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        검색결과 14

        2024.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 국내 스포츠 은퇴 선수들의 광고 스타파워 효과성을 검증하여 기업 및 광고 에이전 시의 효율적인 광고 모델 전략을 위한 기초자료를 제공하고자 했다. 따라서 국내 스포츠 은퇴 선수들이 광 고 모델로 선정된 광고를 인지하고 있는 사람들을 표본으로 선정했으며, 206부의 자료를 최종분석에 적용 했다. 자료처리는 SPSS(ver. 21.0) 프로그램으로 빈도 및 신뢰도 분석을 실시했다. 또한 AMOS(ver. 20.0) 프로그램으로 확인적 요인분석, 상관분석, 구조방정식 모형분석, 효과성의 유의성을 검증했다. 연구결과 첫 째, 국내 스포츠 은퇴 선수들의 스타파워는 호감도에 긍정적인 영향이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 호감도 는 광고 소비행동에 긍정적인 영향이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 스타파워는 광고 소비행동에 긍정적인 영향이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로 스타파워는 광고 소비행동에 직접효과가 더 큰 것으로 나타났으 며, 호감도는 부분매개효과가 있는 것으로 검증됐다.
        2020.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The emergence and explosive growth of social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Tweeter, etc. has dramatically changed both the way consumers shop and brands advertise. According to a study by Track Maven, Instagram is the most engaging social media platform nowadays with the most average interactions per post per 1,000 followers. It stimulates “Instagram influencer marketing” to develop rapidly and promotes a great variety of brands. It has fundamentally changed the balance of power between customers and brands because it allows peer recommendations to play a much larger role in purchasing decisions [13]. It has become one of the trendiest marketing strategies that focus on influential figures on Instagram rather than targeting on the market as a whole. Instagram influencer marketing highlights content creators who may impact their audiences’ buying habits. For example, shoppers who compare hotel reviews can simply search “hashtag plus hotel name (e.g. #hiltonnewyork) in Instagram and read people’s experiences with that hotel among related posts. Many of those posts were created by influencers who are collaborating with the brands to advertise. Based on activities of more than 12 million Instagram influencers between the first quarter of 2018 and the first quarter of 2019, Social bakers created a report to categorize influencers into three categories: micro-influencers who have fewer than 10,000 followers, macro influencers with 10,000 to 50,000 followers, and celebrities who attracts a million or more followers. The majority of Instagram influencers are “micro-influencers”. Their finding also reveals that the combined amount of sponsored content on Instagram for all three categories of influencers in North America has jumped 150% in the last year.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the current online advertising ecosystem, described by users’ adaptation to ad clutter, an arousal stimulus might not be a sufficient condition to maintain viewers’ attention on advertising. This research contributes to the online advertising literature by investigating whether different arousal designs (one vs. two arousal peaks) should be used to enhance the effectiveness of online video ads (attitude toward the ad, ad recall, purchase intentions, and recommendations) depending on the kind of audience (active or captive). By means of three studies, this research tests a moderation effect proposing that using one arousal stimulus is more effective in non-skippable advertising, whereas introducing two arousal stimuli is more effective in skippable ads. First, a consumer neuroscience study was conducted to detect the arousal stimuli and design the different conditions. Second, an experimental study in a lab setting was carried out to test the hypotheses of our framework. Third, to extend the validity of the experimental study, a field study using Google AdWords was conducted. Our results indicate that the two arousal peaks design increases ad effectiveness in skippable contexts whereas the one arousal peak commercial is more effective in a non-skippable context. These findings agree with previous research which found that continuous consumer activation during the ad improves decoding in memory for active audiences compared to captive audiences (Belanche, Flavián, & Pérez Rueda 2017). In addition, an ad with two arousal peaks is more effective among millennials; whereas the one arousal peak ad is more effective among older users (nonmillennials). Our research contributes to better understand how to satisfy the different demands of different advertising audiences (Ha, 2017). Specifically, our findings suggest that advertising campaigns should not be used across formats and users carelessly, but ad design needs to be adapted to the different ad formats and kind of audiences.