
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 62

        2021.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 남해군을 대상으로 방문자의 관광지 속성 만족도 및 재방문 의도를 평가하고 농촌관광 활성화 방안을 제안하고자 수행되었다. 방문자의 사회·인구통계학적 배경, 인식, 행태, 경험, 속성 만족도, 재방문 의도를 분석하였다. 속성 만족도는 관광자원, 체험프로그램, 접근성, 시설, 숙소, 위생·청결, 홍보·정보, 친절, 가격·서비스로 구분하였고, 재방문 의도는 재방문 의도, 홍보 의도, 추천 의도로 구분하였다. 방문동기는 자연경관 감상(36.9%), 가족/친구와 시간 보내기(34.8%), 회복(13.9%) 등이었다. 목적지 이미지는 바다, 독일마을, 마늘, 갯벌체험이 주요하였고, 금산 및 보리암, 상주해수욕장, 독일마을이 남해군 속성을 나타내는 주요한 매력적인 목적지였다. 주요한 정보원은 인터넷과 주변 사람들이고, 동반자는 가족 또는 친구/연인이며, 재방문율은 57.8%이고(평균 5.4회), 남해군이 직접적이고 중요한 목적지였다. 체류기간은 2~3일이고, 여행경비는 평균 400,100원이었다. 전반적으로 관광자원, 체험프로그램에서 상대적으로 만족도가 높았고, 가격·서비스, 접근성, 시설에서 낮게 나타났다. 재방문 의도, 홍보 의도, 추천 의도 모두는 모든 속성 만족도와 매우 유의성 있는 양(+)의 상관(p<.01)을 나타냈다. 속성 만족도 모두를 독립변수로 설정하여 단계입력 방식으로 다중회귀분석한 결과에서 재방문 의도는 위생·청결, 숙소, 가격·서비스, 접근성에 의해서, 홍보 의도는 관광자원, 가격·서비스, 위생·청결에 의해서, 추천 의도는 관광자원, 시설에 의해서 유의적으로 추정되었고, 각각에서 열거된 순서대로 상대적으로 더 높은 영향력을 가졌다. 남해군 농촌관광 활성화를 위해서, 관광자원, 숙소, 편의시설에서 위생·청결, 가격·서비스의 개선이 우선적으로 필요함을 제안할 수 있었다.
        2021.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Opportunity identification is the core issue of entrepreneurship research, and it is also an important prerequisite for the development of rural tourism. Although entrepreneurial opportunity identification research has achieved more results, there is still a lack of empirical research on rural tourism single industry. Based on social capital and experience learning perspectives, using data from 139 “Minsu” in China, which is now officially called homestay inn in China, we empirically examine the effects of social capital and previous experience on entrepreneurial opportunity identification. The results indicate that scales of embedded network and resources of social network have positively effect on entrepreneurial opportunity identification. The results also show previous industry experience and functional experience have positively effect on entrepreneurial opportunity identification, while previous working experience has no direct effect on entrepreneurial opportunity identification. These results show that entrepreneurs have a denser and larger scale of social network, they will have higher alertness for the potential entrepreneurial opportunities. These results also indicate that the entrepreneurs have more previous industry and functional experience, they will recognize more entrepreneurial opportunities.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is on the policy direction settings that can accomplish regional revitalization by continuously developing the various theme of rural tourism and can contribute to the improvement of the quality of life. The recent issues of SDGs are discussed, and their link with rural development, especially with rural tourism, are examined. To be specific, it focuses on healing-type rural tourism that is rising as a new theme in the tourism industry. The results have revealed the possibility of linking the indicators of SDGs and the needed resources for healing rural tourism. Therefore, it is possible to strengthen the rural tourism theme linkage, and to contribute to the regional revitalization through establishment of the detailed action indicators of rural tourism in line with SDGs. However, since research on SDGs is at an early stage, there is a need for further discussion on various examples from the rural tourism field.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This plan attempts to rigorously analyze the location characteristics and surroundings of the Ungpo village from the perspective of rural landscape planning. On the basis of the analysis, a strategy for developing the village as a rural tourist hub is established by determining characteristic attractions. The ultimate objectives of this plan are to create a good living environment for the local people and provide memorable attractions to visitors, which are expected to increase the incomes and revive local community. In other words, this plan conceives a village that is an attractive place to visit and also a good place to live. The planning procedure included an analysis of the current situation, basic concept, basic plan, and landscape plan. The characteristics of this plan are as follows. First, the natural features and surroundings of the Ungpo village were reflected in designing a rural tourist hub. Second, the current infrastructure was considered in the basic plan to create a sustainable rural tourism environment. Third, a water experience space is included in order to create an amusing and exciting tour. Fourth, the existing facilities will be remodeled to create amenities for visitors. Fifth, the main focus of the plan includes the landscape plan, increasing the visibility of streets, and connecting nearby tourist attractions and the landmark plan around the rural tourism center.