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        검색결과 9

        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The demand for novel strains has been rising in the domestic market to increase the production of sclerotia from Wolfiporia hoelen. To improve strain breeding efficiency, we investigated whether single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the RNA polymerase II subunit (RPB2) gene, which may be linked to the mating type locus, are useful for distinguishing monokaryons from dikaryons in Korean W. hoelen strains. We designed a specific primer set to efficiently amplify a region of RPB2 using PCR with the genomic DNA of 12 cultivated strains and 31 wild strains of W. hoelen collected from Korea. Nucleotide sequences of the PCR-amplified RPB2 genes were determined and analyzed for the presence of SNPs among the 43 W. hoelen strains. Previously reported SNP loci were detected in the RPB2 gene of all W. hoelen strains tested. However, these previously reported SNP loci could not be applied to differentiate monokaryons from dikaryons in approximately one-third of Korean wild strains with homozygous genotypes. Three additional SNPs in the RPB2 gene, which may improve the ability to distinguish monokaryons from dikaryons, were identified by searching through the multiple sequence alignments of the 43 W. hoelen strains. The applicability of these three novel SNPs, together with the previously known SNPs, in the RPB2 gene to W. hoelen strain breeding was verified by examining the hybrid strains and their parental strains.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Flammulina velutipes belonging to white rot fungi is one of the commercially important edible mushrooms and is produced in large quantities due to the introduction of a automated and mechanized cultivation system in Korea. Despite the chief item of export among edible mushrooms, Flammulina velutipes has the lowest distribution rate of domestic cultivar, estimated that about 20 percent. As the result that most white cultivars of Flammulina velutipes produced and exported in Korea were introduced from Japan, farmers pay a large amount of royalties. Therefore, we try to develop a new pure domestic cultivars as a substitute for Japanese cultivars. To breed both white and gold superior strains, we selected the crossing mother groups including 10 white strains of ASI 4198 etc. and 7 brown strains of ASI 4049 etc. and mated each of the 17 strains by mon-mon hybridization. 19 white and 14 brown strains were chosen through two selection experiment over 2014 2016. In the third selection experiment this year, we finally selected one white(Fv 16 c 37) and the other gold(Fv 15 a 31) strain. Two selected strains were cultivated in the same environmental conditions. Spawn running period on the sawdust substrate required 30days at 20°C. The cultivation period and optimum temperature were 12±1 days at 14°C for primordia formation, 5 days at 4°C for inhibition phase, and 14±1 days at 7°C for fruiting body development. The length of pilei and stipes in two selected strains and Megumi as a control Japanese cultivar harvested in optimal stage was as follows: 10.5±0.81mm and 139.7±4.23mm in Fv 16 c 37, 10.8±0.43mm and 128..2±7.31mm in Fv 15 a 31, and 10.9±0.41mm and 141.8±4.64mm in Megumi respectively. The Yield of Fv 16 c 37, Fv 15 a 31 and Megumi was 271.2±11.84g, 237.7±9.05g and 270.7±16.87g per 1100ml in bottle cultivation.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        There are three kinds of Pleurotus eryngii : P. eryngii var. eryngii (P. eryngii), P. eryngii var. ferula (P. ferula : A-Wei-Mo) P. eryngii var. nebrodensis (P. nebrodensis : Bai-Ling-Gu). We bred P. ferula using Di-Mon mating and physiological assay and selected as follow (1) ‘Beesan No.1’ produced high yields, (2) ‘Beesan No.2’ was excellent morphological shape and anti-adipogenic Activit, (3) ‘Ergo’ included high ergothioneine such as anto-oxidant material, (4) ‘GW10-45’ included highest ergothioneine such as anto-oxidant material, (5) ‘Maeksong’ included high ergothioneine and effect of anti-inflammatory. We suggest that there are able to food-medicine materials.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The white button mushroom, Agaricus bisporus, is commercially the fifth most important edible mushroom, accounting for the production of 9,732 tons of mushrooms in Korea in 2015. The genus Agaricus has been known for its potential to degrade lignocellulosic materials. Chemical analyses carried out during the cultivation of A. bisporus indicated that the cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin fractions were changed preferentially for both vegetative growth and sexual reproduction. We screened A. bisporus strains for effective biodegradation through extracellular enzyme activity using cellulase, xylanase, and ligninolytic enzymes. The enzyme biodegradations were conducted as follows: mycelia of collected strains were incubated in 0.5% CMC-MMP (malt-mops-peptone), 0.5 Xylan-MMP, and 0.5% lignin-MMP media for 14 days. Incubated mycelia were stained with 0.2% trypan blue. Eighteen strains were divided into 8 groups based on different extracellular enzyme activity in MMP media. These strains were then incubated in sterilized compost and compost media for 20 days to identify correlations between mycelial growth in compost media and extracellular enzyme activity. In this study, the coefficient of determination was the highest between mycelial growth in compost media and ligninolytic enzyme activity. It is suggested that comparison with ligninolytic enzyme activity of the tested strains is a simple method of screening for rapid mycelial growth in compost to select good mother strains for the breeding of A. bisporus.
