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        검색결과 63

        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        High level radioactive waste (HLW) final disposal repository is faced thermos-hydro-mechanical - radioactive condition because it is placed over 500 m in depth and waste emits decay heats for decades. Repository will be operated around 100 years and will be closed after all the wastes are disposed. The integrity of engineered barriers including buffer, backfill, concrete plug and canister and natural barrier (natural rock mass) will be stood during operating periods. Monitoring sensors for concrete and rock mass is conducted using piezo based sensors such as accelerometer or acoustic emission (AE) sensors. Typical accelerometer for harsh conditions is commonly expensive and data/power cable can be a potential groundwater inflow and nuclide outflow path. The fiber optic accelerometer whose data and power cable are united and has limited volume. Therefore, it can be a potential alternative sensor of piezo based sensors. The temperature limits and accelerated tests for fiber optic sensors are conducted. Most of sensors gives a malfunction around 130°C. The results of these experimental tests give a possibility of communications in compacted bentonite buffer and will be utilized for the design of monitoring systems for the repository.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The high-level nuclear waste (HLW) repository disposes of high-level nuclear waste at a depth of 500 m to 1,000 m underground. Structural health monitoring must be accompanied by the complex environmental conditions of high temperature, high humidity, radiation, and mechanical stress. A thermocouple for measuring temperature, total stress meter and pore pressure meter for measuring stress and water pressure, relative hygrometer and electrical resistivity sensor (TDR or SUS) for measuring humidity, accelerometer for measuring crack signals, and strain gauge for measuring displacement are used. For safety, after disposing of HLW in the HLW repository, access to the disposal tunnel gets blocked, making it impossible to replace or remove the monitoring sensors. So, it is necessary to evaluate the effect of the HLW repository’s environmental conditions on the monitoring sensors and enhance their durability through quantitative life evaluation and shielding. Before evaluating the life of accelerometers and strain gauges used in the HLW repository, an experimental study is conducted to determine failure modes and failure mechanisms under radiation conditions, which are unique environmental conditions of the HLW repository.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the nuclear environment, sensors ensure safety, monitoring, and operational efficiency under various operating conditions. These sensors come in various forms, each tailored to specific purposes, including nuclear safety and security, waste treatment and storage, gas leak detection, temperature and humidity monitoring, and corrosion detection. Ensuring the longevity of sensors without the need for frequent replacements is a vital goal for researchers in this field. This paper explores materials that can act as shields to protect sensors from harsh environmental conditions (high radiation and temperatures) to enhance their lifetime. The types of material that had been explored were divided into categories: metal and non-metal. Fourteen types of metal and seven different plastic materials were studied and focused on their characteristics and current applications. Considering properties like melting point, intensity, and conductivity, plastic materials are chosen to be examined as sensor shielding material. A preliminary experiment was conducted to verify signal characteristics changes by shielding material. Metal material and plastic material each were placed in the middle of the granite and the target sensor. The result showed that when metal is between the granite and the sensor, the density and impedance are higher in granite than in the metal. This leads to signal attenuation and a shift in resonance frequency, while plastic does not. Therefore, PPS (Polyphenylene sulfide) and PAI (Polyamide-imide) have lower density and impedance than granite while also possessing heat, moisture, and radiation resistance for effective shielding.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Deep borehole drilling is essential not only to select the host rock type for deep geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste (HLW), but also to identify the characteristics of the disposal site during the site selection process. In particular, since the disposal depth of HLW is considered to be over 300 m, deep borehole drilling must be performed. In deep borehole drilling, drilling design, excavation, and operation may vary depending on the rock type, drilling depth, and drilling purpose etc. This study introduced cases in which Korea was divided into four geotectonic structures and four representative rock types and conducted with a goal of 750 m drilling depth. Prior to this, a review of deep drilling cases conducted at domestic and abroad was presented. If sufficient time and cost are available, several drilling holes can be excavated for various purposes, but if not, one or two drilling holes should be used to achieve the objectives of various fields related to HLW disposal. The presence of bedding, strata or fault zones depending on the type of rock, etc. may affect drilling deviation or circulating water management. In addition, unlike drilling in general geotechnical investigation drilling, the use of polymers or grouting agents is limited to determine hydraulic and geochemical characteristics. This report introduces the experience considered during the design and drilling process of deep drilling in granite, gneiss, sedimentary rock, volcanic rock, etc., and is expected to be used as basic data when carrying out future HLW projects.