본 연구는 공연 기획 스타트업인 컬쳐띵크(주)의 경쟁력을 VRIO 모델 을 통해 분석하였다. 연구 방법으로는 2차 자료를 활용한 질적 연구를 수행하였다. 연구 결과, '가치' 측면에서는 랩비트 페스티벌을 통한 음악 시장의 다양성 확대와 글로벌화, AFS를 통한 유연한 아티스트 지원 모 델, 유통 서비스 푸이의 롱테일 전략이 주요 가치 창출 요소로 확인되었 다. '희소성' 측면에서는 축적된 페스티벌 운영 노하우 및 AFS의 독특한 비즈니스 모델, 광범위한 업계 네트워크와 '랩비트' 브랜드 가치가 경쟁 사가 쉽게 획득하기 어려운 자원으로 평가되었다. '모방 불가능성' 측면 에서는 시간 압축성의 비경제적 효과와 경험에 따른 역사적 고유성과 사 회적 복잡성 그리고 광범위한 네트워크 효과 등이 핵심 역량으로 분석되 었다. '조직' 측면에서는 유연한 매트릭스 구조, '창의적 실험'과 '데이터 기반 의사결정' 문화의 공존, '열린 소통'과 '수평적 관계' 강조, 지속적 학습과 성장 마인드셋이 자원과 역량을 효과적으로 활용하는 데 기여하 고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구 결과를 바탕으로 음악 산업의 가 치 사슬 통합 관리, 데이터 기반 의사결정과 창의적 실험의 균형, 글로벌 네트워크 구축, 기술 혁신 대응 능력 강화 등을 향후 국내 음악 산업의 발전 방향으로 제시하였다.
본 논문은 예술 분야 기술융합 스타트업의 성공 요인을 ERIS 모델의 관점으로 분석하여 향후 관련 스타트업에 실무적 시사점을 제시하는 데 목적이 있다. 연구 사례로는 국내 AI 음악 교육 분야의 선도 기업으로 시리즈 A 투자 유치에 성공한 예술 분야의 대표적 기술융합 스타트업인 ㈜주스를 선정하였다. 연구 방법은 문헌 조사 및 인터뷰를 사용하였으며, 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. ‘창업가’ 요인으로 창업자는 음악과 경영 전공 을 살려 기술 융합 예술 스타트업으로서의 독창적인 사업 모델을 개발하 였다. ‘자원’ 요인으로는 실리콘밸리와의 네트워크를 통해 초기 자본을 확보하였으며, 이후 한국벤처투자조합 등 다양한 투자자로부터 추가 투 자를 유치하였다. ‘산업 환경’ 요인으로는 인공지능의 글로벌 확산과 더 불어 정부의 AI 관련 투자 및 교육 지원 정책으로 시장에서 성장할 수 있는 환경이 조성되었다. ‘경영 전략’ 요인으로는 AI를 활용한 가격 설정 시스템 도입, 예술학교에 대한 내로우 타겟팅 등을 통해 특정 수요층을 효과적으로 공략하였다는 점 등이 분석되었다.
본 논문에서는 1973년 프랑스 파리에 최초로 한식당을 창업하여 30여 년간 운영한 한인 이민사업가를 대상으로 유럽에서의 요식업 종사 경험 을 구술생애사적 관점에서 고찰한다. 프랑스 한인사회의 역사적 변천 과 정의 맥락에서 구술자의 한식당 창업 동기와 사업에 도움이 되었던 요 인, 한식당 경영의 의미에 대해서 조사한다. 연구 결과에 따르면 구술자 는 유럽에서의 연속적 이주 과정을 통해서 축적한 다양한 사회적 네트워 크를 주요한 민족자원의 하나로 활용하였다. 또한 창업 당시 프랑스 한 인은 200명 남짓의 소규모였고 현지인들 사이에 한국, 한국 음식에 대한 인지도가 매우 낮았기 때문에, 입지 선정에 있어서 주프랑스 한국대사관 과의 근접성이 중요하게 고려되었다. 한식당 경영을 통해서 프랑스 한인 과 한국으로부터의 방문객들이 모국의 음식을 향유하고 한국적 정서를 접할 수 있게 하였고, 또한 프랑스 현지인들에게는 한국 음식문화와 한 인 예술을 알리는데 기여하였다. 본 연구를 통해 프랑스 한인 이주사, 한 인 디아스포라의 자영업 창업, 해외 한식문화의 전파와 의의에 대한 이 해 제고에 기여할 수 있을 것이다.
