Background: In Taekwondo athletes, ankle sprain is the most common risk factor for injury. Repeated ankle injuries lead to weakness and imbalance of the ankle muscles, resulting in chronic ankle instability (CAI). Both the ankle and toe muscles contribute to the inversion and eversion of the foot at the subtalar joint. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the ankle and toe joint positions when measuring ankle invertor and evertor strength. Objects: This study aimed to compare the muscle strength and ratio differences of the ankle invertor and evertor muscles in both the toe and ankle positions between the CAI and uninjured sides in Taekwondo athletes. Methods: Fifteen Taekwondo athletes participated in this study. The isometric strengths of both the ankle invertor and evertor were determined in different ankle and toe positions (dorsiflexion with toe extension, dorsiflexion with toe flexion, plantarflexion with toe extension, and plantarflexion with toe flexion). Paired t-tests were used to determine the differences between the ankle invertor and evertor in strength and ratio according to toe and ankle positions between the ankle CAI side and the uninjured side. Results: The results demonstrated that ankle evertor strength significantly decreased in all ankle and toe positions on the CAI side (p < 0.05). In addition, significant differences were observed in the ratios of the ankle invertor and evertor strengths in the dorsiflexion with toe flexion, plantarflexion with toe extension, and plantarflexion with toe flexion positions (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that athletes, trainers, and clinicians should consider ankle and toe positions when measuring invertor and evertor strength and develop ankle rehabilitation protocols for Taekwondo athletes with CAI.
Background: Individuals with pes planus tend to overuse the extrinsic foot muscles, such as the tibialis anterior (TA) and peroneus longus (PL), to compensate for the weakened intrinsic foot muscles, such as the abductor hallucis (AbdH). Furthermore, differences in weight-bearing can affect the activity of muscles in both the intrinsic and extrinsic foot muscles. To date, no study has compared the effects of the short foot exercise (SFE) and toe spread-out exercise (TSO) on intrinsic and extrinsic foot muscle activity and the corresponding ratios in different weight-bearing positions. Objects: To compare the effects of the SFE and TSO on AbdH, TA, and PL activity and the AbdH/TA and AbdH/PL activity ratios in the sitting and standing positions in individuals with pes planus. Methods: Twenty participants with pes planus were recruited. Surface electromyography was used to assess the amplitudes of AbdH, TA, and PL activity. Participants performed both exercises while adopting both the sitting and standing positions. Results: No significant interaction between exercise and position was found regarding the activity of any muscle or ratio of the activity, except for PL activity. We observed a significant increase in AbdH activity during the TSO compared to the SFE, and no significant difference in TA and PL activity between the two exercises. AbdH, TA, and PL activity were significantly higher in the standing position than in the sitting position. Furthermore, the AbdH/PL activity ratio significantly increased in the sitting position, although there was a significant increase in AbdH activity in the standing position. Conclusion: In individuals with pes planus, we recommend performing the TSO in the sitting position, which may increase the activity of the AbdH while concurrently decreasing the activity of the TA and PL, thus strengthening the AbdH.
본 연구는 발가락 지방 소거 검사 시에 종종 저품질의 영상이 획득되는 경우에 주목하여 다양한 조절인자들을 조절하지 않아도 손쉽게 영상 품질을 향상하는 방법을 고안해보았다. 팬텀과 지원자를 대상으로 발 전용 코일만 사용한 경우와 추가 코일을 결합 사용한 경우의 영상을 획득 후 신호대 잡음비(SNR)를 측정하여 비교하였다. 시상면, 관상면, 축상면 모두 T2 Dixon을 시행하였고, 시상면의 경우 T2 지방 소거(FS)와 T1 지방 소거를 추가 시행하였다. 팬텀 검사에서 추가 코일을 결합 사용 시 SNR은 시상면의 경우 T2 Dixon water는 1.21배, T2 FS은 1.22배, T1 FS은 1.17배 향상되었다. 관상면 T2 Dixon water는 1.15배, 축상면 T2 Dixon water는 1.47배 향상되었다. 지원자 검사에서 추가 코일을 결합 사용 시 SNR은 시상면의 경우 T2 Dixon water는 2.07배, T2 FS은 5.17배, T1 FS은 3.20배 향상되었다. 관상면 T2 Dixon water는 1.20배, 축상면 T2 Dixon water는 1.37배 향상되었다. 추가 코일을 결합 사용하였을 때 모든 지방 소거 검사 및 모든 방향에서 SNR 향상의 결과를 얻을 수 있었다. 결론적으로 사용자의 고도 기술 및 추가 검사 시간이 필요하지 않고도 SNR을 향상할 수 있음을 의미한다.
