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        검색결과 26

        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 소재·부품·장비의 한·중 산업간 무역구조 및 무역 경쟁력의 변화를 분 석하기 위하여 수행되었다. 먼저 수출입 추세를 보았을 때 소재·부품·장비의 대중국 무역은 지난 10여 년간 지속적으로 무역수지 흑자를 달성하고 있지만 흑자 규모는 지속적으로 하락하는 추세에 있는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 GL 지수를 보았을 때 산 업 내 무역의 수준이 지속적으로 증가하고 동종 산업 간의 경쟁 또한 치열해지고 있 는 것으로 파악되었다. 10년간 전체 소재·부품·장비 산업의 TSI 지수는 양(+)으로 나 타나 우리나라 산업의 경쟁력이 우세한 것으로 나타났지만 TSI 지수가 지속적으로 줄어들어 산업의 경쟁력이 점차 감소하고 있는 것으로 파악되었다. 중국의 급격한 성장에 대응하기 위해서는 우리 제품의 자급률 향상 및 경쟁력 강화 등을 위한 노력 을 지속적으로 기울여야 할 것으로 판단이 된다.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        China Pilot Free Trade Zone is a "policy practice zone," and China has already established 18 pilot FTZs since the approval of Shanghai Pilot FTZ in Sept. 2013. Pilot FTZs have become high grounds for Chinese economic reform through 'optimization of business environment', 'facilitation of investment & trade', and 'policy innovation in various fields such as financial services and real economy.' Construction of pilot FTZ has aggressively extended national strategies such as active service, construction of "One Belt, One Road" Initiative, cooperative development of Jingjinji Metropolitan region (Beijin-Tianjin-Hebei), integrated development of Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone, and revitalization of northeast China, etc. as well as collaboration with surrounding nations. Recent entry of new stage of China-Korea relations has great potential of complementary cooperation. As a "policy practice zone" of Chinese economic reform, Pilot FTZs have arranged business environment facilitated with legislation and internationalization, regulation system suitable for international trade-investment rules, and open financial environment through system innovation & reform in various fields such as investment, trade, and finance, etc. This is giving a new motivation for higher level and broadened area of China-Korea economic relations.
        2017.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2015년 12월20일 한중 FTA가 발효되면서 10조원의 중국시장 선점과 약 10년간 0.96%의 경제성장효과를 나타낼 수 있을 것이라는 정부 발표가 있었다. 또한 한중 FTA의 2015년 연 내 발효에 따라 2016년부터 바로 그 효과가 나타날 것으로 발표되어 한국경제의 새로운 국면 을 기대하게 되었다. 그러나 중국경제의 성장둔화, 초저유가와 맞물려 2016년 1월 대 중국 한 국수출은 전년 동월대비 21.5% 감소하여 2008년 세계금융위기 때와 비슷한 양상을 보이고 있다. 이러한 현상은 단지 중국의 성장둔화와 저유가만의 문제는 아니며 한중 무역구조 변화 의 영향도 배제할 수 없다. 이에 따라 본 연구에서는 한중양국의 무역구조를 판단할 수 있는 무역결합도를 측정한 결과 한중무역은 결합도가 점차 감소하여 상호경쟁적인 것으로 나타났 다. 이러한 변화가 양국무역에 영향을 주고 있는 것으로 판단되며, 무역결합도를 활용한 한중 FTA 양허안 분석은 새로운 시사점을 제공할 것으로 보인다.
        2015.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        So far, eight rounds of China-Japan-Korea FTA negotiations have been conducted. From 2015 on, the negotiations are expected to make great progress. Accordingly, CJK FTA has drawn increasing attention of scholars from multidimensionality. Still, there lacks concerns over the possible arrangement of each specific issue under such framework. Building on prior scholarship, this paper attempts to view such fragmented debate from the perspective of building a new international economic order. It suggests a developing track for CJK FTA to consider in designing its details: WTO→CJK FTA→RCEP(OBOR)→TPP→A New Multilateral Order. Only by so viewing can the important trilateral FTA play an appropriate role in future regional and global governance, so as to obtain the Asian voice in restructuring the international rules. Based on that, this paper further exemplifies a possible stepping stone regarding regional antidumping regimes and proposes adopting the WTO ADA Plus in CJK FTA. Such a proposal would become a crucial ‘blueprint’ for restructuring the multilateral ADA mechanism.
