
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 41

        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Modular construction is an economical and efficient construction that reduces time and costs by manufacturing units in factories and constructing them on site. Currently, the demand for modular construction is increasing not only abroad but also domestically. As the demand for modular construction increases, a lot of development and research on connections between modular units are being conducted. Connections between modular units should be quick and simple to assemble when assembling units on site, and should be in a form that allows each unit to be connected regardless of direction. In addition, it must be able to exert sufficient strength against external loads. In this study, a connection between modular units using connecting steel plates and bolts was proposed, and the nonlinear behavior of the connection to external lateral force was analyzed through finite element analysis, and resistance performance was evaluated.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Precast concrete(PC) modular structures are a method of assembling pre-fabricated unit modules in the construction site. The essential aim of modular structures is to introduce a connection method that can ensure splicing performance and effectively resist shear strength. This study proposed PC module using a connecting plate that can replace splice sleeves and shear keys used in the conventional PC modular structures. To evaluate the splicing performance and shear capacity of the proposed method, the shear test was conducted by fabricating one monolithic reinforced concrete(RC) beam and two PC modular beams with a shear span-to-depth ratio as variables. The experimental results showed that the shear capacity of the PC modular beam was about 89% compared to that of the RC beam, and showed a failure of the RC beam according to the shear span-to-depth ratio. Therefore, it was considered that the connecting plate effectively transferred the stress between each PC module through the joint and ensure integrity. In addition, the applicability of shear strength equation of ACI 318-19 and Zsutty's equation to PC modular beams were evaluated. Results demonstrated that the improved shear strength equations are needed to consider reduction of shear strength in PC modules.
        2019.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research aims to identify the main drivers behind consumers’ connection with fashion brands on social media. With a sample of 29 in-depth interviews with French individuals the study analyzes why and how consumers connect with fashion brands on social media platforms. Our results disclosed three categories of drivers: information with characteristics of information seeking, need for “staying in”, public self-consciousness and tracking promotions; aspirational with characteristics of entertainment, visual enjoyment, and dreaming; and last social with characteristics of need for belonging to brand community, social contamination, and benchmark with reference groups. Theoretical and empirical implications are discussed as well.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In times of rapid technological change and increasing global competition, the brand constitutes one of the few resources to ensure sustainable competitive advantage (Lindemann, 2003). An important brand attribute companies need to build and communicate to consumers is brand authenticity. The technological and economic dynamics of our modern times can have destabilizing social consequences, particularly during the uncertainty caused by economic or political crises – which robs individuals of their need for stability and continuity. In these times, the human desire for authenticity may be especially strong (Turner & Manning, 1988). But what drives the authenticity of a brand? Recent research has identified brand heritage, that is, a company’s active use of its past and legacy, as beneficial for achieving competitive advantage (Urde, Greyser, & Balmer, 2007; Balmer, 2009). Previous conceptualizations of brand heritage highlight longevity, core values, use of symbols and an emphasis on history (Urde et al., 2007). Balmer (2013) builds on these conceptualizations, identifying six traits an institution should possess to be regarded as having a corporate heritage, including institution trait constancy (e.g. in terms of organizational culture; product, process and quality focus; location; group and class associations; design, style and sensory utilization; and corporate communications). To the best of the authors’ knowledge, no research so far has examined brand heritage as part of a corporate brand’s identity and authenticity for the specific case of post-Soviet brands whose embeddedness in a turbulent political and social environment over the last 200 years makes brand heritage management challenging. Using Balmer’s (2013) institutional trait constancy framework (Figure 1), the purpose of this study is to understand the identity of post-socialist corporate brands as corporate heritage brands and the challenges faced by managers in ensuring trait constancy of their corporate brands in the context of building and leveraging an authentic corporate heritage. A specific focus will be on analyzing how the heritage of corporate brands in post-socialist countries is connected to, and affected by, long-term societal developments including fundamental political and social regime shifts (i.e. presocialism, socialism and post-socialism). Our empirical application is the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector, and here in particular the confectionary industry because confectionary brands form an integral part of the traditions and culture of a society (Tellström, Gustafsson, &Mossberg, 2006). The paper draws on case studies of three Russian iconic corporate brands in the confectionary category (Babaevsky, Krasny Octyabr and Rot Front), and one Latvian iconic