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        검색결과 7

        2022.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Tungsten carbide is widely used in carbide tools. However, its production process generates a significant number of end-of-life products and by-products. Therefore, it is necessary to develop efficient recycling methods and investigate the remanufacturing of tungsten carbide using recycled materials. Herein, we have recovered 99.9% of the tungsten in cemented carbide hard scrap as tungsten oxide via an alkali leaching process. Subsequently, using the recovered tungsten oxide as a starting material, tungsten carbide has been produced by employing a self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) method. SHS is advantageous as it reduces the reaction time and is energy-efficient. Tungsten carbide with a carbon content of 6.18 wt % and a particle size of 116 nm has been successfully synthesized by optimizing the SHS process parameters, pulverization, and mixing. In this study, a series of processes for the highefficiency recycling and quality improvement of tungsten-based materials have been developed.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        An optimum route to fabricate a hybrid-structured W powder composed of nano and micro size powders was investigated. The mixture of nano and micro W powders was prepared by a ball milling and hydrogen reduction process for WO3 and W powders. Microstructural observation for the ball-milled powder mixtures revealed that the nano-sized WO3 particles were homogeneously distributed on the surface of large W powders. The reduction behavior of WO3 powder was analyzed by a temperature programmed reduction method with different heating rates in Ar-10% H2 atmosphere. The activation energies for the reduction of WO3, estimated by the slope of the Kissinger plot from the amount of reaction peak shift with heating rates, were measured as 117.4 kJ/mol and 94.6 kJ/mol depending on reduction steps from WO3 to WO2 and from WO2 to W, respectively. SEM and XRD analysis for the hydrogen-reduced powder mixture showed that the nano-sized W particles were well distributed on the surface of the micro-sized W powders.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The effect of the mixing method on the characteristics of hybrid-structure W powder with nano and micro sizes is investigated. Fine WO3 powders with sizes of ~0.6 μm, prepared by ball milling for 10 h, are mixed with pure W powder with sizes of 12 μm by various mixing process. In the case of simple mixing with ball-milled WO3 and micro sized W powders, WO3 particles are locally present in the form of agglomerates in the surface of large W powders, but in the case of ball milling, a relatively uniform distribution of WO3 particles is exhibited. The microstructural observation reveals that the ball milled WO3 powder, heat-treated at 750oC for 1 h in a hydrogen atmosphere, is fine W particles of ~200 nm or less. The powder mixture prepared by simple mixing and hydrogen reduction exhibits the formation of coarse W particles with agglomeration of the micro sized W powder on the surface. Conversely, in the powder mixture fabricated by ball milling and hydrogen reduction, a uniform distribution of fine W particles forming nano-micro sized hybrid structure is observed.
        2011.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cemented tungsten carbide has been used in cutting tools and die materials, and is an important industrial material. When the particle size is reduced to ultrafine, the hardness and other mechanical properties are improved remarkably. Ultrafine cemented carbide with high toughness and hardness is now widely used. The objective of this study is synthesis of nanostructured WC-Co powders by liquid phase method of tungstate. The precursor powders were obtained by freezen-drying of aqueous solution of soluble salts, such as ammonium metatungstate, cobalt nitrate. the final compositions were WC-10Co. In the case of liquid phase method, it can be observed synthesis of WC-10Co. The properties of powder produced at various temperature, were estimated from the SEM, BET and C/S analyser.
        2006.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Thermal management technology is a critical element in all new chip generations, caused by a power multiplication combined with a size reduction. A heat sink, mounted on a base plate, requires the use of special materials possessing both high thermal conductivity (TC) and a coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) that matches semiconductor materials as well as certain packaging ceramics. In this study, nano tungsten coated copper powder has been developed with a wide range of compositions, 90W-10Cu to 10W-90Cu. Powder technologies were used to make samples to evaluate density, TC, and CTE. Measured TC lies among theoretical values predicted by several existing models.
        2006.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Nano-structured tungsten carbide compacts with cobalt matrices (WC-Co) offer new opportunities for achieving superior hardness and toughness combinations. A unified modeling and simulation tool has been developed to produce maps of sintering pathways from nanocrystalline WC powder to sintered nano-structured WC-Co compacts. This tool includes (1) die compaction, (2) grain growth, (3) densification, (4) sensitivity analysis, and (5) optimization. All material parameters were obtained by curve fitting based on results with two WC-Co powders. Critical processing parameters are determined based on sensitivity analysis and are optimized to minimize grain size with high density.
        2003.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Nano-sized WC powders were synthesized by vapor phase reaction using the precusor of tungsten ethoxide under helium and hydrogen atmosphere. The phases of the powder were varied with reaction Bone and gas flow rate. The powder size was about 30nm in diameter, and the tungsten carbide powder was coated by carbon layer. The synthesis of nano-sized WC powders was promoted as the hydrogen gas flow rate became higher. Inversely, tungsten oxide was formed by increasing the flow rate of helium gas. The synthesized powders were analyzed by XRD, FE-SEM, carbon analyzer etc.