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        INTRODUCTION Online marketing has grown rapidly over the past years and has become a key component when making marketing mix decisions. Over 2014, internet advertising revenues in the U.S. increased 16% from the previous year to a total of $49.5 billion (IAB 2015). In addition, according to Online Publisher Association, video advertisements have reached the majority of the Internet users (66%), and have resulted in an action from almost half of the users. The significant business opportunities provided by the online environment are reflected as the increasing amount of attention for online advertising in academic research (Mei et al. 2008). It is yet to be researched how online videos and the accompanied online video advertisements interact and how advertisement customization can play a role to possibly optimize user experience and therefore the effectiveness of online video advertisements. Particularly, congruity forms a key opportunity for customization in embedded online video advertising. Congruity is defined as consistency between the ad and video or the advertised product and video (Moore et al. 2005). Evidences in extent literature have shown the positive effects of congruity on, for example, the processing fluency of the ad, the consumer attitudes towards the ad and the persuasiveness of the ad (Moore et al. 2005). However, in the context of online video advertising, limited research has been conducted on this topic. The main goal of this research is to explore the effect of online video advertising congruity on consumer attitudes towards the online video, advertisement and advertised product. Therefore, this research attempts to examine the information processing of a consumer and how congruity acts in this process to affect consumer's preferences. Due to the nature of this research question, an online experiment is used to test the hypothesized relationships of the conceptual model. The collected data in this study were examined using partial least squares (PLS). CONGRUITY AND PROCESSING FLUENCY Congruity can be defined in terms of similarity. The perceived similarity between two given stimuli of equal importance, determines their congruity (Rokeach & Rothman, 1965). Extensive research has been conducted on the effects of congruity in advertising. For example, studies have focused on congruity between involvement types of ads and TV programs (Sharma, 2000), viewer's mood-ad content congruity (Kamins, Marks, & Skinner, 1991), and program context- advertised product congruity (De Pelsmacker, Geuens, & Anckaert, 2002). Previous research from (Moore, Stammerjohan, & Coulter, 2005) has shown that congruity has a positive effect on consumer attitudes. Research on online banner advertisements on websites has indicated that advertisements should be consistent with the website brand (Newman, Stem Jr, & Sprott, 2004). Appeal congruity can then be achieved when the appeal of the online video and the appeal of the embedded ad are similar: an emotional (affective) video paired with an emotional ad can be deemed congruent. Similarly, an informational ad will be more effective when embedded in an informational video. In this study, Ad-and-Video congruity represents such type of congruity. Based on extent research on processing fluency, it can be assumed that online video advertising congruity, either in terms of appeal or content, will result in more processing ease of the ad as the information provided by the video and ad is similar. The following hypotheses are formulated: Hypothesis 1: Congruity between the appeal of the online video and the appeal of the advertisement has a positive effect on processing fluency. Hypothesis 2: Congruity between content of the online video and the advertised product has a positive effect on processing fluency. We further propose that the above process is influenced by ad/video appeal or execution format (emotional vs. informational). An informational ad format is defined as an ad execution designed to appeal to the rationality of the receiver by using objective information describing a brand’s attributes or benefits, while an emotional ad format as an ad execution designed to appeal to the receiver’s emotions by using drama, mood, music and other emotion-eliciting strategies (Yoo & MacInnis, 2005). When an individual is watching an emotional ad or video, the possible effect of Ad-video or Product-video congruity on a consumer's processing fluency will be attenuated. The following hypotheses are formulated: Hypothesis 3a: Congruity between the appeal of online video and the appeal of embedded advertisement has a stronger effect on processing fluency for informational appeals than for emotional appeals. Hypothesis 3b: Congruity between content of the online video and the advertised product has a stronger effect on processing fluency for