벤처기업은 경쟁력 강화를 위한 내부 역량 구축에는 자원과 인력이 부족하기 때문에 공동연구, 네트워킹 등 외부와의 협력이 중요한 역할을 하고 있다. 이에 본 논문에서 는 벤처기업의 산학협력 경험이 조직학습역량과 혁신성과에 미치는 영향에 대하여 살펴보고 자 하였다. 지속적으로 확대되고 있는 정부 R&D 투자가 벤처기업과 대학의 협력을 촉진함 으로써 조직학습역량을 강화하고 혁신성과를 창출하는 메커니즘을 실증 분석하였으며 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 벤처기업의 산학협력 경험은 조직학습역량을 강화시키는 것으로 나타났다. 벤처기업은 대학과의 협력 및 자원 활용을 통해 내부 역량 강화에 중요한 역할을 하고 있음을 실증분석 한 것이다. 둘째, 벤처기업의 조직학습역량은 혁신성과에 유의한 영향 을 미쳤다. 조직학습역량이 높은 조직은 새로운 아이디어를 발굴하고 공유하는 문화를 가지 게 됨으로써 기업의 혁신성과 창출에도 긍정적인 역할을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로 벤처기업 창업자의 배태조직(incubator organization)에 따른 산학협력과 조직학습역량을 분 석한 결과 중소(벤처)기업 및 개인 경험 기반의 창업 그룹이 대학과의 협력을 통해 조직학습 역량과 혁신성과 창출에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 중소(벤처)기업과 개인 기반의 창업자는 대기업, 대학 및 연구소 창업자에 비해 상대적으로 더 높은 기술역량을 보 유한 대학과 협력함으로써 기업의 조직학습역량 강화에 도움을 받은 것으로 볼 수 있다. 본 연구를 통해 정부는 벤처기업의 R&D 성과를 극대화하기 위해 대학과 협력 유도하는 정책이 필요할 것이다. 물론 벤처기업과 대학에 나눠주기식 지원이 혁신성과를 저해하고 있다는 비 판도 존재하지만 정부 투자는 기술 축적, 고급인력 양성, 혁신 네트워크 강화 등 무형자원 확 충에 중요한 역할을 한다. 그렇기에 정부는 벤처기업의 성장을 위한 투자 전략성 강화를 위 해 정부의 권한을 적절하게 활용해야 할 것이다.
This study examines the interactional dynamics revealed through teasing humor in the context of a startup business meeting. Using a quasi-conversation analytic approach to details of talk, as well as ethnographic information concerning the community of practice, this study aims to illuminate the construction of professional identities shown in members' participation in teasing humor. The dataset consists of three video-recorded weekly business meetings of a startup (210 minutes) and a supplementary interview and observation notes. The analyses show that, in this business context, the members' identities (e.g., the CEO, the co-founders versus non-co-founders) were revealed in the dynamics of participation in teasing humor. Teasing humor was also found to contribute to finding creative solutions to challenging issues under discussion. The non-co-founders, in particular, found opportunities to participate in the major business discourse through this teasing. By participating in the teasing segments, they were able to present themselves as legitimate members of the startup. The findings are discussed to highlight the sociolinguistic norms of a professional community in creating a constructive business culture.