confectionary brand Laima. Through these case studies, the following research questions are answered: RQ1: How does institutional trait constancy manifest itself in corporate heritage brands in post-socialist countries? RQ2: How do long-term societal developments in these countries challenge institutional trait constancy in a brand heritage management context? Our findings suggest that successful brand heritage management in a post-Soviet context requires consistency regarding organizational culture, and here in particular adaptability and resilience, along with a focus on history and traditions. It also needs consistency in terms of product, process and quality foci, as well as regarding design, style and sensory utilization. Consistency as to location, group associations and corporate communications also matters. We argue that it is critical for academics and practitioners to better understand how brands become embedded in long-term social developments and consumer life-style and how the society feeds back into maintaining their brand heritage. On that basis, our findings can be used for development of effective branding heritage strategies to assist companies in their brand heritage management, and in sustaining their long-term competitive advantage in uncertain times.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction Recently, the popularization of mobile devices has been changing the pattern of customers’ life. In the online market, the distribution market has been also expanding from PC-based online to mobile shopping using smart phones. As the shopping market using mobile has grown rapidly in the developing smart age, the interest of home shopping is moving toward mobile media. Through the home shopping company's web site and mobile application, live broadcasting, real-time communication service, and other customers’ review are performed at the same time. Home shopping customers who have questions or inquiries about products are meeting salespeople through home shopping mobile application and real-time communication service. The significance of this study is to present effective strategies for connecting live home shopping and real-time communication of mobile application, thereby enabling customers to make smart consumption. Through this service, home shopping company can perceive customers’ needs as well as form cocreation value with customers. In addition, home shopping company aims to provide a more useful and effective method in the process of providing real-time communication service by checking the form of customers participating in real-time communication service. Theoretical Development Although there are many prior researches on adaptive selling on salespeople in offline, research on effective sales strategies of live home shopping and real-time communication using application has not yet been conducted. Nowadays, many customers' purchasing methods are moving from offline to online. Therefore, by referring to similarities between virtual world and actual society in Internet space studied in many previous studies, we would like to find out whether the offline advantage of "adaptive selling tactics" in the sales field can be applied to on-line. Adaptive selling means changing sales behavior throughout the interaction or interaction with the customer based on perceived information about the sales situation. Salespeople need to change their sales behavior in order to meet each sales situation or individual customer's desires. Adaptive selling can be said to modify the communication style and content according to the customer's desire (Weitz, Sujan & Sujan, 1986; Spiro & Weitz, 1990). The main reason for the co-creation value activities of companies and customers is that the marketing paradigm is shifting from good-dominant logic to service-dominant logic (Lusch & Vargo, 2006). This means that new value creation areas of new product development are expanding as customers participate in various decision-making related to the companies (Payne, Storbacka & Frow, 2008). To realize the value proposition, a firm must co-create value with its customers by means of direct interaction (Grönroos & Voima, 2013). Research Design The contents of this study are as follows. First, we divide the adaptive selling strategies of salespeople in real life into live home shopping and mobile application roles, and then examine whether live home shopping and mobile application affect customer trust. In previous study, Frazier and Summers (1984) proposed six tactics – information exchange, recommendation, request, threats, promises, and legalistic pleas, and Richard et al. (2006) proposed another six tactics. Anderson and Weitz (1989) define trust as one party’s belief that its needs will be fulfilled in the future by actions undertaken by the other party. Second, we investigate the effect of customer trust on home shopping commitment relationship. Ganesan (1994) defined relationship commitment as the desire to develop stability of relationship, the belief that the relationship is sustainable, and the willingness to make short-term sacrifices to maintain the relationship. Through this process, we are able to confirm the possibility of replacing actual meeting with tool called online real - time communication. Third, we want to find out the effect of home shopping commitment relationship on brand commitment relationship. Even if the same brand product, we can know the effect of commitment relationship depending on home shopping company. Finally, we are going to find out how to create co-creation values with customers by real-time communication service to solve the questions and problems of customers immediately. The creation of co-creation values between customers and companies can increase the success rate of new product development that reflects the core needs of customers and reduce resources such as corporate marketing and R & D, which can ultimately serve as a driving force for creating sustainable competitive advantage (Vernette & Hamdi-kidar, 2013).