informational contents than for emotional contents. Involvement and processing fluency With regards to online advertising, research has shown that the degree to which a consumer is involved with the topic of a website also affects the processing of online advertising. It can be argued that when an individual is not involved in watching an online video, its effect on a consumer's processing fluency will be absent. On the other hand, when a consumer is highly involved in watching an online video, it is more likely that the viewer experiences processing fluency. As a result, in this situation, involvement may actually affect processing fluency of the viewer. Based on these findings, the following hypothesis is formulated: Hypothesis 4: Involvement has a positive effect on the processing fluency of consumers. Post-viewing attitudes Research has also indicated the mediating role of an individual’s affective response from processing fluency to its evaluation (Winkielman & Cacioppo, 2001). A viewer of an online video is shown an ad that has the same appeal as the video, making it rather easy to process. The viewer appreciates this as it takes less effort to view the ad and to relate to advertised product to the content of the video and the viewer's interests. As a result the viewer is more likely to generate a positive attitude towards the ad, the advertised product and the video. The insights lead to the formulation of the following three hypotheses: Hypothesis 5: Processing fluency has a positive effect on the attitude towards the online video. Hypothesis 6: Processing fluency has a positive effect on the attitude towards the advertisement. Hypothesis 7: Processing fluency has a positive effect on the attitude towards the advertised product. Figure 1 shows the conceptual model, which summarises the hypothesized relationships. <Insert Figure 1 about here> METHODOLOGY We conducted an experiment in the form of a 2 (type of appeal: informational vs. emotional) × 2 (Ad-Video congruity: congruent vs. incongruent) × 2 (Product-Video congruity: congruent vs. incongruent) full-factorial between-subject design. Video and advertisement appeal are each measured by the three items derived from the study by Moore et al. (1995) on the individual difference in response to advertising appeal. Processing fluency is measured by two items of the study by Lee and Aker (2004). Three items of the study from Zaichowsky (1985) are used to measure the involvement of the participants. The three items related to the attitude towards the video, advertisement and product are derived from the respective studies from Russell et al. (2004) and Kozup, Creyer and Burton (2003). Returned questionnaires numbered 276 responses with 24 incomplete data, resulting in 252 valid responses for data analysis. The collected data in this study were analyzed using partial least squares (PLS). Measurement model A measurement model was used to evaluate reliability, convergent validity, and discriminate validity. A structural model was used to determine the significance and association of each hypothesized path, and the explained variance. Reliability was examined by composite reliability values above the 0.70 benchmark (Fornell and Larcker 1981). Results show all values above 0.70, indicating satisfactory reliability. Convergent validity was examined by all indicator loadings that were significant and exceeding 0.7 and average variance extracted (AVE) by each construct exceeding 0.50 (Fornell and Larcker 1981). Results shows all indicator loadings above 0.70 and all AVEs exceeding 0.50, indicating satisfactory convergent validity. Discriminant validity is demonstrated by the square root of the AVE for each construct exceeding the correlations between the constructs (Chin 1998). These results indicate that the proposed models have good reliability and validity. Structure model Figure 2 shows the standardized path coefficient, the significance of each hypothesized path and the variance explained (R²). H1 and H2 investigate the effect of Ad-Video congruity and Product-Video congruity on processing fluency. Results show that Product-Video congruity is positively related to processing fluency (β=0.115, t-value=2.131, p<0.05), supporting H2. However, the effect of Ad-Video congruity on processing fluency is not significant ((β=0.022, t-value=0.377, p>0.05). Thus, H1 is not supported. H3a and H3b examine the moderating effect of the type of appeal. The hypothesis testing of H3a and H3b is discussed under the multi-group analysis (PLS-MGA). H4 proposes that involvement has a positive effect on the processing fluency of consumers, which is supported by the results (β=0.399, tvalue= 6.778, p<0.05). H5, H6, and H7 investigate the effects of processing fluency on post-viewing