Background: Mobilization with movement (MWM) is an effective intervention for increasing range of motion (ROM) and function without pain. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to comprehensively characterize the functional effects of MWM applied to the ankle joint in patients with stroke. Design: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Methods: International electronic databases, CINAHL, Embase, MEDLINE, PubMed, and Google scholar were included and identified after review by two investigators in July 2023 according to PRISMA guidelines. Data were synthesized using software provided by Cochran and analyzed using a random effects model with reweighting to account for heterogeneity between participants. Results: After excluding duplicate studies, 14 of the 19 articles screened through the abstracts were excluded, resulting in a total of five studies involving 109 participants with stroke. MWM showed significant differences in ankle ROM [overall effect (Z=3.27, P=0.00)], gait speed [overall effect (Z=3.33, P=0.00)], and cadence [overall effect (Z=2.49, P=0.01)]. Conclusion: The results of the meta-analysis confirmed that MWM is effective in improving ankle ROM and gait parameters in patients with stroke.
Background: Ankle sprains occur frequently among humans who undertake various body movements. Diverse walking environments and dual tasks, that can affect ankle sprains, have been studied. However, there is a lack of research on inter-trial variability according to the changes in gait speed. Objects: The purpose of this study was to compare the adaptive ability of walking between the subjects with chronic ankle instability and healthy adults while performing a walking task with different walking speeds. Methods: In this study, 24 people in the chronic ankle instability group and 24 people in the healthy ankle group were selected as subjects. The length of the pre-measurement and the actual walking measurement were both set to 4.6 m. Once the subjects entered the measurement section, they changed their gait speed according to the randomly assigned speed change. Gait was measured twice and the average value was used for the analysis. Results: The coefficient of variation (CV) of cycle time in subjects with chronic ankle instability showed a significant difference in all cases except when the subjects changed their speed from preferred to slow and from slow to preferred. The CV of step length demonstrated a significant difference in all cases except for the change from slow to preferred and from preferred to fast. The cycle time and step length differential showed a significant difference only when the subjects changed the speed from slow to fast. Conclusion: The subjects with chronic ankle instability were found to have significantly reduced walking adaptability while performing inter-trial variability tasks with different gait speeds compared to healthy subjects.
Background: Patients with stroke have limited ankle range of motion (ROM) due to soft tissue abnormalities around the ankle and thus experience functional impairment. Increased muscle tension and reduced ankle ROM impair gait and hinder the activities of daily living. Joint mobilization and stretching are effective interventions that improve gait performance by enhancing the ankle ROM.
Objectives: To investigate the effects of ankle joint mobilization and calf muscle stretching on gait speed and gait performance in patients with stroke.
Design: This was a randomized controlled trial.
Methods: Twenty patients with stroke patients were randomized into two groups. The joint mobilization group (JMG) underwent anteroposterior mobilization of the talocrural joint and the joint mobilization stretching group (JMSG) underwent calf muscle stretching in addition to joint mobilization. Gait speed and gait parameters were measured using the 10-meter walk test and the GAITRite.
Results: Both the JMG and JMSG groups showed significant improvements in gait speed, affected-side step length, and cadence after the intervention (P<.05).
Conclusion: Joint mobilization and stretching were effective interventions for improving gait performance by enhancing ankle function in patients with stroke.
Background: Therapeutic climbing training, which originated in Germany, is a wall-hanging rock climbing-based therapy to increase the body's coordination through movement of the upper and lower limbs against gravity. However, there are no studies examining the effectiveness of therapeutic climbing training to treat balance and gait ability in patients with chronic stroke. Objectives: To investigate therapeutic climbing training program on balance and gait in patients with chronic stroke.
Design: Pretest-posttest control group design.
Methods: Fourteen patients with chronic hemiplegic stroke participated. Participants were randomized into the therapeutic climbing training group (TCTG, n=7) and the standard rehabilitation program group (SRPG, n=7) group. All subjects participated in the same standard rehabilitation program consisting of 60 minutes 5 times a week for 6 weeks. TCTG participated additionally in the therapeutic climbing program consisting of 30 minutes sessions 3 times a week for the same 6 weeks. Berg balance scale (BBS), Gaitview Measure, Timed up and go test (TUG) were measured.
Results: In the TCTG, revealed a statistical difference in BBS between the groups; in the difference of plantar pressure ratio in the static standing position revealed a statistical difference between the groups after training; the balance ability in the one-leg standing tests increased significantly; the time in TUG decreased significantly after training in both groups; The changes in the difference of dynamic plantar pressure ratio were reduced significantly in the TCTG. Conclusion: Therapeutic climbing training contribute to improve balance and walking function in patients with chronic stroke.
