Companies widely use survey to identify customer requirements, but the survey has some problems. First of all, the response is passive due to pre-designed questionnaire by companies which are the surveyor. Second, the surveyor needs to have good preliminary knowledge to improve the quality of the survey. On the other hand, text mining is an excellent way to compensate for the limitations of surveys. Recently, the importance of online review is steadily grown, and the enormous amount of text data has increased as Internet usage higher. Also, a technique to extract high-quality information from text data called Text Mining is improving. However, previous studies tend to focus on improving the accuracy of individual analytics techniques. This study proposes the methodology by combining several text mining techniques and has mainly three contributions. Firstly, able to extract information from text data without a preliminary design of the surveyor. Secondly, no need for prior knowledge to extract information. Lastly, this method provides quantitative sentiment score that can be used in decision-making.
The objectiveof this study is to analyze the needs anddetermine the requirements ofelder drivers for effectivelyusing In-vehicle Information Systems (IVIS), by reducing cognitive and physical impact on this vulnerable group. The persona method was used to determine the relevant characteristics of older drivers. Task analysis was performed in order to obtain general interaction problems of the personas when using a common function of recent days IVIS. The results were classified in the different usability goals as general requirements, specific needs. This study suggest improvement directions in order to develop an elderly friendly IVIS; in addition, different usability metrics were suggested. In this way, elder drivers would easily interact with new powerful functions supplied by IVIS of modern cars; while improving safety and comfort of an rapidly aging society.
The purpose of this study is to find food safety approach in the Eco-label Chain of Custody(CoC) which is only focused to traceability. Because, consumers want to be assured the certified seafood comes from sustainable fishery as well as hygienic. In order to this approach, we used Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) method as belows. We first understood the CoC criteria for using pair-wise comparison and analyzed and selected each Eco-label certifications and standards. Second, we carried out a survey to the targeted standard Marine Stewardship Council(MSC) CoC auditors all over the world and analyzed the priorities of food safety approach to 4 principles and 12 criteria belong the MSC CoC Standard. As the results, we found out that‘Management System’has the highest priority in the principles and ‘.Documentation’and‘Keeping Record’are the most important criteria for this approach. In addition, ‘.Training’and‘Identification’are also higher priority of criteria. So, we suggested food safety approach method for improvement of these criteria in conclusion based on discussion with specialist in this field.
농촌정보화는 산업의 생산성 증대와 경쟁력강화와 생산 및 유통의 효율화, 자원관리의 고도화 등을 통해 농촌경제를 활 성화할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 예비조사와 설문지에 의한 실 증조사 연구와 문헌연구 등을 수행하였으며, 안동시 특용작물 농가 140명의 유효설문지를 통계처리하여 그 결과를 해석하고 시사점을 분석하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 응답농가의 컴퓨터 보유농가는 85.7%였으나 노년층인 60 세 이상의 경우 미보유농가가 19.0%로 나타났다. 2. 영농이나 농작물 판매 시 컴퓨터 사용 여부 응답 분포는 성별(χ2=4.667, p<.05), 연령 차이(χ2=10.576, p<.05)에 의해 컴퓨터 사용 여부가 차이가 있음이 95% 신뢰 수준에서 통계 적으로 유의하였다. 3. 정보화를 한다면 최우선필요 분야는 판매분야가 74.3%로 나타났다. 특히 판매분야 중에서도 시스템구축 61.4%, 소비자 정보공유 18.6%로 중요하게 생각하고 있었다. 4. 교육시간은 4시간 이하(65.7%)를 가장 선호하였다. 이상의 연구결과에서 안동지방 특용작물 재배농가는 농촌정 보화 시스템 구축을 농산물 판매에 중점을 두고 간단하게 배 울 수 있는 시스템을 선호하였다. 따라서 컴퓨터보유여부와 관 계없이 누구나 소지하고 있는 스마트폰을 이용한 판매시스템 이 이러한 농민들의 요구를 만족하는 대안이 될 것으로 판단 된다.
The purpose of the study to examine the requirement of food service statistical account. the questionnaire was composed of two part: the traits of food service statistical accounts by USA and Japan and demographic characteristics. 325 questionnaires were distributed by mail to the member of Korean Food service Management Society and Korea university and college Culinary Management Faculty Association and 92 questionnaires were returned. the data was completed using the SPSS for frequency, mean, t-test, and ANOVA test. As a result of the follows. the 23 traits showed a high priority placed. Seeing the category, Number of customer, unit volume, solid waste, and information technology and application were higher than employee information. Comparing company members to academic members, both of them thought that dimension of unit, sales result, and number of customer. However, company member group indicated that employee information was important.
The purpose of this research is to study suitability of a sweeper as a new occupation fitting to the character of the people with the mental retardation.
Analysis of job which is necessary to perform the sweeper has been conducted. This research also studied the suitability of the occupation to the individuals with different impairments of physical, sensory function, cognitive function and emotional behavior based on the study of 5 individual participants. Conclusion is as follows.
