
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 7

        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Corporate social responsibility (CSR) communication is generally regarded as good and necessary to inform stakeholders of a company’s CSR deeds. However, research has recently uncovered the practice of “greenhushing” within the context of the hospitality industry (Coles, Warren, Borden, & Dinan, 2017; Font, Elgammal, & Lamond, 2017). Greenhushing means that companies de-emphasize green credentials and CSR activities. Going on holidays is an indulgent act that might result from people feeling they have earned some luxury, including behaving lavishly in terms of resource consumption and responsible behavior. Thus, curtailing this indulgent, irresponsible guest behavior without compromising a guest’s holiday experience is a key challenge for hotels. This paper explores whether the assumption that customers do not want to hear about CSR communication while on holiday is true from the customers’ side and what type of communication achieves to curtail unethical behavioral intentions. Based on 594 usable responses from an online survey, we undertake a moderation analysis with a multi-categorical antecedent variable (different communication stimuli), pro-environmental identity as a moderator and behavioral intentions for “unethical” behavior as a dependent variable using PROCESS 3.0 for SPSS (Hayes, 2018). The results provide partial support for our theoretical predictions.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목 적: 본 연구는 조사 대상에 따른 안경원의 휴업과 안경 및 콘택트렌즈의 가격 만족도를 설문조사를 통해 알아보고자 하였다. 방 법: 대구·경북, 부산·경남에 있는 안경사와 안경광학과 학생, 고객에게 설문을 실시하였다. 설문의 내용은 안경원 휴업에 대한 의견과 안경 및 콘택트렌즈 가격에 대한 의견, 그리고 검안 및 피팅 비용 청구에 대한 의견이었다. 결 과: 휴업에 대한 의견은 5점 만점을 기준으로 안경사, 안경광학과 학생, 고객의 평균값은 각각 4.17±1.19, 3.65±0.93, 3.75±0.99점으로 안경사그룹이 가장 높은 점수가 나타났다. 가격 만족도에 대한 의견도 안경사그룹이 가장 평균점수가 높았다(3.69±1.06, 3.67±0.94). 또 모든 조사대상에 있어서 안경의 판매가격이 콘택트렌즈보다 만족도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 검안 및 피팅 비용에 관한 의견은 60% 가 찬성으로 나타났다. 결 론: 격주 휴업과 가격 만족도에 대한 결과는 모든 그룹에서 평균 이상의 점수였으나(3.27±1.06, 3.19±1.03), 그 중 고객그룹의 점수가 가장 낮았다(3.25±1.09, 3.04±1.09). 특히 가격에 대한 만족도 조 사 결과 고객그룹이 가장 차이가 크게 나타났는데 이는 고객그룹에서 콘택트렌즈 가격에 대한 만족도가 떨 어진다는 것을 보여준다. 또 검안 및 피팅 비용에 대한 결과는 안경사 그룹과 고객그룹에서 차이를 보여, 이 를 보완하기 위하여 신뢰도를 높이고 검사 및 피팅 비용을 청구할 수 있는 분위기가 조성되어야 할 것으로 판단된다.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        추석 출하용 햅쌀은 평상시 출하용 쌀에 비해 높은 가격으로 거래되고 있어 농업인이 쌀 소득을 높일 수 있는 방법의 하나이지만 추석출하를 위한 벼 재배농가에서는 품종선택이나 추석 도래 시기에 대응한 이앙시기 결정을 하는데 어려움이 있다. 따라서 추석일자 변동에 부합한 추석용 쌀 출하를 위해 벼 이앙시기 및 생태형별 출수기까지의 소요일수, 출수후 생태형별 등숙일수 등을 고려한 조생종, 중생종, 중만생종 이앙시기를 설정하였다. 벼 이앙시기에 7일간의 평균기온 15oC 조건이 최초로 시작되는 일자를 조기이앙의 기준으로 할 때 가장 먼저 위의 조건에 도달한 지역과 일자는 경북 대구와 경남 창원으로 4월 16일 이었으며, 가장 늦은 지역은 경북 봉화로 대구에 비해 27일이 늦은 5월 13일이었다. 조생종 재배시 이앙에서 출수기까지 소요일수는 5월 10일 이앙시 76일, 6월 25일 이앙시 57일이었고, 평균온도는 5월 10일 이앙시 22.1oC, 6월 25일 이앙시 25.9oC로 이앙이 빨라지면 출수까지 평균온도는 낮으나 출수 소요일수가 길어져 적산온도는 많아졌다. 중생종 재배시 이앙에서 출수기까지 소요일수는 4월 21일 이앙시 95일, 6월 4일 이앙시 72일이었고, 평균온도는 4월 21일 이앙시 20.3oC, 6월 4일 이앙시 24.7oC이었다. 중만생종 재배시 이앙에서 출수기까지 소요일수는 4월 20일 이앙시 108일, 5월 23일 이앙시 82일이었고, 평균온도는 4월 20일 이앙시 21.5oC, 5월 23일 이앙시 24.0oC이었다. 남부평야지에서 이앙후 생장한계온도인 16oC이상이 되는 5월 10일에 이앙을 하여 추석전 출하를 하려면 조생종은 9월 11일, 중생종은 9월 24일, 중만생종은 10월 4일 이후에 추석이 도래해야 가능한 것으로 나타났다.