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        문화콘텐츠산업은 현재 각광을 받고 있지만 창의성의 유지가 매우 중요한 분야로 안정적인 발전을 위해서는 다른 산업과는 다른 접근방식과 대안이 필요한 분야이다. 상호호혜성의 원칙에 입각한 협동조합의 형태는 다른 산업과는 다른 문화콘텐츠산업의 창작자들에게 안정적인 시스템을 제공하고 문화적 창의성을 유지 시킬 수 있는 훌륭한 수단이 될 수 있다는 장점이 있다. 이 논문에서는 특히 ‘바른음원협동조합’, ‘자립음악생산조합’을 중심으로 문화콘텐츠산업과 협동조합의 연계 가능성에 대한 논의들을 정리하고 있다. 이러한 사례연구로 문화콘텐츠산업이 협동조합 형태로 운영될 때의 상황들을 파악할 수 있다. 그리고 발전적인 문화콘텐츠 협동조합 형태에 대한 논의들을 진행하고 있다. 하지만 문화콘텐츠산업에서 협동조합 방식의 운영이 많지 않고 새로운 형태이기 때문에 그에 대한 시행착오와 한계도 확인할 수 있으며, 앞으로 이러한 문제점을 줄일 수 있는 많은 연구와 노력이 필요하다.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        On the expressway, culvert structures serve as a channel or channel connecting villages and towns blocked by clay. The culvert structures are mainly constructed of reinforced concrete or corrugated steel sheets in various ground conditions. Most culverts are divided into aging and damage trends according to the number of public years. However, most of the damage to the culvert structures applied on the soft ground is likely to be caused by the subsidence of the ground. In addition, even if the settlement of the paper sheet is stabilized, if the road is constructed at the upper part, the culvert structure is also expanded at the time of the expansion work, and damage due to a behavior different from that before the expansion work may be found. Therefore, in this study, the behavior of the culvert structures according to the ground supporting force was analyzed. For this purpose, the causes of damage are derived through design review and field investigation.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        왕복동식 압축기에서 피스톤과 커넥팅로드는 중요한 부분이다. 이러한 주요부에 기계적 부하가 과도하게 가해지면 해당 기부 속이 손상될 수 있으며, 교체하기도 쉽지 않고 비용도 많이 든다. 따라서 내구성과 수명에 영향을 미치는 요인을 분석할 필요가 있다. 본 연구의 주요 목적은 피스톤과 커넥팅로드의 최대 응력 집중 위치를 확인하는 것이다. 이를 위해 설계된 공기압축기의 작업 공정의 동적 계산을 기반으로 피스톤 및 커넥팅로드의 응력 분석을 수행하였다. 공기압축기의 피스톤과 커넥팅로드의 3 차원 모델을 따로 설계하고, 이러한 부품들의 유한요소 해석은 수치해석적인 근사해법을 사용하였다. 피스톤은 열 경계 조건 없이 크랭크 샤프트의 각도에 따라 압 력 부하를 받는다. 시뮬레이션 결과는 피스톤과 커넥팅로드의 응력 집중 위치와 그 값을 예측하고 추정할 수 있다. 그 결과 크랭크 각도 135°와 225°에서 피스톤은 190MPa, 커넥팅로드는 123MPa 이상의 최대 등가응력이 나타났으며 이는 인장 항복강도 이하의 값이다. 또한, 커넥팅로드와 피스톤에 계산 된 안전 계수는 1보다 높게 나타났다. 더욱이, 이러한 결과는 왕복동 공기압축기 제작사에 피스톤 및 커넥 팅로드를 설계함에 있어서 최적화를 위한 참고 자료로 활용 될 수 있다.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With its fast growing economy and huge population, China has become one of the most lucrative markets for luxury brands (Zhan and He 2012). In fact, China has surpassed Japan and become the No.1 luxury products spender in the world, accounting more than one-quarter of the global luxury brand expenditure (Artsmon et al. 2012). Chinese middle-class consumers thus have become important targets of luxury brands (Zhan and He 2012). However, China’s culture is different from Western cultures (Li, Li and Kambelle 2012), and Chinese luxury consumers have their distinctive characteristics (Buchwald, 2015). Therefore, Chinese luxury consumption may not follow the trends of Western world (Li, Li and Kambelle 2012). Previous studies have explored Chinese luxury consumers’ perceptions and receptivity of luxury brands in different cultural contexts (Bian and Forsythe 2012; Wang, Sun and Song 2011; Zhan and He 2012; Wang, Sun and Song 2011; Li, Li and Kanbelle 2012; Oswald 2010, Li and Su 2007; Wang and Ahuvia 1998). However, all those studies have only investigated luxury brands’ marketing strategies in traditional offline worlds. With the emergence of digital technology, luxury brands have started building presence in online world through different digital marketing strategies (Okonkwo 2009). Among all the digital marketing tools, social media marketing has become an increasingly important marketing communication weapon (Kim and Ko, 2012). While the luxury brands have widely accepted social media marketing, the academic research largely lags behind, Only limited number of studies have examined luxury brands’ social media marketing strategies (Tynan, McKechnie, and Chhoun, 2010; Kim and Ko, 2012). No study, to the authors’ knowledge, has been conducted to investigate luxury brands’ social media marketing strategies in connecting with Chinese consumers. In addition, previous studies on luxury brands marketing have conducted either quantitatively (Bian and Forsythe 2012; Wang, Sun and Song 2011; Zhan and He 2012; Wang, Sun and Song 2011; Li, Li and Kanbelle 2012) or qualitatively (Oswald 2010, Li and Su 2007; Wang and Ahuvia 1998) from either consumers’ or marketer’s perspective. In order to fill the research gaps, the current study is designed to explore the phenomenon with a mixed method by integrating both marketers’ social media marketing strategies and consumers’ interpretation of those marketers’ social media marketing in the contextof China. Specifically, a quantitative content analysis was conducted to examine marketers’ social media marketing strategies on a Chinese social media platform: WeChat; in the meanwhile, a qualitative study was conducted to explore Chinese female affluent consumers’ interpretations of those social media strategies transmitted via WeChat. Based on the research purpose, two overarching research questions were proposed: R1: Do Western luxury brand use social