본 연구는 창업실패관련 지각된 혜택이 창업의도에 미치는 영향에 대해 연구하고, 두 변수와의 관계에 서 창업자기효능감이 매개변수로서의 영향을 미치는지와 창업경험유무가 조절변수로서의 영향을 미치는 지를 확인하고자 했다.
본 연구의 표본은 서울 소재 대학 창업보육센터 졸업기업 대표자 및 청년창업센터 창업가, 대학교 창업 강좌 수강생으로, 552명을 표본으로 수집하였다. 수집된 표본을 대상으로 타당성 및 신뢰성을 검증하였고, 단순회귀분석, 매개효과 및 조절효과 분석을 통해 가설을 검증하였다.
분석한 결과, 창업실패관련 지각된 혜택은 창업의도와 창업자기효능감에 유의한 영향을 미침을 알 수 있었다. 그리고 창업자기효능감은 창업의도에 유의한 영향을 미치며, 창업실패관련 지각된 혜택과 창업의도 사이를 매개함을 알 수 있었다. 또한 창업경험유무는 창업실패관련 지각된 혜택과 창업자기효능감 사이에서 조절변수로서 영향을 미치는 것을 알 수 있었다.
연구의 결과에서 창업실패관련 지각된 혜택, 즉 창업지원정책이 창업실패 예방에 유용하다는 인지가 창업의도와 창업자기효능감을 제고하므로 창업지원 사업의 유용성에 대한 인지제고가 필요함을 알 수 있었다. 그리고 창업자기효능감은 직접 창업의도를 제고하고, 창업실패관련 지각된 혜택과 창업의도를 매 개하므로, 창업자기효능감을 제고하기 위해 정부 및 지방자치단체가 창업지원 사업계획을 수립할 때, PBL, Cash-class 등 창업자기효능감 제고에 다양한 시도가 필요함을 알 수 있었다. 또한 창업경험유무가 창업실패관련 지각된 혜택과 창업자기효능감 사이를 조절하므로 창업경험이 있는 창업자에 창업지원 사업의 유용성을 집중적으로 홍보할 필요가 있음을 알 수 있었다. 위와 같은 연구의 결과는 창업지원 관련 정책효과 제고를 위한 홍보방안 등에 대한 실무측면에서의 시사점을 제공한다.
Due to fierce competition in the marketplace, globalization and an explosion of technology in recent years, innovation and differentiation are considered as a necessity for every company (Tajeddini & Trueman, 2008a). At the same time, to achieve market success and sustain a competitive advantage, businesses need to exploit new opportunities, develop new products and/or services and markets (Berthon, McHulbert, & Pitt, 2004) as well as place customer orientation at the heart of the firm’s competitiveness (Deshpande, Farley, & Webster, 1993). Hospitality entrepreneurship is a pivotal factor in the development and growth of many national economies (Hospitality Standards Institute, 2012), and in Taiwan, a significant proportion of hospitality businesses are small owner-operated outlets (). Therefore, understanding the nature of, and challenges faced by hospitality entrepreneurs is an important issue for researchers, as well as current and future entrepreneurs, financial institutions, local authorities, and government. This article reports on an exploratory study of qualitative data collected through open-ended questions, understanding of the many factors influencing entrepreneurs to start their businesses.
