
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 23

        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        선박에 부착된 수중생물은 선체에서 성장하면서 선박의 저항을 크게 증가시킬 뿐만 아니라 부착생물이 배와 함께 이동하면서 지역의 해양 생태계 교란을 야기시키기도 한다. 이에 따라 국제해사기구에서는 선체부착생물의 이동을 막기 위해 선체부착생물 제거 및 청소성능 평가 논의를 시작해 오고 있다. 본 연구에서는 소형선박에 사용되는 FRP(Fiber Reinforced Plastic), HDPE((High Density Polyethylene), CFRP(Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic) 재료의 시편을 격포항(전락북도)에 약 80일간 양생시킨 후 물 제트 노즐을 이용하여 부착생물 제거실 험을 수행하였다. 그 결과 김과 같은 해조류는 노즐과 시편과의 거리가 1.8cm, 100bar 일 때 제거되었지만, 따개비의 경우 200 bar 이상은 되어야 청소가 되는 것을 확인하였다.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The cutting quality of abrasive water jet cutting of aluminum alloy(Al-5083) for shipbuilding is affected by the surface roughness, cutting pressure, cutting speed, and the distance between nozzle and material. The cross-section of water jet cutting is formed a V-shape as the cutting speed increase. The upper width(kerf width) is wide and the lower surface is narrow. The width of cutting cross-sections are effected in the order of cutting speed, cutting pressure, and distance between nozzle and material. From the experimental results, to improve of cutting quality of abrasive water jet cutting of aluminum alloy(Al-5083) for shipbuilding, the optimal cutting conditions to improve the surface roughness and kef width are proposed and discussed.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, analyzed the cause of failure of the cardan shaft for water propulsion of an armored wheeled vehicle. During the development test(DT), the vehicle was deflected to the left on the water. As a result of the confirmation, increasing angular displacement and abrasion of SPIDER(Universal joint) occurred. As a result of a structure analysis and torsion fracture test, cause of failure is not insufficient design and strength deficit of each parts. and as a result of a simulation review of the assembly layout of each part, it was confirmed that excessive rotational vibration occurred. In order to solve this problem, improved the assembly layout of the water propulsion system and the worn SPIDER lubrication. Since there has been no occurrence of the same case between military operations so far, it has been confirmed that the improvement plan is appropriate.
        2017.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Electrolyzed water (EW) has been regarded as a new sanitizer by food industry. In this study, EW was used for perilla leaves sanitization. The optimum EW was produced at flow rates of brine and water of 100 mL/min and 300 mL/min, respectively. By soaking in EW only, the initial microbial counts of aerobic bacteria were reduced by 1.73 log(CFU/g), while 1.94 log(CFU/g) reduction was noted by using EW soaking followed by CDPJ treatment. In similar manner, counts of yeasts and molds were reduced by 1.83 and 2.06 log(CFU/g); coliform were reduced by 1.13 and 1.3 log(CFU/g), respectively. Combination of EW and CDPJ was more effective for microbial reduction. EW treatment did not affect sensory properties, instrumental color characteristics. However, it was observed that total phenolics and DPPH radical scavenging activity of perilla leaves were significantly increased with EW soaking time.
        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The heat transfer of Jet impingement is a very effective technique for exchanging high heat fluxs between a heated plate and a fluid. The purpose of current investigation is to carry out the experiment in order to study heat transfer characteristics between a vertical round water jet and a horizontal surface for different flow rates and geometric conditions. The effect of flow rates on heat transfer were investigated. The data obtained in this study are represented in terms of Nusselt number as a function of Reynolds and Peclet numbers. The correlation for the Nusselts number in terms of the Peclet number and  was obtained. The proposed correlation predicts the current data of heat transfer very well.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Jet impingement heat transfer is a very effective technique for exchanging high heat fluxs between a heated plate and a fluid. The purpose of this study is to investigate the heat transfer characteristics of a rectangular free water jet normally or obliquely impinging onto a flat plate. The water jet issued from a rectangular slot nozzle with a cross section of 1.5mm⨉40mm. The mean velocities of nozzle exit were varied from 1.5m/s to 6.1m/s. The Reynolds number range based on the nozzle gap and the mean velocity was 2200∼8800. Various impingement angles between the vertical rectangular water jet and the inclined flat surface were investigated : 90˚, 70˚, 60˚ and 50˚ . The Nusselt number is high at the impingement line, and decreases with departures from it. The stagnation Nusselt numbers were compared to predictions of several correlations proposed by other researchers. The locations of the peak Nusselt numbers do not coincide with the geometric center of the rectangular jet on the surface.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study involved the shape of water jet nozzle to promote blasting ability and an increase of projection distance when cleaning VLBC cargo hold. Furthermore, I researched the effect of pressure, length of reducer, nozzle caliber size and nozzle shape on the nozzle through CFD simulation. Simulation of water jet projection process inside VLBC cargo hold was done in both 2D and 3D environment. Simulation results show installing suitable nozzle can increase the cleaning effect of cargo hold.
