본 연구는 인삼과 산양삼의 부위별 중금속 분포양상을 조사하여 중금속 식이노출 저감화 방안을 모색하고자 하였다. 인삼과 산양삼은 지역별 배분을 통해 각각 14개 지역 및 5개 지역에서 시료를 채취하였으며, 각 부위별 중량 및 중금속 함량을 분석하였다. 중금속 분석을 위해 microwave 장치를 이용해 전처리한 후 납, 카드뮴 및 비소는 ICP-MS로 측정하고 알루미늄은 ICP를 이용한 분석법을 확립하였다. 인삼의 겉껍질은 전체의 16.2% 중량비를 차지하였으며, 산양삼의 겉껍질 및 잔뿌리는 각각 전체의 21.8%, 16.8%의 중량비를 차지하였다. 각 부위별 중량비와 중금속 농도를 고려하여 각 부위별 중금속 분포도를 산출하였다. 인삼 및 산양삼의 겉껍질은 전체에 차지하는 중량비에 비해 높은 중금속 함유량을 보이고 있었으며, 인삼의 경우 납의 40.3%, 카드뮴 25.9%, 비소 47.6%, 알루미늄 89.9%가 겉껍질에 잔존하고 있었으며 산양삼의 경우 납 27.2%, 카드뮴 28.2%, 비소 48.3%, 알루미늄 56.8%가 겉껍질에 존재하였다. 알루미늄을 제외하고 산양삼의 잔뿌리내 중금속 분포량은 겉껍질과 유의적 차이가 없었다. 따라서, 인삼 및 산양삼의 겉껍질을 벗기고 섭취 한다면 중금속 식이노출량을 크게 줄일 수 있음을 확인하였다.
In this study, the porous ceramic filter was developed to be able to remove both dust and hazardous gas contained in fuel gas at high temperature. The porous ceramic filters were fabricated and used as a catalyst support. And the effects have been investigated such as the mean particle size, organic content and addition of foaming agent on the porosity, compressive strength and pressure drop of ceramic filters. With the increase of mean powder size and the organic content for the cordierite filter, the porosity was increased, but the compressive strength and pressure drop were decreased. From the results of the research, the optimum condition for the fabrication of ceramic filters could be acquired and they had the porosity of 58%, the compressive strength of 13.4 MPa and the pressure drop of 250 Pa. It was expected that this ceramic filter was able to be applied to the glass melting furnace, combustor, and dust/toxic gas removal filter.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of air traffic controller's leadership characteristics and hazardous attitudes on the team effectiveness. The effectiveness make use of team efficacy and team commitment. Leadership characteristics and hazardous attitudes make use of the contents of a CRM manual. The study showed following results. 1) Leadership characteristics has a positive influence on the team effectiveness. 2) Hazardous attitudes has a partially bad influence on the team effectiveness. This study was conducted under the auspice of civil and military ATC facilies and by participation of devoting ATC controller's.
The objective of this study was to estimate distribution of hazardous air pollutants and volatile organic compounds at diverse indoor areas in school. The indoor air samples were collected at 19 school in three different areas of southern Korea region from September to October 2009. The concentrations of PM-10 and formaldehyde in all sampling sites were below indoor air quality guideline of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. The CO2 level and TBC (total bacteria count) were higher than the guideline for 4 sites and 12 sites, respectively. The concentration of TVOC for 23 sites exceeded the guideline. Also, TVOC level of metropolitan sampling sites were somewhat higher than small and medium-size city sampling sites. The concentration of indoor air pollutants affected by various conditions such as season, region, and indoor/outdoor environment. This study result shows that concentration of several pollutants such as CO2, TBC, and TVOC were higher than the guideline for some sampling sites. Therefore, it is necessary to manage indoor air quality and establish effective emission reduction strategies regard for characteristics of each school.
This study was undertaken to investigate the distribution characteristics of the hazardous agents in indoor environment in 7 vessels in Incheon harbor from July to August, 2004. The measured parameters include several indoor air pollutants (PM10, CO2, HCHO, and TVOCs) and physical parameters (noise, vibration, temperature, and humidity). The levels of pollutants and hazardous components in vessels were compared with standards and guidelines of indoor air quality on the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Labor in Korea. The major results obtained from this study were as followed : The PM10 and CO2 levels in every vessel did not exceed the indoor air standard of 150 ㎍/㎥ and 1000 ppm, respectively. The level of PM10 showed a decreasing tendency as the weight of vessels is increased. The airbornce concentration of HCHO was the highest one by exceeding its standard in a 500 ton vessel. The noise level in engine room exceeded the workplace standard (90 dB(A)) recording above 100 dB(A). The TVOCs level in every engine room was more than its standard (500㎍/㎥). Based on our preliminary study of indoor air pollutants in vessels, it is suggested that long and middle term plan for the management of IAQ should be established through future investigation of vessels.
