
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 39

        2024.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구에서는 카자흐스탄의 난민 관련 법제와 1951년 난민협약 및 의정서 의 준수와 관련된 문제점을 살펴보고자 한다. 현재 카자흐스탄은 난민 수용을 많이 하는 여러 국가들과 달리 난민 및 망명 신청자 문제를 다루기 위한 포괄 적인 법제가 부재한 상황이다. 카자흐스탄은 1990년대 후반에 난민협약 및 관 련 국제 조약을 비준하였음에도 불구하고, 국내 이행을 위한 법안을 2009년이 되어서야 통과시켰다. 이 과정에서 카자흐스탄의 자결권 행사와 국제인권법 준 수 간에 대립된 바가 있다. 또한 지나치게 정치화된 시스템은 인도주의 법 준 수보다 정치적 의제를 우선시하여 국제적 의무를 이행하지 못한다는 비판도 제 기되고 있다. 이러한 배경하에 이 연구에서는 카자흐스탄의 난민, 망명 신청자, 무국적자의 법적 지위에 관한 몇 가지 문제점을 지적한다. 첫째, 1951년 난민 협약과 이를 이행하기 위한 국내 난민법 간에 많은 차이가 있으며, 대표적으로 강제송환금지의 원칙이 준수되지 않는다는 점이다. 둘째, 망명 신청자를 위한 ‘보충적 보호’에 관한 조항이 포함되어 있지 않다. 셋째, 카자흐스탄에서 난민 지위는 1년 동안만 부여되는 반면 인근 중앙아시아 국가들은 보다 더 긴 기간 을 허용한다는 점에서 비교된다. 넷째, 무국적자에 대한 행정 절차상 문제가 제기된다. 특히, 국제협약에 부합하는 입법 조치를 통해 무국적자를 판단하기 위한 구체적인 절차가 확립되어 있지 않다. 마지막으로, 망명 신청자가 망명 신청에 대한 결정이 내려지기 전에 강제로 송환된 사례가 있는데 이것은 명백 한 국제법 위반 해당된다. 아울러 해상에서 난민 및 망명 신청자를 송환하는 경우 강제송환금지의 원 칙을 해상 국경에 접한 공해상에서도 적용할 수 있다. 카스피해는 카자흐스탄 을 포함한 5개국을 둘러싼 중앙아시아 최대 내해이며 이 지역의 해상난민을 차 단하는 유일한 경로이다. 난민 이동과 관련된 독특한 지리적 특징에 가지고 있 으나 육상과 항공으로 국경을 넘어오는 것이 우세하기 때문에 카스피해를 너머 로 피난처를 찾는 것은 사실상 실효성이 없다. 최근 유라시아 국가들의 대규모 이주 흐름으로 인해 많은 난민과 망명 신청 자들이 카자흐스탄에 망명을 꾀할 것으로 예상된다. 따라서 카자흐스탄 정부는 난민 보호를 위해 난민에 대한 국내법을 개정하여 국제 의무를 가장 효과적으 로 준수할 필요성이 있다.
        2022.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Contemporary environmental issues require the joint actions of the global community, which may assume many forms but always depend on developed and harmonized national legislations. States develop environmental law by implementing provisions of multilateral environmental agreements into national legislation. However, the implementation process sometimes prevents the effective adaptation of international legal norms. While the structure and mechanism of the implementation process have been frequently discussed from the relationship between international and municipal law, few studies have been dedicated to the implementation process of international environmental norms. Consequently, this study will analyze the implementation of multilateral environmental agreements with special references to the Republic of Kazakhstan. The article will present cases of implementation and the resulting issues in the national environmental legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Moreover, it will examine national measures to solve these issues that will be relevant for all countries with similar ecological questions.
