Large-scale cultivation of Microcystis aeruginosa in different light conditions was conducted for verifying the cell growth in a greenhouse system. Environmental and chemical parameters of the large-scale culture medium were measured for analyzing the interaction between M. aeruginosa and its symbiotic bacteria. During cultivation, a difference in cell growth pattern was observed between control (natural light) and lightlimited groups (reduction of blue, green, and blue/green light, respectively). Comparing the control group, the light reduced groups showed slow and delayed cell growth through the cultivation period. Also, there is differences in the consuming pattern of total nitrogen and total phosphorus which indicated that the possibility of interaction between M. aeruginosa and symbiotic bacteria.
Salicylic acid (SA) is an essential plant growth regulator that functions as a signaling molecule in plants. The purpose of this study was to clarify how the exogenous application of SA counteracts aluminum stress-induced growth and biomass yield reduction in alfalfa exposed to aluminum (Al) stress. Two-week-old alfalfa seedlings were exposed to a combination of AlCl3 (0 μM, 50 μM and 100 μM, respectively) and SA (0.1 mM) for 72 hours. We observed, Al stress-induced plant growth inhibition and forage yield reduction are Al stress-dependent manner. A significant reduction of plant height (42.0-52.9%), leaf relative water content (13.0-21.4%), root length (35.4-48.7%), shoot fresh weight (31.2-25.9%), root fresh weight (15.4-23.3%), shoot dry weight (12.7-22.2%), roots dry weight (47.3 -53.5%), were observed in alfalfa. In contrast, SA alleviated the Al-stress and enhanced growth and biomass yield in alfalfa. This study provides useful information concerning the role of SA that counteracts aluminum stress-induced growth and yield reduction in alfalfa.
Cronobactersakazakii is a newly emerging high hazard pathogen, which causes encephalomeningitis and necrotic colitis. Recently, successful biocontrol of harmful microorganisms in several foods through the use of bacteriophages has been reported. In this study, bacteriophages were isolated from kimchi and sewages. Morphological analysis by TEM indicated that phages belonged to the Myoviridae family. In case of heat stability, KCES2 and ESP 2949-2 phages were susceptible to temperatures above 70oC. KCES2 and ESP 2949-2 phages inhibited the growth of C. sakazakii in culture broth. When KCES2 and ESP 2949-2 phages were applied to biofilm-formed C. sakazakii, C. sakazakii was efficiently reduced. Therefore, newly isolated KCES2 and ESP 2949-2 phage for C. sakazakii might effectively reduce C. sakazakii in various foods.
The high quality contact between graphene and the metal electrode is a crucial factor in achieving the high performance of graphene transistors. However, there is not sufficient research about contact resistance reduction methods to improve the junction of metal-graphene. In this paper, we propose a new method to decrease the contact resistance between graphene and metal using directly grown graphene over a metal surface. The study found that the grown graphene over copper, as an intermediate layer between the copper and the transferred graphene, reduces contact resistance, and that the adhesion strength between graphene and metal becomes stronger. The results confirmed the contact resistance of the metal-graphene of the proposed structure is nearly half that of the conventional contact structure.
This article aims to measure the impact of economic growth and urbanization on poverty reduction in Vietnam, and verify whether economic growth and urbanization will help reduce poverty rates. Data for this study are tabular data related to growth, urbanization and poverty at the provincial level for the period of nine years, from 2006 to 2014 provided by the Vietnam General Statistics Office and the Vietnam General Department of Customs. The level of economic growth and urbanization mentioned in the study is reflected in such indicators as GDP value, exports value, imports value, urbanization rate and employment rate. The authors used logistic regression models with fixedeffects and logistic regression models with random effects. With 5% confidence level tested by the Chi-Square test of Hausman trial with the fixed-effect model, research results show that: (1) factors with significant negative impact on the poverty rate include imports value, urbanization rate and, employment rate; (2) factors that do not affect the poverty rate include exports value and GDP value. Based on the research results, this study proposes a number of policy recommendations to help promote economic growth, to sustain the urbanization process, and to contribute directly and positively to poverty reduction in Vietnam.
본 연구는 시설하우스 내 토마토 연작장해 경감을 위해 단기 녹비작물 재배가 토마토의 생육특성 및 수량에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위해 토마토 시설재배지에 헤어리베치와 호밀을 단파 및 혼파로 구분하여 파종하였으며, 생육된 녹비작물의 양분공 급량과 녹비작물의 토양환원 후 토양의 이화학적 특성 그리고 녹비작물 환원 후 후작물인 토마토의 생육특성 및 토마토 시들 음 병원균의 밀도를 조사한 결과, 녹비작물의 질소(N), 인(P2O5), 칼륨(K2O), 칼슘(CaO) 및 마그네슘(MgO) 공급량은 헤어리베 치의 경우 각각 26.2, 5.8, 10.2, 6.6, 및 1.5 ㎏/10a였으며, 호밀 은 각각 9.1, 4.2, 11.8, 3.8, 및 3.1 ㎏/10a였고, 혼파의 경우는 단파와 유사한 경향이었다. 토마토 시설재배지에서 녹비작물 의 토양환원 전・후 토양의 pH는 대조구와 별다른 차이 없이 6.37-6.52 범위였으며, EC는 헤어리베치(2.64 dS/m) 및 호밀 (2.62 dS/m) 처리가 대조구(헤어리베치-2.80 dS/m, 호밀 -2.91 dS/m)에 비해 낮았다. 토양 중 유기물, T-N 및 avail. P2O5 함량은 녹비작물 처리가 대조구에 비해 증가하는 경향이 었다. 녹비작물 토양환원에 따른 후작물인 토마토 생육은 녹비 작물 처리는 대조구에 비해 우수한 생육을 보였으나, 관행처리 와는 비슷한 생육을 보였다. 또한 녹비처리에서 토마토 시들음 병원균의 밀도가 현저하게 감소하였다. 이상의 결과를 종합할 때, 토마토 시설재배지에서 녹비작물의 시용은 비료로서 충분 한 가치가 있으며, 녹비작물 토양 환원 후 토양화학성을 개선함 으로써 시설하우스 토마토 연작재배지의 연작장해를 경감할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.