Background: The longitudinal arch is important for individuals with pes planus. The toe spread out exercise (TSO) has been widely used to continuously support the longitudinal arch by increasing the abductor hallucis (AbdH) muscle activation. However, the AbdH muscle is commonly lack of the sufficient activation during the TSO especially in individuals with pes planus.
Objects: This study was performed to investigate the effect of arch support on the muscle activity and strength of the AbdH during TSO in standing position in individuals with pes planus.
Methods: Twenty subjects with pes planus between 20 and 30 years of age participated in this study. The muscle activity and strength of the AbdH were measured using surface EMG system and the Smart KEMA tensiometer system. The AbdH muscle was evaluated during TSO between individuals with and without longitudinal arch support in standing position. The longitudinal arch was supported by using the insole. The paired t-test was used. The level of statistical significance was set at α = 0.05.
Results: The muscle activity and strength of the AbdH during TSO with arch support in standing position was significantly greater than that without arch support.
Conclusion: The muscle activity and strength of the AbdH during TSO in standing position can be influenced by the longitudinal arch support in individuals with pes planus. The AbdH strengthening during TSO in standing with arch support can be recommended especially in individuals with pes planus in the clinical settings.
Background: Ankle evertor muscles are important for preventing lateral ankle sprain. Since, the evertor muscles cross the ankle and toe joints, the position at which the ankle evertor muscle strength is measured is important. However, no studies have previously investigated the effect of ankle and toe positions on the strength of the ankle evertor muscle.
Objects: This study is aimed to determine the effect of various ankle and toe joint positions on the strength of the ankle evertor muscles in healthy subjects.
Methods: Eighteen healthy subjects participated in this study. Isometric ankle evertor strength of the dominant leg was determined in each subject in different ankle and toe positions (dorsiflexion (DF) with toe extension (TE), DF with toe flexion (TF), plantar flexion (PF) with TE, and PF with TF). A 2 by 2 repeated analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine the difference in the evertor strength between the ankle positions (PF and DF) and toe positions (TE and TF).
Results: The results indicate that there was no significant ankle position by toe position interaction effect (p=.83). However, the ankle evertor strength was significantly increased in the ankle DF position than in the PF position (p<.01), and the ankle evertor strength during eversion with TE was significantly higher than eversion with TF (p<.01).
Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that clinicians should consider the ankle and toe positions when measuring the muscle strength and during performance of selective muscle strengthening exercises of the ankle evertor muscles.
Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) is a best-first search algorithm to evaluate states of the game tree in game playing, and has been successfully applied to various games, especially to the game of Go. Upper Confidence Bounds for Trees (UCT), which is a variant of MCTS, uses the UCB1 formula as selection policy, and balances exploitation and exploration of the states. Rapid Action-Value Estimation (RAVE), which is a All-Moves-As-First (AMAF) heuristic, treats all moves in a simulation as the first move, and therefore updates the statistics of all children of the root node. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of RAVE and UCT playing against each other in the game of Tic-Tac-Toe. The experimental results show that the first player RAVE is much inferior to the second player UCT (13.0±0.7%); on the other hand, the first player UCT is far superior to RAVE (99.9±0.1%).
Background: The toe-spread-out (TSO) exercise has been introduced as a strengthening exercise for the abductor hallucis muscle in subjects with hallux valgus. Visual biofeedback using ultrasound imaging during exercise, may increase the ability to selectively contract the abductor hallucis muscle, compared with exercise alone.
Objects: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of ultrasound imaging visual feedback during the TSO exercise with respect to its influence on the angle of the first metatarsophalangeal joint (1st MPJ) and the cross-sectional area (CSA) of the abductor hallucis muscle in subjects with hallux valgus.