        2022.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        다민족성은 현대 사회의 국가들에게서 발견되는 가장 중요한 다양성의 유형이다. 전 세계적으로 다양한 민족들이 하나의 국가를 이루는 경우가 많기 때문에, 민족문제는 학자들이 주목하는 주요 연구주제 중 하나가 되 었다. 다문화 상황이 확산되고 있는 한국사회에서도 최근에 이러한 문제들 이 관심의 대상이 되고 있다. 카자흐스탄과 우즈베키스탄은 130개 이상의 소수 민족을 포함하는 대표적인 다민족 중앙아시아 국가이다. 두 나라의 민족정책은 역사적 배경 때문에 유사해 보이지만, 소련의 통치에 대한 인 식과 민족정책의 방향과 강도가 달랐다. 이 글은 법적 측면과 사회문화적 측면으로 구분하여 카자흐스탄과 우즈베키스탄의 다민족 정책을 비교한다. 궁극적으로 다민족 정책의 모순과 한계를 분석하여 다민족 국가가 민족을 초월한 진정한 통일 국가로 나아갈 수 있는 방법을 제시한다. 이러한 결과 는 한국사회에서 고려할 수 있는 시사점을 제공할 것이다.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        이 논문은 중앙아시아 지역 카자흐스탄의 테러리즘위협 현황을 살펴보고 이에 대응한 카자흐스탄 정부의 테러대응 노력들을 소개한다. 중앙아시아 지역에서 비교적 낮은 수준의 테러위협을 유지했던 카자흐스탄은 2011년 5월에 최초의 자살폭탄테러공격 이후로 최근 몇 년간 테러위협이 증대되었다. 이와 함께 카자흐스탄 정부역시 이러한 위협에 대한 적극적인 대응을 시행해 왔다. 중앙아시아 지역과 카자흐스탄이 연구의 대상이 되는 이유는 이 지역이 갖는 국제안보에서의 점증하는 중요성 때문이다. 대략 2014년 이후로 ISIS와 같은 이슬람 극단주의 테러위협은 이 지역에서 확산, 증대되고 있다. 한편 이 지역은 미국과 러시아, 그리고 중국이 이른바 신거대게임(New Great Game)이라고 하는 글로벌 패권 경쟁을 벌이고 있는 지정학적으로 매우 중요한 지역에 대당한다. 때문에 이 지역의 안보 상황의 추이는 국제안보질서에서 매우 중요한 함의를 갖는다. 중앙아시아의 상황을 이해하기 위해 카자흐스탄의 사례를 들여다 보는 것은 나름의 함의를 가진다. 카자흐스탄은 중앙아시아 지역에서 주요한 국가에 해당한다. 이는 카자흐스탄이 인구와, 경제력, 그리고 국제 정치적 영향력 등의 여러 측면에서 우즈베키스탄과 함께 중앙아시아 지역에서 가장 주요한 두 국가 가운데 하나에 해당하기 때문이다. 이 논문 은 최근 카자흐스탄의 테러위협 현황과 국내적 테러대응을 위한 제도와 법률, 그리고 해당국의 테러대응을 위한 국제협력 등을 소개하였다. 최근 들어 더욱 이슬람 극단주의 테러위협의 글로벌 성격이 강화되고 있다. 특히 그 과정에서 중앙아시아는 주요한 테러위협 확산의 무대가 되고 있다. 이런 측면에서 이 논문에서 소개하는 카자흐스탄의 사례의 검토는 의미가 있다.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Kazakhstan is one of the few countries worldwide endowed with a wealth of diverse natural resources. However, the country has yet to fully exploit these resources, for a variety of reasons, including high levels of corruption, ambiguous laws that cause confusion to the judiciary and consumers. The aim of this paper is to explore the exploitation of natural resource in the country from an international legal perspective. The article demonstrates how corruption hinders the exploitation of natural resources in Kazakhstan. It also describes how the current law seeks to address the issue of natural resource exploitation, noting its ambiguities. The paper concludes by highlighting the provisions made in the UN Declaration concerning Rights to Exploit Natural Resources, and makes recommendations concerning how Kazakhstan’s government can promote the rights of citizens to enjoy access to the land and natural resources.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Potato cultivation area in Kazakhstan has been steadily increasing for ten years from 154,000 ha in 2006 to 186,000 ha in 2016. The production amounts are also increasing from 2,360,000 tons in 2006 to 3,550,000 tons in 2016. The average yield(/ha) was 19.0 ton in 2016 while 15.4 tons in 2006. The import volume increased by about 3.2 folds for seven years from 34,874 tons in 2006 to 112,323 tons in 2013. The import price(/ton) has been also showing steady increasing from $180(USD) in 2006 to $202(USD) in 2013. The export volume dramatically increased from 73 tons in 2006 to 8,455 tons in 2013. It shows that the potato trade with neighboring countries is very active recently. Kazakhstan need seed potato of around 700,000 tons each year, which is more than the total production yield (600,000 tons/ year) of