Activated carbon fiber (ACF) filters are widely used to remove volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in air cleaning devices. The performance of ACF filters could be enhanced combining adsorption process with photodegradation process. In this study, to investigate this enhancement effect, a duct-type reactor was made and TiO2 was i㎜obilized on a co㎜ercialized ACF filter. Benzene, toluene, and m-xylene (BTX) were chosen as target compounds. Removal experiments for BTX were done under different air velocity and upstream concentration conditions. The range of inlet concentration was 200~1,400 ppb and the air velocities were 0.4, 0.7 and 1.0 m/s. Adsorption by an ACF filter alone showed high removal efficiency of BTX, depending on the BTX species, the upstream concentration, and the air velocity. The combination of TiO2 and ACF filter significantly increased removal of benzene which was less removed than other pollutants by an ACF filter alone. It was found that the combination effect was small in removal test of toluene and m-xylene. Removal efficiency in the tested experimental conditions was decreased in order of toluene > m-xylene > benzene.
최근 폐기물관리법이 개정됨에 따라 재활용 사업자가 재활용 원칙 및 준수사항이 없는 폐기물을 재활용하려는 경우 및 폐기물이 토양, 지하수 등과 접촉하는 매체접촉형 재활용을 하려는 경우에는 재활용환경성평가를 받아야 한다. 재활용환경성평가에서는 폐기물에 대한 유해특성과 재활용 기술의 적합성 등을 평가한다. 폐기물에 대한 유해특성이 있는 경우 폐기물을 재활용하기 위해서는 폐기물관리법 시행령 [별표4의2]에 따라 이들 유해특성을 제거 또는 안정화하여야 한다. 하지만 현재 폐기물 유해특성을 파악하기 위해서는 높은 분석 비용과 많은 시간이 소요되므로 재활용 사업자 모두가 재활용환경성평가에서 폐기물의 유해특성을 분석하기는 현실적으로 어렵다. 유해특성은 폐기물에 포함된 화학물질에 의하여 발현될 수 있으므로 유해특성별 대표 화학물질이 설정되어 있다면 폐기물 유해특성을 사전에 판정할 수 있다. 유해특성별 대표 화학물질 선정을 위하여 국내 화학물질 배출량 조사제도 대상 물질 415종, 화학물질관리법상 유독 및 제한물질 목록 959종, EU Regulation of(EC) No 1272/2008 4,231종의 화학물질을 대상으로 설정하였다. 유해특성의 구분 기준은 United Nations의 Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals(GHS)의 한 부분인 Hazard Statement Code(유해・위험 문구)로 하였다. GHS는 화학물질에 대한 분류・표시 국제조화시스템으로 각 물질별로 유해・위험 문구가 제시되어 있으며 유해・위험 문구를 확인하기 위한 시험 방법과 국내 폐기물 유해특성의 판정 기준의 비교를 통하여 국내 유해특성 별 대표 화학물질을 검토하고자 한다. 최근 재활용 허용 범위의 확대를 위하여 폐기물관리법에서의 폐기물 재활용에 대한 방식은 허용행위 열거방식에서 제한행위 열거방식으로 전면 개정되었다. 이에 따라 폐기물의 재활용으로 인한 인체의 건강과 환경에 대한 악영향을 최소화하기 위하여 폐기물에 대한 신규 유해특성을 도입하였다. 폐기물에 대한 유해특성은 기존 3종(감염성, 부식성, 용출독성)이었으나 6종(폭발성, 인화성, 생태독성 등)이 추가되어 9종으로 확대되었다. 폐기물관리법 시행령 [별표 4의2] (폐기물의 재활용 준수사항)에 따르면 폐기물을 재활용하려는 자는 폐기물에 대한 유해특성을 제거 또는 안정화하여야 한다고 명시되어 있어 폐기물의 재활용을 위해서는 우선적으로 폐기물에 대한 유해특성을 파악해야 한다.
Hazardous waste is also becoming more important as opportunities for industrial waste recycling are extended. Some hazardous industrial wastes that contain many inorganic materials and heavy metals can be reused as resources: Heavy metal recovery, heat energy, etc. To facilitate the waste-to-energy system, waste generation characteristics should be defined and managed by analyzing hazardous material content. This study examines the inorganic materials (Pb, Cu, As, Hg, Cd, Cr6+, CN, Ni, Zn, F, and Ba) of industrial wastes and the generation process (case of the Korean Standard Industrial Classification) using Absolutely Hazardous (AH) Waste Lists (LoW and EU). In particular, manufacture classification was a main waste generation process (82% for “AH”). Moreover, these 10 components (Pb, Cu, As, Hg, Cd, Cr6+, CN, Ni, Zn, and F, but not Ba) are compared with the regulatory limits on heavy metals in soil: Hg and As must be under the limit of the 3 Level (0.3 ~ 7.3 mg/kg).