Methods: Twenty-five healthy young subjects with a mean average age of 22.5 years, and a standard deviation of 2.3 years, were recruited for this study. Hallux valgus was defined as an angles greater than 15° angle of 1st MPJ. Goniometric measurement was used to determine the angle of 1st MPJ. In addition, an ultrasound system was used to collect the CSA of the abductor hallucis muscle in each foot. The angle of the 1st MPJ and CSA of the abductor hallucis were measured in three positions; the resting position, during TSO exercise, and during TSO exercise in conjunction with real-time ultrasound imaging feedback. All data analyzed using a repeated analysis of variance with Bonferroni correction in order to compare the dependent variables in all three positions. Statistical level of significance was set up as p<.05.
Results: The angle of the 1st MPJ was noted to be significantly reduced and the CSA of the abductor hallucis to be significantly greater during TSO exercise used in conjunction with ultrasound imaging visual feedback, compared to when the values were recorded during TSO exercise alone (p<.05).
Conclusion: Based on these findings, it can be concluded that the application of ultrasound imaging visual feedback during TSO exercise is more effective in contracting selectively the abductor hallucis than the use of exercise alone.
Go is an extremely complex strategic board game despite its simple rules and is the great challenging classic game for AI due to its enormous search space. The computer program AlphaGo finally defeated Fan Hui, the European Go champion, without handicaps on a full-sized 19 ×19 board in October 2015. Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) is a widely-used algorithm for game-tree search in game playing. MCTS based on statistical sampling is a best-first tree search technique to evaluate states; UCT which is a variant of MCTS uses the UCB1 formula as selection policy. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of MCTS and UCT playing against each other in the game of Tic-Tac-Toe. The experimental results show that the first player UCT is slightly superior to the second player MCTS (54.3±1.0%), the first player is always advantageous to the second player regardless of the MCTS and UCT players, and the result of each game should be a tie if both players do their best in Tic-Tac-Toe.
Go is an extremely complex strategic board game despite its simple rules. Recently computer Go based on MCTS plays at human-master level and also has defeated top professional players with handicap games in 19×19 Go. Before implementing computer Go, in this paper we show weakness of pure MC algorithm for playing robust Tic-Tac-Toe game and present alternative method to make up the weakness. Furthermore we show how UCB algorithm works for balancing exploration and exploitation in game tree and discuss the need of a hybrid algorithm combined with UCB and strategy based MCTS, for implementing an enhanced computer Go.
Evolutionary computation is a powerful tool for developing computer games. Back-propagation neural network(BPNN) was proved to be a universal approximator and genetic algorithm(GA) a global searcher. The game of Tic-Tac-Toe, also known as Naughts and Crosses, is often used as a test bed for testing new AI algorithms. We tried to recognize the strategic fitness of a finished Tic-Tac-Toe game when the parameters, such as a sequence of moves, its game depth and result, are provided. To implement this, we've constructed an evolutionary model using GA with back-propagation NNs(GANN). The experimental results revealed that GANN, in the very long training time, converges very slowly; however, performance of recognizing the strategic fitness does not meet we expected and, further, increase of the population size does not significantly contribute to the performance of GANN.
The game of Go is an oriental strategic board game originated from China at least more than 2,500 years ago. The Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) algorithm in Go is a method that uses a large number of simulations to approximately estimate the winning rate of candidate moves by sampling the game. The two computer Go programs called Crazy Stone and Mogo defeated human Go professionals on the 9⨯9 board in 2006. Prior to our implementing MCTS into computer Go, we tried to find out the best move sequence in playing Tic-Tac-Toe game as a test bed. The experimental results revealed that the first player should play the center to ensure the highest winning rate, and the game result becomes a draw if two players do their best.