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study establishes a landscape plan and landscape-related income generation project plan based on the Weonsaekjang village in Jeonju-si by applying location characteristics and tangible and intangible village assets to enhance the quality of living environment of local residents as well as the competitiveness of this village as a focal village for rural tourism. Planning was carried out in the order of theoretical consideration, village resource investigation and analysis, basic design, and detailed project planning. This study is significant for the following reasons. First, it has formed an appealing image of this village as a place for rural tourism by applying differentiated village assets as the theme of landscape plan. Secondly, a village for rural tourism in which residents can constantly live has been developed as infrastructure for tourism and is based on the residential environment. Moreover, a landscape plan that enables visitors to experience activities that stimulate their senses has been established to promote tourism that boosts consumption. Further, landscape elements that used to hamper the village landscape were enhanced as landmarks to create unique tourism resources. In addition, the effects of landscape plan were maximized through a flexible approach that encourages the linkage between this village and adjacent tourist attractions. Finally, the participation of residents in the project was promoted from the stage of planning to ensure driving force for the project implementation and maintenance.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research seeks ways to convert the landscape resources of rural village forest into a tourist resource. The study area was restricted to rural village forests in the city of Namwon; we selected 10 village forests using the evaluation indicators of size, landscape, accessibility, connectivity, historicity, and enhancement possibility. We selected five historic/cultural type groves among the preselected village groves as final target areas for planning and then carried out an analysis of their current status and conditions, which has been included in this research. For Naein village forests, themes concerning the winds of Inpoong-ri and the poongchinadae form of feng shui were used. For Haengjeong village forest, preferentially considered ecological of carpinus laxiflora but that introduced the Dokkaebi, which concerns village forest legends. In the Sagok village forest, the beauty of old pine trees and the champan (vice minister) forest were symbolized; in the Jeonchon village forest, the Battle of Hwangsan was symbolized by connecting it to a location in the neighboring village, the Hwangsan Battle Monument site. The themes of Walgil village forest included the historical culture of the village forest, such as Cheonikseong (a person’s name), a famed doctor who practiced good deeds, stonepiles (stacking of stones), and the pine resin delivery of the Japanese colonial era (the Japanese collected resin from the pines). The tourism resources of village forests is expected to provide residents with a amenity space for relaxation and leisure activities and visitors with a space to experience history and culture.
        2014.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 농촌관광마을의 브랜드 자산이 장소애착 및 친환경 행동의도와의 영향 관계를 검증하고자 하였다. 농촌관광마을의 브랜드자산은 브랜드인지도, 브랜드이미지, 지각된 품질, 지각된 가치로 분류되었으며, 장소애착은 장소의존성, 장소정체성, 사회적 유대감으로 구분되었다. 친환경 행동의도는 단일차원으로 도출되었다. 가설검증 결과, 첫째, 농촌관광마을의 브랜드자산인 브랜드인지도, 브랜드이미지, 지각된 품질, 지각된 가치가 장소의존성에 모두 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 둘째, 장소정체성은 친환경 행동의도에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었으며, 장소의존성 또한 친환경 행동의도에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 농촌관광마을의 브랜드자산 중 브랜드이미지와 지각된 가치가 친환경 행동의도에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        90년대 후반 이후 농촌관광에 대한 수요와 관심이 높아지면서 농촌관광과 연관된 연구가 다방면으로 증가하게 되었고 이 가운데 농촌관광자원의 유형을 구분하는 연구도 늘어나게 되었다. 어느 분야를 막론하고 대상 자체의 유형을 구분하는연구는 해당 주제에 대한 체계적인 이해를 돕기 위한 초석을 만드는데 크게 기여해왔다. 농촌관광자원의 유형을 구분하는연구는 꾸준히 진행되어왔지만 소비자들의 직접적인 의견이 반영되지 않은 채 전문가적 관점이나 통계적 유사성에 의거하여분류되어왔던 것이 사실이다. 이러한 배경 하에 본 연구는 실제 관광자원을 이용하는 이용자 중심의 시각에서 체험 중심의 농촌관광자원의 유형을 분류하였다. 이를 위하여 농촌어메니티자원 DB를 기초자료로 활용하여 마을별 관광자원을 수집하고카드 분류법(card sorting test)을 실시하였다. 카드 분류법의 피조사자는 농촌관광의 경험이 있는 대학생 32명을 선정하여진행되었으며 최종적으로 전문가 설문을 통하여 농촌자원유형 분류를 검증하였다. 조사 결과 상위 항목에서는 ‘체험하기’,‘지역향토음식 먹기/만들기’, ‘숙박하기’, ‘주변관광/경관감상’, ‘레져 즐기기’, ‘예술활동하기’의 6가지 유형으로 분류되었다.하위항목에서는 상위항목의 ‘체험하기’에서만 분리되는 특징을 보였으며 ‘지역자원활용체험’, ‘자연체험’, ‘전통체험’, ‘수확/채집체험’의 4가지 유형으로 분류되는 특징을 보였다. 본 연구는 농촌관광을 하는 관광자들의 만족도 제고와 관광자원에 대한이해도를 높이기 위하여 실시되었으며 본 연구 결과를 통하여 도출된 농촌관광자원 유형 분류는 농촌관광자원 및 지역자원을소개하기 위한 홍보자료 및 웹, 앱 메뉴 설정 등에 이용되는 등 향후 활용성이 높을 것으로 기대한다.