As noted by Middleton (2001), small businesses form a seedbed for the entrepreneurial and enterprise culture on which much of the profit and employment prospects of big businesses ultimately depend. This observation clearly indicates the difference between small business owners and entrepreneurs. But although support for this viewpoint in the literature is universal, some researchers do not draw such a fine line between the two terms when discussing related issues; also, studies of small business firms are usually found in the entrepreneurship literature, where sometimes the two terms are used interchangeably. The existing entrepreneurship literature shows that several critical factors influence the birth and growth of start-up firms. These factors include both macro-level environmental and micro-level, or personal level, forces. Studies focusing on the former often examine the influence of politics, culture, society, economics, competition, and demographics on a person’s decision to start or grow a new business in a specific setting; this in turn can take place at different levels, such as the company, city, region, or nation (Jogartnam, 2002; Ramos-Rodriguez et al., 2012). Studies on the latter investigate the influence of personal characteristics, such as subculture, social factors (e.g., role, status, reference group), personal factors (e.g., age, gender, education, life cycle, personality, self-perception, lifestyles, values), and psychological factors (e.g., motives, beliefs, attitudes, perceptions, learning, risk-taking propensity, etc. (Littunen, 2000; Ramos-Rodriguez et al., 2012). This study adopted Chen and Elston’s (2013) entrepreneurial activity model for classifying and modeling these factors affecting firm start-ups and growth. Fig. 1 captures this process and highlights the critical factors influencing the entrepreneurial process and their various relationships. In this model, the macro-environment mix influences not only a person’s personal characteristics but also this person’s entrepreneurial process. These personal characteristics in turn also influence the entrepreneurial process. The research methodology was conducted with qualitative research method. Firstly, we interviewed the experts with regard to this industry, and then used content analysis for the interview records. After the in-depth interviews, a grounded theory was adopted to analyze the interview data with repeated coding and reading, and then innovative entrepreneurship were coded into fundamental categories with diverse descriptions (Corbin & Strauss, 1990). These descriptions represent the idea and meaning squeeze from the transcripts of interview. As for the research reliability, we read the biographies of participants and collect relative information such as their provided books, documents and reports from the news. To guarantee the validity of this study, we also improve the research content with researchers’ interview and reflection notes. Those notes were observation on innovative entrepreneurship process in this study. Therefore, these systematic methods could conclude a theory for a specific phenomenon (Hsieh & Shannon, 2005).
The results of our qualitative analysis demonstrated the opinions of experts with regard to innovative entrepreneurship in hotel industry. Based on Chen and Elston’s (2013) entrepreneurial activity model, the characteristics of each concept were grounded with four dimensions: (1) Macro-environment mix (2) Personal characteristics (3) Entrepreneurial Proces (4) Major entrepreneurial outcome. The experts’ critical viewpoints are also presented by typical quotations.
(1) Macro-environment mix
● Shifting Market
“Now the entire consumer market is shifting, everyone booking via the internet.”(sample 1) “When you book a hotel or a flight, people like the price competition. So you may have to spend a lot of time.” (sample 9)
● The old technology
“We are still using the technology more than a decade ago. Taiwan is still running the hotel in a very traditional way. It is when I open a hotel , I am looking for some people, and then ... I think I will make money. In fact, a lot of know how they do not know.”(sample 1)
● Price competition
“We think the outbound market has entered the Red Sea. The inbound market has not been fully developed and has potential for development. Therefore, we would not like to see the inbound market enter the price competition.” (sample 6)
● Want Taiwan to be seen
“Taiwan's B & B are really world-class highlights in tourism industry.”(DEAR BNB)
● Make up the industrial gap
“We think Taiwan needs a brand new high-quality hotel and lodging platform and we did it.” (sample 3) “I think what we do is very traditional! Just fill the gap by using the resources we have integrated with the method we want.” (sample 4)
(2) Personal characteristics
● Personal interest
“I like traveling, I like going abroad, I like to fly.”(sample 8) “This is my hobby, I also like to interact with people.” (sample 4)
● Doing what I want to do
“I just want to do what I want to do.”(sample 8) “I like the Internet and marketing but don’t like to do engineer. “(sample 7)
● Apply own expertise
“Using my own technology and see the market demand gap, hoping to help Taiwan's lodging industry can be transformed, technology upgrades, do not have to monopolize by the traditional manufacturers.” (sample 1) “I study hospitality and work for a year in Taipei Evergreen Hotel, and later went to Vancouver to study hotel management. To start a new venture also an ultimate goal of our depasample 6ent, so I think it must be done.” (sample 2)