Localized tenosynovial giant cell tumor (TGCT) usually occurs in the hand and foot regions. However, localized TGCT with extensive cartilaginous metaplasia is rare, especially in the tendon sheath of the toe. Here, we report a case of localized TGCT with cartilaginous metaplasia in a 57-year-old man. The tumor presented as a lobular mass measuring 2.2 cm in its greatest dimension and arose in the flexor digitorum tendon sheath of the right 2nd toe. Clinically, the mass was palpable 1 year ago and brought pain during walking. Microscopically, the mass was composed of focal conventional TGCT and cartilaginous components. The conventional TGCT areas consisted of mononuclear cells, multinucleated giant cells, and hemosiderin deposition. The chondroid areas were extensive and comprised more than 90% of the whole tumor. In this case, the mononuclear cells in the conventional TGCT areas showed focal immunohistochemical staining for podoplanin and S100 protein as well as diffuse staining for CD68, which is consistent with the staining pattern of conventional TGCT. The mononuclear cells in the chondroid areas were focal positive for podoplanin and diffuse positive for S100 protein. Chondroid metaplasia in diffuse TGCT has been reported in 10 cases involving the temporomandibular, elbow, and hip joints. However, there has been no report of a localized form of chondroid TGCT involving an extra-articular region.
The purposes of this study were to compare abductor hallucis (AbdH) muscle activity during toe curl exercise according to position of interphalangeal joint (IPJ). Fifteen healthy subjects with neutral foot were recruit for this study. All subjects performed toe curl exercise with towel while maintaining the IPJ in flexion (condition 1) and extension (condition 2). Toe curl exercise with towel was perform three trials for five second periods in each condition. Surface electromyography (EMG) activities were recorded from three muscles (AbdH, tibialis anterior, peroneous longus) in each condition. EMG activity was normalized to the value of maximal voluntary isometric contraction (%MVIC). The EMG activities acoording to position of IPJ were compared using a paired t-test. This study showed that the EMG activity of AbdH during toe curl exercise with IPJ extension significantly increased compared to those during toe curl exercise with IPJ flexion (p<.05). However, the EMG activity of tibialis anterior and peroneus longus were not significantly different between the conditions (p>.05). These results suggest that toe curl exercise with towel must be performed with extension of IPJ in order to strengthen intrinsic muscle in subjects with overuse injuries related to excessive pronation.
본고는 보다 나은 한문 교과서 편저와 보다 바람직한 한문교육을 모색하는 과정의 하나로 작성하였다. 따라서 제7차 교육과정에 맞추어 편찬된 고등학교 한문교과서상에 있어서의 산문을 지도할 때의 문제점에 대해서 그 吐와 해석에 관한 부분을 논하고 그 바람직한 방향을 제시하고자 하였다. 사실 고등학교 한문교과서는 국민교육용 기초한자인 1800자 중 이미 중학교에서 학습되어진 900자를 바탕으로 하고, 나머지 900자를 교육하는 과정으로 편찬되어져있다. 이는 각 출판사의 검인정교과서가 기본으로 갖추고 있는 내용이고 보면, 산문의 수준과 내용이 대동소이하리라는 것은 말할 필요가 없을 것이다. 산문의 올바른 현토와 해석은 산문을 확실하게 이해하는 방법이 될 수가 있고, 교과서에 선별된 산문의 예술성과 문학성이 올바른 현토와 해석을 통해서만이 제대로 드러나게 될 것이며, 이를 통해서만이 그 우수성이 확인될 수 있으리라고 보여 진다. 본고에서는 편의상 중국산문과 한국산문으로 나누어 보았으나, 사실 중국산문과 한국산문을 뚜렷하게 나눌 명분은 없다. 다만 한국산문이 대부분 중국산문을 본받았으리란 것은 짐작해볼 수 있을 것이다. 그리고 중국산문의 경우 교과서에 실려 있는 산문들이 대부분 당송팔대가의 산문들이고, 『고문진보』에도 나와 있는 문장이고 보면, 시중에 나와 있는 해석본도 많아서 올바른 현토와 해석이 가능하리라 여겨졌지만, 오히려 혼돈 때문인지 많은 문장에서 상당한 문제점이 발견되었다. 반대로 한국산문의 경우는 많은 문제가 있으리라 여겨졌지만, 교과서에 실린 편수도 적고 또한 실려 있는 것들도 대부분 무난하여 별다른 문제점이 없는 것으로 보였다. 중국산문의 경우, 소식의 「전적벽부」와 구양수의 「붕당론」과 한유의 「사설」과 「잡설」, 이백의 「춘야연도리원서」와 백거이의 「양죽기」에서 현토가 맞지 않거나 해석이 정확하지 않는 경우가 있었고, 또 현토와 해석이 일치하지 않는 경우도 있었다. 한국산문의 경우, 실려 있는 작품이 많지 않아서이기도 하지만, 이규보의 「경설」을 제외하고는 별다른 문제점이 없어보였다. 하여튼 본고는 보다 나은 한문교과서의 편저와 보다 바람직한 한문교육을 위한 것이니만큼 조금이라도 도움이 되었으면 하는 바람이다.