Background: Weakness of the trunk muscles decreases the trunk control ability of stroke patients, which is significantly related to balance and gait. Objectives: To compare the impact of diagonal pattern self-exercise on an unstable surface and a stable surface for trunk rehabilitation on trunk control, balance, and gait ability in stroke patients. Design: Nonequivalent control group design. Methods: Twenty four participants were randomized into the experimental group (diagonal pattern self-exercise while sitting on an unstable surface, n=12) and the control group (diagonal pattern self-exercise while sitting on a stable surface, n=12). All interventions were conducted for 30 minutes, three times a week for four weeks, and the trunk impairment scale (TIS), berg balance scale (BBS), functional gait assessment (FGA), and G-walk were measured. Results: All groups indicated significant increases in all variables (TIS, BBS, FGA, cadence, speed, stride length) after four weeks. The TIS, BBS, FGA, cadence, gait speed, and stride length group-by-time were significantly different between the two groups. Conclusion: We found that, in stroke patients, diagonal pattern self-exercise on an unstable surface is a more effective method for improving trunk control, balance, and gait ability than diagonal pattern self-exercise on a stable surface.
Background: In patients with lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS), lumbar flexion exercise (LFE) is considered a standard therapeutic exercise that widens the space between the spinal canal and intervertebral foramen. However, some researchers have reported that lumbar extension exercise (LEE) may improve lumbar pain and functional ability in patients with LSS. Although exercise intervention methods for patients with LSS have been widely applied in clinical settings, few studies have conducted comparative analysis of these exercise methods.
Objects: This study aimed to compare the effects of LFE, LEE, and lumbar flexion combined with lumbar flexion-extension exercise (LFEE) on pain, range of motion (ROM), pelvic tilt angle, and functional gait ability in patients with LSS.
Methods: A total of 30 patients with LSS, LFE (n1=10), LEE (n2=10), and LFEE (n3=10) were assigned to each of the three exercise groups. The numerical pain rating scale (NPRS), modified-modified schober test (MMST)-flexion, MMST-extension, pelvic tilt inclinometer, and 6-minute walking test (6MWT) were measured.
Results: After the intervention, statistically significant differences were observed in the NPRS (p=.043), MMST-flexion (p<.001), MMST-extension (p<.001), and 6MWT (p=.005) between groups. According to the post hoc test, the NPRS was statistically significant difference between the LFEE and LEE groups (p=.034). The MMST-flexion was statistically significantly different between the LFE and LEE (p=.000), LFE and LFEE (p=.001), and LEE and LFEE (p=.001) groups. The MMST-extension was statistically significantly different between the LFE and LEE (p<.001), LFE and LFEE (p=.002), and LEE and LFEE (p=.008) groups. The 6MWT was statistically significantly different between the LFE and LFEE (p=.042) and the LEE and LFEE (p=.004) groups.
Conclusion: This study suggested that LFEE was the most effective exercise for pain and functional gait ability in patients with LSS, LFE was the most effective exercise for lumbar flexion ROM, and LEE was the most effective exercise for lumbar extension ROM.
평형능력은 보행에 영향을 미치고, 보행속도는 노인의 건강한 척도를 말해주는 기준이 된다. 이 연구의 목적은 체성감각계 지원이 여성 노인의 보행 및 평형감각에 미치는 영향을 보고자 하였다. 평소 지팡이를 사용하지 않고, 규칙적으로 운동을 하지 않으며, 이비인후과적으로 이상이 없는 노인으로 평균 연령이 75세 여성 노인 61명을 실험군 31명과 통제군 30명으로 분류하였다. 종속변인으로는 2.44m왕복걷기, 10m 일반걷기 및 빠르게 걷기, 6분 걷기를 실시하였다. 평형감각 검사로는 뉴로컴사의 EquiTest를 이용하여 분석하였다. 연구 결과 2.44m 왕복걷기와 10m 일반걷기에서는 유의한 차이가 없었으나 10m 빠르게 걷기, 6분걷기에서는 유의한 효과를 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 평형감각에서는 조건 2, 3, 4, 6에서 유의한 효과를 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 결론적으로 체성감각계 지원이 노인 여성들의 보행 및 평형유지 능력에 유의한 효과를 보이는 것으로 나타나 지팡이의 적극적 사용이 권장된다 할 수 있겠다.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of walking on a treadmill while using dynamic functional electrical stimulation (Dynamic FES) on functional ability and gait in chronic stroke patients. This was a prospective, randomized controlled study. Twelve patients with chronic stroke (>;24 months) who were under grade 3 in dorsiflexor strength with manual muscle test were included and randomized into intervention (Dynamic FES) (n1=7) and control (FES) (n2=5). Both the Dynamic FES group and FES group were given a neuromuscular development treatment. The Dynamic FES group has implemented a total of 60 minutes of exercise treatment and gait training with Dynamic FES application. The FES group, with the addition of applying FES while sitting, has also implemented a total of 90 minutes of gait training on treadmill after the exercise treatment. Both two groups accomplished the program, twice a week, for a total of 24 times in a 12-week period. Exercise treatment, gait training on treadmill, and both Dynamic FES and FES were implemented for 30 minutes each. Korean version activities-specific balance confidence scale (K-ABC) was measured to determine self-efficacy in balance function. Timed up and go (TUG) test was performed to evaluate the physical performance. K-ABC, TUG, Berg balance scale (BBS), modified physical performance test (mPPT) and G-walk were evaluated at baseline and at 12 weeks. After 12 weeks, statistically significant differences (p<.05) were apparent in the Dynamic FES group in the changes in K-ABC and BBS. mPPT, TUG, gait speed, stride length and stance phase duration (%) were compared with the FES group. K-ABC had higher correlation to BBS, along with mPPT to TUG. Our results suggest that walking with Dynamic FES in chronic stroke patients may be beneficial for improving their balance confidence, functional ability and gait.