        2012.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Two strains one of 29 strains were picked out Hm1-1, and Hm3-10 as parental strains for breeding, such as Hm1-1 was taken 15 point as the highest grade. Because Hm3-10 was wild strain collected form Deogyu mountain. The result of RAPD has shown that 29 strains fell into 6 distinct groups while a wild strain collected from DeogYu Mt. did not belong to any of the groups. The 20 selected monokaryon mycelia were crossed by Hm3-10 × Hm1-1, and then we picked up dikaryotic mycelia which did form clamp connection. We acquired 343 dikaryons from Hm3-10 × Hm1-1 with the mating rates of 85.7%, respectively. Total 343 dikaryon strains were cultivated and then 58 strains with good morphological and cultivation characteristics were selected. The differences of the 58 strains were verified by morphology of fruiting bodies. Finally, we selected 3 new strains (Hm15-3, Hm15-4, Hm17-5). Lastly, in order to develop molecular markers that can identify developed 3 new cultivars, were subjected to the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis using 3 commercially available random primer sets (OPS-1, OPS-10, and OPL-13). I selected 10 distinct DNA bands from the three RAPD gels which were amplified with OPS-1, OPS-10, or OPL-13 primers. Bands 1, 6, and 7 were unique for Hm1-1 and Hm1-6. Bands 2∼5 and 8∼10 were unique for Hm3-10. The sequences were deposited in GeneBank and were used to design the 15-base primer sets using their 5’- and 3’-ends. The primer sets P1∼P5 and P7 produced DNA bands with corresponding sizes from all H. marmoreus strains and presented no strain specificity. The P6 marker appeared only for Hm1-1 while the P8 marker appeared for most hybrid strains except Hm16-1 and the wild Hm3-10. This is interesting because the P6 marker showed broader specificity than the P8 marker in the identification of strains. The P9 marker appeared on Hm16-1, Hm16-2, Hm17-5, and Hm3-10 and the P10 marker appeared on Hm15-3, Hm15-4, Hm16-1, Hm16-2, and Hm3-10. The hybrid strain Hm15-3 was the only strain that did not contain either the P9 or P10 marker. The resulting DNA markers were applied for the identification of the strains and employed for the molecular breeding of H. marmoreus.
        2004.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        약용버섯인 영지버섯의 단핵균주 육성 및 원형질체 융합을 위한 육종소재를 개발하기 위하여 원형질체를 분리하여 neohaplont를 육성하였으며, 원형질체에 자외선을 조사하여 영양요구성 균주를 유발하였다. 영지의 2핵 균주로 부터 원형질체를 분리, 재생하여 선발된 neohaplont의 선발율은 ASI 7091이 11.9%, ASI 7094는 전혀 선발을 하지 못하였으며 균주간 평균 선발율은 5.24%였다. 영지 단핵균주의 균사체로부터 분리한 원형질체에 자외선을 조사하였을 때 300초에서는 ASI 7074는 1.9%, ASI 7091은 0.17%의 생존율을 나타내었고 ASI 7100의 경우 모두 사멸하였다. 자외선을 10초에서 300초까지 자외선을 조사하여 총 1,536 colony를 얻어 영양요구주를 선발한 결과 ASI 7091 균주는 원형질체에 100초 처리한 colony에서 Nicotinic acid, PABA 요구주와 Riboflavin 요구주를 선발하였으며, 7100 균주에서는 60초의 자외선 처리에서 특성이 확인되지 않은 2개 균주를 선발하였다.