1. The office building maintenance(sweeper) is an occupation which demands muscular strength of gross motor. Visual perception about a space and an object is mainly needed and the most important facts in the cognitive function are an idea of time, sequence, direction, topographic orientation, & memory.
2. Based on analysis of 5 different individuals who have different functional impairments shows that deteriorated muscular strength (compare to non-disabled person) didn’t affect the job. On the contrary, visual perception and emotional behavior problems are two biggest challenges to the occupation.
3. Not requiring dexterity of hands movement as in the manufacturing industry and broad acting radius, those two facts made a sweeper a suitable occupation for the people with mental retardation who lack dexterity in acting and concentration.
Based on the research, a sweeper is a suitable occupation fitting to the character of the people with mental retarcation and it is therefore need to generalize the result of the research by conducting a follow-up research with more participants.
In this study, the uncertainty requirements for orbit, attitude, and burn performance were estimated and analyzed for the execution of the 1st lunar orbit insertion (LOI) maneuver of the Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO) mission. During the early design phase of the system, associate analysis is an essential design factor as the 1st LOI maneuver is the largest burn that utilizes the onboard propulsion system; the success of the lunar capture is directly affected by the performance achieved. For the analysis, the spacecraft is assumed to have already approached the periselene with a hyperbolic arrival trajectory around the moon. In addition, diverse arrival conditions and mission constraints were considered, such as varying periselene approach velocity, altitude, and orbital period of the capture orbit after execution of the 1st LOI maneuver. The current analysis assumed an impulsive LOI maneuver, and two-body equations of motion were adapted to simplify the problem for a preliminary analysis. Monte Carlo simulations were performed for the statistical analysis to analyze diverse uncertainties that might arise at the moment when the maneuver is executed. As a result, three major requirements were analyzed and estimated for the early design phase. First, the minimum requirements were estimated for the burn performance to be captured around the moon. Second, the requirements for orbit, attitude, and maneuver burn performances were simultaneously estimated and analyzed to maintain the 1st elliptical orbit achieved around the moon within the specified orbital period. Finally, the dispersion requirements on the B-plane aiming at target points to meet the target insertion goal were analyzed and can be utilized as reference target guidelines for a mid-course correction (MCC) maneuver during the transfer. More detailed system requirements for the KPLO mission, particularly for the spacecraft bus itself and for the flight dynamics subsystem at the ground control center, are expected to be prepared and established based on the current results, including a contingency trajectory design plan.
S-Mode는 항해설비에 있어 표준화된 디스플레이, 기능 및 공통인터페이스를 사용자에게 제공하여 항해기능 사용의 친숙화를 도 모함으로써 항해안전성 향상을 위한 기능이다. 2008년 국제해사기구에서 국제선장협회는 S-Mode 도입의 필요성을 제기하였고, 2015년 6월 해사안전위원회에서 승인된 e-Navigation 전략이행계획에 주요과제로서 S-Mode 가이드라인 개발을 2019년까지 완료할 것을 목표로 하고 있 다. 본 연구는 S-Mode 가이드라인 개발에 대한 사용자의 기대와 요구사항을 조사하기 위해서 핵심 항해설비인 전자해도시스템의 주 사용자 인 항해사를 대상으로 S-Mode의 필요성과 표준화의 범위, 개발에 고려하여야 할 우선순위 요소에 대한 설문조사를 실시하고 그 내용을 분석 하였다. 연구의 결과는 e-Navigation 이행 시 선박 항해설비 전반에 적용될 S-Mode 개념 및 기능에 대한 개념을 구체화하고, 개발에 고려할 세부요소들을 제시함으로써 구체적인 표준화 항목을 도출하는 것에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
전자해도 시스템은 2012년 7월 1일 부로 국제항해에 종사하는 선박에 단계별로 설치가 강제화 되었다. 전자해도시스템은 백업장치 를 비치할 경우 종이해도를 대체하여 사용할 수 있는 설비로 선교에서 사용의존도가 높은 핵심항해설비라고 할 수 있다. 현재 전 세계적으로 전자해도 시스템 이용 시 다양한 오류가 발생하고 있으며, 국제해사기구 및 국제수로기구에서도 문제를 인식하고 오류해결을 위한 방안을 모색 하고 있는 중이다. 본 논문에서는 선장 항해사를 포함하는 사용자들을 대상으로 전자해도시스템의 이용 시 오류 발생현황과 정보표시 및 주요 기능 이용 시 개선 요구사항에 관한 설문을 시행하였다. 그 결과를 기반으로 항해안전과 효율측면에서의 ECDIS 기능 개선사항을 제시하였다. 조사에서 사용자들은 ECDIS 기능사용에 있어 대부분 효율성 측면에서는 긍정적으로 평가하였으나 항해안전성에 대한 불안감을 많이 느끼는 것으로 나타났다.