본 연구는 발가락 벌림 보조기(toe spreader)가 긴장성 발가락 굽힘 반사(Tonic Toe Flexion Reflex: TTFR)가 있는 양하지 뇌성마비 아동의 보행에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 하였다. 12명의 TTFR이 있는 양하지 뇌성마비 아동을 대상으로 같은 날에 맨발과 발가락 벌림 보조기를 착용한 상태에서 보행분석을 실시하였다. 시간 거리 보행변수로 활보장(step length), 보장(step length), 보폭(step width)
This study was designed to identify the effects of walking conditions (normal walking vs. toe-walking) on electromyographic (EMG) activity of gastrocnemius, tibialis anterior, and soleus muscle. Seven healthy adult males participated in this study. The exclusion criteria were orthopedic or neurologic disease, congenital anomaly or acquired deformity, or pain in low back or lower extremities. The maximal voluntary isometric contraction for each muscle was used for the reference contraction, and EMG activity of each muscle during normal walking and toe-walking was expressed as a percentage of reference contraction. The gait cycle was determined with two foot switches, and gait was normalized as 100% gait cycle for each condition. The maximal values of EMG activity in terminal stance (30~50% of gait cycle) of each condition were compared for data analysis. No significant differences were found in EMG activity of the tibialis anterior and soleus (p>.05), whereas significant decrement was found in EMG activity of gastrocnemius during toe-walking compared to normal walking (p<.05). There is a limitation to generalize the results of this study, because small number of subjects participated for this study and only EMG was used for data collection. The treatment methods should be developed to improve gait efficiency by substituting the weakened muscles secondary to upper motor neuron, or by strengthening the distal muscles in lower extremity.
The purpose of the research is to analyze the behavioral intention to adopt social media in SMEs affected by the COVID-19 crisis, based on the TOE Model. This study uses the TOE framework as a theoretical basis. This research is important because COVID-19 has destroyed most of the SMEs, and SMEs are exposed to social media technology to market their products. The success of social media adoption has helped SMEs to be able to rise from adversity. Respondents in this study were 250 SMEs in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The data analysis technique used is structural equation modeling with AMOS. The results of this study indicate that SMEs affected by the COVID-19 crisis have a high awareness of social media and have a high intention to adopt social media as a way to market their products and connect with customers. The intention to adopt social media is significantly influenced by the technological context, organizational context, environmental context, and social media awareness. The findings of this study suggest that in times of crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government support is needed. The Government needs to open services for SMEs whose businesses are affected by the pandemic.
The purpose of this study is to compare the strength according as variables of Hwang-Toe activation temperature based on existing references. Compressive strength tests were carried out when the activation temperature was set to 450℃, 600℃, 850℃ and the replacement ration was set to 30%, 50%. As a result, it showed that strengths of specimens overall increased to 850℃. However, strengths of specimens with 50% replacement of Hwang-Toe were significantly reduced at 450℃ and 600℃. In this regard, it is necessary to study the proper quality of activated Hwang-Toe for mortar application in the future.
몬테카를로 트리탐색은 최대우선탐색 알고리즘이며, 많은 게임 특히 바둑 게임에 성공적으로 적용되어 왔다. 삼목 게임에서 MCTS 간의 대국을 통해 성능을 평가하고자 했다. 첫 번째 대국 자는 항상 두 번째 대국자에 비해 압도적인 우위를 보였으며, 최선의 게임 결과가 무승부가 됨 에도 불구하고 첫 번째 대국자가 두 번째 대국자에 비해 우월한 이유를 찾고자 했다. MCTS는 반복적인 무작위 샘플링을 기반으로 하는 통계적 알고리즘이기 때문에, 특히 두 번째 대국자를 위해 전략을 요하는 시급한 문제를 적절히 대처하지 못한다. 이를 위해 전략적 MCTS(S-MCTS)를 제안하며, S-MCTS는 결코 삼목 게임에서 지지 않는다는 것을 보였다.