        2015.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Korea-China Free Trade Agreement finally arrived at its preliminary settlement, in the 14th round of negotiations, held on November 10, 2014. This FTA is expected to function as an essential stepping-stone for future trilateral trade agreement between China, Japan and Korea. Further, it is anticipated to considerably contribute to shaping an integrated economic community for East Asia. Therefore, it assigns a diplomatic task of reconciling the speed of growth and harmonizing different systems of the three countries; it is beyond the matter of simple market invasion. This short paper aims to track the process to the settlement of the Agreement and analyze its sectorial substances, from the viewpoint of strategic and diplomatic dynamics in East Asia. The author thereby attempts to suggest a direction of future discussion towards joint subjects of cooperation.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        한국의 현행 대외무역법은 1986년 제정된 이래 29차례의 개정을 거치면서 무역의 확대와 국제수지의 균형에 기여하였다. 반면 1994년 제정된 이래 중국의 대외무역법은 WTO가입 이후 2004년 한 차례의 개정만을 거쳤으며 현재 변화하는 국제무역환경에 대응하기 위해 개정논의가 진행중에 있다. 한중 양국의 역사적, 사회적 배경이 다르기 때문에 양국의 대외무역법 체계는 구성요소와 특징 면에서 차이가 있다. 이러한 양국 대외무역법의 역사적 발전과정에 대한 이해는 중국의 현행 대외무역법에 대한 이해를 제고시킬 뿐만 아니라 향후 개정방향에도 시사점을 제공할 수 있을 것이다. 본 연구에서는 한국과 중국의 대외무역법의 역사적 발전과정을 살펴본 후, 양국 대외무역법의 발전배경, 행정관리체계, 무역촉진 및 무역제한, 수출입질서, 무역업 자유화 등을 비교분석하고 있다.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        구기자는 항암, 항산화, 항균 효과 등을 갖고 있는 약용식물로서 구기자재배 농민의 주요 소득원이 되는 작물이다. 연구기간동안 구기자 재배면적, 농가수가 2001 ~ 2010년까지 꾸준히 하락하였다. 이러한 이유는 농가의 노동인구의 고령화 및 가격불균형으로 판단된다. 그러나 재배기술의 발전 등으로 인하여 재배면적과 농가수 감소에도 불구하고 생산량은 감소세가 보이지 않았다. 구기자가격은 2001년 11,000원부터 2010년 16,833원으로 5년 평균 17,270원으로 꾸준히 상승하였다. 구기자 수입량은 2001년 877톤으로부터 하락하는 추세이나 2012년 약품용으로 300톤 수입이 예정되어 구기자 농가에 심각한 타격을 줄 것으로 예상된다. 중국의 수출현황을 보면 2001년 ~ 2007년 수출량은 5,500톤 내외와 수출가는 1,200달러/톤이었지만 2010년도에는 수출량이 6,190톤과 수출가격 6,580달러/톤 가격으로 급격한 성장을 하였다. 또한 주산지인 닝샤 지역외 재배지역을 확대하고 있는 현상에 있다.
        2023.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        It has been 30 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea, and South Korea is one of China’s most important trade partners in Northeast Asia. However, with the change in manufacturing competitiveness, the global value chain position of China and South Korea, and the rise of anti-globalization and trade protectionism, the trade between China and South Korea has also suffered a significant impact. This paper first used the international market share and trade specialization coefficient to make a quantitative comparison of the competitiveness of the primary industries of China and South Korea. Then it measured the trade integration index and export product similarity index of China and South Korea. It is found that: although China and South Korea have a particular competitive relationship in the main industrial fields, the differences in their respective areas of strength are significant, and the two countries show a good complementarity of resources. Therefore, China and South Korea should abandon suspicion, strengthen mutual trust, further optimize the trade structure between the two countries, make use of the framework of the regional agreement of RCEP, support China and South Korean enterprises to jointly develop the third-party market, and maintain and consolidate China-South Korea relations to promote the long-term development of economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.