        2007.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to analyze urban residents' preference on rural tourism. The data was collected from 225 urban residents in Jeonju and Iksan city. The results show that 13.8% of urban resident have experienced rural tourism. Even though urban residents are low experienced of rural tourism, people who intend to experience rural tourism. They are willing to pay about 29,700won for lodging 77,401won for food , 43,900won for agri-products and 18,100won for experiencing program. These results indicate that there is a lot of potential demand for rural tourism. These results that there is a lot of potential demand for rural tourism
        2023.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        농촌진흥 전략, 농촌발전 전략, 농민의 자체적 발전, 풍부한 농촌의 음식자원과 방대한 관광객 시장, 다양한 농촌관광 수요 등의 요인의 작용 하에 중국 농촌 음식관광은 점차 발전하면서 관광촌, 특색마을, 음식축제 등 세 가지 발전의 모델을 갖게 되었다. 그러나 중국 농촌 음식관광의 발전은 정책 및 관리, 관광객 시장, 문화적 함의의 결여, 부족한 브랜드 의식 등의 문제에 의한 제약을 받고 있다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위하여 중국 농촌 음식관광의 발전은 시장의 수요 및 농촌관광 발전 추세에 부응한다는 전제 하에 계획적 지도와 부처 간 협력,정책적 지원과 제도 개선,건전한 농촌 음식관광 관련 법체계 구축,음식관광 관련 인재 육성 강화,지역 간 연동과 차별화된 발전,관광객 시장 개척과 브랜드 구축,문화와의 융합을 통한 내부 소양의 발전,요리 교육 등의 조치를 취하여야 한다.
        2021.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        While Shandong Province is the largest historical and cultural and the first agricultural province in China, in recent years, due to the accelerated urbanization and modernization process, the conflict between traditional culture and modern civilization has had a serious impact on rural culture, and the ancient architecture among the villages in Shandong has also caused certain damage. These ancient buildings scattered in various villages in Shandong are important historical and cultural resources, the embodiment of Shandong traditional culture, and have an important role in the revitalization of rural culture and the enhancement of rural cohesion. However, research on the subsequent survey, conservation and restoration, and tourism development of ancient buildings in Shandong has lagged behind, and the role of these buildings in the inheritance of traditional Shandong traditional culture has not been given due attention, and their role in the construction of rural culture in the new era of Shandong has been seriously neglected. Tourism utilization is generally considered to be the preferred way to solve the conservation problems of ancient buildings. This study argues that the cultural revitalization of rural culture can be driven by the tourism and cultural industry of ancient buildings, and it can also provide a strong and sustainable power source for the rural revitalization strategy of the whole Shandong Province.
        2021.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        농촌 관광 이해관계자의 요구에 대한 관심과 그들의 이익에 대한 중시는 그들과 타 이해관계자 간의 잠재적 충돌 해소에 도움을 주면서 농촌 관광지의 지속가능한 발전을 실현하게 한다. 농촌 관광의 발전 과정은 현지 정부, 주민, 관광 기업, 관광객 등 다양한 이해관계자들의 이익과 연관되어 있다. 본고는 현재 중국의 농촌 관광 발전 과정에서 이해관계자 간 갈등의 원인과 모순의 구체적 내용에 대한 심도 있는 분석을 진행했고, 이해관계자 간 갈등의 해소를 위해 이익의 표현, 획득, 분배, 보장 등 네 가지 측면에서 구체적인 이해관계자 간 관계 조율 조치를 제시했다. 또한 원가촌의 사례를 통해 해당 관계 조율 조치의 실행 가능성을 검증했다.