media platform of WeChat to build social presence, create self-presentation or interact with consumers? R2: What are Chinese female affluent consumers’ perceptions and interpretations of luxury brands’ social media marketing communication strategies via WeChat? Methodology The current study used a mixed methodological approach (Creswell 2014). Specifically, a quantitative content analysis (Krippendorff 2012) and a phenomenological study (Creswell 2012) were conducted to investigate luxury brands’ social media marketing communication strategies via WeChat and Chinese female affluent consumers’ perception toward those marketing communication strategies. Initial Findings Study 1 So far, 50% (N = 60) of the sample was analyzed. RQ1 asked about the luxury brands’ marketing communication strategies. The initial frequencies of each coded variable are reported in Table 1. Table 1. Frequencies of Coded Variables The results showed that more than half of the coded messages had images, showed products/brands in images or videos, provided event, discount and other promotional information, described products’ physical features and attributes, contained celebrities, sought action-based participation, and applied hyperlinks. The initial data suggest that a major use of social media in luxury brand advertising is to build the brand’s social presence by extensively using visuals. Images were found in 44 messages, and 25 of them used 6 or more images. Most of these images showed products or brands. Video also appeared in 14 messages. The initial results also suggest consumer interaction and engagement is restricted to the lowest level. The two major ways of interaction were hyperlinks and action-based participation. A close examination showed that these two were often used together. A hyperlink used anchor text that contained a call for action-based participation, like “read more,” “get the coupon,” etc. A lot of these actions related to consuming content, like reading, downloading or sharing, which is the lowest level of brand related-activeness on branded social media sites (Muntinga, Moorman, and Smit 2011).Additionally, product/brand information and physical features and attributes were frequently mentioned, suggesting that luxury brands use social media for information dissemination. WeChat has a large size of active users, and self-disclosure of information on social media can create a sense of close relationship (Kaplan and Haelein, 2010). High product quality, especially in terms of design and craftsmanship were frequently addressed, suggesting that that social media are used to communicate the nuances of brand’s social meanings. For example, some messages described the conceptualization of the design, the processing of handcrafting, and the meaning of the design, etc. These deeper meaning of a brand is often left out of traditional methods of advertising because of limited space or time. Celebrity was one of the major methods to create social meaning, suggesting that luxury brands use social media to leverage parasocial interaction between celebrities and consumers. Parasocial interaction refers to consumers’ perception of personal relationship with media personalities (Men and Tsai 2013). Among the sample messages, there were interviews with famous designers, advices and recommendations from celebrities about luxury brand and fashion, etc. These messages offer an opportunity for consumers to connect with celebrities, and subsequently, associate luxury brands with these iconic figures (McCraken, 1989). All in all, Western luxury brands largely use social media to build social presence, disseminate information, and communicate brand’s social meanings. Luxury brands frequently interact with audiences on social media but the level of consumer engagement is restricted. Study 2 The participants’ interpretations of WeChat provide a unique context and form a crucial referential framework for them to interpret luxury brands’ marketing communications on this particular social media platform. Specifically, the themes that emerged regarding those Chinese female affluent consumers’ perceptions of the social medium are an intimate friend vs. an everyday assistant, simple vs. complicated, and stickiness vs. interactivity; and, the themes regarding the participants’ interpretation of luxury brands’ marketing communications include inactive, conservative, and distance. Based on their own experiences of social media marketing and from consumers’ perspectives, the participants also provided insightful suggestions for luxury brands to improve their social media marketing to better connect with their consumers. Interpretation of WeChat An Intimate Friend vs. An Everyday Assistant According to the participants, their usage and composition of friends on WeChat has kept changing and evolving. At the initial stage of their usage, all the friends on WeChat were family members and close friends. At that time, WeChat constructed a small, closed, and intimate social circle for them to communicate, socialize, and entertain themselves and their WeChat friends in a carefree and relaxing way. In this sense, WeChat is like a good friend, who can accompany them and chat with them whenever