This study aims to examine the effects of taping of the ankle joint on the static and dynamic balance and gait ability of stroke patients. Twenty-six stroke patients receiving physical therapy at a hospital located in Gyeonggi-do were divided equally into a group that had taping in physical therapy and an ordinary physical therapy group. They exercised for 30 minutes each, 3 times per week for 8 weeks from June to August 2011. Romberg’s eye open and eye closed tests, limits of stability(LOS), forward and back test, timed up and go test(TUG) and 10-meter gait velocity test were performed to evaluate static balance, dynamic balance, and gait ability, respectively, prior to and 8 weeks after the intervention. Differences within each group in relation to the lapse of time were compared by a paired t-test. Differences between the two groups were compared by an independent t-test. Regarding comparison of differences within each group, all tests resulted in significant changes in both groups after the intervention (p<.05). Comparison of differences between the two groups showed that taping in the physical therapy group had significantly better test results than the ordinary physical therapy group in all measured items(p<.05). The after effects of ankle taping on stroke patients are more efficient and effective than ordinary physical therapy alone in improving balance and gait ability.
This study examines the effects of different environments on the application of hemiplegia patients circuit balance training. Group 1 performed circuit balance training without any auditory intervention Group 2 performed training in noiseless environments and Group 3 performed training in white noise environments. First, among lower extremity muscular strength evaluation items, maximum activity time(MAT) was not significantly different(p>.05). Maximum muscle strength(MMS) increased significantly in Group 3(p<.01), there was no significant difference in MMS among the groups. Average muscle strength(AMS) indexes also significantly increased in Group 3(p<.01), there was no significant difference in AMS among the groups. Second, among balancing ability evaluation items, Berg's balance scale(BBS) scores significantly increased in all groups(p<.05), BBS scores were significantly difference among the groups. Based on the results, Group 1, 2 and Group 1, 3 showed significant increases (p<.05). Functional reach test(FRT) values significantly increased in Group 2, 3(p<.05), and there was no significant difference in FRT values among the groups. Timed up and go(TUG) test values significantly decreased in Group 2, 3(p<.05), and there was no significant difference in TUG test values among the groups. Third, among walking speed evaluation items, the time required to walk 10m significantly decreased in all groups(p<.05), and there was no significant difference in the values among the groups. Average walking speeds showed significant increases in Group 1, 3(p<.05), and there was no significant difference in the values among the groups. Based on the results of this study, noise environments should be improved by either considering auditory interventions and noiseless environments, or by ensuring that white noise environments facilitate the enhancement of balancing ability.
The aim of this study was to investigate correlations of the Trunk Control Test (TCT), Postural Assessment Scale for Stroke (PASS-TC), and Trunk Impairment Scale (TIS) and to compare the TCT, PASS-TC, TIS and its subscales in relation to balance, gait and functional performance ability after stroke. Sixty-two stroke patients attending a rehabilitation program participated in the study. Trunk control was measured with the use of TCT, PASS-TC, TIS balance (Berg Balance scale; BSS), gait ability (10 m walk test), functional performance ability (Tuned Up and Go Test TUG) and the mobility part of the Modified Barthel index (MBI), Fugl Meyer-Upper/Lower Extremity (FM-U․L/E). The scatter-plot (correlation coefficient) was composed for the total scores of the TCT, PASS-TC, and TIS. The multiple regression analysis was performed to evaluate the impact of trunk control on balance, gait, and functional performance ability. Twenty eight participants (45.2%) and twenty participants (32.3%) obtained the maximum score on the TCT and PASS-TC respectively; no subject reached the maximum score on the Trunk Impairment Scale. There were significant correlations between the TIS and TCT (r=.38, p<.01), PASS-TC (r=.30, p<.05), TCT and PASS-TC (r=.59, p<.01). Stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that the BBS score (β=.420~.862) had slightly more power in predicting trunk control than the . TIS-dynamic sitting balance, TUG and the MBI-mobility part. This study clearly indicates that trunk control is still impaired in stroke patients. Measures of trunk control were significantly related with values of balance, gait and functional performance ability. The results imply that management of trunk rehabilitation after stroke should be emphasized.