This study was carried out to investigate amino acid contents of golden mushroom and pink mushroom. The amino acid analysis was followed by AccQ-Tag method and HPLC on gradient conditions. Seventeen amino acids were analyzed and sixteen amino acids were found in golden mushroom ; fifteen amino acids in pink mushroom respectively. Among total amino acid in golden mushroom, cystein content was the highest and glycine, glutamic acid, proline were followed. Among total amino acid in pink mushroom, cystein was the highest and glycine, lysine, methionine were followed. As shown in Fig.1, 2, concerning amino acids, cystein was dominant. and alanine was detected in golden mushroom and Pleurotus ostreatus sold in market but pink mushroom. Phenylalanine was detected in Pleurotus ostreatus sold in market but that was not detected in golden mushroom and pink mushroom.
This study was carried out to investigate amino acid contents of golden mushroom and pink mushroom. The amino acid analysis was followed by AccQ-Tag method and HPLC on gradient conditions. Seventeen amino acids were analyzed and sixteen amino acids were found in golden mushroom ; fifteen amino acids in pink mushroom respectively. Among total amino acid in golden mushroom, cystein content was the highest and glycine, glutamic acid, proline were followed. Among total amino acid in pink mushroom, cystein was the highest and glycine, lysine, methionine were followed. As shown in Fig.1, 2, concerning amino acids, cystein was dominant. and alanine was detectied in golden mushroom but pink mushroom.
느타리버섯의 품종 다양화를 위해 단핵균주교잡에 의해 육성된 적단느타리버섯의 주요특성은 다음과 같다. 가. 균사생장적온은 26∼30℃이고 버섯발생 및 생육온도는 18∼23℃이었다. 나. 갓의 형태는 깊은깔대기형이며 다발형이고, 대는 가늘고 짧은형이며 갓, 대 모두 분홍색을 나타내었다. 다. 병재배시 배양일수는 20℃에서 20일, 초발이소요일수는 18∼20℃재배조건에서 4일이며 생육일수는 4일이 소요되었다. 봉지재배에서는 균배양일수는 22일, 초발이 소요일수는 6일, 생육일수는 5일정도 소요되었다. 라. 버섯의 균일성에 있어서 갓색과 갓형태의 이형개체 발생은 없었고, 균사생장량 및 종균배양기간에서도 지역간 균일한 결과를 나타내었다. 마. 농가실증시험 결과 유효개체수는 850cc병재배시는 31.5개이며, 2kg 봉지재배시 47개체수를 얻었으며 수량은 병재배시 134.5g, 봉지재배시 350.0g의 수량을 얻었다.