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        검색결과 14

        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        유기농 생태농업단지 논에서 출현하는 수서곤충의 생태자원 분포 특성을 비교하고자 유기농 단지 논에 둠벙 이 있는 조건과 둠벙이 없는 조건에서의 수서곤충상을 조사하여 관행 논의 분포 특성을 비교하였다. 수서곤충 출현은 둠벙이 있는 유기농 논 5목 15과 26종 413개체, 둠벙이 없는 유기농 논 5목 14과 22종 236개체, 관행 논 5목 11과 16종 155개체로 유기농 논에서 관행 논에 비해 수서곤충의 출현 과, 종 및 출현 개체수가 많았고, 유기농 논에서도 둠벙이 있는 조건에서 종수 및 개체수가 많음을 확인하였다. 특히 잠자리목의 경우 유기농 논 4과 8종 134개체, 둠벙이 없는 유기농 논 3과 5종 35개체, 관행 논 2과 4종 12개체로 전체 출현 종의 발생특성과 유사한 경향을 보였는데, 유기농 재배의 특성상 농약의 피해로부터 수서곤충에 안전한 환경이 조성된 점과 둠벙의 담수 및 다양한 수서생물의 발생으로 수서곤충의 서식조건에 유리하게 작용되었다고 보인다. 반면 파리목에서는 둠벙이 있는 유기농 논 3과 3종 18개체, 둠벙이 없는 유기농 논 3과 3종 25개체로 관행 논 2과 2종 24개체보다 발생양상이 다른 수서곤충에 비해 상대적으로 낮고, 관행 논보다 깔다구류의 개체수 19개체보다 각각 6개체, 12개체로 적게 출현한 점에서 유기농 재배유형과 둠벙의 서식처 제공이 수서곤충의 출현 및 분포에 건전성을 조장하는 방안이라고 판단된다.
        2023.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구는 한국과 호주 간 양자 협력 의제 중 자원 안보와 밀접한 관 련이 있는 탄소중립 기술 개발, 핵심 광물 공급망 그리고 농업 협력을 중심으로 살펴본다. 탄소중립 기술과 핵심 광물 공급망 같은 경우 2021 년 양국의 포괄적 동반자 관계 수립 이후 급격하게 협력이 시작되었고 정부와 주요 기업들이 적극적으로 참여하였다. 이에 반해 농업 협력은 2014년 양국의 자유 무역 협정 이후 협력위원회가 단 한 차례밖에 열리 지 않았다. 농업 협력은 향후 식량안보와 밀접한 관련이 있기에 협력이 순조롭게 진행될 수 있도록 노력을 기울일 필요가 있다. 향후 자원확보 와 공급망 구축이 그 무엇보다 중요한 시기에 양국의 상황을 면밀하게 관찰하고 부족한 부분의 협력을 적극적으로 모색하는 노력이 매우 중요 하다.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this report is to understand the status and management of genetic resources on ICRISAT(International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) to promote exchange of germplasm and information. ICRISAT genebank at Patancheru, India has the responsibility to collect, conserve, characterize, document and distribute the genetic resources. Also, ICRISAT has performed the estimation of environment tolerance, disease resistance, and functional compounds of genetic resources. ICRISAT has assembled more than 120,000 accessions of chickpea, groundnut, pigeonpea, pearl millet, sorghum, and six small millets. Since 1974 to 2008, ICRISAT provided 1,350,000 accessions with 144 countries to develop new cultivars. The provision pattern of genetic resources in ICRISAT showed that more than 80 % of each crop by the total holdings resources had been offered and that it is the direction of the ideal conserve and management of genetic resources. To evaluate their genetic resources (chickpea, groundnut, pigeonpea, pearl millet, sorghum, and six small millets), they made descritors for each crop and investigated their germplasms. This report would be meaningful to understand utilization and effect of the germplasms to be held at ICRISAT.
