The genus Docirava Walker, [1863] belongs to the tribe Chesiadini of the family Geometridae with only 12 described species in the world. The genus could be distinguished from other genera of Chesiadini with the characters, which had been described by walker in original description as follow : “Proboscis slender, rather long….Legs long, very slender; hind tibiae with four rather short and slender spurs”. In this study, the genus Docirava was first recorded with a new species Docirava sp. nov. with DNA barcode. Also, all the available information including images for both of genitalia and adult, wing venation and descriptional study was provided.
자나방과(Geometridae), 가지나방아과(Ennominae)에 속하는 줄마디가지나방(Chiasmia cinerearia)은 중부지방의 회화나무 가로수 및 조경수를 가해하는 대표적인 수목 해충이다. 본 연구의 결과 줄마디가지나방은 주로 잎 위에 250∼300개의 알을 무더기로 산란하였으며, 유충은 총 5령기를 거쳐 용화되었다. 성충은 5월 초순과 7월 말경에 2회 우화하였으며, 1세대 경과일수는 약 48일로 조사되었다. 유충의 몸길이는 25∼ 30 mm 정도이며 연녹색을 띠고 복부의 옆선은 황색이었다. 성충의 날개편 길이는 30∼35 mm 정도이며 회갈색을 띠며 앞날개 외횡선을 중심 으로 4각형의 무늬가 무리지어 있는 것이 특징이다.
본 연구는 네눈쑥가지나방 유충의 공간분포 특성을 분석하여 산란처와 관련된 유충의 감귤원 내로 정착과정을 이해하고자 실시하였다. 노지와 하우스 모두 감귤나무에서는 알이 발견되지 않았고, 부지화 시설재배 하우스의 방충망에서 발견되었다. 시설재배 부지화에서 네눈쑥가지나방 유충은 통계적으로 유의하게 집중분포를 보였다. 온주밀감 노지재배원에서 분산지수(ID)는 전체적으로 1.0내외로 약한 집중 정도를 나타냈다. 하지만, 검정통계량인 d-값은 대부분 조사일에 -1.96에서 1.96 사이에 있어 임의분포가 통계적으로 유의하였다. 집중정도를 나타내는 GI 지수는 전체적으로 낮아 집중정도가 약하였으며, 집중분포로 검정된 경우에도 집중정도는 크지 않았다. 네눈쑥가지나방 유충수의 빈도분포는 포아송(임의분포)과 음이항 분포(집중분포)를 동시 만족시키는 경우가 많았다. 또한 유충 공간분포의 시간적 변화는 초기 정착지점에서 분산하는 양상이 아니라 무작위로 외부로부터 비산하여 새로 정착되는 양상을 보였다. 기타 시설과 노지감귤원에서 네눈쑥가지나방 유충 공간분포 양상의 차이에 대하여 고찰하였다.
This study was conducted to evaluate Geometridae (Lepidoptera) species as pests and the damage they cause in citrus orchards in Jej u, Korea. Seven geometridae species occurred in citrus orchards: Ascotis selenaria, Ectropis excellens, Menophra senilis, Biston panterinaria, Ourapteryx nivea, Odontopera arida and Hypomecis punctinalis. Among them, A. selenaria was most abundant, followed by E. excellens and M senilis. Most Geometridae larvae fed on citrus leaves, but A. selenaria larvae ate fruits and leaves. Fruit damage of Citrus unshiu appeared as gnawed scars caused by young larvae feeding on fruit surface. Fruit damage on Shiranui fruits appeared as a wide hole or deep scars caused by feeding by mature larvae (6th instar). Citrus leaves damage due to Geometridae larvae was high during May to June. Fruit damage started in late June as the spring-shoots of citrus hardened and increased sharply in late July. In the field experiment, fruit damage in the late season reached 4.2% in both 2008 and 2009 and reached 5.2% in 2010. In citrus orchards, A. selenaria larvae started to appear in mid-May and their populations peaked in mid June, late July, and early to mid-September. Adult males of A. selenaria had a maximum peak in mid-May, and two other peaks in early to late July and late August to early September. A. selenaria male adults were collected in a pheromone traps constantly throughout Jeju Island.
This study was conducted to develop an artificial diet for the mugwort looper, Ascotis selenaria (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), which is an insect pest to leaves of citrus (Citrus unshiu). Corn and soybean powder were selected as main nutrient sources for larvae of A. selenaria after several diets consisted of wheat germ, corn, kidney bean and/or soybean were tested for larval development and survival. A higher amount of the main nutrients in the diet increased the larval survivorship. Addition of yeast and cholesterol in diet increased the larval survivorship. Finally the composition of diet was decided as followings, corn 100 g, soybean 100 g agar 25 g, Brewers’ yeast 30 g, cholesterol 0.5 g, Vanderzant vitamin mixture 2 g, Wesson’s salt mixture 2 g, sorbic acid 2 g, ascorbic acid 2 g, and methyl-4-hydroxybenzoate 2.5 g, and distilled water 1 liter. Development periods of larvae and pupae, survival rate and fecundity of A. selenaria reared on the diet were not significantly different with those on the host plant, citrus leaves. Larvae of early instars were reared in a group, while larvae of later instars (5-6th) were reared individually. Adult mating was conducted in a plastic cage and an oilpaper covered with a gauze was provided as an oviposition site.
Ascotis selenaria, a major geometridae moth in citrus trees, annually damages the citrus leaves and fruits. The surface of young citrus fruit were usually fed by 1st larva of A. selenaria after landing or stepping onto the citrus fruits. To protect the larval damages of citrus fruits needs to predict the accurate occurrence time of the 1st larva for spraying. Because larval occurrences is dependent on the oviposition of adult female and the eggs were not found in/on citrus trees, oviposition model of A. selenaria linked with the egg development model will be helpful of protecting larval damages on citrus fruits. Adult longevity, survival and fecundity of A.selenaria was investigated at 13, 16, 20, 24, 28, 30, 32, and 35℃. The longevity decreased as the temperature increased and the female development rates (1/median longevity) were well described by a modified sigmoid model, which was used to calculate the adult physiological age. Description of the total fecundity was used by a non-linear model: The maximum fecundity of A. selenaria was estimated as 2490 eggs and peaked temperature was 19.7℃ according to the fecundity model. The cumulative age-specific oviposition rate and the age-specific survival rate was well described by 2 parameters Weibull function and a reverse logistic curve respectively. Total fecundity model, age-sepecific oviposition model, and age-specific survival model were incorporated into the oviposition model.
The tribe Xanthorhoini of Larentiinae in Korea is reviewed. Eighteen species of eight genera, Scotopteryx Hubner, Costaconvexa Agenjo, Catarhoe Herbulot, Orthonama Aubert, Xanthorhoe Hubner, Euphyia Hubner, Epirrhoe Hubner, and Glaucorhoe Herbulot, are recognized. Four new taxonomic changes are suggested: Scotopteryx golovushkini Kostjuk syn. nov. and S. kuznecovi Herbulot syn. nov. of S. acutangulata Inoue; Microcalcarifera Inoue syn. nov. of Catarhoe Herbulot; and one new combination, Catarhoe obscura (Butler) comb. nov. A key to genera, diagnosis of each species, distribution map and illustrations of adults including male and female genitalia are provided.
A new species of th Ennominae, Psilalcis keytiparki sp. n., distributed in Korea, the southern part of Russian Far East and in central China, is described; its systematic position is discussed.