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The increasing accumulation of spent nuclear fuel has raised interest in High-Level Waste (HLW) repositories. For example, Sweden is under construction of the KBS-3 repository. To ensure the safety of such HLW repository, various countries have been developing assessment models. In the Republic of Korea, the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute has been developing on the AKRS model. However, traditional safety assessment models have not considered the fracture growth in the far-field host rock as a function of time. As repository safety assessments guarantee safety for million years, sustained stress naturally leads to the progressive growth of fractures as time goes on. Therefore, it becomes essential to account for fracture growth in the surrounding host rock. To address this, our study proposes a new coupling scheme between the Fracture growth model and the radionuclide transport model. That coupling scheme consists of the Cubic Law model as a fracture growth function and the GoldSim code which is a commercial software for radionuclide transport calculations. The model that adopting such fracture growth functions showed an increase of up to 15% in the release of radionuclide compared to traditional assessment models. our observations indicated that crack growth as a function of time led to an increase in hydraulic conductivity that allowed more radionuclide transport. Notably, these findings show the significance of adopting fracture growth models as a critical element in evaluating the safety of nuclear waste repositories.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        During nuclear waste vitrification, loss of sodium (Na) and boron (B) occurs, as these elements are highly volatile at high temperatures, which causes fluctuations in composition and consequently affects the properties of the glass products. In this study, we investigated the volatilization behaviors of Na and B from a simulated high-level waste glass as functions of heating temperature and dwelling duration. Based on the data obtained regarding the composition of Na and B and the structure of the glass, a hypothetical model was proposed to explain the volatilization behaviors of Na and B from a structural viewpoint. As the loss of Na and B during vitrification, the crystallization of the glass occurred. Thus, the crystallization behavior of the simulated waste glass upon composition deviation was studied.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The high-level nuclear waste (HLW) repository is a 500-1,000 m deep underground structure to dispose high-level nuclear waste. The waste has a very long half-time and is exposed to a number of stresses, including high temperatures, high humidity, high pressure These stresses cause the structure to deteriorate and create cracks. Therefore, structural health monitoring with monitoring sensors is required for safety. However, sensors could also fail due to the stresses, especially high temperature. Given that the sensors are installed in the bentonite buffer and the backfill tunnel, it is impossible to replace them if they fail. That’s why it is necessary to assess the sensors’ durability under the repository’s environmental conditions before installing them. Accelerated life test (ALT) can be used to assess durability or life of the sensors, and it is important to obtain the same failure mode for reliability tests including ALT. Before conducting the test, the proper stress level must be designed first to get reliable data in a short time. After that, acceleration of life reduction with increasing temperature and temperature-life model should be determined with some statistical methods. In this study, a methodology for designing stress levels and predicting the life of the sensor were described.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        IAEA safety standards document and international programs (such as BIOMASS) related to the assessment of the biosphere around High Level Radioactive Waste (including Spent Nuclear Fuel) repositories require the assessment of the biosphere to use the assumption that the current natural environment and human society will be maintained, and at the same time, the evolution of the distant future changes also need to be taken into account. In Korea, which has not designated candidate disposal sites, it is necessary to investigate and predict the current state and future changes of the natural environment throughout Korea and apply it practically to Biosphere assessment (for BDCF derivation) for candidate disposal sites suitability assessment and Safety Case (for performance assessment) preparation for design, construction, operation, and post-closure management. To this end, the natural environment in the fields of Topography, Geology, Soil, Ecology, Weather and Climate, Animals and Plants, Hydrology, Ocean, Land-use, etc. and human society in the fields of Population Distribution, Spatial-Planning, Urban Form, Industrial-Structure, Lifestyle etc. are being investigated in the context of current status, past change records, and future change potential in the Korean Peninsula. This paper summarizes those investigations to date. This study referred Biomass-6 [IAEA] and National Atlas I (2019)/II (2020)/III (2021) [National Geographic Information Institute of the Korea Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport].
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The safe disposal of high-level radioactive waste is a critical concern in many countries, especially in the context of the increasing use of nuclear power to overcome climate change. To provide a comprehensive understanding of the behavior of the radionuclides in the crystalline natural barrier, sorption of the artificially synthesized high-level radioactive waste (HLW) leachate was conducted. Granite (-1,000 m from ground level) and biotite gneiss (-100 m from ground level) rock cores were collected from Gyeongju and Gwacheon, respectively. The rock cores were milled with a jaw crusher and steel disk mill and then sieved. The crushed rocks with a diameter of 0.6 – 1.0 mm were selected, washed three times with deionized water, and then dried. To synthesize the simulated HLW leachate, representative elements (U(VI), Se(IV), Mo(VI), and Ni(II)) were added to natural groundwater collected from Gyeongju. The kinetic sorption experiment was performed in a polypropylene bottle with a solid-to-liquid ratio of 100 g/L in the orbital shaking incubator (200 rotations per min, 25.0°C). After the sorption, the supernatants were filtered by a 0.2-μm polytetrafluoroethylene syringe filter and subsequently analyzed by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Through the kinetic change of aqueous concentration, the contact time has been determined to be 7 days. Ni(II) showed the highest distribution coefficients (Kd = 0.81 L/m2 for granite and 8 – 16 L/m2 for biotite gneiss), followed by U(VI) (Kd = 0.03 – 0.04 L/m2 for granite and 0.04 – 0.05 L/m2 for biotite gneiss). Highly mobile nuclides such as Se(IV) (Kd = 0.02 L/m2 for granite and 0.03 L/m2 for biotite gneiss) and Mo(VI) (Kd = 0.01 – 0.02 L/m2 for granite and 0.01 L/m2 for biotite gneiss) showed the lowest distribution coefficient. Our study provides insights into the migration-retention behaviors of the HLW leachate with granite and biotite gneiss in geological systems and verifies the sorption parameters, e.g., distribution coefficients, experimentally produced by other groups to ensure the safe disposal of HLW.