Korean potato. Seed potatoes are imported from Europe by the private seed companies and then distributed to farmers after multiplications for two or three years. Potatoes are sown in May and harvested in September or October, which is similar to the summer cropping in Korean potato. The European cultivars such as ‘Sante’ and ‘Rodeo’ are preferred broadly due to their high temperature resistance, salt tolerance, long dormancy period, and yellow flesh color. Meanwhile, Early blight and Colorado potato beetle are known as the main problems at Kazakhstan potato fields. The big yield loss by insects or diseases during storage is one of the severe problems too. Considering the internal and external circumstances of Kazakhstan potato, it is expected that the Korea's high-quality seed potatoes and the post-harvest management technologies could be helpful to enter the Kazakhstan potato market effectively as well as to increase the market competitiveness.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1. 카자흐스탄은 중앙아시아의 북쪽에 동서로 길게 위치한 국가로서 러시아, 중국, 우즈베키스탄 등 5개국과 국경을 접하고 있고 사막과 스텝이 국토면적의 80%이상을 차지하며, 동남부 지역은 4,000 m 이상의 산악지대 이고 국토의 최저점과 최고점의 차이가 7,000 m 이상이다. 2. 카자흐스탄은 전통적인 농업국가 이었지만 최근 석유산업의 발달로 농업생산이 GDP에 기여하는 비율이 5.2%로 낮아졌으나 경제 활동인구 중 농업종사자 비율이 25.9%로 높은편이다. 3. 카자흐스탄은 경지면적이 24,035천 ha로 넓지만 농업생산이 밀 위주로 되어 있어서 밀 생산량이 세계 10위, 수출은 7위이나 과일, 채소 및 유료작물은 상당량 수입하고 있으며, 강우량이 적고 건조한 기후조건 때문에 주로 관개농업에 의존하고 있다. 주요 농작물은 밀, 보리, 채소, 사료작물, 목화, 옥수수, 벼, 감자, 과수, 유료작물이다. 4. 축산업이 농업전체 생산액에서 차지하는 비율은 38.9%로서 높은 편이나 많은 량의 닭고기, 돼지고기, 우유 및 계란을 수입하고 있으며 유우, 육우, 면양, 돼지, 닭 및 말이 주된 가축이다. 5. 카자흐스탄은 야생 양파와 마늘 등을 포함한 400여 작물의 선조종이 자생하며 사과·살구 등 6 과수 종의 원산지이고 종자은행에는 75,000점의 자원을 수집하여 현지외 보존하고 있는 자원부국이다. 6. 현재 카자흐스탄과는 농업기술협력이 미미한 실정이나 카자흐스탄과의 현 실정으로 볼 때 농업기술 협력은 자급이 되지 않아 해외에서 수입하고 있는 작물의 재배나 생산성향상기술, 관개방법, 채소재배 시설 확충, 농기계, 농산물 가공분야, 양계 및 유전자원 교환 등이 협력 사업으로서 유망할 것으로 사료된다.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This research is defined as a study regarding on structured and systematized of existing literature review of the intersection between intellectual property management, management and technology transfer offices (TTOs). It takes a deeper look at requirements within universities, scientific institutions and the business environment should be interconnected with each other. The literature review shows that TTOs have control over the process of knowledge transfer and they have contributed to improving the efficiency of the use of production and human resources. In this paper, authors proposed the methodological tools based on methodology model, which identified success factors for using project management in TTO between two countries - Kazakhstan and Spain. Further, we used methodology is focused on solving the problems of quantitative analysis based on the use of primary data, which allowed us to reach a huge number of respondents without any restrictions, and secondary data from statistical database. Findings and results are summarized at the end of article show that Kazakhstan is following the path of the Spanish experience. However, Kazakhstan can become more successful in commercializing scientific technologies and transferring knowledge and technologies. In turn, Spain can use the data from our analysis to work on barriers and improve the activities of TTOs.