they need him/her. Later, with the number of WeChat friends increasing and expanding, the composition of theirWeChat friends has also become complicated: different social relationships have been added to their WeChat friend list. Accordingly, based on the closeness and remoteness, they categorize their WeChat friends and communicate and socialize with them in a more cautious and delicate way. In this sense, WeChat has also changed to an office assistant who helps them to manage and maintain their social relationships. Simple vs. Complicated With the change of WeChat and the revolution of participants’ usage and experiences, in the life-worlds of the participants, WeChat has transformed from a simple chatting app to a multi-functional personal service hub. At the initial usage of stage, according to the participants, the major function of WeChat is a chatting app to communicate with their friends conveniently. Later, with more functions to be added to WeChat, WeChat has evolved to a complicated personal service hub to serve various personal and commercial purposes for the participants. Stickiness vs. Interactivity According to the participants, WeChat is a unique social media platform with high stickiness but low interactivity. The participants indicated that they use WeChat all the time, and they have to check their WeChat numerous times during a day. In other words, WeChat is considered as a high frequency social media app. In the meantime, the participants felt that WeChat is lacking interactivity when comparing to other social media platforms such as microblogging. They stated that the possible interactive activities on WeChat are very limited. In other words, in the life-world of the participants, WeChat is perceived as a less reciprocative social media platform. Interpretation of Luxury Brands’ Marketing Communication on WeChat Inactive According to the participants, the luxury brands’ WeChat public accounts are less active than other brands’ public accounts. Those luxury brands’ WeChat public accounts post information less frequently and seldom interact with followers. This is actually put those luxury brands in a relatively negative marketing position on WeChat. The participants indicated that they follow many public accounts. Because the luxury brands’ public accounts are not very active, without constant reminder, the followers may gradually forget about those luxury brands’ public accounts and stop checking their accounts’ updates. Conservative In addition to be seen as inactive, the luxury brands’ WeChat public accounts are also perceived to be conservative. According to the participants, compared to other brands, luxury brands’ WeChat public accounts are too serious, less interesting, and lacking entertainment. The participants felt that the luxury brands are very cautious and careful regarding their WeChat presence. Therefore, their WeChat posts are generally too conservative and formal, lacking creativity and uniqueness. As a result, the participants couldn’t remember any impressive and unforgettable post from those luxury brands’ WeChat public accounts.Distance In the participants’ eyes, the luxury brands are perceived to intentionally keep a certain distance from WeChat users. The participants felt that on the one hand the luxury brands are trying hard to connect with their consumers on social media, on the other hand, they are also trying to preserve their luxury brand image on this media platform by alienating general WeChat users. However, the participants felt it is not easy for luxury brands to achieve those two purposes successfully on WeChat. Suggestion of Luxury Brands’ Marketing Communication on WeChat Based on their perceptions and experiences of luxury brands’ social media marketing, the participants offered several insightful suggestions for luxury brands to improve their social marketing endeavors to better connect with their consumers. According to the participants, the most important marketing communication strategy via social media that luxury brands could adopt is to collaborate with opinion leaders (Katz and Lazarsfeld 1957) on social media to humanize, personalize, and entertainize their marketing communications. As the participants indicated, there are many successful and popular personal fashion public accounts on WeChat which have millions of loyal followers. Those personal fashion public accounts usually have unique styles and characteristics that are attractive to and well-liked by their followers. Compared to luxury brands’ official public accounts, those personal public accounts are perceived more humanized, personal, and closer to consumers. In addition, those accounts also have more flexibility to be creative and entertaining thus providing a better social media experience for luxury brands’ consumers. For luxury brands’ own public accounts on social media, the participants suggested that those luxury brands should become more active on social media by posting messages more frequently and constantly reminding consumers of their social presence. In addition, the participants think those luxury brands should be more adventurous on social media by being more creative and expressing more entertaining spirit.
