
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 16

        2020.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Mesenchymal stem cells in the dental pulp exhibit a tendency for differentiation into various dental lineages and hold great potential as a major conduit for regenerative treatment in dentistry. Although they can be readily isolated from teeth, the exact characteristics of these stem cells have not been fully understood so far. When compared to twodimensional (2D) cultures, three-dimensional (3D) cultures have the advantage of enriching the stem cell population. Hence, 3D-organoid culture and 3D-sphere culture were applied to dental pulp cells in the current study. Although the establishment of the organoid culture proved unsuccessful, the 3D-sphere culture readily initiated the stable generation of cell aggregates, which continued to grow and could be passaged to the second round. Interestingly, a significant increase in SOX2 expression was detected in the 3D-spheroid culture compared to the 2D culture. These results indicate the enrichment of the stemness-high population in the 3D-sphere culture. Thus, 3D-sphere culture may act as a link between the conventional and 3D-organoid cultures and aid in understanding the characteristics of dental pulp stem cells.
        2020.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The IMO (International Maritime Organization) has mandated the restriction of SOx emissions to 0.5 % for all international sailing vessels since January 2020. And, a number of countries have designated emission control areas for stricter environmental regulations. Three representative methods have been suggested to cope with these regulations; using low-sulphur oil, installing a scrubber, or using LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) as fuel. In this paper, economic analysis was performed by comparing the method of installing a scrubber with the method of using low-sulphur oil without installing additional equipment. We suggested plausible layouts and compared the pros and cons of different scrubber types for retrofitting. We selected an international sailing ship as the target vessel and estimated payback time and benefits based on navigation route, fuel consumption, and installation and operation costs. Two case of oil prices were analyzed considering the uncertainty of fuel oil price fluctuation. We found that the expected payback time of investment varies from 1 year to 3.5 years depending on the operation ratio of emission control areas and the fuel oil price change.
        2018.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The embryonic genome activation (EGA) is genetically activated states that embryos make the materials such as growth factors for using themselves. EGA is various because they have many materials, different site, different stage, also different species. At this time, transcription factors are expressed. Transcription factors bind to specific DNA region, and regulate the gene expression. Thus, we check the expression of transcription factors, we can know that embryo development is very well or not. The development stages of embryos are basically the stages from fertilization to blastocyst. So, we check the embryos oocyte to blastocyst. In our experiments, we focus the early developmental transcription factors such as Cdx2, Oct4, Sox2, Nanog and E-Cadherin. Above antibody factors showed different expression sites, and there were many differentiated parts from other animal species. In addition, we compared the SCNT and parthenogenetic activation (PA) because these are same methods using electrical activation among the embryo production methods. Our results showed not only similar patterns but also different patterns between pig and mouse. Therefore, we have to investigate that different patterns of transcription factors play a role in pigs, and why occur.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 중·소형 선박의 배가스에 포함되어 있는 황산화물 및 질소산화물을 처리하기 위한 습식 스크러버의 처리효율에 관한 내용이다. 실험은 질소산화물 기술문서(NOX Technical Code)의 E3 모드에 준해서 진행하였다. 엔진에서 황산화물을 배출하기 위해서, 연료로 사용되는 경유에 ditertiarybutyldusulfide를 혼합하여 황 함유량을 높인 연료로 실험을 진행하였다. 배가스 내의 질소산화 물의 대부분을 차지하는 NO가스는 NO2로 산화시켜 습식 스크러버로 흡수하였으며, 황산화물인 SO2는 세정액에 잘 흡수되어 100% 처리효율을 확인하였다.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The experiment was performed using the cleaning precipitator To investigate the absorption efficiency of the SOX/NOX of the aqueous ammonia solution. Concentration of the cleaning liquid is 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0% with increasing absorption efficiency has improved. However, the reaction shown only a difference in time. Absorption efficiency has improved in accordance with the gas residence time. When the direction of the same gas and the cleaning liquid is determined that there is the effect of increasing the residence time. The relative impact of SOX and NOX is this likely to react slower than SOX/NOX. The yield is determined to require