        2020.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to analyze the digital performance of Kazakhstan through dynamic analysis of national statistics and international indices as Global Innovation Index and ICT Development Index. The research combines three stages: analysis of digital transformation policies performance, review of ICT industry development, and comparative analysis of the positions of Kazakhstan, Turkey and South Korea as a benchmark in the international indices. This research findings show that despite great efforts of Kazakhstan in digitalization, the ICT industry contribution does not increase, it even falls. The international indices demonstrate that the reason is the weakness of the country in skills, venture capital, and innovation linkages. This leads to low knowledge, technology outputs, and creative outputs. The enablers of digital and overall innovation advancement of economy are identified. According to the international rankings the country has been doing its best in Access and Use areas. Another enablers are good business environment, ease of starting a business, protecting minority investors, and FDI inflows. The findings help to draw recommendations for strategic directions in order to improve the digital performance in Kazakhstan. The main limitation of this study is a lack of dynamic information on positions of Kazakhstan in other international indices related to digitalization.
        2020.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of the study is a theoretical and practical justification for building a mechanism for financing health facilities based on publicprivate partnerships from a pension fund in regions with environmental problems. The theoretical background is built on works of local and foreign authors on state and non-state pension provisions issues, pension funds’ assets management. This study provides an analysis of the health status of the population of the Kyzylorda region; it analyzes also the worldwide and Kazakhstan practice of investing pension funds and implementing projects. There has been legislative and methodological framework for financing health projects based on public-private partnerships in Kazakhstan. The scientific methods considered in this study made it possible to develop a mechanism for financial support for the modernization of a healthcare facility using the budget of pension funds. The authors point out possible risks in the implementation of projects in the field of healthcare and make recommendations on the construction a mechanism for financing healthcare facilities in the regions of Kazakhstan with environmental problems. In addition, they underline the key insights of the analysis, which are requisites for identifying the profitability of project for business and social effects for the public. Factors influencing efficacy, effect and implementation risks identified.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study aims to analyze the theoretical background of the economic growth and sustainable development; systematization of scientists view on monitoring and economic and innovative evaluation, analysis and diagnosis of factors affecting these processes. Rating characteristics of the level of innovative resources development obtained based on the comparative analysis of Kazakhstan regions. Calculations were done based on official statistics during 2010 and 2015-2017. Based on obtained data there has been grading of the country regions and their ratings were determined by the level of development of innovative resources. This research identifies areas and mechanisms to ensure balanced sustainable development of the national economy. The findings suggest that sustainable development of the state is affected by the innovative activity of the regions, the sustainable development of which is ensured by innovative enterprises. Transition to the model of sustainable territorial development involves the formation of such conditions and the use of mechanisms under which the natural base of this development is not destroyed, the environment suitable for human existence is preserved and reproduced. The findings of this research support for pursuing a national policy of reducing regional imbalances, and promoting a more balanced and sustainable development of the whole country.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose: This paper explores diverse issues related to the problem of women’s unpaid domestic care work, and as a factor of gender inequality in their professional practice. Research Design: This article concentrated only on the analysis of secondary data available on the topic along with observation of facts in Kazakhstan based on diverse sources. In current conditions, the problem of women's unpaid domestic care work, and consequently, the lack of enough time and energy for professional employment. Distinguish domestic work vs. job/career/occupation, selffulfillment, education, and leisure has a significant impact on women's life satisfaction. Data, and Methodology: This article focuses only on secondary data available in different sources from which the researchers procures comprehensive data and information. Results and conclusion: A family policy that aims to promote combining maternity, and domestic work with paid employment is an effective way to increase the proportion of working mothers/women. It is crucial to not only proportionally distribute the household responsibilities in the family but also to form an effective mechanism of state support for women through the development of the social services sector, as well as the adoption of a system-wide approach to gender equality.