        2023.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        With the evolution of industrial structure and industrialization in developing countries, some trade has become intra-industry between developing and developed countries. The level of intra-industry trade between China and South Korea has also become an essential indicator of the country’s economic development and industrialization. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea in 1992, bilateral trade between China and South Korea has steadily developed, and the “Belt and Road” initiative proposed by China in 2013 and the official signing of the China-South Korea Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in 2015 have provided a good platform for the development of trade between China and South Korea. In 2017 South Korea proposed in 2017, South Korea proposed the “New North Policy”, and China and South Korea agreed to dovetail the “Belt and Road” and the “New North Policy” to achieve a superior development of China-Korea trade. However, there are still problems, such as trade imbalance and a need for a two-way flow of investment between the two sides. This paper examines the existing problems in developing China-Korea import and export trade through developing China-Korea intra-industry trade in the new era. It suggests accelerating the sustainable development of China-Korea trade from the perspectives of strengthening trade communication between the two sides and accelerating Chinese enterprises’ investment in Korea.
        2023.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        China and South Korea, as countries belonging to the East Asian cultural circle, have always attached great importance to education service trade. Nowadays, economic diversification has become the trend of world development, education service trade has become an important factor affecting the comprehensive strength competition between countries. China and the ROK are close in geographical location and have profound cultural origins. Over the years, the two countries have conducted fruitful bilateral cultural exchanges. This paper takes China and South Korea as the research object, and the comparative study of Sino-South Korea education service trade is of great significance to promote the development of China’s cultural products and service trade. Enhancing the competitiveness of China’s trade in cultural products and services can further improve China’s cultural soft power, so as to improve the development strategy of service trade and enhance its international influence in the context of China’s economic globalization.
        2023.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        With the change of industrial structure and the advancement of industrialization process in developing countries, product trade has become an important industrial trade between developing countries and developed countries. The level of trade has also become an important indicator to measure a country’s economic development and industrialization level. The development of international trade in the new era has also entered a new stage. Trade is an important part of a country’s economic development, especially the trade of cultural products under the background of modern society. With the official signing of the China-South Korea Free Trade Agreement on June 1, 2015, China and South Korea officially completed the system design of the construction of the China-South Korea free trade area and will soon enter the implementation stage. In order to better realize the great goal of “China and South Korea linkage the world, opening up and creating prosperity”, it was very necessary to explore the development trend of cultural product trade. The following part of this paper mainly focuses on the development of cultural product trade between China and South Korea in the new era.
        2023.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea in 1992, the development speed of bilateral economic and trade relations is getting faster and faster, and the quality is getting higher and higher. According to the United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database, China became the largest trading partner of South Korea in 2018, while South Korea became the third largest trading partner of China. Under the background of the Belt and Road Initiative, the trade of agricultural products between China and South Korea has become increasingly frequent. This paper discusses the measurement of agricultural trade level between China and South Korea, and analyzes the influencing factors for reference.
        2022.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        RCEP, through its unique rules of origin accumulation, promotes mutual tariff concessions between Korea and China, reduces trade production costs, and will further promote the negotiation of the Korea-China FTA. Focusing on the post-epidemic era, South Korea and China should strengthen the consensus on economic and trade cooperation and use the higher standard and more comprehensive RCEP agreement to achieve a mutually beneficial and win-win situation. The industrial supply chain between South Korea and South Korea is the result of the spontaneous formation of the market, mutual benefit and win-win results. Third-party markets such as the Far East can better cooperate to provide impetus for the economic development of the two countries and the recovery of the world economy.