        2020.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        개혁개방 이후 일반 국민들의 수입이 지속적으로 증가되면서 사람들의 생활 방식에도 큰 변화가 발생하기 시작하여 정신생활과 심리 수요에 대한 증가로 전통적인 관광 모델은 이미 사람들의 다양한 수요를 만족시킬 수 없게 되었다. 그에 따라 자연과 시골로의 회귀를 주제로 하는 농촌관광이 형성되었으며 점점 더 많은 사람들의 사랑을 받기 시작하였다. 농촌관광의 발달에 따라 농촌여성들은 중요한 참여 자로서 점점 더 중요한 역할을 한다. 동시에 농촌관광의 발전은 농촌여성들의 각 측면에 커다란 영향을 미친다. 본 논문은 주로 농촌관광이 농촌여성의 정신건강에 미치는 영향을 연구하였다. 결과는 다음과 같다. 농촌관광에 대한 참여 과정에서 농촌여성의 정신건강이 향상되었다. 한 측면에서 농촌관광은 여성의 발전과 진보에 양호한 환경과 조건을 제공했으며, 여성은 농촌관광에 대한 참여 과정에서 혈연과 지연 관계를 심화하는 동시에 사회 교류 대상이 지속적으로 증가되고, 교류 공간이 확대되면서 농촌여성의 자존감 역시 크게 강화되었다. 다른 한 측면에서 취업 여성의 교육관, 소비관, 경쟁의식 및 소셜 참여 의식에 모두 적극적인 변화가 발생하였다.
        2019.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper introduced the background of resident participation in rural tourism, analyzed in detail the concept and importance of resident participation, the content of resident participation and the safeguard measures of resident participation through literature review. This paper took Yuanjia Village in China as a case study, analyzed the practice of Yuanjia Village in system design, management division, resident education and benefit distribution, and the effect of resident participation of Yuanjia Village obtained. The results showed that resident participation reflected main body status of farmers in rural tourism. The innovation of system design, management system and benefit distribution system can guarantee resident participation right and obtain good satisfaction.
        2018.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, we typified the project for revitalizing the rural area through text analysis using news data, and analyzed the main direction and characteristics of the project. In order to examine the factors emphasized among the issues related to the revitalization of rural areas, we used news data related to 'tourism' and 'livelihood', which are the main keyword of the project to promote rural areas. In the analysis, text mining techniques were used. Topic modeling was conducted on LDA techniques for major projects in 'tourism' and 'livelihood' keyword. Based on this, this study typified the projects that are carried out for the activation of rural areas by topic. As a result of the analysis, it was fount that the topics included in the project were distributed in 11 sub-types(Tourism Promotion, Regional Specialization, Local Festival, Development of Regional Scale, Urban and Rural Exchange, Agricultural Support, Community Forest Management, Improve the Settlement Environment, General Welfare Service, Low Class Support, Others). The characteristics of the rural revitalization projects were examined, and it was confirmed that domestic projects were carried out by tourism-oriented projects. To summarize, the government is making projects to revitalize rural areas through related ministries. Within the structure where the project is spreading to the region, a lot of projects are being carried out. It is understood that the tourism and welfare oriented projects are being carried out in the revitalization project of the domestic rural area. Therefore, in order to achieve the goal of rural revitalization, it is believed that it will be effective to carry out a balanced project to improve the settlement environment of the residents.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study is conducted to propose urban park utilization and master plan in rural areas. Urban parks designed for the rural areas can be divided into three types: a themed type for rural tourism, a community type for hub regenerations and a waterfront type for using agricultural reservoirs. To use the themes and characteristics of ruralness, these types are required a multi-layered spatial structure. And ecological, cultural and economic networks of local tourism resources have to be integrated by utilizing agricultural reservoirs. Therefore, urban parks in rural areas can be defined as a part of the public benefit project aiming to revitalize the local economy. Also, urban parks are necessary to use attractions and amenities in rural areas. Based on theoretical backgrounds, this study proposed two sustainable master plans as the tourism resource development project for Baelyeonje, Gulye-gun. For ecological and cultural sustainability, this study proposed the environment restoration plan which reinforces the scenic resource of Nogodan in Mt. Jiri by developing the underdevelopment plan with consideration of the local landscape characteristics and resources. For economic sustainability, building the Mt. Jiri tourism complex and economic communities are needed to promote investments for securing mutual economic benefits. To achieve the sustainability, further studies related to the social equity and investment of private capital in rural areas are needed.
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