Lodging in the direct seeded rice cultivation on flooded paddy is being severe problem due to the lower production and grain quality at ripening stage. This study was conducted to examine the effect of Iprobenfos-metconazole (IPM) treated 50, 40 and 30 days before heading respectively as a plant regulator to reduce the lodging at ripening stage of direct seeding rice cultivation. The culm length treated with IPM, especially the 4th culm internode, was shortened more than with untreated plot, and the most effective time was at 30 days before heading. At 20 days after heading the flag leaves colour showed more greening than in the untreated leaves and the plot with IPM treatment was to be maintained longer compared to the control plot. The Nitrogen concentration of leaves with IPM was lower than in the control plot, and SiO2 contents were higher than in the untreated plot and SiO2/N ratio was increased more in the IPM plot than in the control plot. The breaking strength of 3rd and 4th culm internode with IPM treatment was higher than in the untreated plot, and the lodging index was reduced in the IPM plot significantly and the field lodging also was reduced. As the results the rice production in the IPM plot was increased more due to be higher ripening ratio and seed grain weight compared to the untreated plot to be occurred the field lodging.
본 연구에서는 제설제 피해에 따른 토양개량제 사용에 대한 가로변 하층식재로 이용될 수 있는 작살나무로 식물생육과 토양개량효과를 평가하고자 Control, T-W, T-SS, T-SC, T-TC를 실험구로 조성하여 식물생육과 토양화학성 변화를 분석하였다. 토양의 pH에서는 제설제 처리 후 수치가 다소 높아지는 경향이었으며 전기전도도의 경우 제설제 처리 후 증가한 후, 관수 및 토양개량제 처리 후 감소하여 초기값에 근접하는 경향이었다. 또한 치환성양이온 함량의 경우 칼슘이온(Ca2+)과 나트륨이온(Na+)에서 관수 및 토양개량제 처리한 실험구에서 유의한 수준으로 감소하여 그 효과를 검증할 수 있었으며 실험구별로는 T-SS, T-TC 실험구에서 양호한 수준이었다. 식물생육반응에서는 초기 활착시 개엽 상태가 얼마 지나지 않아 제설제를 처리하여 식물의 잎마름과 황엽현상이 빠르게 진행되었고, 잎의 낙화를 초래하였다. 하지만 토양개량제 처리 후 새순이 나타났으며, 지속적인 수세회복을 보였다. 엽록소 함량에서도 염화칼슘 처리 후 모든 실험구에서 감소하다가, 관수 및 토양개량제 처리 후 엽록소함량이 유의한 수준으로 상승하는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 본 연구는 도시공원 및 가로수변 지피식물로 이용되면서 내염성이 강하다고 보고된 작살나무를 공시식물로 선정하여 제설제로 이용되고 있는 염화칼슘이 생육 및 토양이화학성에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 한 것이다. 그러나 본 연구에서는 지피식물 중 작살나무 1종에 대해 실험구별 식재한 10주만의 결과를 제시하여 그 경향만을 확인한 것으로 향후 실제 제설제에 의해 피해를 받는 현장조사 및 측정을 통해 그 유의성을 추가적으로 검증해야 할 것이다. 본 연구의 결과는 최근 도로변 레인가든의 조성 등으로 인해 제설제의 가로변 집적이 우려되는 상황에 염화칼슘 저감 및 식물생육 활성화를 위한 기초자료 제공을 목적으로 한 것이므로 모든 식물과 대상지에 일반화 할 수는 없는 상태이므로 향후 다양한 식물과 토양처리기법 등에 대한 구체적 효과 검증이 뒷받침되어야 할 것이다.
Recently with increase tendency of direct sowing cultivation, lodging problem which affect to the high quality rice plant is again raising its ahead. In order to reduce this lodging problem there is a chemical method which uses plant growth retardant. This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of lodging reduction as affected by plant growth retardant which is IBP-Metconazole (IPM) in direct-seeded rice on flooded paddy field. IPM treatment carried out 50, 40, 30 days before heading. Hexaconazole treatment carried out 30 days before heading. IPM treatment 30 days before heading resulted the shortest plant culm among the IPM treatments. 4 internode length was shorter by 3.75㎝ in IPM treatmenst than in control. breaking strength was not a difference from between IPM treatments but breaking strength was significantly increased by IPM treatments than control. IPM treatments increased yield 10~11% as compared with control. The protein contents of flag leaves by 2-DE were visually higher in the plot treated with the IPM application than in the plot control plot. The proteome approach to elucidate the mechanism which inhibited gibberellin synthase will be future performed in the on-going research.
To decrease the bolting rate of Angelica gigas, The growth inhibitors such as MH, Pp333 (paclobutrazol) and CCC(chloroniequat or Cycocel) were treated twice with the interval of 20 days atthe forming stage of flower bud.Growth and bolting rate in plot treated inhibitors were retarded and decreased, and the yield ofroots was also decreased compared with non - treatment. The treatments of MH and Pp333 amongthree inhibitors showed the better effects in decreasing the bolting than that of CCC, but they did notshow the significant in the yield and contents of decursin among each of them.In order to improve the decreasing effects by chemicals, selection of suitable reagents, concentrationand number of treatment should be investigated.