        2015.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Neural crest and placodes share a number of important features, pointing to a possible common evolutionary origin. They both arise from the neural plate border, which is the boundary between the non-neural ectoderm and neural plate. The transcription factor Sox9 has been implicated in neural crest and otic placode induction in several species. To investigate the differential regulation of neural crest and otic placode induction by Sox9, a gain of function assay was performed using a hormone-inducible version of the Sox9 construct at different doses and time periods. Sox9 was expressed in both neural crest and otic placode cell populations in the same stage embryos by in situ hybridization. Using a gain of function approach, increased expression of neural crest marker (Snail2) and otic placode marker (Pax8) in Sox9-overexpressed embryos was observed. Higher dose of Sox9 reduced or eliminated both neural crest and placode cells in the embryos. Interestingly, otic placodes cells were more strongly affected as compared to neural crest cells. So, optimal dosage and timing of Sox9 expression are important for the development of the neural crest and otic placode. The development of the neural crest and otic placode are affected by Sox9 in a time- and dose-dependent manner.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        전 세계적으로 증가하고 있는 선박 배출가스 규제를 위해 국제해사기구(IMO)는 배출되고 있 는 가스의 부정적 환경영향에 대한 부각과 함께 법적인 규제를 강화하고 있다. 국제해사기구(IMO) 규 제에 따라, 발트 해 연안을 지나는 모든 배들은 배출가스 제거창치를 장착해야 한다. 다양한 최신 탈황/ 탈질 장치가 소개되고 있는 가운데, 선박의 제한 된 공간을 활용한 폐 세정액 회수 공정 또한 중요한 기술로 발전 가능하다. 탈황/탈질 장치 후단에서 발생되는 폐 세정액은 질산암모늄, 황산암모늄과 같은 유용부산물을 포함하고 있다. 본 연구는 선택적 유기용매 염석 법, 저온 결정화 추출, 열 감압농축을 이 용하여 유용부산물로서 질산암모늄을 추출하였다. 열 감압농축으로 얻어진 부산물을 반복적 유기용매 추 출방법으로 정제했을 시 가장 높은 순도의 질산암모늄이 추출 되었다. 분석 장비를 통해 추출 된 유용 부산물의 성분 및 특성을 평가하였다.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In recent years, researchers have put a considerable effort to decrease the emission of harmful gaseous pollutants to the atmosphere. In order to remove simultaneously SO₂ and NOx from the flue gas of small and medium-sized ship, we designed minimal wet scrubber inside a compact multistage modular system. In this study we proceed experiment of elemental technology at each stage of the scrubber. The each stage is oxidation of NO which is the main component of NOx, and removal of SO₂, respectively. NaClO₂ was used to oxidize NO gas, and NaOH was used to remove SO₂gas. The maximum NO conversion efficiency and the SO₂ removal ficiency are both indicate 100%.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 대기오염물질인 유해 황산화물 가스를 이산화티탄 촉매 반응기와 연면 방전 반응기를 조합한 반응기에서 플라즈마 방전반응에 의하여 주파수 변화, 체류시간, 전극의 굵기, 첨가 모의가스 등의 공정 변수를 변화 시켜 분해제거 실험을 하였다. 실험 결과 황산화물의 분해제거 실험에서 주파수 10kHz에서 소비전력 19W에서 분해제거율은 99%이었으며 이산화티탄 촉매반응기를 부착한 경우가 없는 경우보다 5%이상 증가효과가 이었다. 첨가가스로 메탄을 첨가
        2006.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        β-catenin is a cytoplasmic protein that participates in the assembly of cell-cell adherens junctions by binding cadherins to the cytoskeleton. In addition, it is a key component of the Wnt signaling pathway. Activation of this pathway triggers the accumulation of β-catenin in the nucleus, where it activates the transcription of target genes. Abnarmal accumulation of β -catenin is characteristic of polyposis coli(APC) or Axin tumor suppressor proteins, which regulates β-catenin degradation, or activating mutations in β-catenin molecule itself. Here we show that overexpression of Sox4 down-regulates wild type β-catenin in HEK 293 cells. The inhibitory effect of Sox4 on wild type β-catenin is apparently mediated by the ubiquitin- proteasoem system and requires an active glycogen synthase kinase 3β(GSK3β). Mutations in the N-terminus of β -catenin(S33Y) which compromise its degradation by the proteasomes or inhibition of GSK3β activity rendered β-catenin resistant to down-regulation by Sox4. In light of recent evidence that Sox4 expression is activated in colon and other tumors with β-catenin dysregulation, our findings suggest that Sox4 is part of a feedback inhibitory pathway for Wnt signaling in normal cells. Moreover, the mutations in APC, Axin or β-catenin in cancer cells appear to render β-catenin resistant to the effects of Sox4 inhibition.
        2019.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        IMO has enacted a convention that air pollution due to emissions of ships and sulfur oxides emissions should be significantly reduced by 2020. Based on the current support policies, this work intended to draw up the government support plans required by the shipping companies. Analytic Hierarchy Process analysis was done with factors derived from brainstorming and literature studies. The analysis results showed that the cost factor was generally the most important criterion and the Financial Aid was relatively more important within this cost factor. The policy implications for the regulation of sulfur oxides emissions was provided.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        배아 줄기세포는 미분화상태에서 자가 재생을 유지할 수 있다. 자가 재생은 OCT4, SOX2와 NANOG와 같은 많은 인자들이 작용한다. 생쥐 배아 줄기세포에서 OCT4와 SOX2가 Nanog 프로모터에 결합하여 Nanog 유전자의 발현을 촉진한다는 사실은 생쥐 promoter에 관한 정밀분석으로 알려져 있다. 본 연구에서는 인간 Nanog promoter를 정밀 분석하기 위해 연속적인 결손 돌연변이를 가진 promoter-reporter constru