● Personal life experience
“I think creation needs inspiration, inspiration comes from life experience. Entrepreneurship will not have nothing, what you have to do today, it must have some relationship with your past life experience.” (sample 3)
(3) Entrepreneurial Process
● Self-finaning
“I did not find someone or looking for funds.” (sample 4) “I have a deposit of 20 years, our funds are wholly-owned. We do not borrow money from banks nor fundraising or venture capital.” (sample 5)
● Related connections
“Originally, my good friend who knew about the lodging industry. You are ready, and then meet the right people, and then a good time point enter into the right market.” (sample 1) “When talent comes in, they will recommend people who have such abilities and values. Therefore, we have not publicly recruited R & D people.” (sample 4)
● Try and error
“In the beginning, we don’t seriously think about our business model. Through more case, we revise our business model.”(sample 6) “After my trip, I wanted to start a business. At that time, I did not have many ideas, so I did a lot of work to find directions.” (sample 7)
● Find the right shareholder
“Shareholders are important. When finding shareholders, his resources and skills are very important. I want more than his money.” (sample 2)
● Play a consultant role
“We are selling our ideas, as well as selling our resources, experience so a bit like a consultant's role.” (sample 7)
(4) Major entrepreneurial outcome
● Change the industry ecology
“We have successfully changed some of the airline's mind, we have changed the hotel's promotional model and have changed an ecological.”(sample 8) ” The core of entrepreneurship is to "re-establish an ecosystem".(sample 5)
● Tourism industry knowledge education and personnel training of think tanks
“We want to make domain knowledge, know-how in tourism industry can be extracted, shared, and can be taught textbook.” (smaple 6)
● Package Form a network and provide a unique package
“In addition to the network, we hope to the forming some unique service package.” (sample 5) “Our three companies are different areas and require different skills. In the future, we would integrate them.” (sample 7)
Discussion and conclusions
This study examined the innovative entrepreneurship with start up in the hotel industry. Using content analysis method to access the research conclusions, the four key components of entrepreneurial activity: Macro-environment mix, personal characteristics, entrepreneurial process and major entrepreneurial outcome (Chen and Elston, 2013) were adopted to set up a theoretical framework. The results of our research were provided through a systematic approach to interpret and summarize experts’ professional opinions. These data were collected by in-depth and semi-structured interviews which give participants opportunities to express their opinions based on their experience in innovative entrepreneurship of hospitality. Meanwhile, the concepts of experts’ comprehensions were written into different characteristics with logical explanations. Most important of all, our research contributes to the entrepreneurship literature. Though some previous studies have discussed Chen and Elston’s (2013) entrepreneurial activity model, none of them tried to integrate this perspective with start up company in hotel industry. Therefore, the results of this study filled the gap between theory and practice, and provide a distinct example for future innovative entrepreneurship research in hospitality. To sum up, as most previous research focus on theoretical or practical perspective to interpret entrepreneurship, the result of this research further contribute the development of innovative entrepreneurship especially in start up. These findings offered essential framework and required knowledge of strategies for current and future trends in this field.
More people travel oversea as the economic size of Korea is getting larger and more new jobs are requested to be created by the society. To respond to these trend and request, Incheon International Airport Corporation (IIAC) is about to expand its processing capability with a new terminal; 54 million passengers to 72 million. IIAC is also introducing new strategies such as open innovation (OI) and creating shared value (CSV). With these changes, IIAC faces new challenges of restructuring its business and organization with new ideas. Most organizations including IIAC are becoming more dependent on external resources to keep their competitive advantages under the turbulence of global business environmental changes. Therefore, they focus on the OI paradigm which is reported as a convincing strategy to improve competitiveness in terms of budget and time-to-market. OI is to quickly react to the rapidly changing business environment and is adopted to support startup incubation. In the previous research with IIAC, three major tasks were defined; utilizing the IIAC brand power for external vendors, building a technology road-map, and introducing a collaboration support system. This paper deals with the collaboration system as proposed in the previous research. We focused on the collaboration process for startup incubation. Cases were studied; the K-startup model by the government, a university model to explore youth startups, and a R&D institute model to study professional startups. Based on the case studies, we defined an IIAC model and proposed issues to take care of. The model is distinguished from the other studied models since IIAC is a prospective customer of new technology.