attitudes. Processing fluency is positively related to attitude towards the video (β=0.192, t-value=2.838, p<0.05), advertisement (β=0.426, t-value=7.607, p<0.05) and the focal product (β=0.422, t-value=7.171, p<0.05). These results support H5, H6 and H7. <Insert Figure 2 about here> We hypothesize that the type of appeal (informational or emotional) moderates the effects of Ad-Video congruity and Product-Video congruity on processing fluency in H3a and H3b. Specifically, the effects on under informational appeal condition are stronger. To test for group differences, we applied a multi-group analysis (PLS-MGA) approach. The PLS-MGA results for both informational and emotional groups, show that that the positive effect of Ad-Video congruity on processing fluency is only significant for informational appeals (β=.150, t-value=1.99, p<.05) but not emotional appeal (β=-.010, t-value=.15, p>.05), supporting H3a. Similarly, results show that that the positive effects of Product-Video congruity on processing fluency is only significant for informational appeals (β=.170, t-value=2.27, p<.05) but not emotional appeal (β=.050, t-value=.57, p>.05), supporting H3b. CONCLUSION Results show that congruity is related to the improvement of processing fluency only for informational ads/videos. This finding provides some support to the processing fluency theory which holds that less discrepant information should result in a higher processing fluency and extends the existing literature by investigating the appeal/execution format as a boundary condition. Involvement itself has been found to be positively related to processing fluency. Thus, when a consumer is initially more involved in watching a video, the processing fluency increases. This is in line with previous research that proved that involvement positively affects the attention that is given to advertisements and ultimately also the attitude of consumers.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This research investigated how neuromarketing can improve and determine the effectiveness of action-based public health and social cause marketing communications with social amplification platforms. Action-based advertisements (Ferrier, Ward, & Palermo, 2012) aim to encourage consumers to ‘act’, ‘share’, make a ‘pledge’ or complete a ‘challenge’ for a public health or social cause. Public health messages as non-commercial advertisements attempt to change public behaviour (Vecchiato, Cherubino, Trettel, & Babiloni, 2013). Research was conducted using a 64 channel EEG wet cap with electrodes placed according to the international 10/20 system (Gountas et al., 2014; Treleaven-Hassard et al., 2010). The study applied an exploratory design which involved 4 tasks where participants viewed 7 advertisements (6 action-based, 1 control) and their logos while EEG was recorded. Preliminary LORETA results from the first five seconds of the most effective advertisement indicated approach responses due to left prefrontal and right parietal cortex activation (Davidson & Irwin, 1999; Vecchiato et al., 2013). Results suggest that consumer’s decision making about an advertisement occurs within the first five seconds of viewing an advertisement.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Most previous studies exploring the relative effectiveness of superiority and parity claims in comparative advertising were based on the regulatory focus theory. However, the findings of these studies provided limited implications for practice. The current research attempts to examine the relative effectiveness of superiority versus parity claims in comparative advertising from the perspective of construal level theory. Recent research has found that the fitness between message framing and construal level can enhance processing fluency of information. Specifically, loss-framed messages are more impactful when paired with low-level construals, whereas gain-framed messages are more effective when paired with high-level construals. Accordingly, the current study predicts that a superiority claim, which states sponsor brand is better than the competitors, is more effective in enhancing brand attitude than parity claim when the construal level is high. Conversely, a parity claim, which argues sponsor brand asserts parity with the comparison target, lead to more favorable brand attitude than superiority claims in the condition of low-level construal. This study conducted a (superiority claim vs. parity claim) × 2 (high-level construal vs. low-level construal) experimental designs to examine proposed hypotheses. The manipulation of construal level either highlighted a concrete “how” message or an abstract “why” message. The results showed that the superiority (parity) claim leads to more positive brand attitude and purchase intention than the parity (superiority) claim when customers are presented with message highlights an abstract “why” (concrete “how”) construal. Based on the findings, this study suggests that superiority claims combine with the “why”-oriented thoughts can enhance the effectiveness of the comparative advertising. In contrast, when parity claims are used, “how” -oriented, thoughts should be integrated in comparative advertising.