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to analyze of existing concepts of female entrepreneurship, evaluation of women’s entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan and development of recommendations for its development in the country. This paper begins by reviewing research on female entrepreneurship. In this research, authors proposed the methodological tools based on systematic approach using economic and statistic methods and 5Ms concept. Analysis algorithm consists of four stages: evaluation of women entrepreneurship scale and business directions, analysis of employment in women's enterprises and business environment in Kazakhstan. The main limitation of this study was the lack of some gender-related indicators on the development of entrepreneurship. Further, the obtained results showed strong and weak points of female entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan. According to the results, there has observed increase in contribution of women in social-economic development of the republic, women's entrepreneurial activity is increasing, and the number of enterprises headed by them is growing. However, the growth of female entrepreneurship occurs while maintaining their insignificance in terms of turnover and number of employees. There is a pronounced industry specificity of female entrepreneurship: the service sector. In accordance with this, there were identified priority areas and there were developed recommendations for the development of female entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan.
        2019.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study aims to build a model for evaluating the effectiveness of activities and the effectiveness of financial investments in hightech industries in Kazakhstan. The development of high-tech industries plays an important role in the economic growth of a country. In this regard, it is relevant to study the effectiveness of financing the most important industry in Kazakhstan. The development of the high-tech sector ensures the efficient functioning of the national innovation system. High-tech enterprises are one of the competitive sectors that allow us to develop and implement leading-edge innovations with the goal of their subsequent commercialization domestically and abroad. The author defines the multicriteria of efficiency in a knowledge-based economy associated with achieving an economic effect with multivariate correlation of results with costs. A multivariate dynamic model, an integral indicator of performance, an integral indicator of cost-effectiveness is proposed. The assessment of the effectiveness of financial costs and performance indicators in all regions of Kazakhstan have the positive dynamics of indicators, as well as a high economic effect. The results of the study can be applied in regional management to adequately assess the effectiveness of high-tech organizations and the effectiveness of financial investments, contribution to ensuring the economic security of the region.
        2019.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to identify the barriers of university and industry cooperation and to develop recommendations for the internal ecosystem of technology commercialization. The research method used is a survey of three categories of experts from 9 universities of Almaty (researchers, technology transfer managers, spin-off-owners). Despite the strong efforts of the government of Kazakhstan in building innovation infrastructure, there is a low level of innovation activity, less than 5% of university inventions are transferred into the industry. The results of the expert survey showed that the main barriers for cooperation between university and industry are: lack of resources to build university-industry links, lack of time due to high teaching load, poor qualification of technology transfer managers and lack of networking with industry. Based on the results of the expert survey, it is proposed to develop the ecosystem for the commercialization of university-based technologies, for which the following economic activities are important: human resources, financing, intellectual property management system, and intermediary infrastructure. The results of this study can be applied in developing the strategies and policies for universities, public research organizations, as well as for national R&D and higher education policies.
        2019.05 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to explore the theoretical concepts of inclusive development in relation to the spatial context, assessment the disparities in the social and economic development of the regions of Kazakhstan and substantiate the main mechanisms for overcoming them. In this research, authors propose the methodological tools for presenting a standard form of evaluation of social and economic development in the regions of Kazakhstan. In this study used methods, which based on measuring disproportions between the levels of economic and social development of the regions, as well as disproportions between the republican and regional levels. According to the author’s methodological approach, complex and integral indexes have calculated over the period 2012-2017 for a number of indicators adapted to the conditions of Kazakhstan. The calculated indexes proposed to use as instruments for measuring the level of the social and economic development. In addition, according the obtained indexes and the results of their ranking can be the basis for the development of regional programs and management decisions. This will improve the targeted support of the population in backward regions in order to ensure inclusive development and improve the quality of life of the population.
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