        2022.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aimed to investigate the psychological effect of a healing agricultural program using insect resources and to confirm the persistence of the healing effect. The applied insect was silkworm Bombyx mori (Linnaeus) and 28 adolescents from local children’s centers were used as the subjects. The healing agricultural program was applied at the centers for 4 weeks, and stress was measured using salivary ɑ-amylase levels and a survey on life satisfaction, happiness, and insect preference. The results indicated that stress levels decreased, and life satisfaction and insect preference increased after participating in the the healing agricultural program. Furthermore, it was confirmed that this healing effect continued until 4 weeks after the end of the program.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        As the impacts of climate change have been emerged all the way through society, the potential risks specifically on agricultural water and facilities are recently getting concerned. Evaluating vulnerability of agriculture to climate change on is a time-tested strategy. While a number of researches on the adaption and mitigation of climate change were performed in various aspects for sustainable agricultural production, the vulnerability of management system for agricultural water and infrastructure has not been investigated yet. This study is aimed to clarify the definition of vulnerability to climate change, find the major indicators able to presume the vulnerability, and finally determine the relative importance of the indicators based on the specialist questionnaire survey and its analyses. The lists of indicators for major parts of agricultural water management such as, water use, flood control, reservoir related issues, and pumping and drainage systems are initialized referring to the related precedent studies. The primary survey was conducted in the form of Delphi to complement the list and methods and the main survey was then conducted using AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) technique to quantitatively prioritize the indicators. The results derived in this study would be directly adopted in weighting importance of indicators to investigate the indicator-based vulnerability analysis to climate change in agricultural water and infrastructure management.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to reveal network potential among agricultural villages focused on landscape and amenity resources. For this study, we conducted Social Network Analysis (SNA) utilizing existing landscape resource database. As a result of the study, major landscape types shared among villages were found for each city. For example, agricultural and residential landscapes were identified as major types for Danjin city. Add to major landscape resources, in Dangjin city, Habduk village were recognized as a core. Seokmun, Daehoji, Woogang, and Sunseong villages were widely found as the sub core group. For Seosan city, Jigok, Palbong, and Kobuk villages were widely recognized as core group. Most of villages which indicated the highest degree centrality were superior in terms of the number of total landscape resources as well as landscape type diversity. These results can be useful for initial planning process when considering major theme for landscape-based network organization. Also, this information will be helpful for planning stage through the specification of the potential role of each village in overall network.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        On the basis of conducting a comprehensive investigation to agricultural sightseeing garden landscape resources, we established a evaluation index system of agricultural sightseeing garden landscape resources. From the perspective of experts, comparing the importance of all levels indicators, we obtained the weights of landscape resources evaluation index through using the Analytic Hierarchy Process. The result showed that the descending order of the weights of influence of agricultural sightseeing garden nineteen evaluation index is: reach ability (0.128), safety (0.083), location (0.078), participatory (0.076), cultural value (0.058), ecological conditions (0.057), scenic beauty (0.0505), environmental quality (0.051), featured properties (0.0501), environmental tolerance (0.048), reputation (0.047), environmental capacity (0.045), humanize (0.041), spots configuration (0.034), applicable travel period (0.033), scientific value (0.032), art value (0.031), holistic (0.03), suitability (0.027), it can provide a framework and basis for the planning, management, protection and exploitation of agricultural sightseeing garden landscape resources.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to investigate the residents' and village leaders' complementary demand for the regional economic vitalization and 6th industrialization in the rural. Based on the field expert'(the head of the village or the chairmen of the farming association) interview, the study was conducted. For the study, 42 villages where selected to consider as 6th industry. Cross table were conducted to see if there were any differences of demand and consideration for between the type of 6th industries. This article further improve the rural environment for 6th industrialization, improve the policy measures in that rural can plan the basis for an effective strategy can be.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        NABIC(National Agricultural Biotechnology Information Center) established integrated management system of agricultural omics information to achieve and analyze a agricultural bio-information resources in Korea. The amount of bio-information is enormously increasing due to emergence of NGS(Next Generation Sequencing) technology. We are building, maintaining and providing agricultural bio-information databases and information services. Various data type for submission is available such as genome, proteome, transcriptome, metabolome, molecular marker, etc. We issue the submission confirmation which is available for research achievement. Currently, the amount of data submitted on our system is 30Tb. We are also providing various analysis pipelines such as NGS analysis(denovo, rna-seq, reference assembly), Gene annotation, GWAS, marker analysis for breeding ,Microbial community analysis and differential expression profiling analysis using submitted data through web. We have a plan to provide bioinformatics education portal in this year.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The paradigm of agricultural and rural policies has shifted from food production and profitability to the competitiveness of rural areas through the discovery, grants and use of the agricultural and rural resources' potential value. This study aims to discover the value of the agriculture and rural resources and intend to offer the method for discovering resources and its value as the agricultural heritage. To this end, the functions and values of the agricultural and rural resource, the criteria and procedure of Globally and Nationally Important Agricultural Heritage System which is leading institutions were investigated. The policy implications were proposed in the process and series of steps of discovery and evaluation of the pluralistic value of the agriculture and rural resources and agricultural heritage designation and management.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The representative research institutes in North Korea are the Academy of Science and the laboratories of major universities. The National Academy of Science consists of headquarters, Academy of Medicinal Science, Academy of Forestry Science, and Academy of Agricultural Science. Under the authority of the National Academy of Science, Central Information Agency for Science and Technology (CIAST) has built up a database system integrating all the science technology data to provide scientific and technological information. The major universities of North Korea include Kim Il-sung University, Kim Chaek University of Technology, Pyongyang Agricultural College, and Wonsan Agricultural College, and an agricultural college is situated in each province. Out of 3,860 plant species in North Korea, 158 species which amounts to approximately 4% of the total are rare and endangered, and deforestation is under a critical situation. The Oriental Medicine (Koryo Medicine) has been well developed using medicinal plants, and practical researches on biotic pesticide are largely conducted as an alternative to tackle the shortage of farming materials. Hereafter, a South-North joint research on the amount of plant resources and the methods of its conservation is needed and the North Korean research areas of biotic pesticide are worth adopting to the South Korean eco-friendly organic agriculture.
        2004.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        물이 부족한 우리나라는 최근 수자원의 효율적인 이용에 대한 중요성이 강조되고 있으며 특히 지금까지 개발된 저류시설을 통한 수자원의 효율적인 관리가 절대적으로 필요한 실정이다 효율적이고 합리적인 수자원관리와 그 이용 효과를 극대화하기 위해 경북지방의 농업용 저수지에 대한 저류용량과 퇴사량의 현황을 분석한 결과 농업용 저수지의 준설을 통하여 10% 이상에 이르는 저류용량을 추가적으로 확보할 수 있음을 확인하였다. 또한 GIS와 각종 토사발생량 예측기법을 활