In South Korea, the “Waste Control Act” regulates the use and purpose of recycling waste and specifies recycling methods and specific standards. However, these processes requires a long time and large budget, because they need to be reviewed based on data specific to the type of waste involved. The use and purpose of recycling can be considered by its functional and environmental aspects. The functional aspect of recycling may vary widely, depending on product characteristics In contrast, environmental standards will have more points in common. Recycling standards that consider the environmental impact and characteristics of waste are not prepared specifically. Therefore, when a large amount of waste is recycled, or recycling standards are applied to a new type of waste, the methodology for review of its environmental characteristics can be controversial. This study is meant to recognize the necessity of recycling standards and to prepare environmental standards and new recycling purposes for waste related to recycling three types of gypsum waste (phospho, titan, desulfurization). Several companies were selected for this study. In the gypsum waste-generating company, gypsum waste samples were collected and analyzed for pH, heavy metal content, water content, hazardous substance content, etc. In addition, we attempted to obtain the company's opinions on waste recycling. We determined the hazardous materials found in these three types of gypsum waste, raised awareness of waste, and confirmed that industry waste can be efficiently recycled for new uses under the improved.
Raw and secondary waste materials from recycling products have been used to produce cements. A total of 10 cements produced from recycling products were analyzed for chemical composition, such as Na2O, MgO, Al2O3, SiO2, SO3, Cl, K2O, CaO, TiO2, Cr2O3, MnO, Fe2O3, CuO, ZnO, and PbO, using the Korean standard leaching test. The total content of toxic substances, such as Pb, Cd, Cu, As, Hg, and Cr(VI), present in each cement was also measured. The corrosion characteristics of cement leachates were also determined by measuring their pH values using an ion selective electrode and measuring the corrosion rate of a circular steel plate in each leachate. The chemical composition of the cements was found to be 60-67% CaO, 18-23% SiO2, and 5-6% Al2O3. Based on the results of the leaching tests, the samples did not exceed the prescribed regulatory leaching levels. The total content of toxic substances in each cement did not exceed the voluntary agreement criteria of 20 mg/kg. In the case of the corrosion characteristics of the cement leachates, the pH of each leachate was greater than 12.5 and the corrosion rate of a circular steel plate in each leachate did not exceed 6.35 mm/yr. The correlation between pH and the corrosion rate of steel in the solid waste leachates was difficult to determine.
This study evaluated the applications of ecotoxicity for management plan on industrial waste, and suggested the strategy for assessment of the ecotoxicological characteristic. From the results of ecotoxicity for waste synthetic resin, sludge, slag, waste dust, etc. 20 industrial wastes, 15 waste samples were analyzed in ecotoxic. In particular, 8 waste samples (about 62%) among the 13 non-hazardous wastes were confirmed ecotoxic. Therefore, the additional studies are necessary by increasing the number of samples and confirming the various types of waste. The correlation coefficient of arsenic and vanadium was highly estimated that 0.68, 0.44, respectively. The ecotoxicity for wastes should be managed as a comprehensive toxic in the future. Because the wastes has the high potential ecotoxic by the possibility of containing hazardous materials with discharge process and the interaction of heavy metals, ions, salt, and pH and so on. The hazardous characteristic of waste for ecotoxicity should be evaluated through the ecotoxic analysis in 3 steps by the proposed procedure for assessment of ecotoxicological characteristic.
Silica fume is a by-product generated in an electric arc furnace during the silicon, ferrosilicon, and other metal alloy manufacturing process. Prefabrication mineral additives such as fly ash, blast furnace slag and silica fume are commonly used as binder materials to improve cement quality, and to reduce cement consumption. Especially silica fume which has a high level of long-term chemical durability is most widely used in high-performance concrete. However, Korea relied 100% on imported silica fume, which is more expensive than other admixture, until 2014. So far, many studies have been conducted on the effects and performance of silica fume used in concrete or replacement material like metakaolin and blast-furnace slag. With the construction of ferrosilicon plant in Korea, silica fume, a by-product of ferrosilicon production process, has been generated as a new industrial waste. Waste products like silica fume contain heavy metal, hence its use as admixture could increase heavy metal contents in concrete. Therefore, to evaluate the environmental hazards of silica fume, when it is assumed to have been exposed to the environment, content analysis and leaching tests for pH, loss on ignition and trace elements (CN, Cr, Cr6+, Cu, Cd, Pb, As and Hg) in silica fume were conducted. The results of pH analysis and loss on ignition test were 2.18 ~ 7.39 and 0.9 ~ 2.1%, respectively. Analysis found that levels of race elements in silica fume produced in Korea were lower than Korean standards set out for designated waste.