        2014.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the paper an efficient numerical algorithm to predict the flow phenomena around the water-jet propulsion system was described. The potential-based flow analysis method was adopted to predict the velocity and the pressure on the inlet duct of the water-jet propulsion system. The method employed normal dipoles and source distributed on the solid surface such as the inlet duct and the tracked vehicle. The inlet duct and outlet open boundary surfaces were introduced where the sources and dipoles were distributed to define a closed boundary surface. The developed numerical algorithm was applied to a tracked vehicle propelled by the water-jet propulsion system with the different IVR(inlet velocity ratio). The results by the numerical analysis were compared with the experimental data in order to verify the feasibility of the proposed numerical algorithm.
        2008.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        섬유기계산업은 생산성의 극대화를 위해 고속/정밀화를 추구하고 있으며 수요자의 요구에 따라 높은 내구성과 안정성, 신뢰성을 가진 기계를 요구하고 있다 본 연구에서는 워터제트직기를 대상으로 실제 운전 시 구동계에 토크센서를 부착하여 모듈별로 직기에 영향을 미치는 부하량을 측정 및 분석하였다 또한, 워터제트직기에 대한 동역학적 해석을 수행한 결과와 비교함으로서 섬유기계의 구동계에 대한 토크와 진동에 대한 계측 및 분석기술을 개발하고, 내구성과 안정성이 뛰어난 고부가가치의 섬유기계 개발에 대한 기초자료를 제시하였다.
        2006.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In order to obtain spherical fine powder, we have developed a new method of high-pressure water atomization system using swirl water jet with the swirl angle . The effect of nozzle apex angle upon the morphology of atomized powders was investigated. Molten copper was atomized by this method, with rad (swirl water jet) and rad (conical water jet). It was found that the median diameter of atomized powders decreased with decreasing down to 0.35 rad in each , but under θ<0.35 rad, increased abruptly with decreasing for rad, while it was still decreased with decreasing for rad.
        2003.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There is boner process of stone manufacturing to become quality down of stone to consolidated micro crack appearance of stone surface and biotite by fire that is to be route process in stone surface by flame of LPG. And then, it is develop that stone surf
        2003.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There is boner process of stone manufacturing to become quality down of stone to consolidated micro crack appearance of stone surface and biotite by fire that is to be route process in stone surface by flame of LPG. And then, it is develop that stone surface process equipment by automation for the work method of boner process can be substitute work method by water jet to development of equipment. There is to be down noise and dust. According to remove calamity growth hazardous substance in the work environment, there is to solve workplace avoidance factor.
        2003.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To comparison the surface treatment methods of stone board materials, the results of Dorry's abrasive test were 23.4 for water-jet system and 18.9 for flame-burner system. Therefore abrasive hardness, the stone board materials by the water-jet system was greater than one by flame-jet system. As a result of Shore's hardness test, the stone board materials by water-jet system was twice greater than one by flame-jet system. Authors carried out microscopic observation to survey a defection of the composition minerals for two methods, but all of the both methods have not founded a defection. Therefore, the stone board materials by water-jet system was greater durability than one by flame-jet for the surface treatment methods.
        2002.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The contamination problem is getting worse now a day because of the industrial activities. Recently it has been announced that there's environmental hormone in river and lake which produces clean water, also there's too many of algae reproduces under the water and some virus in the drinking water. The quality of water is very important. pure and clean water is not only a precondition for human being to live but a basic factor to improve the quality of life. so a water purification system must be developed. This study is about the surface washing treatment technique. We tried to use a rotary nozzle to get a tush degree of efficiency, for it was not enough with present way of washing. The nozzle is run by water pressure. The results of the experiment are as follows. We got a clean and equal surface after washing. After washing, the water's maximum consistency was 330NTU and it shows that this way is better than before one with 215NTU. Clean level of the filter was 6˚and it's 2.8 times higher than 17˚with the old way. We can see the results that the new way of washing is more effective than old way based on this study.
        1991.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        분사류의 굴삭성능을 이용하여 해저의 모래속에서 서식하고 있는 패류를 어획할 목적으로 원형과 직사각형의 모형노즐을 제작하여 수조에서 분사노즐의 모래면에 대한 굴삭실험을 한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 분사노즐에 의한 모래면의 최대 굴삭깊이와 폭은 분사속도와 노즐의 단면적의 크기에 비례하여 직선적으로 증가하며, 노즐의 분사거리에 대해서는 굴삭깊이는 직선적으로 감소하나, 굴삭폭은 직선적으로 증가한다. 2. 직사각형 노즐(폭 1mm)은 단면적이 같은 원형 노즐보다 굴삭성능이 다소 우수하였다. 3. 노즐별 분사각도와 분사속도, 분사거리에 따른 최대 굴삭깊이와 폭에 관한 실험식은 직선식으로 나타나며, 분사각도 45˚에서 직사각형노즐(폭 1mm)의 분사속도와 분사거리에 따른 실험식은 다음과 같다. D=0.0093V 하(0)-0.23H+5.7. W=0.0147V 하(0)+1.06H+10.2. 단, D: 최대 굴삭깊이(cm), V 하(0): 노즐의 분사속도(cm/sec) 926≤V 하(0)≤1504, W: 최대굴삭폭(cm), H: 노즐구멍에서 모래면까지의 거리(cm).
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