전 세계적으로 금융선진국을 비롯한 각 국가의 금융당국은 금융기관과 금융소 비자 간의 정보비대칭 완화 및 이를 통한 리스크관리를 위하여 금융기관이 참여하는 신용정 보 공유제도를 운영하고 있다. 본 연구는 한국에서 공유되고 있는 신용정보 중 사고정보를 대상으로 하여 실제로 공유중 인 신용정보 데이터를 분석하였다. 사고정보를 사고횟수, 사고기간, 사고금액의 세 종류로 구 분하여, 생존분석에서는 사고정보가 기업의 생존기간에 미치는 영향을 분석하였고, 이후 집 단 간 비교분석을 통해 업력 7년 이하의 창업기업과 그 외 기존기업 간에 존재하는 사고정보 양상 차이를 검증하였다. 총 449,579개 기업의 사고정보에 대한 정량적인 분석을 시행한 결과 생존분석에서 사고횟 수가 사고후생존기간과 정(+)의 상관관계를 보였는데 이는 사고횟수를 부정적인 요소로 판단하고 있는 금융기관의 현행 리스크정책에 반증적 성격을 갖는다. 또한, 집단 간 비교분석 에서는 창업기업의 사고양상이 기존기업보다 생존기간에 더 긍정적인 모습을 보이고 있음에 따라 창업기업의 특성을 고려한 신용정보 공유제도의 개선이 필요하다는 시사점을 도출할 수 있었다.
The objective of the present paper is to analyze the problems found in the operation of startup companies and to seek after their solutions. It is thus aimed at offering reasonable grounds for the government to work out long- and short-term strategies in an attempt to help and vitalize startup companies. In this context, following analysis was conducted to meet the objective of this study: First, it was analyzed here to determine if there was any difference in the application of management characters that were deemed to be important factors exercising drastic influence on competitiveness of startup companies directly as well as indirectly; and Second, it was empirically proved how management characters of startup companies affected their competitiveness. From the analysis, it was discovered as follows: First, characters of founders such as age, education and experience in management were found to differ depending on the extent that factors of managerial characters in startup companies were practically applied; and Second, the four factors of managerial characters that were classified by factor analysis turned out to have influence on variables of financial and non-financial competitiveness that were connected with competitiveness of a company.
This study intends to improve job performance during the Covid-19 pandemic at startup companies in Indonesia. In this study, the variables tested were job satisfaction, job innovation, Indonesian culture control, and job performance. Increasing job performance is deemed necessary in facing the economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Job innovation, job satisfaction, and culture control are deemed necessary in improving job performance. The population of this study are managers of start-up companies in Jakarta, Banten, and West Java. This research data obtained by distributing questionnaires to startup managers. This is a quantitative study with primary data. The sample technique used was purposive sampling. Structural Equation Model using Partial Least Square statistical software was used to analyze data. The results of this study indicate a change in the pattern of work performed by startup companies in running their business. Before the Covid-19 pandemic, employees worked in offices for seven hours, but after this pandemic, they change work patterns, moving them to work from home. Working from home requires companies to exercise better control and leadership patterns so that employees can work comfortably.