        2006.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to identify the perceptional patterns of Korean traditional food for China-Korean housewives in Yanbian area and to compare the preference for traditional food of Korean national holidays between the perceptional patterns. Data were collected from 261 China-Korean housewives in the Yanbian area and cluster analysis was used. The results revealed two different patterns, i.e., tradition-oriented vs. modem-oriented. Descriptive statistics showed that perceptional patterns were likely to vary depending on socio-demographic background. Also, perceptional patterns were significantly related with the preference of traditional food of national holidays i.e., new years day, first full moon of January, thanksgiving day, han-shik (the 105th day after the winter solstice), and dong-gi (the coldest winter solstice). Similarities and differences in perceptional patterns as well as preference of traditional food of national holidays were discussed, and future implications for food nutritionists and Asia marketers were provided.
        2005.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was to investigate the perception of Korean traditional festival/holiday foods among the housewives in their 20's, 30's, 40's, and 50's residing in Seoul. Out of 350 questionnaires, 282 respondents were results The results were summarized as fellows: The most familial traditional holiday was Seollal on the New Year's Day(100%), and the most favored foods for respective traditional holidays are as fellows: tteokguk, rice paste soup, (98.23%) for Seollal on the New Year's Day; ogokbap, cooked rice mixed with five cereals (98.23%) for Daeboreum on the New Moon's Day of January 15; neuttitteok, zelkova ricecake, (20.64%) for Chopail on Buddha's Birthday; charyunbyeong cake (20.21%) for Dano on May 5; gyesamttang, chicken broth with ginseng, (89.72%) for Sambok, the hottest period of summer; songpyeon, pine cake, (96.45%) for Chuseok on August Moon Festival; patjuk, redbean stew, (98.94%) for Dongji on the winter solstice; and mandu, bun, (16.37%) for Seotdalgeumeum on the year-end day. Most of the respondents said that they ate traditional festival foods in compliance with the traditional manners and customs and that they made such traditional foods at home. They added that they wanted to team more about various recipes of the traditional foods and pointed out that traditional holiday foods had to be modernized in some way.
        2002.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to investigate the perception and the preference of Korean traditional foods such as traditional holiday foods, rice cakes and beverages. The subjects were 598 elementary school students(male 310, female 288) in fifth or sixth grades. The most favorite traditional holiday food was rice cake soup(57.4%) and 92.4% of subjects wanted to keep the traditional holiday foods because of the traditional custom. The traditional beverages mainly drinking at home were sikhye(35.6%), misugalou(30.2%), green tea(18.5%), etc. Children's most favorite beverage was misugalou(90.5%) and they had no taste for ginseng tea(39.6%). Children did not know well about booggumi(64.1%), dootubdduk(63.3%), whajun(39.6%), etc. and liked gguldduk(94.2%) better than the others. They liked the rice cake because of its good taste(69.0%) and disliked it because of chocking(30.9%), not eating frequently(29.5%), hard and tough(18.2%), and so on. And they wanted to make the rice cake softer and sweeter like the cake and mostly ate it on the traditional holidays.
        1991.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to research on the observing state of Korean traditional holidays and the traditional foods related to those days through the questionnaires completed by 578 housewives who live in Kangreung, Daejeon, Jeonju, and Daegu area. For data processing, SAS program was employed, and all data was analyzed by frequency, percentage, and 2-square. The results are as follows; 1. In observing the traditional holidays, more than 90% of housewives who answered the inquiry keep up SEOLNAL, DAEBOREUM, and CHUSEOK, whithout regarding regions. There are larger number of people who keep up IPCHUN, JUNGWHAJEAL, and DANOH in Kangreung and SAMBOK in Daegu than that of other regions (p〈.001). Compared to general circumstances, CHOPAIL is more commonly celebrated by older class as well as lower educated class (p〈.001) Also, the consequence shows that Buddhists observe IPCHUN, SAMJITANL, CHOPAIL, DANOH, SAMBOK, and DONGJI more commonly compared with other classes (p〈.001), IPCHUN, SAMJITNAL, (p〈.01). DAEBOREUM, YUDU, SAMBOK, JUNGYANGJEOL, OHIL, and DONGJI (p〈.001) are celebrated more generally among extended. 2. On inheritance of the traditional holidays, most of the housewives answered that the SEOLNAL, DAEBOREUM, CHUSSEOK, and DONGJI are to be inherited. Compared to general circumstance CHOPAIL is suggested to be inherited by older people (p〈.001). The IPCHUN, CHOPAIL, SAMBOK (p〈.001), and DANCH (p〈.01) are suggested by Buddhists that YUDU and SAMBOK are by nuclear. 3. In preparaing festive foods, DEOKGUK on SEOLNAL, OHKOKBAP and MUKEUNNAMUL on DAEBOREUM, SONGPYEON and GATEUNNAMUL on CHUSEOK, and PATJUK on DONGJI are being made very generally. KANGJEONG on SEOLNAL, BUREUM on DAEBOREUM, KALGUKSU and SAMGYAETANG on SAMBOK, DARKJIM on CHUSEOK, SUJEONGGWA and DONGCHIMI on DONGJI appeared comparatively high rated of making. 4. In normal times, DEOKGUK, MANDU, INJEOLMI, SIKHYAE, SUJEEONGGWA, PYEONYUK, JEONYUEO, SIRUDDEOK, BOKSSAM, MUKEUNNAMUL, SONGPYUN, MINARINAMUL, YUKGAEJANGGUK, KALGUKSU, SAMGYAETANG, HOBAKJIJIM, TORANTANG, GATEUNNAMUL, NUREUMJEOK, DAKJIM, KALBIJIM, PATJJUK, and DONGCHIMI is usully made. 5. The source to learn about traditional foods is mostly by her mother and the rest orders are husband's mother, cooking books, mass media (including T.V), school education, and cooking instituse, etc.