawn. In addition, an empirical equation on the optimal number of installation floor is proposed. Finally, the superiority of the proposed method compared to the existing design method is verified from the numerical analysis.
One of the most destructive forces around greenhouses is wind. Wind loads can be obtained by multiplying velocity pressure by dimensionless wind force coefficient. Generally, wind force coefficients can be determined by wind tunnel experiments. The wind force coefficient distribution on a single - span arched greenhouse was estimated using experimental data and compared with reported values from various countries. The results obtained are as follows : 1. The coefficients obtained from this study agree with the values proposed by G. L. Nelson except about 0.5 of difference in the middle region of roof section. This discrepancy is mainly attributed to the dissimilarity of experimental conditions (or wind tunnel test such as Reynolds number, type of terrain, surface roughness of model, location of the lapping and measuring methods. 2. Considering that the wind force coefficients are varied along the height of a wall at wind direction perpendicular to wall, structural analysis using subdivided wind force coefficient distribution is more resonable for wall. 3. It is recommendable that wind force coefficient distribution on a roof should take more subdivision than the existing four equal divisions for more accurate structural design. 4. Structural design using wind forces close to real values is more advantageous in safety and expense.
For a mobile robot that travels along a terrain consisting of various geology, information on tire force and friction coefficient between ground and wheel is an important factor. In order to estimate the lateral force between ground and wheel, a lot of information about the model and the surrounding environment of the vehicle is required in conventional method. Therefore, in this paper, we are going to estimate lateral force through simple model (Minimal Argument Lateral Slip Curve, MALSC) using only minimum data with high estimation accuracy and to improve estimation reliability of the friction coefficient by using the estimated lateral force data. Simulation is carried out to analyze the correlation between the longitudinal and transverse friction coefficients and slip angles to design the simplified lateral force estimation model by analysing simulation data and to apply it to the actual field environment. In order to verify the validity of the equation, estimation results are compared with the conventional method through simulation. Also, the results of the lateral force and friction coefficient estimation are compared from both the conventional method and the proposed model through the actual robot running experiments.
This study reviewed analytically the behavior of Steel Plate Concrete(SC) walls subjected to shear forces to investigate the effects of shape and arrangement spacing of studs on the design of SC walls. The results showed that the steel plate was yielded at the lower load than the second yielding shear force of the design skeleton curve when the spacing of stud is excessively far from each other. It is also found that the shape of the stud did not affect the shear behavior of SC wall, however, the spacing influenced to its composite action.
This study reviewed analytically the behavior of Steel Plate Concrete(SC) walls subjected to axial forces to investigate the effects of shape and arrangement spacing of studs on the design of SC walls. In this study, it was proven that the inclined shaped stud resists more effectively to the bucking load than the general shaped stud in SC wall.
본 논문에서는 2경간 강합성교량의 내하력을 향상시키기 위해, 외부 긴장재로 보강하는 방법을 제시하였다. 긴장재를 직선 배치하였을 경우, 외부하중으로 인한 증가 프리스트레스력을 가상일의 원리로 구하였고, 증가 프리스트레스를 고려한 내하율 산정식을 제시하였다. 제안된 내하율 산정식으로부터, 긴장재 개수와 초기 긴장력의 계산방법을 제시하였다. 본 방법을 2경간 강합성교량에 적용하여, 산정식의 타당성과 합리성을 검증하였다.