This study empirically analyzes how the career orientation factors of startup entrepreneurs affect entrepreneurial satisfaction as well as business sustainability. We propose directions for startup sustainability and development. Based on previous research, we defined the career orientation of entrepreneurs through the five orientation factors of security, autonomy, technical competence, managerial competence, and entrepreneurial creativity. We constructed a research model to determine whether these factors have a causal relationship with entrepreneurial satisfaction or business sustainability through the medium of organizational entrepreneurship. We surveyed startups in Korea using a questionnaire and collected and analyzed a total of 282 points of survey data. The analysis results demonstrated that the entrepreneurial creativity and managerial competence of the members of a startup can play an important role within entrepreneurial satisfaction and business sustainability. Both autonomy and technical competence exhibited no effect on entrepreneurial satisfaction and business sustainability through the medium of entrepreneurship, while security showed a negative effect. In order to improve entrepreneurial satisfaction and achieve business sustainability, we confirmed that it was more important for startups to consider the creativity and business management competences of entrepreneurs rather than pursue business security or have a technology-oriented attitude.
This study examined the effects of startup firm's knowledge assets on the effectiveness of their sales strategies, efficiency of sales activities, and management performance, after categorizing these assets into customer knowledge assets and technology knowledge assets. Furthermore, the moderating effects of promotion focus by CEOs and sales managers of startup firms were analyzed. For the analysis, dyadic questionnaire surveys were conducted targeting the CEOs and sales managers of startup firms established at the Gyeongnam Technopark and the KAIST Technology Business Incubation Center in Korea. Hypotheses were verified through structural equation modeling, and moderating effects were identified through ANOVA. CEO's customer knowledge asset strengthened their effectiveness of sales strategies, and sales manager's technology knowledge asset strengthened the efficiency of their sales activities. Also, CEO's effectiveness of sales strategies and sales manager's efficiency of sales activities have been found to enhance startup firm's management performance. Meanwhile, the moderating effect of promotion focus strengthened CEO's effectiveness of sales strategies through CEO's customer knowledge asset and interaction as CEO's promotion focus level increased, but promotion focus of sales managers did not have any significant interaction effect. This study provides implications by offering empirical evidence on startup firms with regard to knowledge assets.
On the purpose to analyze the survival rate of startup companies since their establishment, the companies’ survival rate was investigated by surviving period. The average and coefficient of variation(C.V.) of the startup companies’ survival rate were examined with the comparison of urban and rural areas, and primary, secondary, and tertiary industries. In this study, the variation of total numbers of new-established companies, from 1998 to 2012, were analyzed with micro-data of the Statistics Korea, ‘The Census on Establishments’. The results show that the survival rate of primary industry companies largely fluctuate and don’t be stabled during the whole surviving periods, whereas secondary and tertiary industry companies show stabilized survival rate after fifth year from their establishment. Especially, the startup companies of primary industry located at urban areas show the largest fluctuation and the most vulnerable stability of survival rate. It is concluded that the surviving period of primary industry companies don’t guarantee their survival, while survival rate of secondary and tertiary industry company became stable after five years from their establishment.
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of different carbon sources on the anaerobic fermentation characteristics in the startup phase using the biochemical methane potential test. The treatments for this experiment were combinations of carbon sources (starch, cellulose, and xylan). Anaerobic fermentation was done at 37oC for 18 days with agitation and pH, ammonia nitrogen, volatile solids reduction, gas production, methane content, and methane production were investigated at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12, 15, and 18 days after incubation in triplicate. In the experiment, the pH was changed depending on the characteristics of the carbon source. The ammonia nitrogen concentration was the highest in the starch-treated group at 7, 12, and 15 days after incubation (P < 0.05). Cumulative volatile solids reduction was the highest in the cellulose-treated group at 18 day after incubation (P < 0.05) and cumulative gas production was higher in the cellulose-treated group than for other two treatments at 18 day after incubation (P < 0.05). Methane content was the lowest in the xylan-treated group at 18 days after incubation (P < 0.05). Cumulative methane production was higher in the xylan-and cellulose-treated group than in the starch-treated group at 18 days after incubation (P < 0.05). In this study, the carbon sources had significant effects on anaerobic fermentation characteristics; especially, the carbon source was shown to have a positive effect on the operation time and hydraulic retention time for the anaerobic digestion startup phage. Therefore, carbon sources should be considered systematically for efficient anaerobic digestion of organic waste.