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Previous studies showed that poor weather conditions lead to increased online browsing behavior, which again enhances the likelihood for consumers to see an online advertisement (Ghose & Todri, 2016; Weißmüller et al., 2017). The authors assume that these changes in media consumption behavior effect not only one but many advertising channel simultaneously. Therefore, the authors investigate in this study how weather influences the effectiveness of several advertising channels at the same time. Specifically, they use field data over two years from an online streaming provider to capture advertising-spending, and -reach, as well as subscriptions. Furthermore, weather data from different weather stations across Germany are matched with customer data. The authors analyze five different advertising channels: television, email, affiliate, online display and search engine. By applying a count regression, preliminary empirical evidence suggests that weather-induced changes in media consumption leverages advertising effectiveness.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In recent years, companies, consumers, and society have increasingly committed to actions aimed at protecting the environment. Thus, environmental activity has become central to companies’ strategies. Apparel is becoming a disposable product, resulting in a sharp consumption increase (Hwang et al., 2016). The fast growing rates of apparel products consumption and waste lead to an environmental crisis. Smaller brands as well as many multinational companies, including large chains started selling clothes made of ecological fiber. According to the Ethical Fashion Forum, green fashion refers “represents an approach to the design, sourcing and manufacture of apparel which maximizes benefits to people and communities while minimizing impact on the environment.” (Cervellon & Wernerfelt, 2012). The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship between perceived effectiveness of green products, attitude toward advertising, brand attitude, purchase intention and green behavior intention and to identify how claim specificity types, cognitive style and sustainable involvement influence on the relationship between variables.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        소비자가 광고에 대해서 반응할 때, 광고 모델의 시선(응시 방향)은 가장 중요한 비언어적 단서 중 하나이다. 광 고 모델의 시선은 소비자가 모델의 사회적 특성을 어떻게 평가하는지(예, 매력도, 신뢰성)와 광고나 브랜드를 어떻 게 평가하는지(예, 광고 태도, 브랜드 태도)에 영향을 미친다. 특히, 뇌의 정서 반응 비대칭 가설에 따르면, 오른손잡 이 소비자는 모델이 좌측을 응시하는 광고를 볼 때 우측을 응시하는 광고를 볼 때보다 모델의 사회적 특성과 광고, 브랜드를 더 긍정적으로 평가한다. 본 연구는 온라인 실험을 통해서 무명 여성 광고 모델의 세 가지 시선 조건(정 면, 좌측 그리고 우측 응시 조건)이 남성 실험 참가자의 광고 반응(모델 매력도 측면, 모델 신뢰도 측면 그리고 광 고 효과성 측면)에 미치는 영향을 알아보았다. 본 연구 결과, 실험 참가자들은 광고 모델이 정면을 응시할 때가 우 측을 응시할 때보다 모델이 광고 출연료를 받았으며 광고 브랜드 판매를 위해 소비자를 설득하려고 한다고 더 강 하게 느끼지만 동시에 모델이 광고에 출연한 이유가 스스로 광고 브랜드를 진심으로 좋아하기 때문이라고 추론하 는 경향이 더 강했다. 또한 실험 참가자들은 광고 모델이 정면을 응시할 때가 우측을 응시할 때 보다 광고에 대해 서 더 긍정적인 태도를 보였다. 그러나 광고 모델의 좌측 응시 조건과 나머지 두 조건(정면 응시 조건과 우측 응시 조건) 사이에 있어서 일관성 있는 실험 참가자의 모델 특성 평가와 광고 효과성 차이는 발견하지 못 했다.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        스토리텔링 광고는 현실에서 많이 사용되고 있으나 이에 비해 스토리텔링 광고에 대한 연구는 매우 부족하다. 기존 몇몇 활자형태의 내러티브 광고에 대한 연구에서는 내러티브 광고가 정보전달 광고보다 효과적임을 밝히고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 실제 상업용으로 제작된 광고들을 사용하여 스토리텔링 광고가 다른 광고 유형(정보전달 광고, 이미지 광고)보다 더 효과적인지를 알아보고자 하였다. 제품유형과 브랜드의 영향을 통제하기 위해 같은 제품에 대해 스토리텔링 광고, 정보전달 광고, 이미지 광고 모두가 제작되어 있는 광고를 탐색하였으며 최종 9개의 광고가 선정되었다. 종속변인으로는 광고효과, 광고후 감정, 각성정도, SAM이 측정되었다. 예비분석을 통해 광고후 감정은 크게 정서적 감정과 인지적 감정으로 나뉘어졌으며, 이를 대상으로 분석이 실시되었다. 분석 결과, 광고효과, 각성수준, 정서적 감정 모두에서 스토리텔링 광고와 정보전달 광고가 이미지 광고에 비해 높은 점수를 얻었다. 스토리텔링 광고는 정보전달 광고에 비해 평균은 높았으나 그 차이는 유의미한 수준에 이르지 못했다. 성별의 주효과는 각성수준에서 경향성만이 관찰되었으며 여성이 남성보다 높은 각성수준을 보였다. 광고유형과 성별의 상호작용은 정서적 감정을 제외한 모든 변인들에서 관찰되었으며, 전반적으로 스토리텔링 광고에서는 남성이, 이미지 광고에서는 여성이 더 긍정적으로 반응하였다. 본 연구결과의 함의점과 제한점이 논의되었다.
        2009.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 게임 내 광고(In-Game Advertising)는 광고시장의 새로운 한 축으로 떠오르고 있으며, 많은 이들이 게임내 광고가 게임 및 광고산업을 전혀 새로운 차원으로 발전시킬 것으로 전망하고 있다. 본 논문은 여성사용자들을 겨냥한 패션 브랜드 게임내 광고가 게시된 온라인 레이싱 게임에 대한 실험을 통해 게임내 광고에 대한 경험적 연구결과를 담고 있다. 실증적 연구를 위해 현재 유럽지역에서 서비스 중인 3D 온라인 레이싱게임 호보런을 연구조사 대상으로 삼았다. 본 연구의 실험결과는 여성게임사용자들의 광고인식률이 일반광고보다 높음을 보여며, 여성을 타겟으로 한 게임내 광고의 또 다른 잠재적 가능성을 예증한다.