        2016.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have always mattered in agriculture too. In day-to-day practices of agriculture and allied sectors, the farmers often share their information. Changing weather patterns, soil conditions, pests and diseases always throw challenges to small and marginal farmers. So, the farmer needs up-dated information to cope with and even benefit from these changes. In the developing countries like India, where agriculture still plays a crucial role (over 58% of the rural households depend on agriculture as their livelihood) and the rising population from 1027 million to 1419 million during 2001-16 (a total rise of 38 percent or 1.3 percent per year) pose a lot of pressure on land and other resources to meet the food security needs on one hand and to meet the challenges of globalization on the other. Understanding and addressing these challenges are very crucial, in which ICT can play a major role. With the booming mobile, wireless, and Internet industries, ICT has found a foothold even in poor marginal and smallholder farms and in their activities. The survey conducted among the 120 farmers in Srikakulam district in India revealed that, ICT has revolutionized the agriculture in the modern days. Production and marketing information is accessed by 91% of the sample farmers through mobile in 2015, where it was only 5% in 2005. The extent of use of mobile phones by the farmers varied with the decision to be taken by them like Harvesting, packing, and storing (94%), Selling Decision (91%), Seed purchase (89%), Application of fertilizers and pesticides (88%) and Land preparation and planting (84%), other package of practices (77%). The farmers further opined that, ‘Voice’ was the dominating source of communication (96%) compared to Short Message Service (SMS) (only 27%) and Internet access (10%), as majority are illiterate. The use of camera (71%), Bluetooth (33%), Radio (61%) TV (41%) are the other means of sharing the information. In this context of importance of ICTs in Indian agriculture, greater attention justifies about the applications of ICT’s to alleviate poverty and promote economic growth of the farming population.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        When an engine connecting rod is designed, it’s important to consider the buckling strength as well as deformation and durability of the rod. The buckling strength of a rod is mainly affected by the shape and area of shank cross-section and boundary conditions of its small and big ends. Buckling analysis by finite element method was carried out to evaluate the elastic buckling strength of a connecting rod that has non-uniform cross section areas. And the Merchant-Rankine formula was applied to predict the inelastic critical buckling load by considering the plastic buckling strength. Finally, the maximum allowable compressive load, which has 56.57kN, was predicted by considering the 1.7 buckling safety factor. It represents an approximately 40% greater than the maximum firing pressure.
        2013.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: Design of approach roads of rest areas in highway has many drawbacks such as geometric design elements. There has been traffic accidents occured in these approach roads of rest areas. Thus, design criteria is required in order to protect accidents from being occurred. In case of Korea, geometric structure design criteria of entry facilities, such as toll-gate, interchange, junction etc was established. However there are no presence in a detailed standards for geometric structure of the rest area which affiliated road facilities. METHODS: In this study, analytic on accidents was carried out in regards to the entry of geometric structure of resting areas by utilizing a sight survey and an investigation research of traffic accidents. The survey was targeting 135 general service areas. Collisions with physical channelization and safety facilities occurred due to speeding, rapid entry, and etc at the entrance nose section. At the entrance connector roads, accidents caused by speeding, negligence, over-operation of handle of drivers were main reason of accidents. Discriminant analysis were conducted about geometric elements to distinguish influencing factors for traffic accidents. the lengths and access angles of the entrance connector roads were regarded as to have the high relation with traffic accidents. RESULTS: After classifying the design section of resting areas' entry as well as derive design elements on each section, a speed measurement by targeting entry of rest areas and car behavior surveys were performed, then each element's minimum standard was derived through the analyses. According to the speeds at the starting/end point of entrance connector road, the range of the junction setting angle of the entrance connector road is defined as 12˚~17˚ and the connector length model was suggested. CONCLUSIONS: Suggest improvement plans for existing rest areas that can be applied realistically. This should be corresponded to the standards of entry and exit of developed rest areas.
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