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As of 2023, there has been significant progress worldwide in the management of nuclear fuel’s spent radioactive waste (HLW). Several countries have made important strides in advancing their plans for the construction of deep geologic repositories (DGRs) to safely dispose of their nuclear waste. Finland led the way, with its nuclear waste management organization, Posiva Oy, submitting an application for an operating license for a DGR for spent fuel generated by the nuclear power plants of its owners. The facility, ONKALO, will be located on the island of Olkiluoto and is expected to begin final disposal in the mid-2020s. Sweden also approved SKB’s application to build a DGR in Forsmark, and an encapsulation plant next to the Clab interim storage facility. In Switzerland, Nagra selected Nordic Lagern as the site for the Swiss DGR, and is preparing the general license applications for the required facilities. Meanwhile, Canada’s Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) narrowed down the possible locations for its DGR to two, and expects to name its preferred site by fall 2024. The UK established four Community Partnerships to participate in the siting process for a DGR, with Nuclear Waste Services (NWS) responsible for identifying a site. Andra, the French organization responsible for managing all French radioactive waste, is expected to submit an application by the end of the year for a DGR in France that will contain HLW resulting from reprocessing of spent fuel assemblies from French nuclear power plants, as well as intermediate-level waste. Overall, the progress made by these countries represents a tangible and sustainable step forward in the management of spent fuel and HLW, and brings us closer to the safe and effective long-term disposal of nuclear waste.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The design of the high-level radioactive waste (HLW) repository is made for isolating the HLW from the groundwater system by using artificial and natural barriers. Granite is usually considered to be a great natural barrier for the HLW repository in various countries including Sweden, Canada, and Korea due to its low hydraulic permeability. However, many fractures that can act as conduits for groundwater and radionuclides exist in granite. Furthermore, the decay heat generated by the HLW can induce groundwater acceleration through the fracture. Since the direction, magnitude, and lasting time of the heat-induced groundwater flow can be differed depending on the fracture geometry, the effect of fracture geometry on the groundwater flow around the repository should be carefully analyzed. In this study, groundwater models were conducted with various fracture geometries to quantify the effect of various properties of fractures (or fracture networks) on the heat-induced groundwater flow. In all models, the pressure around the repository only lasted for a short period after it peaked at 0.1 years. In contrast, the temperature lasted for 10,000 years after the disposal inducing the convective groundwater flow. Single fracture models with different orientations were conducted to evaluate the variations in groundwater velocities around the repository depending on the fracture slope. According to the results, the groundwater velocity on the fracture was the fastest when the regional groundwater flow direction and the fracture direction coincided. In double fracture models, various inclined fractures were added to the horizontal fracture. Due to the intersecting, the groundwater flow velocity showed a discontinuous change at the intersecting point. Lastly, the discrete fracture network models were conducted with different fracture densities, length distributions, and orientations. According to the modeling results, the groundwater flow was significantly accelerated when the fracture network density increased, or the average fracture length increased. However, the effect of the fracture orientation was not significant compared to the other two network properties.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Large earthquakes with (MW > ~ 6) result in ground shaking, surface ruptures, and permanent deformation with displacement. The earthquakes would damage important facilities and infrastructure such as large industrial establishments, nuclear power plants, and waste disposal sites. In particular, earthquake ruptures associated with large earthquakes can affect geological and engineered barriers such as deep geological repositories that are used for storing hazardous radioactive wastes. Earthquake-driven faults and surface ruptures exhibit various fault zone structural characteristics such as direction of earthquake propagation and rupture and asymmetric displacement patterns. Therefore, estimating the respect distances and hazardous areas has been challenging. We propose that considering multiple parameters, such as fault types, distribution, scale, activity, linkage patterns, damage zones, and respect distances, enable accurate identification of the sites for deep geological repositories and important facilities. This information would enable earthquake hazard assessment and lower earthquakeresulted hazards in potential earthquake-prone areas.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Extensive studies have been conducted on thermal conductivity of bentonite buffer materials, as it affects the safety performance of barriers engineered to contain high-level radioactive waste. Bentonite is composed of several minerals, and studies have shown that the difference in the thermal conductivity of bentonites is due to the variation in their mineral composition. However, the specific reasons contributing to the difference, especially with regard to the thermal conductivity of bentonites with similar mineral composition, have not been elucidated. Therefore, in this study, bentonites with significantly different thermal conductivities, but of similar mineral compositions, are investigated. Most bentonites contain more than 60% of montmorillonite. Therefore, it is believed that the exchangeable cations of montmorillonite could affect the thermal conductivity of bentonites. The effect of bentonite type was comparatively analyzed and was verified through the effective medium model for thermal conductivity. Our results show that Ca-type bentonites have a higher thermal conductivity than Na-type bentonites.
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