        2022.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Integrated circuits are the cornerstone of the development of information and communication technology industries in various countries, and to a large extent affect the development of the future technological industry revolution, and are known as “industrial food”. With the transfer of the global integrated circuit industry chain, emerging economies in East Asia represented by China and South Korea occupy a core position in the global integrated circuit trade. In recent years, although the scale of China’s integrated circuit trade has expanded rapidly, it has been in an unbalanced state for a long time, and the trade deficit is extremely high. The domestic demand for high-end integrated circuits can only be met by imports. The development of my country’s integrated circuit trade is large but not strong. Thanks to the financial support and preferential policies of the Korean government, in the 1980s, Korean integrated circuit companies took the lead in breaking through the international technology of memory integrated circuits. After that, the Korean government developed other integrated circuit products on this basis. Export of foreign exchange earning products. In order to measure the gap between China’s IC trade international competitiveness and South Korea more accurately. Next, a literature study is conducted on the comparative analysis of the development status of integrated circuit trade between China and South Korea. It was found that the development of South Korea’s integrated circuit industry was later than that of China, but the latter came ahead.
        2022.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The establishment of China-South Korea Free trade area has a positive role in promoting bilateral trade. By analyzing the current situation of China-South Korea trade, the features of China-South Korea Free trade agreement and using intra-industry trade index and other indicators, this article intuitively shows the impact of trade. According to the analysis of the trade effect on China and South Korea, it is concluded that the intra-industry trade keeps improving, the trade deficit of both sides keeps shrinking, and the regional creation effect is obvious, as well as relevant suggestions for enterprises to increase preferential efforts to ensure the activity of the Free trade area and improve the standardization of it.
        2022.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        With the rapid development of the digital economy in countries around the world, international trade has entered a new period of development. In order to effectively improve the governance capabilities of the digital economy and better adapt to the development trend of the global digital economy, countries have put their participation in various international economic and trade agreements on the important agenda. As friendly neighbors, China and South Korea have a long history of trade. In the context of the in-depth advancement of digital trade development by countries around the world, aligning with high-standard international economic and trade rules has become the focus of the development of digital trade between China and South Korea. This research starts with the aspects of business and trade facilitation, data flow and personal information protection, emerging trends and technologies, and expounds the content of DEPA, the first international digital trade agreement, and shows that joining DEPA will affect China and South Korea. The main impact of digital trade is specifically reflected in the choice of flexible digital trade participation models, the implementation of efficient and feasible digital trade system specifications, the breaking of traditional digital trade monopolies in major countries, and the provision of important opportunities for global digital trade layout. Finally, the prospects of China and South Korea after joining DEPA are prospected, pointing out continuous efforts to achieve the docking of technology and international standards, establish a more complete system-level guarantee, and strengthen industry selfdiscipline and cooperation among private entities. The above discussion aims to take the entry of DEPA as an entry point and provide a useful reference and reference for the healthy development of digital trade between China and South Korea in the future.
        2021.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose – Since the formal establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea in 1992, bilateral trade between China and South Korea has been developing steadily. To meet the trend of economic globalization and regional economic integration, the governments of China and South Korea formally signed the China-Korea Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in 2015. Taking the recent development of China-Korea trade in the new era as an entry point, this paper proposes suggestions for promoting the sustainable development of bilateral trade by analyzing the current situation of China-Korea trade development. Design/Methodology/Approach – This paper firstly analyzes the development status of China-Korea FTA by combing the data from the Ministry of Commerce of China, and further analyzes the current situation of bilateral trade between China and South Korea by quantitative analysis, and studies the specific impact of China-Korea FTA on the import and export trade between the two countries; finally concludes the above study and makes suggestions. Findings – The development of China-Korea FTA has an obvious role in promoting the trade between the two countries and helps to promote the economic development of both countries. Suggestions include: China and Korea should further expand the depth of bilateral trade cooperation; use the China-Korea FTA to realize the upgrading of industrial structure of both countries; use the China-Korea FTA to expand bilateral cooperation in foreign investment services. Research Implications – The study of the trade effects of the FTA between China and Korea helps both countries to make full use of the opportunities brought by the establishment of the FTA, identify the problems in bilateral trade between China and Korea, and provide policy recommendations for achieving a win-win situation for both countries.
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